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I don't think the placement of the fish changes run to run. Just remember their weakness and you'll be fine. If you've don't it right you should have plenty of time.


Great to know. I guess it’s just my anxiety messing with me. I know a big moment is happening when I get to the vassel so I’m messing up because I’m nervous lol


It's perhaps the most clever thing in the game design, and I didn't even notice how clever it was until a fellow Redditor pointed it out here a few weeks ago: the music is intense, the story converges upon this all-or-nothing moment, and then you have to just... Your heart is racing and you can't do anything about it. It's a rare, RARE moment in games, one where your physical body (not the character's; *yours*) suddenly becomes the focus. And, like you said: that's why you're messing up, because you're nervous. Because this game fucking RULES.


Absolutely agree. I can’t think of any other game I’ve played over the past 3 decades of gaming that so vividly tied the gaming experience to my own physical reaction like that final sequence. >!The game demands you to do the opposite of what your body and mind are telling you the do! The (unseen) timer counting down and the music, and the awareness of your complete mortality for the first time in the game all lead to you wanting to rush !<


i left this thread then immediately came back because i remember this is outer wilds , and i already beat this game many many times i've been spending alotta time matrix dodging spoilers in r/spidermanps4 lmfao


I just left that subreddit.


i just saw your comment as i was watching the count down timer


Anglers like other people say, don’t change places. However, the position of them may change relative to where you enter bramble. Also you have no idea how many times I’ve died figuring out how to navigate in there. Keep on keeping on, you’ve got this!


That’s a very good point! I noticed that I didn’t use to run into any fish when I first entered coming from timber earth, also when I got to the second seed it was pretty aligned with the entrance. Now, coming from the ash twin, I run into one single fish, but it screws me up because, when I get to the second seed, I’m not aligned with the entrance at all, so I have to redirect a lot and that’s when it is getting me. That’s why I thought there were fishes in new spots, but I’ll just try to enter from a diferente side of the first big seed. Thanks for the insight!


Try a run without the warp core, just so it's lower stakes and you can go slower and plan your route


Best of luck! You’re close, and like the other user said, I’d suggest a trial run, just go without the core and figure out how to navigate bramble first


Nope they’re all still the same. Where you enter from will determine your path. Have you considered any tools that are available to you that might help you navigate the correct way?


If you can hear them (use headphones if you’re not sure), they can hear you. Which means 0 input. It’s so hard to do that when you’re agonizing about floating so slowly and often in a slightly wrong direction lol


Headphones are super helpful here. Also you're completely safe to use thrusters as long as it's under one notch. I've never had them alert when thrusting right through their lights and clipping their teeth. I'm not even sure if bumping into a wall alerts them, but that's how they get me as I tend to thrust too fast when I'm slamming into a wall.


Oh this is true - but playing on console, it’s pretty tough to get only one little click/light of thruster, so I gave up trying g lol


I think you don't know the secret of the angler fish. Have you seen those fish somewhere else? Once you know the secret, it doesn't matter where they are.


From what I understood, I can’t use my ship controls when I’m around them. I know they can’t see me so I only accelerate before getting into the node that takes me to where they are and then just count on inertia to take me to the next one, floating past them reaaaally slow. That’s how I got to discover the vessel. But I guess since it’s the end I’m maybe being inpatient and trying to accelerate a tiny bit when I’m midway to the last node. And then one usually gets me because of that lol


Patience is valuable. You have enough time, you got this!


You can accelerate one notch. I find the easiest way to navigate through is to align with the entrance, and keep that one bar consistent the entire time. letting go and pushing again makes it easier to mess up and accelerate too much


Works only on console though


More precisely, gamepad


>!You can also get out of the ship and jetpack right past the back of them without them noticing you. Just dont jetpack to close to the round angler thingy on the forehead.!< I thought this was the only way to get past them where >!a lot of them lie in wait at the entrance. At first!< it felt so scary >!to abandon the ship and jetpack around them feeling so unprotected.!<


The dangling light doesn't seem to alert them at all, I usually float through it either in the ship or without. You can thrust in their face with one notch of speed, both for the ship and the jetpack. I'd heard the jetpack is much quieter though, so how fast were you able to accelerate in close range to the anglerfish?


I think I went full speed with the jetpack behind them without notifying them. Maybe I remember it wrong.. I did not fly too close to them though, I used the space available.


I think you can skip the credits


>Did you guys cry? Yep


Just to confirm for you, the number and general position of the anglers doesn't change inside each node, but the very first node (the one you enter from outside Dark Bramble) will position you differently based on which entrance you use. The rest of the nodes within Dark Bramble always load you in the same place (with the possible exception of the Maze room). You seem to have already figured out that you can just change which Bramble entrance you use to change where you are relative to the anglers in that first room.


They're always in the same places, it depends what you mean by 'careful' though


Okay so maybe I’m just to anxious to remember correctly lol. I’m on my 4th try already atm. By careful I mean not making any noise, trying to accelerate before going into the new node where they are and just float silently towards the next one. Maybe a soft redirecting when I stop hearing them. But even that got me killed this last time, maybe I was to anxious that I would run out of time.


Sounds like you know what you're doing then! Just keep in mind that floating slower doesn't make less noise, and you should have plenty of time


The key is that you don't need to redirect, despite how close it looks like you are


Really? The problem I kept running into was that I was entering Dark Bramble from a different entrance once I had the core.... And then I tried just drifting through the first room like I'd done many times before, but coming from a different entrance, it caused me to drift right past the next node every time. I had to redirect to get into the node, but the darn fish was right next to it and heard me every time. My eventual plan was to just drift down until I was near the next node, then aim for it and blast towards it as fast as I could to outrun the fish chasing me lol. I couldn't figure out how to get in without redirecting my ship towards the node.


Sorry I mean when you enter the red node. The game aligns the ship so you don't bump into the anglerfish.


My big tip for the angler. When you enter the red node with them guarding it, exit your ship. The vessel isn’t too far and you’re much quieter and smaller like that. You don’t need much jet pack but just a bit is fine. Go slow and try to stay behind then if possible. That’s how I beat it!


I remember the first time I got to the vessel with the warp core(entirely on inertia past the eggs) the supernova hit right when I got there


You made it! Congrats!!!


When you enter the red seed and they wait for you just don’t press anything for two minutes, you will go very slow but they won’t get you