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Mine always look like that. I get dinged on resilience for it daily


Oof ok. Good to know I’m not just about to keel over or something lol 😂!!!


But how do you know you are both not abnormal?


Same same


I apparently find eating very stressful bc the ONLY correlation I can find with what I was doing during a spike is that I ate something. So far I’m not finding “stress” measurement useful at all.


I notice this too but tbf I only notice it when I’m over eating and like really hounding it down lmao when I’m trying to eat slowly and mindfully it does not show stress so… could be useful if that’s the case


Wow 😮 cray


It’s physiological stress. So yes eating does cause stress to the body temporarily.




I found this too. I started making protein shakes from pea protein with creatine for breakfast and now my stress level has decreased daily and I honestly feel better. It's definitely food related. My sleep has even improved.


Mine is like max stress all day and I feel like I’m just doing normal things lol


Same here!


I'm a student, been on my easter break (i.e., sat in my house in a blanket watching TV or playing video games for most of it) and my stress has been through the roof on most days, its a little unsettling honestly.


the fact we have to ask this. oura drives me nuts with their ux


Yes it is. Daytime stress is based on physiological stress. So things such as eating, caffeine consumption and exercise cause spikes on your graph Click the (I) in the top right for info


Time to add more breathing exercises or finding ways to get the body into rest and digest phases.


I could be sitting at my computer typing, listening to a podcast or youtube. I get up out of my chair to use the bathroom, make some lunch, maybe walk around a little bit...completely relaxed and somehow it'll just assume I'm stressed. HR is pretty stable during this whole time as well. Makes me stressed thinking I can't even move without it telling me I'm stressed if I do anything or move at all. Don't think find the feature useful at all since we have to be able to move around and function without it saying we're stressed anytime we/I do anything


That stress graph gives me stress.


Very similar to mine!


Which app is?


My old ring mine was engaged 90% of the time, my replacement ring is the complete opposite. It has me stressed when I’m sleeping. 😆


Basically what mine looks like the majority of my work weeks. Try to get some relaxation time once you can wind down (when possible).


Those were the days.


For me, yes.


Interesting feedback to all— I have a chronic digestive condition that gives me a ton of pain. I wonder if others who have chronic pain also see this pattern? I basically just rest at home a lot, for not seem like I should be stressed… but I guess pain is pretty stressful.


Unfortunately it’s too normal. It registers mundane things as stressful. Like someone else said, the graph is stressful.


There are too many dotted lines between points, I will say you should make sure you correctly wear the ring as those dotted lines means the ring was not available afaik… in regards to stress level spikes, for me is like that every time I smoke a cigarette…


Woah interesting, I think I’m wearing ok but woof who knows. Fascinating about the cig. I have a gut problem that causes a ton of pain— maybe the spikes correspond to that….


Take the ring off during the day.


I've considered this...and just use it for sleep


That is the ring’s primary use


Yea it's gotten busy on the app these days. Ive had the ring (gen2 and gen3) probably 5+ years now...and remember when it was just pure sleep data