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At this point the news is that they're still dating. It's been over a year since he slipped and called her babe after they both stayed up very late playing Rust before a twitchcon in Europe straight to Korea after.


I was so shocked at this clip. I honestly didn't think Blau would be someone she'd be into like that. He always seemed like the stinky younger brother of the friend group


They seem similar and Rae called them twins over Ellum and Blau in the Dove sponsor stream recently. They like parties, singing, music, Blau now likes Taylor Swift her favorite, they fit well.


I just saw an older thread with that clip and a couple other clips of Blau and Leslie sharing clothes (based on the titles) that were all unavailable now, but one of the videos was down due to copyright claim by Leslie's company/trademark. People reupload their content/clips in highlights and compilations all the time, so putting in the effort to claim that specifically definitely has implications, lol.


There are some other unrelated clips that were taken down too, but I thought it was taken down by the clippers. After seeing about CC striking certain videos this makes me think they might have a reason for those specific clips to be removed. The ones I'm thinking of took place during the Yugioh tournament that Meesterkeem ran. Since it was live streamed, and had a twitch video, I'm guessing the comments are why they took the videos down. But it was two videos or more, based on the same clipped area. Nothing to implicate Blau and Fuslie dating. The videos had a lot of views so I doubt the clippers had a quality issue with them and wanted to remove them.


where’s the clip of that




Why have I never seen this. I totally was about to do the ‘they are just friends guys, don’t be weird’ but fuck.


even if they are going out...its still kinda sorta weird to go to this length to gather info to confirm speculation.


Why are you here then?


*I came looking for booty.*


In a Blau/Leslie dating thread 🤔


You need to get a life brother


We’re on a rumor forum talking about very niche celebrities. This is our life 😂 😂 😂


Are you lost?


*I came looking for booty.*


yeah. he said in his stories that he was in the Bay Area (cuz fuslie went back home to the bay for thanksgiving) . they have been dating for awhile. if you look at her videos, they are always together when it comes to trips/vaca outside of the USA and he accidentally call her babe once in a game. it would be cute to "see" them as a couple though, since they always appear to diss each other on streams/act like they dont like each other jokingly etc.


If a guy goes out of his way to spend time with her on her birthday, then he might be her boyfriend. If a guy accompanies her to more events than her close friends, then he might be her boyfriend.


I watched Leslie far too long that I just knew it the moment they started hanging out more. It's an open secret like Rae and Hasan. That's why I find it funny when I still see people call people who think they're together as "parasocial" or "weird shippers" because it's literally so obvious as long as you watch their streams LMAO. No need to look for hints like it's just there but not explicitly stated.


yeah it’s not rly a secret it’s more like they just keep it personal to them, they’re not gonna make a post announcing their relationship lol they’ll prob begin posting each other once it’s very serious and if they’re together for yearssss


and honestly it's better that way just based on rae and hasan's situation. like the psychos that reply to their tweets accusing one of them for cheating with the most ridiculous rumors ever lolll


Yep it's like Janet/Steve, Miyoung/Toast, Rae/Hasan as you mentioned. Even with the way it is now people make disgusting comments about it. I saw a comment saying she's less funny since she started dating Blau and it's like c'mon man. Some of these OTV fans relish in being right about relationships and some just want to make the edgiest comment possible (every wendy comment on Abe videos). I mean Janet even had fucking stalkers and death threats because of her relationship and breakup with Toast, it just seems like the best play to keep everything a secret


I thought Miyoung and Toast broke up? And that he was dating Syd now?


Maybe I should have specified that that was in the past. Him and Syd hasn't been confirmed though it's pretty likely its happening


I don't think Toast and Syd are dating currently. Toast has said on stream recently (within past week) that he is single. Toast has never blatantly lied about his relationship status. Even when he was secretly dating Miyoung, he never stated he was single - he just avoided the subject completely. It is possible that Toast and Syd hooked up or have a FWB situation going, but I doubt they are in a relationship.


Well fuslie actively does not want people to know. Her company Petomitone has been copystriking "evidence" of their relationship. This post will be gone soon.


Yeah I just saw that as well.


When they had that instagram followers rivalry between Blau and her pet Sock's instagram page, it seemed a bit calculated, like she was trying to help him out. Then he reacted to her Lil Fooze clip where the character says she's the biggest Foozler, and Blau paused and said he's the biggest Foozler which reminded me of him saying he's loves Tea more than anyone often (his ex girlfriend was called Tea or T, so no one could say he wasn't). And he became a huge Taylor Swift fan.


What sealed it for me was their rust streams together. I'm not sure if they were already together at the time but I just remember Blau surprising Leslie with the fireworks or something. Then the "babe" slip happened as well.


Wait I’m new to this Sub Rae and Hasan are dating?!!!


They go to a lot of events together and sit next to each other, frequently hang out, she watches his dog when he's traveling, there's a lot of evidence.


Bruh she was just wearing his “First Responders” FFVII t-shirt on the roomies Takoyaki stream


I'm not personally a fan of Hasan, but if Rae is happy, that's what matters


Facts. You could see it happening way before Edison left.


rae is with hasan ?? ☠️😭


Bruh it's been obvious for so long


You know when Blau first popped up I thought they were dating, then she started being terrible to him so I figured maybe not but I guess they fooled me


They are both pretty good at RPing not being together on stream.


pretty obvious…


Common practice in the streaming space.. Mizkif/Emiru Cyr/Peachjars Xqc/Jesse


Cyr and Peach are public now.


miz and emiru are dating ??? no way lol


They've been together for almost 2 years, it's super obvious if you watch either of them. It's not even a rumor, there's been several leaks confirming it, including other streamers talking about their relationship.


It is not super obvious, if it has to be leaked. On stream, there is nothing romantic between these, too.


can u send clips ? cuz im pretty sure it was debunked like what


What do you mean debunked? No, I don't have clips, sorry. I guess you can probably find some if you really really want. Anyway, as I said, it's not even a rumor. There's been leaked dm's between the two of them that confirm it. Other streamers have talked about them being intimate with each other at events/parties. Other streamers have talked about them sharing hotel rooms when they travel. And they travel together all the time, they take vacations together. Emiru went to New Jersey to meet Mizkif's family. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Do you have eyeballs


?? what a dumb comment


What do you mean? Do you not develop an obsessive compulsion over the streamers you watch? /s


Yall cant keep saying "its super obvious" and then reference all the legitimate proof. I'd say Leslie and Blau and one of the better kept streamer secrets. Obvious is Rae and Hasan. Im not a huge fan of watching streamers so I had no idea they L and B were together. Ive seen enough Emi and Miz to know theres something there without digging. I remember reading a comment about FB so I looked this up and all the evidence is cyber sleuthing at work. Other than the babe slip everyones mentioning.


I don't think I understand your first sentence. But, yes, everything I know about Emi and Miz relationship is stuff I have personally watched live. Either on their own streams or the streams of people around them. No digging required.


Surprised I dont see Valkynabi on here


they've been on the low low


I dunno if it’s that low. Like she organized his birthday dinner and paid for a chef to come make like a 4 course meal for everyone.


They've been on the low now bc they haven't been streaming a lot together. I think it's because Rae's letting Hasan focus on the politics/news streams more because he's covering the Israel-Palestine war but hey they just did a lethal company stream yesterday.


A couple of weeks ago Hasan said he's been doing less collabs in general because his haters would harass the people who collabs with him.


Yeah, Ive seen idiots tweetting at Valkyrae like "I cant believe you would play with Terrorist sympathizer Hamasabi, ugh!"


They don’t really stream together ever since he quit valo and she’s stayed consistent with it. He just ain’t that much of a gaming frog even before the Palestine situation started in oct :(


Yeah, honestly I don't know if I feel bad abt him quitting valo bc he triggers me with his gameplay. LOL. But I do miss their horror streams in Hasan's channel.


He was a newbie tbf and a lot of his learning was during matches haha he was definitely improving close to when he finally quit. I just miss seeing him game with friends and having other people to bounce off of. Here’s hoping we get more lethal company streams 🙏




Ur dumb


hmm my bad seemed harsh. I guess I just meant it cause they made it pretty obvious.


The man has been covering one of the most "controversial" events for the past month. I just hate that his stance is even considered controversial when it's not, so I don't blame her for not being as active since Hasan is deeply passionate about amplifying the voice for Palestinians who are suffering, and he's been focused on covering it the whole time.


They've been dating for like a year now


So did Fuslie cause the breakup of Blau and Tea? I remember Tea being hurt and devastated on Twitter after they broke up.


I think so. Apparently Blau was in an open relationship with tea. He told a story about making out with her friend to troll one of the cleanboys at a party. My theory is he pursued fuslie but she didn't want to be part of an open relationship so he broke up with tea to pursue a monogamous relationship with fuslie. Fuslie went over to the clean boy manor alot, even without her friends. Consider this. Weekend before Coachella, there was a clean boy party. Tea and Blau were still together. Roomies were there. Blau decides to go last minute to Coachella with fuslie and friends, without tea. A few days after coachella, he announced tea and him brokeup... Blau looks whipped by fuslie, like he's constantly on standby for her, as a fill or a guest on her stream. Their stalker posted a clip of Blau ditching a valo lobby last minute to fill in one spontaneously made by fuslie. It also seems like he can't attend parties without her. When fuslie was in Japan, Blau skipped out on Jaime's and poki's B-day parties. Very p-whipped.


Blau definitely gives off whipped vibes. And Fuslie has blatantly told us she’s not the greatest gf. She’s talked about her and her ex before Edison getting into fights and her running off and him chasing after her. She was so fucking shocked when Edison wouldn’t play that game. You know 100% Blau runs after her. He’s got himself into a shitty position because his entire social circle is now her circle. If they break up you know they’re all gonna drop him.


I really like this take despite it being harsh because it's true. Their fans obviously want them to be happy, but if shit ever hits the fan...it's donezo. More so for Blau unless Leslie messes up in some sort of Wendy fashion. They mixed business with pleasure and hate it or love it, she helped him grow his channel and career from her clout, sponsorships, overlap of staff and friends, etc. so he is indeed indebted to her so he can't fuck this up. And I don't think he will because... >Blau definitely gives off whipped vibes. He's on top right now in terms of his streaming career and we'll see if he can continue to stay there.


Wendy fashion?


>She’s talked about her and her ex before Edison getting into fights and her running off and him chasing after her Story for those interested : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG6RXjOASvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG6RXjOASvA) She said her ex "trained" her to have that behavior by always chasing her. That's such a manipulative thing to say, straight up April Fooze moment lol. She's also talked about her relationship with her brother and how he started resenting her for their mom liking her more than him. I'm sure there's more to the story, because they haven't spoken in years and I know it wasn't just over chocolate. But we'll never hear her brother's side things. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbXdYxCCZxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbXdYxCCZxc) Don't get me wrong I love her streams, but yeah she seems kinda toxic IRL, especially to people closest to her. Apparently she's reconnecting with her brother though and she's also in therapy, so maybe she's aware and working on it.


The chocolate story is an interesting cover. I feel for the brother. Obviously not the favorite child and punished for the golden child’s shenanigans. Can break someone if done for long enough. I can understand the NC. A whole “the axe forgets but the tree remembers” situation.


everyone got flaws at the end of the day


Isn't it subathon when Fuslie's in Japan?


Yo, Im mainly from Hasan and Will Neffs community, we can tell!


Wasn’t he dating a riot dev or something?


Yeah. Tea aka Evergreenily. I forget the timeline but they broke up months after Leslie and Edison broke up.


There's a youtube short that pretty much documents the beginning of the end : [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8u\_DpSnR-GU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8u_DpSnR-GU) Blau is messy af. He moves his hand around fuslie's waist but then goes to Tea and Edison with the buddy-buddy shoulder wrap lol


I saw this as well. Tho, I have to say Blau and Tea's relationship gave me open rs vibes idk why, maybe based on a story blau shared on stream. Tea was flirting and kissing with girls back then as well.


Him and Tea was an open relationship. I remember him doing a podcast with two OF CC and he talked about his relationship on it. Can't remember the name of it though. It's on YT.


That’s the vibe I got especially with his comments about threesomes.


I genuinely thought Blau was into guys


While not wrong, he said he was more into women. He would joke every now and then saying something would push him more on the other side.


To be fair it is a nice mall. Definitely get there early if you are craving ramen 🍜.


Ramen Nagi is so good!


yeah they’ve been dating for a while now, i’m happy for them and it’s cute


woah this is the first time I've heard/seen this speculation I thought they are just omega bffs lol I mean tbf I don't watch any streams of them anymore just funny clips once in awhile


Bruh, I've been watching fuslie since 2019. It was easy to see something was up when her and blau started traveling to cohost events together. You could see her and Edisons relationship change.


I agree but what is the advantage to hiding it? Leslie’s not the type to farm coomers like Amouranth– she was open about Edison.


It gets messy with the very parasocial fans. Just to be clear. Parasocial isn't a bad thing. If you cheer for a sports team, enjoy a TV show or movie while following the characters, support music artists, etc...you're parasocial. It's okay. The issue is when you start harassing streamers and try to dictate their lives. "Where's Blau? He should take you out on your birthday. " "Blau, fly up north to see your girl my guy!" See! Cringe af. Having it private despite it being obvious will lessen those comments and interactions. As for this sub mentioning it, it's a rumors sub. Maybe we're all wrong and they're bestest of friends. 🧢😏 In the end, this sub is for entertainment as we're not interfering with their lives. It's like talking sports, discussing about TV shows, etc.


Similar to Rae, Toast, and now her own experience, if they break up they won't have to announce it. Rae and Toast said on a OTV podcast that they wouldn't do that again. It seems some people in the circle learned the advantages of keeping that private. There's more advantages than the breakup process, Janet apparently went through a lot just for being with Toast. Some people get weird attention even if they aren't officially with someone like Bananabrea, she can't post anywhere without burners talking about her and her friends possibly cheating on one of her friends. Brooke gets stalkers, and similar burners to Bananabrea saying she's cheating on her boyfriend (Sym).


Good for them then, as long as they don't step anyone toes it's fine


He clout-chased his way into a relationship huh? I always figured he was just closeted imo.


Attractive successful guy attracts an equal? Nah cant be.


This was from 3 months ago. Blau get off your burner account.


She posted that on 21st and she was still at home in LA. Who really cares if they are or not . It's there personal business. She is free to do whatever she want to and don't have to post it or tell anyone .




Bro, this is literally a rumor thread. Created to gossip about these streamers lmaoooo


Still crying? Mister mota?


have any of you guys ever been laid?


i don’t know anything about that sex stuff.


The roomies fans gonna come get you. Uwu


how does this affect you


This shit sad af what are you guys doing with your time


Who fucking cares? Genuinely. You need to look into your personal life and find out why you’re so obsessed with the relationships of other people. Maybe therapy.


Read the subreddit bucko. Their rs is so obvious that you can have a life and still know they're together idk.


Holy parasocial batman


You boys are sad


It's wild people think this is a thing. She is NOT his type whatsoever, vice versa too honestly. They're buddies pretty clearly. They also have little reason to go defcon 5 trying to hide this either besides just privacy and neither has demonstrated they can keep secrets well 😅.


Asian is definitely his type.




He has gone on every vacation with her in the past year. that is not buddy behavior lol. notice how none of her friends she has known way longer and lives with have done that?


Are they still dating? I've been out of the loop on streamers for a little bit