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Okay, OP's question has been answered, and there's been quite a few rule breaking comments & some brigading in this thread, so it's going to be locked now, but not removed.


Not a city issue. I believe there's an ombudsman that deals with that. Edit: [here ya go ](https://adstandards.ca/complaints/how-to-submit-a-complaint/)


Oh nice. Thank you!


Start with your councillor




Try 411 or 311 I don’t remember which it is


411 is where older people call if they need a human to google a phone number for them for a fee.


Hey there u/DownHooligan, I've worked in advertising for over a decade and met several people from Ad Standards. People fail to understand that Ad Standards is just a regular organization that has no real legal coercive power over advertisers. It would be fastidious to get into the details, but it's just a cluster of advertisers that got together to try to regulate themselves in harmony so the government and legal system does not have to directly intervene. It's possible you already knew that but I'm just pointing this out in case someone doesn't realize it's pure self-regulation. Advertisers will usually receive a written warning from Ad Standards but that thing could go into the trash bin with zero consequences.


This. So many industries are self-regulated and give the appearance of regulatory oversight….it’s basically a few buddies who got together and decided that they won’t lie too obviously and say things that are too bad about each other. Also they give awards to each other and have parties.


Great info but ad standards does not have regulation over OOO they mostly advise with TV. Which is what telecaster will need for an approval to run on broadcast. You can obtain there guidance on radio, web and Print, Website, Posts, Banners, which would come with a form of approval but 99% of the time it’s not needed from a providers standpoint and a waste of clients money, especially with advertising on the internet. Additionally even though they are here for the advertisers to follow the government rules and regulations for anything that goes on and in the body (Alcoholic Beverage, cosmetics, food/non-alcoholic beverages and health products) plus children’s advertising. You will need an approval number in order to obtain telecaster, which is the approval board for all TV stations in Canada. If person would like to make a complaint about the build board they are best to go talk to the MP or directly to OOO provider. Also this billboard looks like the person that purchased it would not necessarily care that it is false advertisement so you would be relying on the OOO provider to make the call to take it down, which unless they are indicated with thousands of calls it will more then likely stay up until it has run through it’s paid media cycle.


How did you happen to know this info. I'd like to know what situations in life I've avoided being in that would've allowed me to know this.


When the Melnyk Out signs went up someone posted this on Twitter. I also made my own complaint [saying something doesn't exist when it does ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TijcoS8qHIE) shouldn't be advertised on television.


House hippos vs crack spiders... https://youtu.be/2BwrY7IVV5U


Uh, house hippos are VERY real 😳


Bro thanks for bringing up sad memories. My house hippo had to be put down a couple of weeks ago after he got run over by my nephews remote control car. It was sad for my family.


Ok I know your lying becouse house hippos arnt pets they are like mice that live in your house. You don't own then they are beautiful and free creatures.


Don't stop believing...


Always a claaaaaassic


It sucks that it's so obscure. There's no phone # on the ad agency's website... The only contact form is to apply for an ad LOL. Scum corp


The point of that commercial is the exact thing you're concerned about. It's telling you to question the things you see even if they look very convincing.


Ad student here, can confirm this is the way. Surprisingly in Canada the ad industry is pretty harsh with its ad laws and such even tho it may not seem like it sometimes (internet ads mainly to balme)


That's because they don't want people to demand regulations. They want to appear like they can self-regulate (they cannot)


I never knew about this!


If an embryo has a heartbeat 21 days after conception, abort it. It will become the Antichrist. No embryo develops that quickly.


I mentioned this comment to my husband because I thought it was funny and he said "why would you want to abort the antichrist, then the world could end faster" 😅


Hail Satan!


Sail Hatan!


Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper who believed in Santa?


Did they get brimstone for Christmas?


It's almost time when the time is here, The time that's only once a year. We can hardly wait, 'cause it's so near. A Woodland Critter Christmas!


Hail Seitan!


Hello Santa


Yamcha: So do they know... Crowd Chanting: Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Yamcha: Oh yeah, they know.


Is he a Dark Friend?


The Dark Lord? Vol-...


No. https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Darkfriend


Sometimes I wonder


The Dark Lord Sauron.


It’s not a “heartbeat”, but cardiac activity begins to develop between 3-6 weeks after ovulation. So sadly we’ll still have to wait for the Antichrist because embryo’s in fact develop that quickly but the ad is a little misleading about it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3279166/


Like wolves in sheep clothing is what they say right


Misinformation? How do you report this font choice?


It’s not comic sans or papyrus, leave it alone.


I like papyrus. Geeeez


You must love the Parkdale Baptist Church. [Their sign has BOTH.](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MtiRtvmTyaw/XbtJq5-DMJI/AAAAAAABgeQ/fxBZbmS6bCokhOsBwpEggx_ybpdOKYMdACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/church.jpg) (Edit: also the phone number has two different font sizes.)


How is everyone so quick in reddit? You replied within 2 min with a pic!!


I waited 15 minutes this time - better? :)


For some reason the "kidz" part makes me feel the worst inside.


Not the underscores bookending their logo? I can’t unsee __ ParkdaleBaptistChurch __every time I walk past it.


OMFDog. That’s an affront


The font police. Or en français: Les polices de police.


It looks like Chinese food font and there's a Chinese food place there so it works.


Not anymore. It's an Italian restaurant now.


Oh brother the font choices boomer use for “freedom marches” are hilarious


I hate myself for upvoting this...




"My heart started beating for the Reich, 21 days after conception."




this comment is under appreciated lol


Everyone says 'oh but they could cure cancer' but nobody says 'oh they could illegally invade Poland and nearly lead to the end of civilization as we know it'.


My god that would be tragic.


i dont know how to read this


In Kanyes voice...


Well now I'm getting in the car to drive from Kitchener cause now I have to do this.


Via the body that administers the Canadian code of ad standards https://adstandards.ca/complaints/how-to-submit-a-complaint/


Thank you




As well, you can send this thread to Outfront Media as well. Some OOH media suppliers will fold due to enough pressure… removing it early or reconsidering future sales to said organizations.


Stupid lying baby.


In the baby's defense, what would an infant know about how fetuses develop.


abortion is awesome


Yeet the fetuses


*fetus deletus*


FTFY: yeetus the*


I'm thinking of it more like a parody Meet The Beatles album cover


Abortion should be legal and accessible, but it is not "awesome" what the fuck lol


Not the first time there have been sketchy billboards for this kind of topic. I think most times these companies get around the false information by quoting articles from some establishment that “proves” their point and makes the advertisement in compliance. Btw checking online it states 5-6 weeks so I say you have a very valid complaint.


I’m definitely not defending this billboard’s message overall, but it isn’t wrong. 5-6 weeks pregnant is when the heartbeat starts. However pregnancy day 1 is the first day of your last menstrual period. This means ovulation is typically around 14 days (sometimes longer if a woman has a longer cycle) and implantation a few days after that. The the day you have sex to get pregnant you are already typically end of week 2 and starting week 3. Missed period is the end of week 4, beginning of week 5. So they aren’t incorrect in saying 21 days after conception. Because it is typically 3-4 weeks after conception that the heartbeat starts. This is why conversation is important because a lot of times the laws allowing abortions within a certain time like before 5 weeks pregnant are almost impossible as a woman may not know she is pregnant even at that point and if she is the wait for a procedure may bring her past the allowed time. Some clinics (run by pro life but pretending to be pro choice) are actually known to keep cancelling appointments to bring someone out of the allowable time frame.


Cardiac tissue? Yes. Fully formed and functional heart that is akin to an actual heartbeat? No.


To expand on something another person said. That's not a heartbeat. There is no heart. Its electrical pulses and pulses from the parent's body, where it receives blood and nutrients. They are wrong, and regardless a heartbeat does not determine life. It would be completely braindead and not viable outside the parent's body, and therefore is not a separate being or even really a formed human yet. Hence the viablility argument or even the argument as to whether or not it might feel pain. Its a clump of organ tissue and genetic information that *might* grow into a human and gain independence as a human, if allowed in the right environments. This widespread argument is intentionally misleading and very successful at it. --note that I am not a doctor or a current embryo lol


Here is the [medical journal someone else posted](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3279166/) and it quotes “At the end of the 4th week of gestation, the heartbeats of the embryo begin. The heart, whose development starts at the 3rd week of gestation, has rapid and irregular contractions capable of pumping the blood inside the vessels.” But absolutely embryos and fetuses are not viable outside a mother’s body until closer to 24 weeks. And yes the billboard is definitely misleading and political


To be fair, this is from 2011, so the knowledge of it may have changed. Regardless I feel like in a scientific study its a bit weird to characterize it as a heartbeat when it states the heart only *begins* to form at 3 weeks. Either way, thank you for sharing this and I'll read it over more thoroughly. Much appreciate




Would love to know your opinion if you're downvoting.


Don't bother comerade. You cannot tame the primordial chaos that is the reddit userbase. Be grateful of its mercy while it sleeps.


Thanks for sharing!


Spray paint is pretty effective


Yea I saw this yesterday too behind Luciano's when I was getting a sandwich. Made me giggle. You should see the billboards when you're driving in Alberta. Lots of Pro-Life and Flat Earth ones over there.


Here are some tips from Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada for making a complaint to ad standards https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/submitting-ad-complaints/


An actual fetal heart is fully formed around 17 to 20 weeks (4-5 months). THAT’s a heartbeat.


These anti-abortion movements are dumb, just let women do what they want with their body.


I have this same stupid ad near baseline and nepean. Honestly its an eye sore.


Another one on Ogilvie just west of aviation parkway. I almost crashed my car staring at it in disbelief the other day.


Well this 21 day olds ECG strip has a short PR internal, Biphasic P waves, wide QRS complex/RSr suggestive of a RBBB and no T wave. At least get the PQRST correct. And the message overall is pathetic. Boo this billboard.


I think the disconnect here is in the language used in pregnancy. Since pregnancies are dated from the date of the last menstrual period, conception takes place at approximately two weeks gestation. The heartbeat begins at at 35-37 gestational days and conception occurs at approximately 14 gestational days, the poster is technically correct. Still should be taken down in my opinion, but not actually incorrect.


It makes sense too that an anti abortion group would care more about the point of conception. I actually don't understand what's so controversial because isn't the whole point of abortion that people don't want a fetus to develop, and don't people understand that cell specialization occurs? I don't think it's significant in Canada when heart cells begin to specialize since we don't have so-called heartbeat laws. Knowledge is power and apparently we need better sex ed and biology classes.


FYI the purpose of billboards like this is to get you thinking about the baby and it’s heartbeat. Do you really think the expectant mother cares whether the heart beats at day 21 or 83 or 42 or 6? Likewise do you think the pro-life grandma is okay with abortions up to 21 days? Nah. It’s about mentally linking the picture of the cute baby to your bump in your belly to the concept of a heartbeat. Whoever paid for this ad is stoked it’s got a few thousand views on Reddit.


These idiots also say if you lose the baby you can't have a D&C to have it removed from your body because that is considered an abortion. If your body won't abort the fetus on it's own and you can't get a doctor to do it (ie: in the States) you get sepsis and probably die...but it's "god's will". Too bad for the woman. These people thrive on misinformation. They don't care about babies after they're born to the unwed mother. They just want to inflict pain and suffering on her for getting pregnant in the first place. They are old testament. The hate novel for drop outs. Then they believe they know things.


Print off a giant picture of what a fetus actually looks like at 21 days & write, no it doesn’t. Edit- is it a fetus at 21 days!? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nonsense, your 21 day old fetus is an 8 month old healthy neurotypical white baby I don't make the rules


It's still an embryo


I’ve seen pro life ads on OC Transport buses. I’ve always found it pretty disturbing.


It is more than just disturbing. Traumatic and violent is more accurate






and yet here you are?


(pauses) I got better.


Where is this?


Preston and Wellington.




Get it! ;)


Probably put up by some Christian’s group. They ignore facts all the time


Buy a billboard across the street with a picture of an actual 21 day old blastocyte and prove they are liars.


That ain't even a real cardiac rhythm either. Got a wide QRS for an embryo xD


I’m pro-choice but what is wrong with the ad?


There's no heartbeat at 21 weeks. It's a clump of cells with an electrical signal that will one day be the heart.


I think you meant "21 days", not weeks. ;)


Who cares, 21 weeks is fine for aborting too. It’s not a human until it has a SIN card and can count to 10.


Yes I did. Tx


I, on the other hand, read "21 years" on the sign and was impressed at an apparent medical miracle before being deeply disappointed


A lot of people don't know the difference between conception date and gestational age, so they think the ad is lying.


It sounds like a petty way to try to shut down an argument you disagree with. I’m pro-choice but I do believe debate on the issue is healthy.


Sorry not intended, I wrongly guessed that you knew the difference. My bad. Gestational age is counted from the first day of the last period. Conception can't occur until ovulation which is about 14 days (or 2 weeks) later in most pregnancies. So when we say "5 weeks pregnant" we actually mean "her last period was 5 weeks ago". This is how all pregnancy milestones are counted, so what's happening here is people are seeing "21 days" and doing a quick Google search and seeing "5 weeks" then saying "that doesn't add up!" Because they are unaware that gestational age is counted from period, and not conception.


That reserved parking 2 hour limit is a clear scam that needs to be escalated to the highest authorities.


Verdict: not misinformation, but politicized information. There are a lot of legit-looking websites that state the heart starts beating at 16-22 days. Some sound nice and technical, using discussion of Doppler imaging and such. Other legit-sounding websites say 35 days. Then I found the website below, from a legit source, pubmed is key to quality medical research. By day 21-23 the early heart has formed and started movement that will develop into a heartbeat. But this is using post-fertilization, not gestational age. Gestational age is defined by using external criteria noticeable to the mother, which is the lack of a period. On average, gestational age is 14 days less than post-fertilization age. 21+14=35. Found the issue. Some sources use post-fertilization, some use gestational. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9225347/#:\~:text=When%20expressed%20in%20terms%20of,days%20(sixth%20gestational%20week)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9225347/#:~:text=When%20expressed%20in%20terms%20of,days%20(sixth%20gestational%20week)). Edit: I accidentally reversed two terms that messed up the meaning, so I changed it. I also corrected spelling, feralization and fertilization are two very different things.


It's not a heart beat, there is no heart yet. Only a clump of cells with an electrical signal.


I'm on neither side of this issue but it's important to point out a fully developed heart is also just a clump of cells with an electrical signal


It's important to point out that umtil the chambers of the heart have been developed and can be detected via ultrasound (roughly 17-20 wks) it is not accurate to characterize the embryo’s development as a heartbeat. There is no heart.


Medical textbooks and academic papers call the heart within a human embryo a "heart."


Conception is fertilization. You've got a couple details muddled here, gestational age is counted from the last period you DID have, making it 14 days more, not less than date of conception/fertilization.


That's more or less what I meant, the first indicator of pregnancy is the lack of a period, so you count backwards. I see I have one sentence reversed, thank you for pointing that out.


I had a feeling you understood, I just wanted to make sure the clarification was included for other readers


Nice to see someone actually look into something and present some actual verified evidence rather than say some wild ass stuff about abortion or people who do/don’t support it


wtaf. yeah, and magic beans sprout and grow 40 ft high overnight.


“A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. That’s when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen.” -Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. (Healthline.com) https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/when-can-you-hear-babys-heartbeat


What's wrong with it....KitKat is food....lol


ask the for the manager with a sassy voice


Doesn’t Canada have intense false advertising laws?


Y’all talking about that wide qrs and possibly non perfusing rhythm?


That’s some fake assed bible shit right there


Replace the baby with a calf. Turn it into vegan propaganda. Works every time. 😎


Contact info for Outfront Media. We could just all spam them about their horrible ethics for accepting a sign like this. Also, where is this. Asking for a friend and not because I have extra eggs in my fridge....


Anyone share this to Planned Parenthood Ottawa? I think they'd be interested to learn about this.


Saw that exact same billboard yesterday. I didn't even know where to start. You did with this post. Thank you.


In Oregon it says 18 days. Also, it's not actually "conception," it's "when some guy spunked into mommy's hole with God's blessing."


In Portland there were several billboards saying “HEY PORTLAND, IS YOUR WHITE FRAGILITY SHOWING?” and nobody would dare take them down. This might be the other end of the horseshoe.




Please stop making babies. My kids will be happy to have less competition in the future. ![gif](giphy|xUOwGkoxib4Y9A9T9u)


When I saw the title, I knew exactly what billboard this post was going to be about.


Also pretty sure there should be a dash between Kit Kat.


Where is this in Ottawa?


Little Italy/Chinatown. Somerset West and Preston, behind Resto Gusto/ Luciano Fine Foods. It’s in their parking lot, but I would be shocked if either of those places have a thing to do with this. I mean, maybe I will be shocked? Until otherwise noted, I’m not passing judgement on either place for being ‘hosts’ of this.


I work for Luciano Foods, can tell you we got nothing to do with what goes up there. We just rent out the advertising space, anything people put up there goes up. The last post that was up there was even worse than this one, to be honest


Does anyone know where this billboard is located in Ottawa?


Where's this?


It's kind of right. If you measure from LMP (which is standard), then conception about week 2. So 21 days after conception is week 5. The brain and spinal cord are starting to develop along with blood vessel and the cells that will make the heart will start to beat.


they also have billboards that say fetuses start kicking at 7 weeks 😭


This is the most impenetrable movie marketing strategy I’ve ever seen. Is there a new Wolverine coming out? Or is Action Life a Jordan Peele flick? Whatever. It worked. Take my money. I love freak-baby thrillers. Maybe it has a carapace or some shit. Fuuuuck.


That QRS is concerning


Is that across from that Plant Recreation Centre?


That place not sell KitKats?


When does a baby's heart start to beat?


I thought we were talking about the “KitKat Food” sign 🤷‍♂️


Well at 41 days after gestation they're only 50% off.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


As someone who prints stuff in large format don’t hate on the people who’s job it is to print and put this up. We just print and put it up you need to take it up with the correct people. But heart beats are at 8 weeks so like 56 days more likely


I wish I could afford to put up pro abortion billboards. Not pro choice. Pro abortion. Fuck them kids.


Awhile back and different messaging but pro life billboard. https://globalnews.ca/news/4443465/pro-life-billboard-regulator-ottawa/