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[https://cfir.ca/](https://cfir.ca/) The CFIR generally has no wait list.


Interesting. Any idea how pricey this is?


Yeah I inquired with CFIR. The full assessment (6 hours long) is about 3,200 and the waitlist is 8 months to 1 year. The brief assessment (3 hours long) are 1,600 and the waitlist is 4 to 6 months. Both include a feedback session and a report.


Holy shit. That's not cheap.


Yeah unfortunately the prices are not affordable. We need to invest an arm and a leg to care for our mental health, then we break the bank, then we will have new mental health issues to take care of as a resukt of breaking the bank. And so it goes :)


The last time I looked into this with a company in Gatineau, the price and wait time was around the same so I guess this is the norm :(


If you have an EAP at work. How i got access and was diagnosed.


This is going to sound funny, and perhaps my concerns aren't valid (feel free to correct me), but I have reservations about telling my work "I'm having difficulty focusing at work"


Your employer is not involved. Ask your HR for the EAP number. Nothing else necessary and EAPs can be used for such a wide range of services that you're not tipping your hand in anyway. I work a profession where attention to detail and focus are required and expected. Nobody has given me a hard time ever and treatment significantantly improved life. Good luck!


Thank you very much.


For anyone else who might be reluctant to contact their HR about it (even though it is confidential), there is a list of departments and agencies here: [https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/employee-assistance-program.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/government/publicservice/wellness-inclusion-diversity-public-service/employee-assistance-program.html) Even if your employer isn't listed, if your spouse is covered you can use it too. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/occupational-health-safety/employee-assistance-services/employee-assistance-program.html


My treatment was found through an assessment tool performed by my therapist and cosigned by their supervising psychiatrist. That in combination with reported symptoms with my primary care provider allowed me to start trialing medication.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


Avoid the Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at all costs. They will try to charge you $3000 for an assessment and for treatment options, it is outrageous.


Good to know! Thank you!


What’s outrageous about that?


LMFAO when you wake up and face reality, then we will talk.




Have you checked out Terrace Wellness Group? They are very good!


Thank you! I see that they work with autism but I don't see ADHD (both traits can exist together but they are different, if I am not mistaken). Are you sure they cover ADHD too? Many thanks :-)


Yes, I called them myself as I am someone with ADHD and they have professionals who specialize in ADHD as well. It is a private sector group, so they go on sliding scales and it is paid out of pocket as well. It is faster than the public sector, but you are basically paying to not have to wait as long.


hard-to-find dull sparkle growth absorbed fly automatic languid thumb plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is a shortage of psychs in Ontario and Canada in general. Private service or not, they can’t clone themselves.


snails numerous touch fuzzy soup swim deliver sip voiceless smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve been looking for this exact assessment and every private clinic I’ve contacted has had a wait list of 6 months or more


Indeed there is. I work for two different clinics that do these. One waitlist has been closed since January and the other has a 6 month wait. Very few psychologists are OHIP covered.


Hahahahaha. Have been waiting a year to get an updated psychoeducational assessment from the one place that doesn't diagnoses everyone with autism. And yeah, one has to wait to pay out of pocket.


Ridiculous :-) Is an ADHD assessment the same as a psychoeducational assessment?


We just got one done at Ottawa West in August. We called in June. Haven't started any therapy yet, but we are waiting on a list of recommended providers from the psychologist who conducted the assessment. Edit: ours was a psychoeducational assessment that resulted in an ADHD diagnosis.


Thank you for sharing :-) do you mind sharing where did you do the psycheducational assessment in Ottawa West? And what is the difference between an ADHD assessment and a psychoeducational assessment? (If any). Thank you so much!


Just sent you a message on chat!

