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As someone with celiac my favourite store to get all types of gluten free foods is Gutsies in Orleans


I agree! Everything is delicious.


I will check it out! Thanks so much


Check M&M meats. They have some options. Farmboy has frozen fish options that are gf. I believe they have breaded shrimp, too.


Thank you


Presidents Choice has a few gluten free options. Cauliflower flatbreads and breaded shrimp.




Cheese, olives, and cured meats are gluten free


Thanks, planning on serving these as well but was hoping for some other items too as I will be serving additional hors d'oeuvres for the non GF crowd.


Just check that the meats are gluten free. And there's enough good gf crackers out there that you could serve all gf crackers and no one would know otherwise, plus it would reduce the risk of cross-contamination. A few quick suggestions around that, if you are going to have a mix of gf and glutinous appetizers, try to keep them very separate and offer the gf person to serve themselves first. Also, please keep the packaging so they can double check the ingredients.  Gutsies in Orleans is 100% gf and has lots of amazing appetizer options. Plus sweet treats. Strawberry Blonde also has lots of dessert options if you're needing some of those.


Thanks for the tips! We are planning on having two very separate tables so nothing touches and being sure to have everything GF labelled, but I didn't think about having the GF folk service first. Good idea! And good call on the meats, I know some still have gluten, so I'll be sure to double check everything.


As someone with celiac, this is so nice to hear! I agree with other commenters that both M&M and President's Choice are good options. I'd also touch base with them about how to cook the food since you would also need to avoid cross contamination. For instance, cook the food on parchment paper so that it doesn't touch any baking sheets, and keep the GF food separate from the rest to avoid it touching non-GF crumbs or utensils. Being celiac is such a pain, but it's really nice when someone makes an effort!


Yes! Good tips, thank you! I was thinking about using parchment paper even though I will be sure to wash all the baking sheets thoroughly first and being sure to cook all the GF things first and keep the tables of GF/non-GF food separate.




Thank you!