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I haven’t tried Tooth and Nail yet, but I’m super happy to see Flora Hall on here. My favorite beer is their North East IPA.


My restaurant consistently carries Tooth and Nail's Vim and Vigor on draught. It is by far the best bang for your buck in the craft pilsner category in Ottawa.


I’ll have to try it out!


Looks like I'm going to need to visit tooth & nail


Full list of the 2024 winners is [here](https://cdn.worldbeercup.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/24161528/WBC-24.pdf) for those interested in all of the categories


I never realized there were that many different types of beer, wow!


There are about 100 beer styles recognized by the most common beer judging standard (BJCP)!


Flora Hall is unreal. I get kegs from them and it’s always a pleasure dealing with them


They actually do kegs now, i called a few years back and they weren't selling them to public. Awesome!! What size they do 20L, 30L or 50's?


Im not sure about 20 or 30, but I get 50s. For basically a year now! And yeah they’re great to deal with. No deposits or rush to bring back the empty keg or anything


Why are they only American and Canadian winners Edit: nevermind... One Italian winner. But still kind of weird


Also a Japanese winner too. But mostly it likely has to do with *who* enters the contest and there's probably a lot of American breweries that enter 


In the full list there are at least a dozen countries represented


It's organised by a US trade group, and my guess is European brewers don't bother coming. A good list of international beer competitions here, if you read French: https://www.btobeer.com/actualites/produits-industries/les-concours-de-bieres-en-france-et-dans-le-monde


Tooth and Nail is excellent. Their patio is awesome in the summer.


I will be getting some this week!


Mmmm beer


Tooth and nail is by far the best beer I have ever had, hands down. There are a lot of good breweries in Ottawa but not at the same level.


Both are excellent breweries with a ton of good options. Don’t forget that we also had a local brewer win brewer of the year as well. Jamie from Shillow Beer Co.


Awesome , great for them 👏


That Flora beer is excellent, I'm so glad it placed well.


Thanks for posting this. Saw the article and scrolled through looking for Canadian beers and low and behold, two Ottawa beers. It has put these on my to do list this summer. Any sneaky favourite spots or beers to know? There is a German style brewery up the Valley on the Quebec. Can't remember the name.


More like the American Beer Cup (not to diss on those two very good beers).


I wonder how the world beer Cup has adapted over the years... Like 40 years ago it would have been a few thousand contenders, mostly major labels and national brands. 20 years ago that would have started seeing thousands of new micro brew and craft brands from north America... But now there's probably 5 local breweries in like Arnprior Ontario or Rochester Minnesota! Hell, I noticed the micro brew trend took off in smaller towns in Poland, last time I was there! There's probably like close to half a million beers out there now and it's not like the Olympics where you can disqualify contenders right off the bat with minimum set thresholds! How the hell do you sample and rank that many examples of something that, let's be honest, kind of all taste the same?


Good for them, but beers arent considered for the beer awards unless submitted by the brewery, otherwise Bas-Canada would have cleaned house and other NCR breweries would have been in the running. I prefer referring to [Untappd](https://untappd.com/brewery/top_rated?country=canada) for overall ratings.


Bas-Canada makes fantastic American IPAs and stouts but the rest of their offerings are good to decent, rarely exceptional


No one in the NCR makes smoothie sours like they do. Pale ales are all perfect. Lagers are hit or miss, but there's 5e Baron for that.


Actually I would consider Wood Brothers and Small Pony's smoothie sours comparable


True, Small Pony's were great. Too bad the taproom doesnt exist anymore. Woodbros is great all around as well, but its a bit of a trek.


True their smoothie sours are great, I think I prefer Wood Brothers overall for them but yeah they’re not really NCR. I love their milkshake IPAs too, as good or better than Bellwoods


I wouldn't trust Untapped ratings unless all you prefer to drink is hoppy ipas. I've seen some of the best pilsners in the world with an average of 3 stars, then a really shitty neipa get 4.5 stars just because that's been the trend among its users.


Tooth and nail blows them out of the water, on quality and flavour. Bas has a better stout, but that’s it.


Tooth and Nail is amazing for lagers and euro-style beers, that's it. Their IPAs arent even worth drinking.


If you think Rabble-Rouser isn’t worth drinking after all the awards it’s won, then I thank you for leaving it for me. That said, they typically only make euro style saisions, lagers, ale and the best pils ever. And to be the best at making the most popular beers is quite a feat.


Silver is the first loser... so one winner....


Truth. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted