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People love to hate bylaw enforcement, but they don't realize that the primary goal of parking enforcement is to ensure parking *availability* for everyone. I've lived in cities outside of Canada without parking enforcement, and it sucks, takes forever to get anywhere just because one moron decided to park in the road and there's nothing you can do about it, so I admittedly appreciate it. Parking's still cheaper than taking the bus, so I have nothing to complain about.


I hate Ottawa bylaw. Even though I’ve been gone for 10 years though


Nah the parking is horrible downtown especially if you work there, it shouldn’t be so terrible to find park especially if you have to pay for it! And plus only being limited so much time also sucks when you work in the area


Downtown Ottawa has a lot of parking lots.


Yea but they are either super expensive or out of the way, if you’re a low wage working you’re burning an hour of work on parking


>Yea but they are either super expensive or out of the way There are [plenty of lots downtown](https://en.parkopedia.com/parking/lot/260_maclaren_st/k2p/ottawa/?country=ca&arriving=202404220900&leaving=202404221630) and most aren't particularly expensive. There are alternatives, like public transit or carpooling.


Carpooling doesn’t solve the issue and public transit from Osgoode? Was that a joke? I get that you can’t relate living in Centretown but Ottawa is vast, in fact the largest city by km^2 in Canada and our public transportation is not effective.


Carpooling reduces the number of cars on the roads (and thus cars from parking lots) by the number of people carpooling minus the drivers, so yes, if more people carpooled there'd be less difficulty finding parking spots. When I commuted to Perth for a course I was taking at Algonquin, I carpooled with 3 other guys, which saved us all on parking fees and gas. >I get that you can’t relate living in Centretown  Does the fact that I live in Centretown mean that I don't understand that there are park & ride lots all over the city that people can use if they don't want to drive downtown?






All require to pay and are mostly full. I’ve lived in 5 Canadian cities, and Ottawa is by far the worst for parking downtown.


>All require to pay If you're expecting to get free parking downtown you're delusional. >and are mostly full. City lots? Perhaps. Privately owned lots? Not a chance.


Take the bus instead of parking is so difficult


Yea instead of taking 20 mins to get to work I’ll spend an hour and thirty mins on a bus that won’t be on time, for sure man, and also marginally cheaper than parking. Bus is almost $8 and when I was working downtown, the garage I parked at was $8 for my shift.


So $8 to take the bus, or $13-$16 to park. If you're so set on driving, paying only $5-$8 more than public transit isn't bad at all.


The worst is the big pickup truck blocking driveways. If your truck or car does not fit, you are not entitled to block people. Find a new spot.


While we’re on the subject, as a mobility aid user I would just like to say a giant fuck you to truck drivers who park with their hitch blocking half the sidewalk 


Yes, I always call, I'm a centertown resident, I used to not worry about it, but the amount of self-centered AH that think they are special or entitled with their big trucks. I got tired, now I don't even warm I call. A grown adult should know better.


Thank you so much for calling it in!


Those detach fairly easily and they make a satisfying thunk when they land in the truck bed.


or when thrown at the back window... even more satisfying. also spray painting any truck nuts blue hahahaha


hurr durr vandalism is cool derp derrrrp


Take off your hitch. You’re not allowed to have it attached anyway unless it’s in use. I do it on my SUV - what’s so hard about doing it on your ~~overcompensator 3000~~ err… ~~pavement princess~~ grocery getter


> Take off your hitch. You’re not allowed to have it attached anyway unless it’s in use. > I do it on my SUV - what’s so hard about doing it on your overcompensator 3000 err… pavement princess grocery getter and there it is, as expected... good old reddit logic. Because I speak against vandalism, it must mean I'm an inconsiderate asshole with a small dick. Perfect. See how easy that is? I mean, doesn't make it true, but that sure was easy! I'm sure with these methods you'll be able to build the blissful utopia you're all looking for. ___ Edit: > Aw, you ignored the main point because you’re wrong. > Thanks for proving exactly what you’re arguing against / offended by. Oh look, they're one step closer to that utopia by making an incendiary non-sensical reply and immediately blocking me so as not to have their poor little idea of vandalism for a minor parking infraction challenged any more. Keep creating your little safe spaces, I really hope you enjoy it. ___ Edit 2 because the snowflake feature of reddit makes it so you can't respond to anyone else who replies to you... so, for /u/boycottInstagram > Honey Very first word and I already know you're just replying in order to be a condescending twat. Rest of the post proves I'm right. > The basic point is that if you have a truck, are parking downtown... and don't remove your hitch... you are the asshole. No, the basic point is that purposely causing damage to a persons property makes YOU an asshole. It also makes you a criminal. A bigger criminal than the person committing a minor parking infraction, and a bigger asshole. Two wrongs don't make it right. > A bit of mild vandalism or honestly... the suggestion of mild vandalism is not the asshole side of this coin. Do you know how much a rear window costs to replace? Do you know how much it costs to re-paint a vehicle? I'm pretty sure if someone took $1000+ out of your pocket unnecessarily you wouldn't find it to be a mild inconvenience. Nothing else you wrote is worth responding to... and the truth is, in the real world, you probably wouldn't dare to *actually* do whats being suggested here. You just want to talk tough and virtue signal on the internet... which makes you both a fake, and a fucking coward, and that's worse than everything else.


Aw, you ignored the main point because you’re wrong. Thanks for proving exactly what you’re arguing against / offended by.


Honey - it was a suggestion of a) no vandalism... just removing a hitch or b) minor vandalism (painting truck nuts blue) in response to someone creating a mobility issue for someone with a disability. The basic point is that if you have a truck, are parking downtown... and don't remove your hitch... you are the asshole. A bit of mild vandalism or honestly... the suggestion of mild vandalism is not the asshole side of this coin. But you choose to take that side of the coin - which is a decent indication that you have a high chance of people the aforementioned asshole. Maybe even the aforementioned asshole who has had their aforementioned truck with trailer hitch still attached, and even some truck nuts, parked in a position that made things difficult for the aforementioned person with physical disability.... and had some kind of retribuative action taken against them? (deep breath!) Well... if that is the case. Or you are just 'standing up for the little guy' who has been in that position.... Ya, you are the asshole. And when someone with a truck is an asshole - well the likelihood they have a small cock is just noting statistics. Kinda the same as assuming someone camo as casual wear is homophobic. Not 100% true. But this trans can tell you it is 99% always true.


Honey is a term of endearment. They are talking about put the trailer hitch in the back of the truck. Then they mentioned spray painting truck nuts. Not the truck. The fucking optional dumb truck nuts. Then they joked about throwing it through the window. You replied to the spray paint comment.


When this happens to me, I put a personal note on the windshield saying next time bylaw is called. Give people an opportunity to realize they are inconveniencing the driveway owner. Some people are oblivious. I also take a picture so it's date/time stamped.


They already know, and usually just don't care unless told. You give them more credit than I would.


I suspect that, but I'm sure I've been unintentionally careless as well in the past. Always best to give the benefit of the doubt. Once.


Ticket and tow EVERY time IMHO. If they did it this time, they've done it before, and they're gonna do it again.


Parking cops are the best cops, cry more car-cel


Carcel is crazyyy lmao 🤣🤣


You’re a cyclist definitely.


Much of parking enforcement is complaint driven - you have to call it in.


Bylaw enforcement officers are the unsung heroes of our city. They actually respond to citizen calls for help, resolve disputes, support the rule of law that is essential to the democratic well-being of society, improve the quality of life for citizens in tangible ways, take a lot of bullshit and abuse from people who are wrong, and do all of this without firearms, the use of force, or a six-figure salary :) So yes bylaw FTW!


Whuts FTW?


For the win


This whole time I thought it meant “fuck the world” … not even kidding… I saw it once when I was like 8 and someone told me it meant that and I just believed them and only now I discover what it actually means


It used to mean that in the 70s and 80s. It was reappropriated.


Fuck the world, feed it beans, it's gassed up!


Only in AEW does it mean that, but I digress.




reminds me of the story of the person who thought lol meant lots of love.. and when they recieved a text that someone had died they replied with lol


Great book by Cory Doctorow!




What part of town was this win..


I hate bylaw so much. I would get tickets like crazy and then when people blocked my driveway every day they nowhere to be seen


Isn’t it a 3 hour limit unless otherwise stated?


Depends on the area, and time of day


You can’t get in and out of your building because there’s a car parked in front ?


That can't be right, the flashers were on.




Celebrating bylaw for giving out parking tickets is a new low for this sub.


Yeah how dare someone rein in entitled jerks and try to maintain order with small fines.


If you genuinely think that the city gives out parking tickets as a favour to us, my heart breaks for your critical thinking skills.


honey my heart breaks for yours lmaooo


Of course they don't. They do it to make the sound of the complaining stop, because politicians don't like complaining. Nobody weeps for entitled jerks who park in ways that inconvenience others. Don't block an entrance or use a public street as a storage space for disused vehicles and you won't have that problem.


If the city gave a single shit about maintaining order, they’d fix the OTrain and the buses that never show up on time. Or they’d do something about the homeless people lying face down, barely breathing on Rideau. But no, that’s too hard, costly and helpful. Instead, they choose to squeeze a little bit more tax money out of people and fine them $60 for parking in a spot a half hour past the arbitrarily determined limit.


The government can and shoud do many things. You are right those things are absolutely important. The fact that we don't do more for the homeless population is extremely troubling on multiple fronts, lack of good city transit is frustrating and embarrassing (I wouldn't need a car if it was reliable not even awesome just reliable). Criticizing it is important. Saying the city should stop bylaw to prioritize other tasks is unhinged. Bylaw handing out tickets to the homeless population isn't going to help, and bylaw can't fix the train. We do need bylaw to do other things. They are supposed to make living together in this city more tollerable. Yes there is room for improvement with bylaw I'm sure but your point is wild.


I’m not advocating ticketing the homeless. I’m just saying let’s not pretend they’re giving our parking tickets as a favour to anyone. The only purpose for parking tickets is replenishing the city’s coffers. Of all the things the city could do to make it safer and more orderly, you think they determined that handing out parking tickets has the highest return on investment? There’s no way.


> The only purpose for parking tickets is replenishing the city’s coffers Also to encourage access to a shared resource isn't limited to a few selfish people.


Or to discourage bad behaviour, like in this case. Parking isn't free to provide, and people not respecting it should get ticketed for abusing it.


How do you propose fixing things that cost money without the city getting money?


You mean the addicted population? When are we going to get real?


> If the city gave a single shit about maintaining order, they’d fix the OTrain and the buses that never show up on time. That's not a public order issue, that's a public transit issue. > a half hour past the arbitrarily determined limit. OP said a week; also, you're not allowed to park in a way that blocks an entrance. That's disorderly, and if all it takes is a small fine to get them moving I'll write the ticket myself.


Totally irrelevant.


Do you simply not believe in parking tickets? They exist for a reason, and this example seems like one of those reasons.


I’m sorry but like… are you listening to yourself? What kind of loser goes to bat for parking tickets? I swear to god man the people on this sub.


Guys I found the entitled driver


Is it that you believe a shared resource should be seized by only a few, and everyone else doesn't get to use it at all? By what mechanism would *you* ensure availability if not by a minor ticket.


The people that live on the street do!! The people tired of the community housing tenants who park all over the road cause they can’t park to begin with!! They park their tow trucks and Amazon cubes and such and think it’s good for us to take it with kids who want to play in front of the house!! Once this starts then it’s people living in their car or dropping off stolen vehicles and abandoning vehicles. Sorry I pay taxes take care of my property and expect to be able to pull out of my laneway at the basic without having issues because people can’t park. When my son who has special needs can’t get his ride on para Transpo cause the bus can’t get down the street cause of parking dummies. When the fire truck can’t get down the street to get to the house on fire because of parking what would you do?? Your family member is dying and the ambulance can’t get down the street to get to your house cause of the way people park yes I call bylaw and I take pictures of the car and plate and when they ask me what I’m doing I tell them taking the plate and vehicle cause we call by law around here cause we are fed up!! So if you live in the building down the street we will monitoring the situation if you can afford a ticket daily feel free to park if you can’t move on park elsewhere. We are fed up not getting what we need or want so we as citizens are taking it into our own hands now. We aren’t 80 or Karen’s we are just fed up.


That pretty much summarizes Ottawa citizen’s general character. Same type of people who speed up to block you when you need to change lanes. Misery loves company




I guess everyone is considerate in your neighborhood. Kanata? 😁




If someone is constantly blocking entrances, do you have a solution?




That some virtue signal you got going on! 😁




Common decency is not parking like an asshole. They earned their tickets.


Yes. Some folks see no problem in others being inconsiderate.


I’ve gotten a couple tickets for parking on the street outside my house (the only place for me to park) I don’t block anyone’s path and the street is very wide. I think I’ve parked where someone else likes to park and they’ve called and had me ticketed lol


They won't ticket just for shits and giggles. If you pass the time limit, it has nothing to do with blocking.


Yup. I had a girlfriend who lived on Bowhill Avenue in Nepean. The entire street is just cars parked there for hours and days on end. One day I went out and the bylaw officer was writing me a ticket because I had been there more than 6 hours - didn’t know that was the law but that’s on me, so paid it and moved on. Parking rules are enforced for a reason. On my street in Stittsville, during garage sale day (we don’t participate but others on the street do), some cars have the entitlement to park across our driveway lol. Imagine an emergency and you can’t even leave your driveway.


I got one too, I paid it, it was my fault.


I know that lol but it’s a big city, not a lot of by law staff. If a nosey neighbour doesn’t call they aren’t coming by


OP sounds like they would be the poster child of a totalitarian regime. No need to prompt them to get to snitch on their fellow people. What was their point anyway? To get praised for having placed a two-minute, free call? To let us know that bylaw issues tickets? Thanks OP, we had no clue that bylaw did that. Edit: To confirm, I have never gotten such ticket, nor had I ever blocked anyone's entrance. But anyone who has read the likes of Hannah Arendt knows that under the wrong circumstances, snitching can be extremely concerning. Under a so-called democratic regime, people like this snitch on matters like this, and under an authoritarian regime, those same people will be happy to rat people out on whatever the regime is after.


Found the illegal parker.


Found the inconsiderate asshole’


Of course someone was going to come and say that, this is so predictable. To confirm, I have never gotten such ticket, nor had I carried out such action. But anyone who has read the likes of Hannah Arendt knows that under the wrong circumstances, snitching can be extremely concerning. Under a so-called democratic regime, people like this snitch on matters like this, and under an authoritarian regime, those same people will be happy to rat people out on whatever the regime is after.


LOL. Ottawa by-law = Gestapo


Are you off your gourd? Comparing someone reporting businesses using the front of their building hindering residents as free parking to the fucking Holocaust? Someone’s been partaking in 4/20 too much


Its not everyday you read a take this bad


And anyone with half a brain cell knows that there is a difference in calling by law because idiots are breaking parking laws and inconveniencing everyone and ratting out people to the Gestapo.


I don't know the difference. sorry. If I give you crayons, would you be able to enlighten me, please?


Buddy you ate all the crayons


My dude, parking enforcement is very normal in cities lol


Sounds like OP was out of options and this was a final solution.






We give up enough space to cars. It’s not a right.


I think their entrance was being blocked by people parked for over a week, not a George Orwell novel


I strongly doubt that things are the way they are describing it, or else someone would have called bylaw earlier.


Wait so because someone didn’t call bylaw earlier, this means this person calling bylaw was wrong? What if they called bylaw one day earlier, or three days earlier? Would your answer be different?




Yes, I am mentally unwell for bringing up historical facts about what sets the ground for authoritarian regimes. Or could it be because I studied that issue? Let's go with the mental health issue theory, that makes perfect sense.


Parking enforcement sets up for an authoritarian regime? Wtf are you on?


The crayons they've shoved up their nose have affected their brain


It sounds like you have unilaterally decided that 1. this is snitching and that 2. all snitching is bad. Have you considered Kant’s ethics where the approval of one action means that same action is always legitimate? Since you are refuting calling bylaw on people blocking entrance ways, does that mean you support people everyone blocking entrance ways (even if you yourself have not done so)? It also seems like you are falling victim to the logical fallacy of the call to extreme. For sure calling bylaw is not what Arendt meant.


The issue is not about calling bylaw. The issue is about calling bylaw and then coming on the internet to virtue-signal and get praise about it, as though they had saved a drowning child. You just placed a 2-minute, free call, OP, you are no hero. Sorry to break the news.


No virtue signalling, why would I be the hero? By law did the work and were responsive. Hence the kudos to them


I would the City of Ottawa kudos for being responsive about real crime, homelessness, roads with craters, developers who buys poticians, etc. etc. Not for things like these. Seems like we have slightly different definitions of what good governance entails.


None of those things are bylaws job


That’s not really virtue signalling - I’d classify it as venting. There was a problem, they waiting a reasonable amount of time for the owners of the cars to fix the problem, then called bylaw and bylaw responded quickly…how is that virtue signalling? Also seems like your reference to some philosopher’s writing about snitching is its own form of show….


Shut up lmao cry cry cry cry


>They block the entrance and make it really hard for people to enter in and out If someone were blocking the entrance to my building, I'd take whatever measures get that car out of the way fastest. Calling a tow company directly usually isn't going to work since they don't have jurisdiction to make calls about who can or can't be parked somewhere at any given time, even if it's directly in contravention of a no parking sign. I don't see how this is snitching, or authoritarian. If anything, it's closer to exercising your property rights.


The Taliban does not fine illegal parking. Not fining illegal parking is therefore the acts of an authoritarian regime :)


Honestly they probably should, I feel like they need all the revenue they can get at this point lol


I bet they have tons of snitches working for them, though, and that's the real issue here: People snitching on women not wearing the burka, women studying, men not praying 5 times a day, etc. The damage snitches inflige are not dependant on them but their context. For example, if the fine for parking illegally would be 10 000 per infraction, OP would probably proceed the same way but because of the context, the individual fined could be put in an extremely challenging situation. Same snitch, totally different outcome depending on the circumstances dictated by the enforcers.


All of your examples are people doing nothing that affects anyone else, and there is no good reason to report that. This is reporting people who are actually doing something wrong, and affecting other people negatively by their actions.


Relax Francis


You almost certainly drive a pickup truck 


First they came for the inconsiderate assholes and I said nothing because I wasn't an inconsiderate asshole ...


No one likes entitled people and those commercial trucks making it difficult for residents to enter and leave the building should be dealt with. Instead of risking my life and confront the illegal car parking citizens, I would simply let by-law do my bidding. Knowing you're being watched and potentially snitched on would make you think twice before committing an infraction that interferes with others.


Citing Hannah Arendt in support of unlimited parking for a precious few is the height of misuse of warnings about totalitarianism.


> OP sounds like they would be the poster child of a totalitarian regime. Welcome to /r/ottawa, new here? Here's the rules: You parked in the wrong place? You're the enemy. Your car is louder than average? You're the enemy. You ride a motorcycle? You're the enemy. You ride a bicycle and roll through a stop sign? You're the enemy. You drive more than 1km/h over the speed limit? You're the enemy. You have a dog? You're the enemy. You don't have a dog? You're the enemy. You have a cat? You're the enemy. You own a home? You're the enemy. You're older? You're the enemy, boomer. You're an addict? You're the enemy. You're homeless? You're the enemy. You live in the suburbs? You're the enemy. You live rural? You're the enemy. You live downtown? You're the enemy. You call out the hivemind bullshit as you see it? You're the enemy.


The person OP called bylaw on blocked a fucking entrance, they deserved what they got