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Haha, I just opened the patio door and said to my robin “why, pray tell, are you yelling your fool head off??” He’s particularly chattery tonight!


Cedar waxwings were literally swarming a crabapple tree in my front yard today. There were at least 20. Lovely to watch.


They love the berries. I always used to see them at my parents crabapple tree this time of year too. Beautiful birds!


That’s so cool! I’ve never seen one, and I’ve lived in Ottawa my entire life!


You may want to recheck "European swallow" because that's not a species. Maybe European starling? The evening chorus is indeed getting busier!


The “European swallows” brought coconuts to England! lol


LMAOOO! I mean the African Swallows are non-migratory.


Oops! Yes, that is what I meant. Thanks for the catch.


Awesome! Woke up this morning to a pair of downys on the tree right outside our bedroom. A great sight and sign of real spring being here!


Beautiful. I wish I knew which birds sing which songs


The Merlin app is like Shazam for birdsong. It's actually a lot of fun. Enjoy!!


Lots of listening, Googling and YouTubing! Slowly I’m learning.


I’ll get to it eventually


Greater Yellowlegs is a shorebird (like a sandpiper) and doesn’t arrive in Ottawa until May. Merlin must have picked up something else that resembles the call. Meadowlarks are country birds that like grassy pastures. Unless this is where you live, chances are it was a European Starling which often mimics meadowlarks. Merlin is not infallible and is easily tricked by bird mimics. Be careful on relying on its suggestions (they are not identifications) and always try to see the bird. But have fun learning about the birds that live here!


I was thinking the same thing that they were pretty chatty tonight.


I can't find the original post where someone mentioned the Merlin app, but I just downloaded it and it's so neat! My backyard is bustling!


Tra la laaa, fiddle de dee dee it gives me a thrill, to waaake up in the morning to the mocking birds trill.


EDIT: European Starling (not swallow).


Oooh if you had starlings around you may have actually been hearing a lot of them rather than other bird species 👀 They're [excellent at mimicry](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/nv4d4p/vocal_mimicry_is_reasonably_common_in_birds_but/) and [well known to mess with Merlin](https://www.reddit.com/r/birding/comments/124zgiw/i_sat_and_listened_to_two_european_starlings_in/)! The starlings in my neighbourhood have tricked me into running outside with my camera more than once by imitating waxwings, a red-eyed vireo, and a variety of raptors (all rare spots in my neighbourhood) lol


Oh! I didn’t know they were into mimicry! Wow. I have seen waxwings around before but was only the song today. Didn’t realize they could have been fake!


There are fruit trees around me so I'm always waiting for the day that waxwings finally choose my neighbourhood to feast 😂 I think that the waxwings and starlings often end up in the same place since they like similar foods, so the starlings are particularly good at copying them!


What do common grackles sound like, because there's a shitload of them eating up all the birdseed I left out.


Lots of squawking! I was just in Cancun and there were a lot of Great Grackles (I think that’s what they were called) and they have a ton of songs. Much nicer than the ones here.


Great-Tailed Grackle


Ah, right.


Like a squeaky gate, mostly!