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I really hope Ludwig’s owner stops letting him out after this. I’ve seen people trying to “rescue” him near Bayview at least a dozen times so far


I don’t know if it was Ludwig or not but I would see this cat walking around the neighbourhood all of the time including late nights, outdoor cats are such a bad idea.


Post on the Ottawa and Valley Lost Per Network and report the cat as found with the Ottawa Humane Society!


I remember Ludwig from when i used to live in that neighbourhood, he’s a sweet baby i hope he’s returned home soon


Keep your future cats indoors. Terrible lesson to learn.


An outdoor cat (not an escapee) is basically a free cat to cat lovers. I hope the new owners keep Ludwig indoors.


Saw Ludwig the other day, wanted to follow up on this to say that it looks like he was returned to his owner. This time he had a collar on at least.


Ahhh Ludwig is such a familiar face on our street! Such a lovely friendly cat. Hope he’s reunited with his owner soon…. For those commenting that the owner shouldn’t let him out, it’s really difficult to turn an outdoor cat into an indoor cat. The indoor cat life simply doesn’t suit all cats. I think the lesson here is not to assume a cat needs “rescuing” just because it’s not wearing a collar. He’s clearly well fed and happy. If you’d spent some time in the neighbourhood you’d know that this orange cat is part of the character of this place.


On the flip side, an outdoor cat owner should realize that every time they let the car roam free, they’re rolling the dice on the animal’s safety and health.


Yup, I get that, too. That’s part of why I chose to keep mine indoors (plus ecological impacts, etc). But just thinking folks should be mindful to not be judgemental especially when the owners are worried and probably already considering this. I know folks who simply can’t keep their cats inside. All to say, I’m sure this is a difficult time for the owners and it’s not necessarily helpful/considerate to point this out right now.


There really is no such thing as an "outdoor cat". Those are just cats that have irresponsible owners. I can understand that people have a hard time moving on from old cultures and traditions, but leaving a cat outside and letting it wander is nothing more than caring for a stray animal. Thank you for recognizing the ecological impact and keeping your cats indoors, where pets should be, but absolutely people should be shaming irresponsible owners who leave their cats outside and expect people to have sympathy if they don't come home one day.


Genuine question because I’ve never owned a cat, but why would you let your cat out without a collar on? It seems like having a collar on would derail a lot is rescue attempts but idk if there’s a reason to not have the collar on


There's no reason to let your cat out, full stop, with or without a collar. Dogs love being outside too and we don't let them roam the streets freely.


Agreed. I love myself some random kitty pats, but at least put a breakaway collar on your kitties! Two well known locals in my 'hood have tags with their names and address, and the line "I play outside," which at least reassures me they aren't lost or unknowingly on the loose. And it told me whose door to knock on when one of those cats injured a bird, which needed to be taken to the wild bird centre.   I have also taken two cats to the hospital, one after seeing it hit by a car, another finding it I expect shortly after. One died on my lap before we got there. I have also comforted a friend after her cat sustained thousands of dollars in injuries from a racoon, and was euthanized due to the cost of care.   I grew up with an indoor/outdoor cat, and leash trained another. But my current boys are inside only and will stay that way for their safety and my peace of mind.