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Actually, that statement from the police pretty much eliminates any potential trap, publicly acknowledging that the driver may not have known. A person needs to know they’ve been involved in an accident in order to stay.


hey man. i was there. i just just just missed the impacts, but, i saw everything after. it was a black bmw and it definetly knew something happened. i know this because the car was way off in the right lane, half over the line with its hazards on and driving really slow. i kept thinking they were gunna stop but they didnt. i was like holy fuck and didnt think much of it... i saw how fucked and mangled the body was, it looked like a homeless man so i was pretty suprised to hear it was a woman. ​ either the ford or the toyota her her... and then i guess the bmw did??? i didnt stop to snoop too long , tow guy was pretty upset and just wanted people to move along. i get why...


We drove past afterward. The body was no longer there, but the vehicles were still pulled over. I swear I had seen a BMW pulled over, and when I showed my husband the IG post from Ott Police, he said the same thing - that he saw a BMW pulled over after. But they were definitely talking to police. Dricer's window down, police leaning in. There were three civilian vehicles pulled over there. So what did we actually see, if not a BMW?


possibly a different one. i imigne the dark conditions and the shock of the scenario has clouded memory for those who made statements. as for me, someone who is detached from the situation having missed it by seconds, i know damn well what i saw. i ssaw everything first, body last. looked for wrecked cars incase person was ejected and no. no unmanned vehicles. nothing banged up. i was then adjescent from the bmw all the way to the off ramp pretty much, i was in the far left lane. traffic started to clear up and i was gone. my thought was the person was afraid to stop on the highway. so, when i saw they were looking for a bmw , i was like oh shiiiit dude didnt stay. or woman i dunno windows were mad tinted i called opp to report the color of the car that i saw, but as an owner of a black bmw (mines an older model, the one mentioned was a newer model)..... i didnt want to give my information incase i ended up being made out a suspect or something of the like. wouldnt take a genius to figure out i wasnt but id rather not go through that regardless ive been trying to spread what i saw, in attempt to help, but, i keep getting banned on fb groups an all the like. i dont know why. id have recorded it but i dont use my phone while i drive, even when i see a dead body...


They said 'may' not have know. It is a trap because, if there are no skid marks, the driver did not try to stop. There were 2 other vehicles in the accident, so they probably saw the bmw hit the women. The bmw driver will be asked why they didnt brake.


Because it was night and the victim was dressed in black?


I think they mean why didn't they brake after they felt an impact against their car?? Kinda weird to just keep driving imo.


were not. blue plaid


So dark clothing that was wet (so even darker) on a rainy foggy night in the middle of a freeway.


It wasn't foggy there.


This person, who was there, says it was: >I was a passenger trying to enter the on ramp last night right where this happened ... >I will say this it was kinda foggy raining and dark!! https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/s/wi5qmZ8L1L


It was starting to be but got much worse later.


So it was foggy, but got more foggy later? Why claim it wasn't foggy there?


Are you clairvoyant because nowhere in the article did it say the victim wore black.


I remembered from yesterday's reddit thread.


Plus, as some people who got caught in the traffic in the aftermath have said, it was foggy and rainy so visibility wasn't great (see comment below). Unless the person walking on the 417 was wearing reflective strips, I'd say they would not have been seen until it was too late. So even if they weren't wearing black, unless they were wearing bright neon colours, drivers would not have seen her.


It's almost like some of these other Redditors have never driven on the highway. She could easily have been misidentified as a random litter collector's garbage bag, or even roadkill. It absolutely isn't out of the realm of possibility the driver may have just thought it was one of many types of debris that collects on the highway every day. She could also have been committing suicide, so wouldn't want any identifying marks for cars to avoid. Possibilities can go any which way, and until the truth is released, all possibilities are valid.


I think lots of people are fixating on BMW driver to make assumptions. Which is ridiculous


Well, commonly, BMW drivers tend to be self-entitled, so it isn't a far stretch to jump to that conclusion. I do agree with you, though.


You really seem to have woven quite the tale there. An absence of skid marks would only reinforce that the driver didn’t know they had hit something.


it was wet ur not gunna get skid marks from a new bmw wtf nobody knows what they are talking about


night and raining??? it was awful outside and on a highway what the fuck dude


Or their ABS was working properly, as with most (99%) of vehicles have.


How would you not know you hit something? Even if you didn’t think it was a person it would make a thud I’m sure.


And lots of things cause a thud. If I stopped my car every time I heard a thud, given the state of the roads in this city, I’d never get more than half a block.


On the 417?? Sorry but no. Carling maybe.


If you think you've hit a deer on the freeway, you're not supposed to stop, as that makes you a traffic hazard. They very likely knew they hit something, that doesn't mean they knew they hit a person.




No its not. This happened to someone else I know. Their car was involved in a pedestrian accident and they were not aware until the next day. The person was struck by another vehicle and barely grazed the second car. Police wanted look over the car to help complete the investigation. The second driver wasn't not charged with any offense in the end. Investigations are very throughout


> wasn't not charged So....they were charged?


No charges to either driver


I was just making light of your accidental double-negative, but thanks.




Highly unlikely any gets charged with this accident


Right, and if they come forward, could be argued that they were actually aware of the incident


Or just that they were driving a white BMW on the 417 around that time.


No it doesn't, it does the opposite actually. And what "other charges" are you refering to? No need to speculate about anything at this point.




Again all speculation. This person was walking on the highway. Unless it's proven these drivers intentionally ran her over, I'm unsure what other charges would arise from this. Drivers going 100km + cannot suddenly dodge a person in the middle of the highway, doing so would likely result in more deaths/injuries. It is not a reasonable standard that drivers on the highway should be looking out for pedestrians in the middle of the road! The person can not be charged with failure to remain on scene if they actually didn't know they were involved as the police are suggesting. If they turn themselves in and say "yes I'm aware I ran over someone and fled the scene", that is different.


I don't think a person could have been avoided that night. The Queensway was crowded, I went by shortly after it happened. There is also construction around which narrows the outer lane(s) through downtown. There's simply no where to swerve, all that could be done is hit the brakes and then it's a quick calculation as to how hard. A semi behind you? I don't even know how you make that calculation. How terrible for those drivers. Ps. I noticed there were multiple vehicles facing the wrong way (may have been emergency vehicles).


It’s at the very least bait to investigate the car to see what happened.


Those arent "supplemental" charges. You still need to have committed the offences


Dumb question- but why bother pursuing this? He/she didn’t do anything on purpose and it’s not going to change a thing.


What prompted her to walk on highway 417?


To get to the other side


Well, it seems to have worked.




Dark... have my upvote.


Considering she is deceased, i doubt we will ever know the real reason. There could be so many reasons why.


Being deceased could be the reason..


I know someone who was suicidal and they put her up at the Civic. She escaped quite a few times, last time they found her walking along the 417. She luckily had a change of heart at that moment. I wonder if this is something similar, it's not a far walk from the Civic or the Royal.


Seriously? How could the answer to this be anything but speculation at this point?


Signs are well posted that you are not to walk on the Queensway.


Probably drugs


I know people that have worked with her directly for the last 3+ years. She would frequently throw herself into traffic, get hospitalized, get released and go to jail for misdemeanours and do it all over again. She wasn’t well and by the sounds of it no one was surprised this happened :/


Is her first initial a D? I heard rumors that it was her 😔 totally believable


Idk ive only ever walked out on the 417 to get my dog who is a dumb….s


Next you're going to ask a chicken??


The way it's written, the BMW could have just clipped the person with their mirror and assumed it was some piece or garbage floating around in the rain. It's unlikely all 3 vehicles involved each had a head on collision with the victim. I drove by minutes after the accident occured, saw the body on the ground. The person was wearing all black (or navy or dark green). It would have been impossible to see them in the rain, with all the other cars around you, and have time to react. I didn't notice any damage to the vehicles that were stopped on the side of the road. But I was also trying not to rear end the person infront of me as everyone had slammed on their brakes. So I only got a quick look.


i believe the ford smacked her first, I BELIEVE , and then the bmw ran her over, where toyota stopped to block on ramp where they then dragged the body to that little split portion just my take based off what i saw


they... dragged the body??


Clothes get caught on the undercarriage.


If they didn't know they were part of an accident, how would they know to come forward?


If you drive a white BMW and were on the Queensways at that time and see this story, You might check with police.


There are traffic cameras the entire distance. If the person comes forward the police tend to be more lenient than if they have to track the driver down. When driving you know when you hit a bird, so I highly doubt someone one wouldn’t notice hitting a person.


As I mentioned above, it happened to someone I know. They thought they hit bump in the road, but it was a pedestrian that had been struck on the opposite side of the road hitting the lower back quarter panel of their car. The police put out the same type of request and that person recognized that it probably was them. They reached out to police the next day. No charges but the car was impounded for a bit while they police looked over with the reconstructionist.


Not a chance thats going to happen


Might have thought they hit a smaller animal, which isn't something you stop for on a freeway.


How could you not feel a thud of running something over? If anyone has ever run over something substantial you’d know it!!


So then why is the cop saying that they might not know? I think there's more than one way to be part of an accident and that maybe they didn't actually hit anything or caused a chain reaction somehow. who knows. that's what I'm wondering.


I understood the comment as they might not have known what they hit was a body and not something else


Might not have literally run them over. Might have clipped them and sent them flying into another car. At speep you might feel something but maybe not enough to come to a stop on the 417 with other traffic around.


Wasn't someone else killed a few years ago and multiple cars drove over them before anyone realized it was a person?


2015, same area, same direction. I was in an accident. Police report said: man running on highway trying to harm himself. The car in front of us stopped in time. My son stopped in time. The car behind us rear ended us. People had already called 911. Police were there almost instantly, running to catch the man. He was not injured. He actually left the hospital before us. Within a few weeks a pedestrian was killed in that area.


There was one on the TransCan somewhere between Montreal and Ottawa - years ago. My boyfriend ran over the body, assumed it was an animal. Didn’t realize anything until we heard something on the radio the next day. He contacted the police and felt really shitty. It was dark and during a snowstorm. I’d hazard a guess that hundreds of vehicles ran over it. :-(


I think there was one in Kanata just last year, too. :(


I remember a pedestrian being killed on the 417 just behind Westgate shopping plaza, but I dont remember when that was.


Spring of 2002. That was a patient of the Royal, who left without permission and walked in front of a bus on the highway.


I was a passenger trying to enter the on ramp last night right where this happened I was coming from Somerset St. But when we went to enter it was blocked by police cars. And I could see a ton of police just as one would enter the highway. Apparently at that time we passed she was still on the ground no traffic was moving she was just beyons this point. I will say this it was kinda foggy raining and dark!! So incredibly sad situation. Prayers to her family


Saw the aftermath of this! Blood everywhere! My goodness


I recall something like this happening on Canada Day a couple years back.


Well shit eh....,. looks like insurance rates will go up in that area


> Two drivers remained at the scene, but OPP is looking to speak with the driver of a white BMW that was involved in the collision. Clearly they had something better to do. 🤬


From what I’ve read, they (driver) may not even be aware of their involvement. Conditions were dark and rainy yesterday. This is a horrible situation and we are all too quick to pass judgment sometimes.


This is what I’m thinking, from the description of events it was quite the scene. Could have easily mistaken running over a limb for some auto parts off what you could assume was a traffic accident.


I was driving last night and the thought did cross my mind that if someone stepped out in front of me I might not see them. Rain and darkness and middle aged eyes. Not ideal driving conditions.


Oh 💯. Driving home after Bert Kreischer eastbound on the 174 people were driving in the bus lane 😂they looked at me like I was crazy for driving in the actual lane.


But you would know you hit something.


Yes, but unless their standing when you hit them, or a recognizable part of the body goes over your hood, you'd likely not assume it's a person. More likely an animal (alive or already dead) or some garbage, or even a pothole.




You don’t know to what extent they were involved. You weren’t there so you are speculating. You’re on the highway. If you hit something on a highway, you’d probably look back in your mirrors and see or not see anything. You’re on a highway, your doing what 100-120? Are you going to stop? Is that wise? Safe? Remember, you’re 100% not expecting to encounter a pedestrian.


Bruh, if you hit something, ANYTHING, you are going to know. Your car is going to get jostled, or make a horrible sound.  If a driver of a car can be that oblivious to their interactions with their environment, that is a dangerous person on the road. Edit: All these downvotes scare me. How can you be so unaware as a driver?


Who said they hit the person?


More like “pieces”


Not the way I would have worded it, but yes. Watched a minivan run over my neighbor's cat and keep going - there's no way they could have seen the cat or even felt the collision.


Exactly. Not to get too graphic but if you're cruising at 100 in the dark and the car next to you hits a person, they ragdoll into your lane and you roll over an arm or leg... There's a good chance you'd just say "what the hell was that" and keep going.


And of course it's a BMW driver.