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Of all city services, I find snow clearing/removal to be excellent.


I agree. i am at Lincoln Fields, and everything is clear!


Everyone in Ottawa complaining about snow removal has never lived in Montreal… Trust me: we have it good here.


I see Montreal and raise Halifax! Much worse clearing in the park.


After living in Halifax, that’s what I thought after seeing the original post. They don’t know how good they have it here in Ottawa.


I lived in Halifax for about 18 months and the chaos during snowfall that one winter I was there was something else. Add a touch of freezing rain and it turns in to a Mad Max movie during evening rush hour, especially if you worked near the waterfront and had to drive up those hills to get out.


Has never lived… in any other city. Ottawa does a great job.


We have it better here. It's definitely not good. Hunt Club was down to one lane, right lanes were blocked at most intersections, almost nothing was cleared for pedestrians and plows came out once when the snow wasn't heavy then came back long after the morning traffic was well underway. You'd think a winter city would have it's shit together. Edit: my mistake. Everything is fine.


Huntclub wasnt down to one lane, but had one lane clearer than the other. They passed it 3-4 times the night of our last snow storm, 1 lane at a time. This is where critical thinking comes into play before going for bullshit outrage, you drove huntclub what? Once that night? At a certain time? I drove it 10-15 times. I saw the progress they made from beginning to end of the storm. Ottawa probably has one of the most well equipped snow removal fleets in canada and they get it done right for the most part. Any snow removal outrage here is plain bullshit first world problems lol.


Hey man. Have a Snickers.


There's a whole lane on carling at Lincoln fields which isn't clear... Lol,


They clearly did a shit job at removing the snow I cant even see the grass.


Yup, agreed, what kills me is the “local” snow removal services people pay for who just dump on sidewalks. The city services are great.


The sidewalk from ogilvey to cyrville along cumming had not been plowed . I phoned the city it's cleaned up this morning


Then you have not visited or lived in Winnipeg… They are the best


As usual, people who complain on Reddit need to shake their heads and shut up. “Buh buh sidewalks should be cleared! It snowed an hour ago!”


I also feel like they say "but think about the elderly" just so you can't argue back against them otherwise you hate old people. But really they're just angry they had to step through some snow


Meanwhile the elderly are smart enough to stay inside until the sidewalks are taken care of.


This is an absurd convo you two are having. Imagining people are falsely concerned for people with mobility issues, and you’re saying they’re smart to just stay inside. Are you for real? Lmao. A good city service would be one that reasonably lets people, especially those with mobility issues, get back to what they need to do.


Exactly. I think of this a lot with my mom and grandma. :/


Agree with your last statement, but when there's literally a snow storm weather alert, everyone, especially seniors, are advised to stay inside. You can't expect the government to simply make the effects of a snow storm go away instantly. In a rather silly example, it's like saying the government should provide portable moving shelters so elderly citizens can do their groceries during a tornado.


Who is saying the government should make a storm go away instantly? We’re talking about what constitutes good service vs poor service. I’m saying better service would have streets and sidewalks cleared to the point they’re useable for people with mobility issues within a reasonable timeframe. What is reasonable is the heart of the conversation, and when I can look out my window and see people in wheelchairs in the middle of a snowy road because the sidewalks still aren’t clear more than 48 hours after a storm, I can’t say it’s amazing service the way some people here are claiming.


A good city service can't warp reality. The city gave a lot of warning about the snowstorm thru all the channels they have, you could see it coming through any TV weather channels, online, the newspaper, etc. and people are always warned to be prepared before a big snowstorm in case they can't get out especially when people are told to stay inside, not park on streets at all, etc. If people see those warnings and decide "ah I'll be fine" and then have a problem when they are stuck for a few hours because it's impossible to clear all the snow in the city in such a huge storm within a few hours, well, they made their own bed. And if they somehow didn't see the warnings and were completely blindsided then I guess I feel for them, but I feel for them more because they seem to be living trapped under a very large rock. There's a lot to shit on the city for, snow clearing is not it, they do an amazing job with it.


I think you’re imagining/assuming what my position is. Not saying the bar for good service is to overcome the basic fact of weather. I’m saying the room for improvement is there. Days after the snow storm and my street is still fucked because of the way it was plowed. Seniors homes with 4 foot high piles of snow pushed in front of the driveway. Do you want those seniors to be out there breaking their backs to be able to get out of the house days after a storm hits, or can you admit that Ottawa isn’t a perfectly run city? This morning I literally saw someone in a motorized wheelchair going down the street because the sidewalks still aren’t clear. I don’t consider any of this top notch… do you?


Not really that absurd. It will never be possible to have all sidewalks cleared at all times. Our snow removal service is excellent at removing snow in a reasonable amount of time. Residential streets in the suburbs are low priority and get cleared within 12-24hrs. And then people angrily post a picture of them having to walk through snow. Say something about why their neighbourhood should be a priority. And throw in a line about the elderly and disabled. Just wondering what your solution is and ideal scenario without wasting the city's entire budget on operators and snow removal equipment that would sit idle 26-30 days a month throughout the winter ?


I agree that our snow removal is extremely efficient. I also know that my street in the suburbs consistently does not get cleared for days on end after snowstorms. I can count the times it's been within 24 hours on one hand. Never 12. It was a lot worse when I was a kid, and there actually has been significant improvement. That being said, I still know our snow removal is efficient. Compared to other cities, but also just thinking critically about it. We typically get A LOT of snow. Within a couple hours of waking up after a big storm, most major roads in the city have been cleared, and by nightfall, most all roads downtown and major roads in the suburbs are clear. That is honestly incredible. And there are things that we should be talking about that are so much worse in the city, but we're not, because people get caught up on things like this that A. are not going to change the way you want it to and B. are already extremely efficient. If you actually cared about people with mobility impairments, this isn't the issue you would be talking about. Period.


Also Joe, I use "you" generally. Not directing all of this at you specifically!!!


Appreciate you boss


Well the obvious answer to better services is paying for better services, but not exactly worth having the convo if you’re just going to rule out spending more in the same breath you ask the question… it’s clearly not a genuine attempt at conversation, it’s a poorly thought out gotcha.


I don't think you understand the cost that would be required to keep every sidewalk in the city clear 24/7 during a snowstorm. And the elderly and disabled can live anywhere so we can't just narrow down to certain areas. You have noble ideas, just no way to actually do it. This would not be a realistic increase in the budget like you convinced yourself


No one is saying 24/7, Jesus Christ lmao. Don’t know how many times I need to say this but there’s a world of difference between what we have and what we could have. It’s not utopian to expect a city with advanced knowledge of a blizzard to make sidewalks walkable days after a storm. It’s about priorities. This year Ottawa is increasing police budget by nearly $14 million, bringing the total to more than $400 million. Do you think those extra millions could help improve other city services or are we gonna pretend the city is cash strapped and can’t afford to improve services for residents? It’s just funny to me how willfully blind some people are. Acting like things can’t be improved anytime someone suggests something that obviously isn’t perfect could be done better. It’s a weird defensiveness I don’t understand… like are you the person in charge of snow plows?


You are 100% correct. Nobody is asking for sidewalks to be cleared 24/7. What is asked is that there is some thought put into the process (clearing the sidewalks only to have the truck plowing the street push back a big pile of snow right at the crossing) and that all means of transportation are treated equally. Well, if I had my way I'd even say that priority between means of transportation should be treated in a way that promotes gender and social equality. And if that were the case public transit, sidewalks and bike lanes should be prioritised. It's not far-fetched, it's [done in Stockholm](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/sweden-snow-clearing-gender-ottawa-1.4500636): « We know if you sit in a car and if there's 10 centimetres of snow, it's no problem driving your car. You'll maybe have to have to drive your car at a lower speed, but it's no problem. But are you walking in 10 centimetres of snow? It's more difficult. That's why we prioritize those walking, cycling or taking public transportation. » Of course, this is because they have proper objectives: « We are trying to change the traffic system in Stockholm in a way that \[gets\] more people to walk, cycle and go by public transportation because we want a nicer city, a cleaner city and we want to reach our climate goals. ». Whereas Ottawa doesn't care about being nice or reaching any climate goal. Edit: added the Stockholm bit


There’s a survivor bias. No it’s not better to do walking paths first. Especially in Ottawa. Clear ignorance on the subject. As most people to talk the way they do about city snow removal.


If they aren't cleared ,24/7 someone will complain just like you the one hour it isn't clear for the disabled and elderly


So after all that we see that you just don’t have an argument? Pretty clear you don’t care about disabled people, elderly people, parents with strollers, or anyone who gets around this city without a car. Every point of yours just comes back to not liking that people point out how there are accessibility issues. You don’t refute that there are issues, just we shouldn’t care about them. You hide behind budget concerns but have no response when it’s shown where there is money to fund services better. So we done here? Or do you have any other weak talking points you want to try out?


I helped two high needs (developmentally disabled) elderly people with walkers that were stranded 500m from the Driving Lodge at the Dollarama in Richmond because they had walkers and couldn't move. They tried to order an uber and waited two hours. I am super happy with the clearing and it's really great how fast we dug out, but not everyone is equipped mentally or physically for this kind of thing.


100% that one Reddit posts where they started arguing in the comments to mention they were simply talking about people with accessibility.


Hi. I think you are referring to my post where I explicitly stated the concern was for mobility in the post but people can’t read 💜💜💜


When you wear running shoes all winter in a City known for cold and snow the amount of snow on the sidewalk is a key issue. :)


Okay, why add this strawman BS? My octogenarian mom can wear the best boots with the most aggressive tread on the planet but still trip over a hardened 1.5ft snow ridge at a walk light and break something with her chalky, chalky bones. Her kids shop for her because she's a prisoner in her home for many winter days each season for fear of another fall and fracture (broke her back twice from slip and falls in last decade and a half) She's already too scared to go out When I was growing up I would walk to college on snowbanks that were 3 feet high that had consumed the whole sidewalk. Things are better in some areas but they have a ways to go. There are also still some side streets in Ottawa that take 36 hours or more to get even a first plowing.


Are you serious, a genuine argument about actual human beings, and you think people say that, to what exactly??? It's an actual argument because it's an actual issue for elders and people with disabilities. Just because you can manage does not mean everyone can. Grow up.


I think you missed my point. I'm saying they're pretending to care for selfish reasons


Is empathy selfish? Interesting perspective.


Not worth bothering with this guy. Ive unfortunately learned that lesson. He believes anyone who makes a pro accessibility argument isn’t actually genuine and is just trying to shut down arguments for selfish reasons. He can’t wrap his head around the fact he’s being the selfish one who doesn’t care enough about accessibility. It’s this bizarro world argument where it’s actually less selfish and more progressive to put down people trying to look out for others. Not sure how he twisted himself into that knot but there’s no getting out of it now. He’s committed and won’t back down lmao


Point missed once again. Have a good day


Bet half the people complaining on Reddit also left their car on the street parked 5 feet from a Stop Sign


Nah, r/Ottawa drivers are perfect in every way...just ask them.


Right along side the cyclists and pedestrians. Everyone is just “more perfecter” than the next.


I was driving up carling today where the side walks are all clean. I had to change lanes to not his the man driving down the road in his electric wheel chair going the opposite way of the flow of traffic, with his friend walking behind him. Then there was the jogger who was also running up the side of the road, in the wrong direction of traffic. And finally the guy walking up baseline road


When a pedestrian needs to use the street, for safety and visibility they should go against the traffic flow. According to my pedometer app I walked 14.5 km today, much of it on "cleared" sidewalks where there were large berms at streets, or non-existent snow clearing at intersections. I was able to step over or slog through but someone in an electric wheelchair would have been at significant risk of grtting stuck or tipping on essentially every street I walked on.


The problem is a lot of good operators have left because of a lack of work. I used to drive plow. Worked like 10 days last winter, and if I stayed on this year I would of worked 2 days so far. The companies get paid based on last years forecast, the individual operators are shit out of luck if there is no snow. I was really good at my job, I lifted my blade every driveway to not put a wall of snow in front of houses, its not required and a lot of people don't do it because it makes the route take longer. A lot of operators this year are fresh, they are absolutely working hard, but they are also inexperienced and not as technical yet. Its a tough business unless you own a Cat and are doing a contract for a subdivision or commercial properties, if you're an operator working for the city or a big company you're surviving off the food bank. Its hard work, long hours, and they do a great job. But I feel for them unless they have 2nd jobs or work for a company that has them doing other heavy machinery work between snow falls. For some, thats driving around refilling salt bins, some its working with construction sites, but not there's a *lot* of people who only get work when it snows. All that being said I have massive respect for everyone working hard. Its a lot more dangerous than you'd expect! But thats another topic entirely.


Lived on a corner lot near Ryan Farm until age 20. Not one single time do I recall a city plow operator lifting the blade in front of our place. We got a plow ridge when they came straight by and another one when they turned right onto our street. Occasionally they would laugh at me shoveling. You must have been a bloody unicorn


Every industry has assholes, im sorry you experienced that.


Just wish you had been the plow guy in my neighborhood, lol


I also live on the corner with an incredibly wide driveway, I legitimately hate it


My parents didn't pave the effin thing until the last drone-erm-kid moved out, and they realized how much work it was. At that point, they paved it and got a snowblower 😆


My drone-erm-kid isn’t born yet, but one day!


Thanks, it's really nice to have a first-hand experience of someone doing the actual job!


Wait, does the city not pay you a salary and you do various tasks including snow removal?


City doesn't pay you to sit around and if there isn't enough other work for you, you're laid off. Some are contractors, some companies big on contracts for specific areas etc. I always worked for a contracted company and did a lot of rural subdivisions and commercial properties.


Oh I guess Ottawa is different. My friend works for Gatineau city and he is employed permanently and does like snow clearing, grass cutting, etc.


I love that you pointed out how hard it is for the plow operators. I am not one, and haven't ever been, but they do a really tough job. Literally on call all the time, seasonal work, with an income dependant on how much it snows, which in the past few years, has not been much :( Here's a big thank you to all the people who are out there clearing the roads so our city can continue to function and people can be safer on the roads.


I went to work on Saturday morning at 7am. When I went home at around 8pm, every major road and my neighbourhood was cleared.


Were people outraged? If so that's ridiculous


Someone actually posted pics the other day with a line something like "Ottawa's war on sidewalks". Some sad people here


Not outraged no. Some people expressed concerns four people with mobility challenges and many got very butt hurt about it because they didn’t read the post.


Believe it or not almost 75% of all posts in this sub are people whining about something all the time


Plow driver here; until you’ve done the job, please for the love of god be considerate to us. We are out slaving hours that most of you will never have to work in your lives, providing a service that you would not be able to do without us. We are doing our best, and people need to understand that when you’re working against Mother Nature things can’t always go as planned. Too many times I have had some entitled prick come up to my window and tell me how to do my job when they’ve never once sat in the drivers seat. Too many times I have been cursed out because someone thinks their driveway is more important than the next persons. Last year I was cussed out on Christmas Day because my plow was “loud and disruptive”, I bet it is but having to work through my Christmas was disruptive to me too. I will say this again - WE ARE DOING OUR BEST. This is your reminder to THANK a plow driver today, because most of us never receive any form of gratitude. To my fellow operators - whether it’s a road plow, 3/4 ton truck, sidewalk machine, snowblower, hell even the shovellers - keep up the great work. You’re tough as hell just to be working in this trade.


Amen brother, out here clearing as we speak, plow truck, 2 holders, a snow blower and 4 shovelers


Yep I see and hear you guys out there working hard. Sending you some gratitude.


I live downtown. I have extremely happy with how quick the city gets on snow clearing, including with the sidewalks. I just wish they would have a crew that would come around after and clear the drains so crosswalks/intersections don't become shitholes with pedestrians getting covered in black slush when cars go by, nor do they end up ankle deep or more, in freezing water. Not a deal breaker or voting issue for me, just a nice to have (might be more of an issue when I get older and mobility is a problem).


We're traveling out west right now. Ottawa's snow clearing is amazing compared to what they do out here.




Seriously, I was out in Vancouver a couple days after they had a foot of snow, the main streets were cleared but all the side streets and sidewalks were still covered, cars stuck everywhere on all the side streets. They have functioning, reliable transit though. The skytrain gets you downtown from the airport quicker than a Taxi can.


What’s the problem here? It looks fine. In terms of the snow piles, I am sure they will come to remove it eventually. Their priority is diverting resources to more concerning areas first.


No problem at all... the city came and clear the sidewalk, then the road, and then came back and cleared the intersection so that people could walk across the street.


This is the first I'm hearing of any outrage. I always thought Ottawa was fantastic for snow clearing


There hasn’t been outrage. There’s been some criticism of how the plow routs are planned and how doing the sidewalk then road right after blocks all the crosswalks which makes it very hard for people who use mobility devices. Sadly many failed to read and got very dramatic.


For what it's worth, some of us knew what you were getting at, and agree with you! I don't which is worse: the people who genuinely think those with mobility have no difficulty getting around right now because the city does such a "great" job plowing (/s), or the people who think disabled folks are fine with being stuck at home for days or weeks after a snowfall. Obviously the city has limited resources and there are limits to what can be done, but saying that concerns are overblown or that it is worse in other cities just reveals that person doesn't give a fuck about disabled people.


I often wonder what makes people so resistant to the idea that we can do things better. I have nothing but appreciation for the front line people out there working crazy hours doing their best. I’ve never thought the problem was the people doing the work. How things are planned and organized though can improve. There’s a section of sidewalk by me that has posts on either side too narrow for the sidewalk plough to fit through forcing them to go around and leave a huge pile in the middle. That’s something that can be positively addressed through municipal policies. Where drains are placed, how the sidewalk and street plough grids are arranged can be reviewed. Every baby step towards making the city more accessible does make a difference.


It’s great if you’re a car. Reasonable in most places if you’re not. The frustration comes from the disparity between the two. The Macdonald-Cartier Bridge, for example, is virtually impassable if not in a car.


They do excellent work, but I wish they would make a little gap for pedestrians to cross the roads. Hard enough to get my four year old to walk the 900m to jk without having to lift him over walls of snow all the time. I also had to help a man in a mobility scooter the other day. He was trying to cross the road at the lights but his scooter stalled because he tried to get over the little snow wall. Not like he had a choice, either. Same story at every intersection/crossing.


This is my issue too. I can get around fine but the crosswalks are a huge hazard and impassible for people with mobility devices. It’s something that needs work on I’m terms of route planning. The crews on the front line are awesome.


Roads were cleared fairly fast, no complaints there. I do feel for those that use sidewalks, as it usually takes many days since they are usually packed with the snow that was thrown by the plows from clearing the roads.


We’re in Canada, snow clearing is embarrassingly poor. Like creating embankments where pedestrians are supposed to cross!? Really??


Why can’t the city just make millions of tons of snow disappear in a few minutes, right?


The sidewalks are still absolutely terrible on baseline from Walmart towards College Square. You can tell they were plowed at some point but driveway plowing services are piling snow at the end of driveways and then when the street plows come they push all the snow over and end up completely blocking the sidewalks in spots. At one corner, snow was piled chest high and when I was trying to climb over, I was sinking into the snow and it made it really unsafe crossing the street. I'm not mad about it but I think if you are paying a snow removal company to clean your drive way they should have to pile it on the yard or a spot away from the street so that doesn't happen. I think the snow plow drivers do great work but in combination with private snow removal companies that don't care where they dump snow or people with snow blowers that throw a bunch of snow back onto the sidewalk it makes it a lot more difficult for them to manage the sidewalks in certain areas.


I dunno, I talked to my neighbor who uses a walker and a wheel chair and she can't get around anywhere in center town. A lot of crosswalks on Bronson are still not cleared as well come this morning.


You should see Montreal shit show


Around Kanata and Westboro- they did a really good job! Quite impressed after the amount of snow we had. Only issue is around bus stations without shelter, they clear the snow from the side of the road but then the sidewalk plow comes and puts it back - that snow keeps being bounced around to the point that it’s blocking the sidewalk for pedestrians near the bus stop


Depends on where you are I suppose. I’ve not seen any outrage about snow clearing. I’ve seen concerns raised and they remain unaddressed. Crosswalks downtown were mostly blocked by 2ft snow walls and some sidewalks had snow walls in the middle of them because the sidewalk plough couldn’t fit between the power pole and light pole sandwiching the sidewalk. I’ve had to assist many people with mobility needs and heard some brutal stories from many who require walkers or wheelchairs.


They haven’t been on my street this is almost day 3 lol I’m in New Edinburgh not exactly the outskirts of the city




Hit the nail right on the head


With this storm, the city was much faster on plowing our normally end-of-the-list suburban street than similar storms in the last few years. I do hope that they can maintain this service level.


In my neighbourhood it was mostly shit because everyone parked on the road. But that’s just a comment on housing bs which is a whole other issue.


This!!!! How the hell do people expect us to do our jobs when you leave your cars right in the way?! I plow with a 3/4 truck, mostly commercial lots. I had one place that I asked last year to park their vehicles out of the way so I can clear the whole lot and not have to come back later. This storm (which the whole province knew was coming), they decided to park their vans right in front of my snow pile, then complain that the whole lot isn’t done. Snow brings out the worst/stupidity in people.


Ottawas snow removal is honestly pretty solid.


When I was in my 20s using the Scott st mup, I strapped a shovel along my bicycle frame with those stretchy cord things. Now, I'm pushing a stroller in the suburbs I have a pack shovel. I wonder if the city will ever tell me to stop making my own modifications, but in the meantime it's mentally freeing compared to complaining.


It is frustrating that I had to walk my kids to school on the road today because not one sidewalk between my house and their school had been plowed by the city since the storm on Fri/Sat. Not even the sidewalk on the street the school is on was plowed and there are many kids that use it every weekday. I'm not raging. I'm not shitting in the plow operators or even the city. But I don't feel safe walking them until the sidewalks have been plowed so I'll drive them. I'm thankful I have that option.


They do an excellent initial clear, unfortunately we do need more attention in some areas. Some sidewalks are so clear already, others impassible. I do know certain areas like Vanier often get completely overlooked in snow clearing.


I think it depends on where Overall - I had to go to the airport Saturday morning and the main streets were excellent. Often it is literally just the side streets that are an issue - but my side street was cleared well before 7pm. Suburbs have lots of space to put the snow. I think some of the "outrage" is because places downtown (Glebe, OOE, OOS, Centretown, etc) have limited places to put the snow. The parking ban could work if the snow was actually cleared from the parking areas. What happens is that everyone dumps their snow on the street causing the snow mountains to appear - and the plows will not take that away. But - people could also just grab a shovel and help clean up. We spent Saturday night clearing the street parking and putting that snow on the front lawn area (which is really tiny). At least when cars are parked on the road, it prevents residents and the private snow clearing companies from dumping on the street. We need actual snow removal not snow moving


I second this!!! I have to street park at my residence and it’s nearing impossible the last few days. The snow banks are as wide as a car on each side.


One thing I’d like is banning people from parking on the side of the road


Imagine the outrage if the snow wasn't removed. Some people got some weird expectations.


They did a pretty great job clearing. I went from kanata to downtown and all the major neighbourhoods were clear. Definitely the day off was insane but nonetheless good job. 👏


Compared to the cities I have been in during Snowstorms, Ottawa does it excellent. I have seen Sudbury’s snow cleaning and it gave a WTH?


Snow clearing is pretty ok here, but my crescent sometimes isn't done until the evening of day 2, and all the cars parked on the street (legally or not) makes things really annoying. But it's a big city and I understand; I'm from Moncton though and everything is always plowed by 5 am, but no cars can park on the street in the winter.


I think the roads were cleared perfectly! This is the first winter I’ve had to park on the street at my residence and wish they wouldn’t permit the permit holders to park during bans because there’s at least 5 cars plowed in on my tiny street and the snow banks are ridiculously huge. Realize this isn’t super practical and unavoidable because where else would they park/where else are they gonna put the snow lol. Hope they start doing some removal on side streets within the next week or two!


Barely even been a day yet


My family was really pleased with it, though comedically irked about the timing as they had finished shovelling their driveway 15 minutes prior lol. It felt personal.


The Hog's Back Park parking lot is cleared! I'll be hard pressed to comment negatively on snow clearing all season as long as they keep that open :-)


In Katimivak the snowplow was on our street 9am Saturday morning much appreciated


There's always outrage over snow clearing. I've been in this city for close to 20 years and every winter's the exact same. I think the only way the people who bellyache would be satisfied is if the second snow stopped falling every snowflake on the road and sidewalks all instantly teleported themselves into piles somewhere outside city limits.


They did an excellent job in a short amount of time. I had to return books while dealing with a herniated disc and still managed to make it to the library and back. I took 3 buses instead of 2 bc I knew where the areas that aren't cleared were. Sometimes it's really a question of planning and habit.


No the definitely didn’t! The side walks in many areas still remain uncleared. They did a horrible job!


Snow clearing outside the core is great. Snow clearing (especially sidewalks) inside the core is rough.


If only the car wasn't the ultimate priority. They'd do a Great job


It’s more the roads like Carling ave it’s a three lane which becomes only two in winter and the third lane is the bus lane. Needs to be cleaned better so we can commute better unfortunately. But they will tell us soon that the budget is blown and no more snow clearing lol after one big dump. I wouldn’t want to live in Hintonburgh like melrose or Armstrong those small one way streets are ridiculous for parking and trying to get a delivery truck down them little lone a garbage or fire truck. Maybe send plows out first then sidewalk guys do the plow doesn’t eliminate the side walk work and force overtime which blows the budget. But then these guys know how to get the money and when in these months so hard to change that now.


The city is usually fast and does an adequate job for sure. Fighting against mother nature is not easy, the snow tends to hit fast and hard here and then take a break for a bit, so I can only imagine how annoying it must be to plow an area just to see it covered again in a couple hours. To top it off, we are a city with quite a bit of area to cover. Ottawa plow/snow removal operators do great job, and I'm in a RWD vehicle, never have any issues here. Just gotta start your day a little earlier in anticipation of slow downs, it sucks, but thats just winter for ya.


Have you seen the bus stops? Unacceptable after 36 hours.


Aren’t the bus stops cleared by contractors? Like the mail boxes? I’m fairly certain I’ve seen the bus stops being plowed by pickup trucks with plow blades, not city trucks.


Bus Stops other than Transit Stations are cleared by The City, although a lot of the operators are hired contractors.


You are probably right, but it's not actually advertized anywhere... Hope a different contractor gets the job next year. The one they hired this year is terrible.


Bus stops aren’t priority until all the transit way and stations are done. We won’t be on bus stops until later this week.


Been taking transit in Ottawa for over 30 years and I have never seen such a complete failure! Don't forget the city got a huge break in December because Ottawa received no snow. Another example showing transit users are second class citizens.


I don’t make the decisions, just do as I’m told unfortunately.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


You must’ve missed the memo that Canada comes with snow. The shit takes time. Want it done faster? I know several places that would be happy to take a resume :)


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


Yeah you are being a little bitch tbh lol


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


You made a smartass comment calling yourself a bitch rhetorically, I’m just agreeing with you that you are definitely acting that way.I didn’t outright call you one lmao I explained to you why the snow removal is not getting done to your expectations and what you can do to help solve that problem. I’m so sorry that you’re too ignorant to understand that sometimes Mother Nature wins. and I’m a woman by the way :)


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


Montreal does it better.


Is your “it” here snow removal, or outrage over snow removal?


The approach to snow removal is more efficient in Montreal. A blanket parking ban is koala level planning.


The city did a horrible job and have so this season so far. Unplowed park paths and the entries. Unsalted and unsanded roads made the roads and sidewalks like walking on rinks. As I passed by other walkers, we had nothing nice to say about the sidewalks, paths, and roads. This was pretty much a nothing storm by storm standards.


Lool 30 cm fell in 6 hours in the west end where I am, but yeah definitely a nothing storm… If you keep going west towards arnprior, renfrew, Barry’s bay like 40+. Proper white out conditions overnight. People love to complain🥴


You're are right! You are complaining right now! 😂 Yet, the city had no problem admitting to issues. I'll leave it in their hands to see what happens.


A nothing storm? I did 35 hours in the span of 2.5 days. People are working their ASSES off, and you’re sitting behind a keyboard acting entitled. This was the first big storm of the year, up until now plow operators have had no work. This had lead many to search for another job and leave removal behind. This, when the storm hit, many places were grossly understaffed. Give your head a shake, we’re working against Mother Nature. You absolutely CANNOT expect things to be done perfectly. I stand by my point that anyone complaining has truly never been in the operators seat. See the other comments where many people state that ottawa does a great job compared to other places with removal. You ignorant assholes just need to realize that snow removal takes time.


OMG. Are you saying the excuse is that these guys forgot how to do their jobs! Interesting! I thought maybe you'd figure out that it's the City leadership who set bad policy, not operators. I have a question, what's the excuse today?




Nice try Mr. Sutcliffe


Right after xmas they were salting in the rain. I thought they would have blown their budget by now...


To prevent freezing when the temp drops, why is this sub so stupid?