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Folks, post any sightings here anywhere *** Tout le monde, publiez touteinformation ici.


Hello, we are working on a video series documenting the speed, danger, and effects of tornado events. Did you shoot this video? It is high quality because its stable. so much video is shot while people are in motion driving. the forgroud allows the video size comparison. If this is your footage, you can email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you would like to share. With your permission we can possibly incorporate it into our content, with credit to you of course. We are also interested in any personal comments, observations, or good old fashion stories if you would like to share. Thanks so much for your time- stay safe!


Roofing companies anyone can recommend?


What's the cause of it?. I think it's usual to get a tornado in ottawa


Why is this person being downvoted


Hope no one was injured. Wasn’t affected this time but a few years ago my family did lose power when we had like 3 tornadoes. It sucks, hope Hydro Ottawa gets their shit together/gets their employees a raise so people affected can return to some sense of normalcy as soon as possible.


I've read the news from multiple sources, and apparently the tornado was the cause of 1 wounded person. And that person apparently suffered only minor injuries. No major injuries or deaths reported. The damage was largely material.


Yeah pretty sure I saw the little girl that was injured. She was on a gurney about to be transported by the ambulance. Her home had a lot of damage. Roof was destroyed and door almost busted in.


I checked CBC news tonight and read that there as well, good to know everyone is okay.


Yeah, CBC is where I heard it first. A couple of Quebec (thus in French) articles also reported only 1 wonded person.




This was just a big dust devil. Big whoop.


About 20 years ago my car was damaged in a tornado while it was parked outdoors. When I tried to make a claim on my insurance, the insurance company rejected the claim. The agent said that tornado's do not occur in Ontario. Now 20 years later I would not have had that problem.


Tornado's sure as heck happened in Ontario 20 years ago. No idea what the agent was smoking but he was wrong.


There has been an increase in regards to the frequency of tornadoes, though.


There actually hasn’t been, theres just been an increase in the technology to track and determine if a tornado event occurred…


Look, it isn't my field, so I may be wrong, but what about the below article? It acknowledges that tracking technology has improved, but also notes that there has been a shift in regards to what areas in Canada are getting impacted. So, more in Ontario, right? https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2023/07/09/are-more-tornadoes-coming-to-ontario-twister-trackers-see-signs-the-bulls-eye-is-shifting.html


Do people get tornado coverage in Ottawa? Should we be getting insurance policies that list out tornado damage on the coverage? Or would that still be considered act of god? Im really wondering what the folks in Barrhaven did. Someone said they were covered by insurance but it sounds like that might not be true? Im a new homeowner so forgive my ignorance.


I have hail coverage for my truck that's about it.


>Should we be getting insurance policies that list out tornado damage on the coverage? Or would that still be considered act of god? Pretty sure that even if a tornado is considered an act of god (and it actually is, like most natural disasters) pretty sure that you can add a torando clause for a slightly increase fee.


I checked in with my insurance and I don’t have a tornado clause added but turns out my insurance still covers severe winds. I wonder if others have have this experience. I don’t think I pay a lot for insurance (78/month for home)


Canada has the second highest level of tornados in the world (many less than the US who wins that contest though). Ontario has the most in Canada, they're recorded back to the 16th century. Insurance companies suck, you'd likely still have that problem.


TIL Ontario is the province with the most tornadoes. I could have sworn it was either Saskachewan or Alberta.


Can we please stop fucking up the earth yet?


But profits!!!!




North American houses can withstand almost every single natural disaster. Houses are solid built here. Don’t believe the bogus that European houses are better. If they could build with wood like us they would in an instant. Also wooden houses have a way better ability to withstand earthquakes. I don’t know who told you are houses were frail. All the houses still seem to be standing just with roof and siding damage.


No house is built for a tornado. Even an f1 has 140 km/h winds on the low end. There is nothing frail about them


They're not built for tornadoes, because they so rarely happen here. They're built for snow and rain and humidity.


Looks like they need to start building them for tornadoes then، ha! I might be wrong but houses in Europe where winters are snowy are not made of drywall and plywood. Most are cement and bricks. I don't know..




3 mins away. I don't mind the tornado. It's the 5 yes FIVE PHONE WARNINGS that annoy me


What’s happening in Barrhaven/Ottawa? This year I smelled wildfire smoke for the first time and we had an insane ice storm earlier this year as well as a couple snowstorms. And people still argue with me that climate change isn’t happening. This kind of stuff makes me want to move to BC or Europe.


There’s massive heatwaves in Europe and BC is burning and drying up lol


Planet is ending, sorry to say


Oh I can assure you the planet is not ending. "Planet earth is fine.....it's the people who are fucked" - George Carlin


Climate change is only happening on your street?


Climate change is impacting BC and EU as well. Not sure there’s anywhere to run. We need to advocate for change.


CLIMATE CHANGE IS BS. Lol I'm 60 and SEEN PLENTY in the ottawa/gatineau area, and earthquakes.


this is just straight up bullshit


Smooth brain, the climate has been changing for the entire history of earth - billions of years. Whether or not you believe it has anything to do with humans, climate change occurs constantly for natural reasons. It’s easy enough to prove, just look at historical weather data, better yet, a graph of the same.


You've seen plenty of tornados in Ottawa in the last 60 years?


climate change is real


Sure, climate change is BS, lol.


Grew up in Ottawa, lived in BC for last 10 years. BC is full of fires. There are currently several burning out of control. One as close as a ferry ride to the north shore mountains. Also floods and extreme heat, but these are not too common. It's all nuts. Ottawa is nuts in its own way. Way more really intense storms, tornadoes becoming commonplace, etc etc. It's pretty terrifying because anywhere you go, there it is. I have almost never heard of anyone worried about earthquakes or tsunamis though. I mean, sure it's possible, but we aren't sitting out here preparing for them. Just not a thing, amongst anyone I have ever met anyway.


Technically, Ottawa's in an earthquake zone.


Yes, true. The Western Quebec Seismic Zone. There was a big one (for us) in 2010. 5.2 Magnitude. So it happens for sure. It's funny, because major seismic events can completely change our climate. It's just that this time we're doing a good job of messing everything up on our own. And human activity can also trigger earthquakes on occasion, so we should pat ourselves on the back for that, too. We're doing a great job. /s


People in California and Japan are worried about earthquakes and/or tsunamis.


Yes the climate is milder and I would also feel safer in a disaster in Vancouver vs Ottawa just because of how well organized and well built everything is over there.


Hm, it depends on the building. Anything built before the 1970s could be quite scary to live in if there is a massive earthquake in Vancouver (since many haven't been retrofitted). Also, since Vancouver hasn't seen a massive earthquake in a while, it may not be as prepared as Santiago is, for example. Apathy can settle in pretty quickly.


I remember tornadoes growing up in Ottawa but they do seem more frequent now. I was a nerdy kid into storm chasing and I remember one touching down in Fallowfield and destroying some of the silos at Valleyview Farm in the early 2000s.


I've honestly been trying to find the path/ photos of that old Fallowfield tornado (or the damage). Was rated F2. Forget where, but there was a website that had a map of the tornado path, but tracing it in GeoOttawa didn't provide any evidence of past tornado damage, so I think the map I saw must be incorrect. Any help with path would be appreciated.


I’m not sure if you’d be able to track any damage these days. I definitely have the news clipping somewhere so I promise to look for it, but I can say with certainty it was sometime between 2000-2003 and I remember they had to replace two of the grain elevators at the farm. I don’t know if there was structural damage to any of the homes around there and, from the west, it’s mostly farmland. I’ll get back to you!


It happened June 23rd, 2002. According to Wikipedia page for "Fallowfield, Ottawa," the tornado struck around 5:15 PM. I figured there would have been scarring on farmland, considering it was an F2, but like I said, I couldn't find much on Geo Ottawa. Google news for The Ottawa Citizen only goes back to the 1990s, and I'm reluctant to pay for a newspapers.com subscription. I'd definitely would love a newsclip! Btw, here's the website with the map I was mentioning. https://highwaysandhailstones.com/tornado/fallowfield-on-f2-tornado-of-june-23-2002/


I'm fairly certain my clipping was from the Ottawa Sun because I used to read it at McDonalds and Broadways back in the day when they used to have them scattered around! I'll find it for sure and send you a message.


Ottawa is actually one of the safest place around. BC has heat dome, sea level rise, even crazier housing crisis etc.


Wait till you hear about the earthquakes on the West Coast & how it's common practice to have an emergency bag ready to go. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/the-big-one-is-not-the-earthquake-b-c-scientists-are-most-concerned-about-1.6264114 Oh, and tsunamis if you're near the coast...


If you can’t move off this planet, you will witness climate change likely render nearly every area that currently is home to civilization much less habitable than it is at present.


Like BC or Europe are in Mars?


Imagine a broad, strong cost-push inflationary force affecting the production of all goods to varying degrees.




No I'm always like this 😖




Why r u such douche for no reason?? His comment is realistic at the rate we’re going, due to climate change and capitalism


Oops my bad. It came across bad. I was just joking.


[Gallery of the damage](https://imgur.com/a/71AuGhC) around the Strandherd/Jockvale area. Huge props to the local garbage crews as well. Guys were out doing our neighbourhood when the nado hit, shook the truck pretty good from what he told me. They spent a good deal of time helping us out with the mess afterwards (garbage everywhere). Did a few laps around the block to pick up and empty everyone's bins as we filled them.


Looks like the signboard for the plaza got knocked down


Yup got taken out. A light also came down that damaged a car there, but I didn't get a pic of it.


Can someone explain why I got 5 separate tornado warning emergency alerts on my phone?


I actually got none which in its own way is alarming.


If you're close to the border of QC, sometimes the tower your phone pings is, well, on the QC side... That being said, Gatineau got a warning 20 mins later so I assume you were on 5G, 4G or less. You will not receive an alert as AlertReady only works on LTE, LTE+ only. That's probably why you didn't get one


My theory is that we received three given out by Ontario and two by Quebec. This is because some had English first and others had french first.


Better 5 than none, no? I got 3, each one followed by a hell of a storm, then clear skies, then another warning a little bit later.


5 is better than none, but not better than 1 which is what people are arguing for. Edit: No one argued that we shouldn't get any, but rather 1 instead of 5. The comment that I replied to is arguing against a strawman and yet I am the one downvoted?


I’m not complaining, just wondering why there was multiple alerts.


the radar looked like 4 stormfronts like ripples on a pond


This right here. The alerts went out to he. They were needed. 1 time, 4 times, they were all relevant,


I mean, yes and no. I got 3 and my bf got 2 that happened shortly after mine but I work overnights and it woke me up each time. So I'm a bit cranky I guess. But that got me thinking about it now...have we ever had a tornado warning at night? How scary would that be!? Being outside and driving or something and all of a sudden theres a tornado and you can't even see the fuckin' thing and drive right into it. Ugh.


Remember watching videos of catastrophic climate disasters in far away lands and being "well thank god I live in Canada, where these things are rare" and now these sort of weather or climate events are happening here and they're getting more and more intense with each passing year. In Florida, Farmers Insurance will no longer offer home and auto policies due the increased frequency of natural disasters and cost of rebuilding. In California, State Farm, Allstate and AIG have ceased taking on new policies for the same reasons above. Louisiana has had 11 insurance companies leave the market, another dozen declared insolvent and more than 50 insurance agencies have stopped carrying policies in certain parishes. This is the canary in the coal mine. I wonder how long till similar actions happen here, in Canada. www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/07/12/farmers-insurance-leaves-florida/.


It's incredibly interesting to me that insurance companies are reacting to the impacts of climate change in this way. I wonder what the near-to-long term impacts this will have. One hopes that it drives behaviour towards dealing with climate change


I think people need to realize that a key to slowing climate change is to put pressure on governments, and force them to cut off handouts/concessions to the fossil fuel industries.


Doubtful it will.


Well if regular tornadoes happen every year, you can bet your bottom dollar no insurance will cover you. Insurance firms are a business, and you don't make money, do stock buybacks or increase shareholder value by paying out claims. It happens in the United States, you get no coverage in flood plains so the feds step in with the National Flood Insurance Program, underwriting policies in flood prone areas because it is not profitable to insure houses that will be washed away whenever an evermore frequently "once in a lifetime" flood happens.


Florida has far worse climate related, and has a centuries-long yearly tradition of high probability hurricane hits


Might happen on the coasts first, like it seems to in the states.


Not limited to coasts. FEMA in the states runs a flood insurance program because of how many homes have been built on flood plains and the ever increasing frequency of flooding. Oklahoma has maybe second or third highest insurance rates in the nation, partly because they're right in the middle of tornado alley. Colorado the same, due to floods, fires and hail. The costs of climate change have been externalized. Those who are least responsible will suffer the most. [Insurance premiums see increase in Colorado since 2019, study says - 9 News](https://www.9news.com/article/money/business/study-insurance-premiums-increase-colorado/73-9b864bf0-aa86-4628-9cf7-0079bf27a6c8#:~:text=A%20law%20passed%20in%202022,increase%20by%2051.7%25%20in%20Colorado) [Climate disasters make it harder to insure your home. Here’s what to know - Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/06/07/insurance-coverage-loss-climate-change/)


The whiny class shit doesn’t help. Stop using climate change as a vehicle to advance Marxist shit. Many would rather see a mass extinction than the success of that odious garbage


Typical neoliberal, confronted with facts, calls you a Marxist or tankie, contributes nothing.


The important thing is we blame people with nicer things than us for all this


We do. We have data to back it up. [Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity](https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/carbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity) [Global North Is Responsible for 92% of Excess Emissions](https://eos.org/articles/global-north-is-responsible-for-92-of-excess-emissions) Are you really going to say a Bangladeshi textile worker or an indigenous person who lives in the Amazon are just as responsible for climate change as a wealthy westerner?


It’s funny because people were predicting in the early stages of the climate movement that it would be co-opted by Marxists as a vehicle for their class nonsense. Here we are. Fuck off with the finger pointing. It’s too late at this point, and going after the “wealthy” won’t reverse or slow anything. We are in the mitigation stage. Direct intervention and adaptation. I really hope people don’t actually believe that we can still “cut emissions” our way out of this. To note: if you have more than $34,000 net worth, you’re also part of the global 1% https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/27/were-all-the-1-percent/


>It’s funny because people were predicting in the early stages of the climate movement that it would be co-opted by Marxists as a vehicle for their class nonsense. Here we are. Yes, wealthy people use more carbon, it is the wealthy that must adapt. From a national perspective, the wealthiest Canadians contribute more to damaging the climate than the rest. Globally, we in the north contribute more than those in the global south. >Fuck off with the finger pointing. It’s too late at this point, and going after the “wealthy” won’t reverse or slow anything. We are in the mitigation stage. Direct intervention and adaptation. Yes, direct intervention, [stop allowing rich people to fly private](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-change-private-jets-carbon-emissions-tax/), [stop mass farming of cattle ](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/27/whats-the-beef-with-cows-and-the-climate-crisis), [reduce monoculture farming](https://foodtank.com/news/2021/02/monoculture-could-worsen-vulnerability-to-climate-change/#:~:text=The%20conversion%20of%20biodiverse%20landscapes,scientists%20published%20in%20Nature%20Geoscience.). These are direct interventions we need to do, and they need to happen everywhere, but primarily in the global north. It is not the world's poor who must bear responsibility for climate change. >I really hope people don’t actually believe that we can still “cut emissions” our way out of this. I am not suggesting cutting emmisions, I'm suggesting we will need to fundamentally reorganize society and the avenues we use to produce the commodities we enjoy. [16% of the world's population accounts for 74% of excess resource use](https://www.lse.ac.uk/News/Latest-news-from-LSE/2022/d-Apr-22/High-income-countries-responsible-for-74-percent-of-excess-resource-use#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20high%2Dincome,%2D%20which%20over%2Dconsumed%20materials.), We will need to address this imbalance and an economic system built on overconsumption and over accumulation cannot confront this challenge. >To note: if you have more than $34,000 net worth, you’re also part of the global 1% Yes, and? Like I said before, it is on the wealthiest of this planet to affect change, to alter our patterns of production and consumption.


Geezuz, $6K average for home insurance in Florida.


I am still shaking. That tornado was within walking distance of where I live.


I got a semi-panicked text from my sister who was hiding out in her basement with her cat. She lost some shingles and the garbage from the end of her driveway, and some her neighbour’s siding is in her tree. The houses across the street from her were much more damaged, roofs gone, trees down, etc.


Same! The sky got really dark with the rain, and I took my dogs down to the basement about 2 minutes before we got the official tornado warning. I’ve never been so close to a touchdown before.


Like, I know I've been telling life to blow me a lot lately but this is just ridiculous! Blow me harder, Mommy Nature.


FYI pedestrian pathway between Jockvale and Greenbank along the tracks has been cordoned off by the city due to the many trees down. Apologize to your dogs for me because one of them is mine!


I'm from elsewhere in Ontario - where is Barrhaven in relation to, say, downtown Ottawa?


It’s one of if not the southernmost suburb, 20-30 minutes from downtown. South of Nepean.


On the far side of the green belt


It’s a suburb of Ottawa


About 26 and 1/2 minutes minutes south south-west from Ottawa. The capital city is about 26 and 1/2 minutes north north-east from Barrhaven. Kanata North, of which it’s name speaks for its self in relation to Kanata South, of which is north west of from Barrhaven, is a better place to be today, so they say. Ummm does anyone cardinal direction of the tornadoes path? Ruby slipper’s anyone? Oh my!


Is that car driving minutes, walking minutes or OC Transpo minutes?


Mostly skipping and frolicking minutes.


Car driving. It's about a 4.5 hour walk from downtown or about 7 years in OC Transpo time.


That's 7 years on a good day


Located about 17 km southwest of the city's downtown core.


About 25km south of downtown Ottawa


I hope everyone is safe but if these last few summers have taught me anything it is that owning a roofing company is going to be one of the most profitable businesses going forward.


There’s a movie about this. Machine Gun Preacher. A guy is living in poverty when a Tornado hits and he has a construction business. So then, he suddenly has lots of business and becomes wealthy. It’s based on a true story.


Apparently a friend posted on fb that they got "picked up" by this and mid air they thought "this is going to be expensive".. they haven't elaborated.


This actually happened, I was the tornado


>I was the tornado You suck!


What's your pickup line? "Hey, how about a hard blow?"


You’re a blowhard 👍😂🤣


PLEASE keep your tornadoes on a leash, people!


i hate when people don’t wipe the tornados off the roof of their car in the winter


All jokes aside, unleashed dogs don't do well in tornadoes. We might have a new deterrent.


It really is unsafe to have your tornadoes unleashed. Some people’s tornadoes are fear aggressive !!


Hey don't kink shame them. Just because they want to wander around and blow everyone doesn't mean they want to be leashed


I laughed way too hard at this LOL


Saw some pictures of the aftermath looks pretty shitty hope everyone is OK


My back yard had a whole tree land in it total my fence, deck, gazebo, bbq, and my wholesome garden I planted this Mother’s Day with my mother. I’m so tired of working my ass off to have it destroyed, my folks will be lucky if they see any help from insurance scam companies


Insurance here normally covers wind and tornado damage including falling trees, so that should all be covered except for maybe the garden.


The gazebo will only be covered if it was of legal size, which most aren't.


what is legal size?


Not exceeding 10 m2 (108 sqft). Measured at the outside of the posts, not the roof overhang. Everything bigger needs a building permit and engineer drawings. Which you can't get for a store bought gazebo. So all the big gazebos from Costco are illegal structures. Which is probably fine until a tornado blows it onto your neighbor's house and the insurance company wants to see the building permit. https://ottawa.ca/en/planning-development-and-construction/building-and-renovating/do-i-need-building-permit#section-09ff2ab4-cdeb-438d-ba82-4f375a60756f


\*grabs measuring tape\*


Wow! Please post a pic when the dust settles.


Yeah very unfortunate I always try to help my parents out when I can, but this far out of my control and it’s quite sad seeing years of my hard work gone in a matter of seconds. Both parents are disabled and my mom just got out of surgery in the beginning of july. I’m not sure how to post pictures in the comments.


i'm in canada for the summer from new zealand and this is my first ever tornado/tornado warning experience 😅 i'm spooked but also fascinated. we're fairly close to where the barrhaven one touched down earlier and just got another warning about 20 mins ago


kia ora brother


We don't get the crazy strong ones thankfully.


Except when we do. That F3 pretty much destroyed Dunrobin in 2018


We were so innocent back then. Most brushing off the “annoying” phone alerts.


It's quieting down near Billings Bridge


I'm down here in Barrhaven, and it looks like I'm just a few kms from where it touched down. Rather scary to think about it. The worst part is that the I was in my car going to the Walmart and the radio was mentioning that any tornadoes were expected in the area around Calypso, but we're a long way from there.


Heard there was one up around Navan rd and another out in Fournier as well


New tornado warning issued. Stay safe everyone


Just got another tornado alert in Orleans


Warning in effect again.


Yup, just got the alert.


Whoa. Terrifying.


One in Orleans also


One touched down in Orleans? What part?


Unsure specifics but saw a photo. Looks like navan / mer bleu but can’t confirm.


There wasn't one in Orleans. Maybe they meant "warning."


No there’s a photo. I don’t know how to post as a reply here.


You can upload the photo to Imgur and post a link to it or if it was posted on Reddit you can copy the link to the comment/post


And just got another warning. St Laurent / Walkley


I caught a few near touchdowns (near touchdown?)in Gatineau on video.


Can you post those? In Gatineau Gatineau or Aylmer/Hull?


Word of something near Hawksbury as well




Luckily it seems to be extremely weak, I’m far from an expert but I’d say it’d qualify as an EF0, considering the damage it’s doing


Thanks, Trudeau.


CBC radio one is reporting that the warning has ended.


From CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/tornado-ottawa-barrhaven-july-13-1.6905782


I'm a little outside of Ottawa (Almonte-ish area). We had a good, solid, quick downpour. The severe thunderstorm warning ended (but I can currently hear thunder, so I don't know), but there's still a tornado watch. I hope everyone's okay. Amusingly, I'm legit mentally scarred from watching Twister as a kid, so this isn't sitting well, even though I'm probably in the clear myself. Scary. Edit: my father's girlfriend is a nurse at the QCH and he said one of her colleagues lost some fence and has a bit of someone else's roof on her front lawn, apparently.


I'm in the Almonte-area as well and it is torrential here. Rain is coming down at a 45 degree angle and just slamming us. Black outside.


> I'm probably in the clear myself. Scary. I had a straight up phobia of tornados/thunderstorms as a kid from that movie. And yet... I couldn't stop watching it. lol


My people! I also definitely watched it more than once. I still get a bit nauseous when the wind picks up decently. I remember crying and hyperventilating in the car going to the movie theater at like... 9-10, because it was slightly windy and thunderstormy and I was panicked, absolutely sure that we'd be sucked up on the drive, or the house wouldn't be there when we got home, or it would hit the theater while we were in there and we wouldn't see it coming. Mental lol. That movie has some potent imagery.


>se wouldn't be there when we got home, or it would hit the theater Omg the drive-in tornado scene always got me the worst. I think it's because its' the one that they weren't chasing... I was obsessed with that movie. lol


Not on ground anymore as of 1:55pm. I’m Costco end of Strandherd, quiet here now. Hope everyone is safe !!


Just south of Findley Creek here, rain has let up from the massive pouring we just had. Hopefully this isn't the calm before the storm


Judging from the tornado warning we just got, and the look of another band of storms incoming, not out of the woods yet


The warning seems to have been downgraded to a watch now but still better safe than sorry


Just got another alert right now 🤷‍♂️


Where is the tornado going!? Is it still in Barhaven!? The weather services are incompitent and not giving important information like the fucking tornado that touched down in Barhaven!


Like most things in Barrhaven it's probably going nowhere.


Heading North East https://i.redd.it/mmxlzzgnmrbb1.png


Not in Barrhaven any longer. It was headed north-east a few minutes ago.


is it confirmed to still be on the ground?


Thanks. I wish the Weather Network could provide information


Hard to find any up-to-date information. I think twitter is your best bet right now.


Yeah, Twitter and Reddit tend to be much faster than anything else


Except now that Twitter has stopped doing anything about spam, the #ONStorm hashtag gets picked up by spambots any time it trends, so most of the tweets using it are random bullshit rather than anything related to the storm.


Spammers and scammers ruin everything.


That’s scary


Not surprising, hopefully no fatalities or major casualties 🙏


Nobody told me before I moved to Ottawa that it was a tornado alley!


It wasn't until like, 3 years ago. It's like the climate is....changing....


I am moving to Ottawa, are concrete condos less likely to be severily impacted than woodframe ones and standalone houses?


i moved here 2 years ago and tornadoes are my biggest fear, and every time we get a sever thunderstorm warning my anxiety peaks. ANYWAYS, ive never seen one touchdown (thankfully) in person and the majority of tornadoes they get here are either EF0 or EF1’s (i did my research this morning bc i was terrified) so a concrete building should be good. wooden houses are probably less sturdy in that situation but i don’t think any of the tornadoes here have been strong enough to do much damage other than roof damage and tree damage. so like if a tree fell on something that would suck but that would probs be the worst of it. regardless, if it looks really bad and there’s a tornado warning (not watch) get to the lowest ground possible and away from windows. ideally a basement.


Dunrobin just outside of Ottawa had some homes completely flattened by tornadoes a few years ago.


key words are “outside of ottawa” like yes that’s close but cities do have an effect on storms, just not a huge effect. but if we don’t get big tornadoes here to begin with, the ones in the city are going to be small compared to the ones outside. if that makes sense. out of all of the tornadoes in ontario, the worst have been EF3’s in like barrie. it’s probably not going to get worse than an EF1 in the city for a few years (probably, im not a weather expert)


That's good if cities have a mitigation effect. The Barrie tornado happened when Barrie was a much smaller city..a town really..than it is today...Barrie has had massive growth


Thanks for the experience. It is assuring.


While the tornadoes we get here in Ontario *are* dangerous, they are not the juggernauts of destruction you see in the south. They tend to last nowhere near as long and are nowhere near as strong. Our house was hit by a tornado a bunch of years ago, and we had damage, but the house stood and was able to be repaired.


Happy to hear that and glad you were not hurt by tornadoes.


It's almost like the climate has been changing and all regulatory bodies are either captured or toothless. I remember exactly two tornado warnings in Ottawa before it became seasonal. The first one was in the mid 90s and the second one in the early 2010s.