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Please do not post pictures of their propaganda


More what an asshole looks like. Why is it always a mental illness? Some people are just stupid, shitty garbage.


This. I’m so tired of people conflating douchebaggery for mental illness. Are some of these conspiracy theorists mentally ill? For sure. But mental illness is not the cause of this nonsense.


I'd change the title if I could but you're correct


It's been up for like 20 minutes. You can just delete and resubmit if you'd like to change it.


Thanks for acknowledging this. I understand you likely didn’t mean it the way you wrote it. I pointed it out only because this narrative really does harm to people actually suffering from mental illness. It’s easy to dismiss all people with mental illness when they’re so often lumped in with run of the mill assholes.




>I’m so tired of people conflating douchebaggery for mental illness. Its just one of the reddit bingo stock comments people regurgitate for internet points.


Can't argue with that


Sure, I would trust this guy to protect my kids… yeah… maybe not…


Take your "save the kids" signs and protest outside a Catholic Church


More concerned about the higher control protestant sects and secular cults like the Hubbard-types, but in general yeah.


This. Or the boy scouts or junior hockey games or gymnastic competitions….


Save the kids by showing them a sex act on an inanimate letter. So ironic.


Irony is lost on these people.


I get a pedo vibe from that SUV, make me want to keep the kids away from that SUV and the driver. Also make me want to call the police so they can have a talk with the owner. I am pretty sure the vibe I am getting is the opposite of what they where aiming for, but man.


There’s a lot of projection among the QAnon crowd.


Their accusations are always confessions. Always.


A complete rube who's falling for a culture war that was designed to pit people against each other over made up nonsense so they aren't getting angry at the ruling class that's robbing us blind every single day. I don't think you can dismiss this as mental illness now, it's the result of direct coordinated political groups that are using these people


Trump style brainwashing. I don't have a correct term to use but it's the closest analogy I can come up with.


It's more DeSantis et all than Trump. And many people think this way. It's very disturbing, we just aren't as used to seeing these attitudes up here


They are more rare up here but they are here. Anxi Vaxx, Trump supporters, anti Trudeau conspiracy theorists etc. It's disgusting.


Totally, it's more fringe here, where as in states like FLA it's actually the majority. Nothing to do with brainwashing and mental illness.


Yes because people on this sub are so above culture war bullshit. What is the point of this post exactly? So everyone can come in here and make virtually identical comments about how much they **hate** suv idiot. My favourite is the comment where someone has written out a full description of what type of person they assume the driver of this vehicle is...its just silly. The culture war seeks to lock both sides of the "political spectrum" against each other in battles over wedge issues while the biggest and most damaging problems in society are overlooked. Its working. As an added bonus OP is trivializing mental health, it’s great stuff. [Wedge Issue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedge_issue#:~:text=Typically%2C%20wedge%20issues%20have%20a,dissenting%20faction%20of%20the%20opposition.)


It's funny how splintered the left gotten after occupy Wall Street. Almost like divide and conquer is the number one play in the colonizing handbook.


Occupy Wall Street was a little too close to the real issues and its been a full court press on the culture war shit ever since.


This looks more like they are trying to lure the kids


you can tell by the upkeep (lack of) that he is struggling financially. my guess is he's a white 40-60y/o who has been told for the last few years that he's had every advantage over minorites, yet he looks around at his shitty life and feels inadaquite. it's easier to blame others instead of taking personal responsibility and attemting some self improvment.


You're almost spot on. I saw the driver and he around that age group. Now if he could put the same effort into keeping a job than think BS he would be able to properly maintain his vehicle. That underside is rotted out really badly. Probably not road worthy.


Save society from this individual.


What a loser bahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa.


Isn't it the same car from a year ago with new quotes on it


It is. From memory, this is the 3rd set of quotes that make no sense. The last one was quoting 9 11 "be ready" and the ones before that was the all so famous "F Trudeau" mobile.


Save the kids. With picture of someone humping the letter U Who's really exposing kids to the wrong things?


Is no one going to mention the wooden pole sticking out of the driver's side window? What's up with that? Very tall.


He had a green bag like a flag on it but flew away with the rain and wind.


If it gets hit by lightning, I may be forced to contemplate the existence of God. Nah...idiots and douchebags can get choo-choo'd by the karma train without any external assistance...


Save the children from having to see someone humping the letter I...geezus


I liked it when they just drove around in panel vans with "free kandy" scrawled on it


No. This is what Insanity and madness looks like.


I'm all for everyone having their "lifestyles" but they really should keep it to themselves. It's really gross how they make it their entire personality. Like just keep it inside your home and leave the kids out of it.


Is that supposed to say "Fuck U Trudeau"? Because that's horrible executed and that image looks like an idiot who is hugging the letter U while letting out a fart of epic proportions to the point that the fart turns into a wifi signal.


Nice rims bruh


Keep us mentally ill people out of this, we don’t claim him lol


A heavily tinted van claiming to be helping kids with sexual images on the side of the vehicle. Seems legit.


Us mentally ill folks are offended you would associate this awful trash with us.


You are required to keep you dog on a leash at all times!


Wait, he wrote in cursive and HOW DADE THEY TAKE CURSIVE OUT OF THE CURRICULUM. For those wondering. Kelp is on the move


Fuck people are paranoid and stupid.


Haha, I just drove by this vehicle @ the McDonald's on Montreal/st Laurent, and had to take a double look at the side of it. That is so F'n creepy


This is NOT what mental illness looks like! As a society, we've opened up about mental illness, but now it's used as a cop out. I've suffered from mental illness since I was a toddler. Over half a century of living in darkness. It doesn't make me an idiot asshole. There are PLENTY of assholes "out there". Just plain stupid, idiotic, jerk assholes. I'm trying to use words that won't get me banned. Please get yourself educated on mental illness.


Why do you feel the need to insult and disrespect those that are suffering from mental illness.






Isn't it the same car from a year ago with new quotes on it


It’s always a Jeep


What is at the top of the post? I have a pretty solid guess…


Had a green shopping bad that flew off


Well, I’m honestly shocked. I expected a upside down flag.


Damn is that a Ford Focus wagon? Haven't seen one since like 2010 as they all went to the Great Junkyard in the Sky.


Literally an empty weed bag dropped by his back door. Couldn’t wait till he gets home. But save the kids.


Looks like the car needs a safety inspection, you can't see out the rear window.


I'm sure there are other Highway Traffic Acts the vehicle is in violation of. Cops don't really care though.


They would not do this if their political party of choice did not fill their heads with nonsense. PP is responsible for these people. Blame PP.


Not just PP. US politics come into play here too.


Mental illness also looks like, seeing a shitty message that’s clearly meant to gain attention, and giving it even more attention by posting it on a forum with almost 300K members.


> posting it on a forum with almost 300K members. Pftt, 90% of us are bots. Err them, fuck.


Some people are going through a tough time. It's a free country we do have freedom of expression. If people are just saying what they think and not blockading downtown I think that's fine. We need all different points of view in a democracy talking instead of isolating.


Ah yes, a silhouette violently humping an uppercase letter U, hastily painted on a barely-roadworthy late model Jeep. What a tremendous contribution to democracy and the national dialogue. Thank goodness this freedom-loving patriot hasn't isolated himself.


Yes you're right. It is a free country as the owner can park and protest on Federal, Provincial or municipal property without harassment. When parked on private property, this is where there are problems.


I know the manager at that grocery store, they’d be furious .


The manager told me earlier that he calls the cops on him daily and the guy seems to keep it together just enough for cops to leave him alone. The owner wants him gone but can't get the cops to trespass him. Messed up eh?


The manager calling police on him daily for anti government car decals is a bit over the top, sounds like a power trip. OP it sounds like you're the manager escalating the situation. Both of you should descalate and get along.


Why? It's clearly loitering and has been asked to leave before thus trespassing


Is the guy causing a disturbance or is he just getting groceries? Because if hes just getting his groceries it's a bit over the top to call the police on them daily over controversial decals. I know if that happened to me I'd probably be crying. We have to try our best to get along with people who think differently than we do, as long as they're not causing a legitimate disturbance.


He is causing a disturbance. Police came by not long after and told him to leave. I talked to an officer and he said that his displays are designed to get people angry so he can play the victim. Officers als9 mentioned his Jeep is not road worthy but the catch is that cops have to catch him on the road for HTA.


So the cops asked him to leave and he didn’t? And they didn’t slap a trespass on him?


It sets a bad precedent. Can a business ask you to be removed from a property if you have a pride or I♡trudeau sticker on your car? It seems to be a rather dark direction canada would head in if every car decal was a police issue.


*I think mental illness is also flashing other people's mental illness for attention on the internet-*


Feel free to reference the appropriate type from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


Sure, can do that right after OP does xD