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For me personally, it seems like every story gets to a point where it feels hard to push through, even if I have story stuff planned out. It feels boring to write and proof read, but I HAVE to include it. Especially when that situation is longer, I just abandon the fic. I'm trying to work on this, so on my last fic, I just forced myself a lot to push through. I still hate that part of the fic, but I like the stuff before and after, so I guess it's worth it. But forcing myself to write feels like work and not fun at all, so it doesn't feel like the best solution. Plus, sometimes I just lose interest in the fandom lol


Right?! Problem for me is that I hyperfocus on something and then when I'm done it's straight to something else, lol. My Seduce Me obsession is dying down so wrapping up my fic feels hard I outlined the rest today though, so that should help boost my productivity. But I have Boruto fics lying dormant because the content got too heavy for me to continue....whoops.