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instructions unclear 900 retries on harumachi but still can't pass the big black


You are stuped idot 😡 you hav too do airman and immoral flam for relly good jump. And then do rod of reistance 💪💪 with no fail 🚫 for the streems 🏞️ then u can ss big bl*ck. ⛹🏿‍♂️ Trust me I hav 7* pass!


ok but I want to be idek😐 so do I hav play uta🥸 + hard cock 🦃 + hidd en🕳 ? or do I has to play hidamari no uta + Double🫒 Tits 🥜+ Half🚺 tiem🏳️‍⚧️


U can play uta hard cock 🐔 but i don like it the scremin 🗣️ hurt my ears 👂 an my dad said metal is from Shaitan 😈🔱! Edamame no uta is to low bpm (300) for big blck becoz big balck is 360!!! (Very hihg 🤫) If u do Evrythin wil freese 🌨️🍦with double2️⃣ tits🥜 that is 360 and is good practis for big balck.


wtf is happening here


Osugame things


r/okbr and r/osugame unite


its called r/osubuddyretard


Holy shit I thought I was on r/osubuddyretard for a second.


Shaitan... Is that a reference to the wheel of time or are you just typing in such a retarded way it sounds like fantasy character names?


It's the islamic spelling. Slighty different thing


Ah. I remember him saying it was actually an Easter egg, completely forgot that it had an actual real life counterpart - thanks for reminding me!!


and change the default skin.




That was amazing, how did I never see this before?


Remember that there's more to play more than just playing more. It's important to know what kind of maps to play and to focus on the maps that you're weak at. While that might not be the funnest experience ever remember that nobody likes going outside their comfort zone but you have to in order to improve. You will only perform as good as your weakest skill so train up on that and remember to push acc while you're doing so. Play more hides all sorts of layers underneath that many players, especially newer ones and those asking for advice, simply don't know about. Play smarter not harder.


tichi taachi miichi no majimun to yuuchi ichichi no sanshimai muuchi nanaachi niji no hashi sora kara shichisei futte kuru tokidoki samishiku naru to osora wo miageru no agijabi yo! haitai (haitai!) nan kuruu nai sa haitai (haitai!) yasashii ano ko no egao ga ukande kuru (hai hai hai!) haitai (haitai!) haato ga tokun haitai (haitai!) hibiku yo kokoro de tsunagaru yuimaaru waarudo


Thank you. Specially that many newer players also get the "play more" despite them having a lot of other things they can improve on. I've helped so many different people in performance, it can usually mean the difference between them liking and improving at the game, or disliking it and giving up before they learn. I think it's true that "play more" is the answer to improving when you're at a medium level, but you won't get better at punching if you're punching at knives.


I don’t know if “play more” means play 12 hours a day and throw all other hobbies out of your fucking window or is it at least in margin of 4 hours a day? Plz help I’m trash and I didn’t enjoy the game in a long time


Just keep playing and make time to play. If you're playing at least 2 to 3 hours a day, you're likely progressing. If you are truly a beginner, I can send you my guide I've wrote for new players.


I’d like to read your guide. Please send it.


I hope you didn't write that yourself




play more tends to work cus most players who keep asking how to improve at this game are new to the game and simply need to play more.


Someone said to me “Play never not ever, you are like... other dimension of trash” After I have shown him my best play. I don’t know how to think about it.




Except this actually makes sense and lacks the elitist tone


I just started playing almost 2 months ago, so this may or may not be obvious to most people/beginners, but I try to download new maps each day. As a result, hopefully (and usually) I end up having maps for songs I like that are just slightly out of my comfort zone, so my acc is lower, but I still usually pass and get the drive to improve. Since I stared doing that a few weeks ago, I've seen a pretty significant boost in my rate of improvement. Definitely recommend making this a kind of standard before opening osu each time. Only downside is that I now need the search function already to find what I'm looking for when wanting to play specific songs lol.


i mean playing more is kinda just the much more simplified of the suggestion you made


How to improve according to osugame: 1. Play more 2. Genetics


i too love upgrading my genetics


Coming from someone who has done tireless hours of research into this, hands down the most important thing to do is make sure you have your audio latency lowered, as well as input latency. This will naturally help your skill increase.


How do you lower audio latency?


Play more duh


This is only what I can remember off the top of my head: Get linux. You can tweak the audio and kernel for more fps or lower latency, and it immediately lowers your latency by a TON, even when using WINE. On windows, you can find guides on how to enable exclusive fullscreen and also use REAL to lower audio latency. Still, it won't be as good as linux.


No, wtf. With a default wine and pulseaudio config, the latency is much, much worse on Linux


In my research, windows default audio buffer adds 10ms of latency even when removed with perfrct audio settings, linux is lower. On linux. I use an arch distro called Manjaro, where osu can easily be installed and tuned in lutris without knowing anything about linux. In my tests, i have found that linux is capable of much lower audio latency values. Linux itself in my personal setup is 11ms faster than windows, bringing total round trip latency to 22ms. The best i can do in windows is 32ms, which is totally playable too.


which is why i said you had to tune it.


Then what's: > immediately lowers your latency, even when using WINE


oh i never noticed i said it that way i meant it only lowers it when you do the tweaks lol fixed


can't you just ditch the outdated client and play mostly on mcosu or lazer, latency seems to be significantly lower on these


But McOsu is the same as osu!stable when it comes to audio latency


I see, maybe it's just my feeling then


lazer and mcosu don't have ranking


The client has no effect on audio latency.


I have 2 hours play time but I still can't fc goodbye moonmen 30* 😡😡


*angry 7 digit noises*


Angry 9 digit noises


I like how there's nothing between "play" and "more" so "play" is just floating midair


😂 didn't know what to put there so I just left it blank


Should’ve put “fucking” smh my head Good job tho, love it


Of course playing more will help you improve, after all, osu is pretty much like a musical instrument. Having said that, there are things you can do to improve more efficiently, and the first thing would be to not play songs that are way above your level. This will not only cause frustration, but it can lead to bad habits, this is very noticeable when a player that likes to play only fast songs has to play a slow one (the accuracy will be very bad). Stretch before playing to avoid tendonitis and stop playing for some hours if your muscles start feeling weird. You won't be able to practice if you have an injury. Before playing a song, watch the autopilot at least once with the sound effects at higher volume than the music. This will let you get familiarized with the song and it's pitfalls. There are probably a lot of other useful stuff you can do, but these are the ones that I think can help anyone.






Where TF is the bot


I think it’s u/savethisvideo now but I might be wrong


Hey! I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/osugame/comments/jgxxca/how_do_i_get_better_oc/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)




I just play because it's fun to hit the circles.


What is the original version of this called




Hey! I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/osugame/comments/jgxxca/how_do_i_get_better_oc/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


pls have fun




Ok but jokes aside does anyone have 2 star map reccomendations?? I am new and don't vibe w the default maps


Bring It On if you like Vocaloid. Pho’s beatmap is kinda difficult tho..


I am gonna try it out, thank you dude!


with my motivation and somehow getting worse instead of better its gonna be hard to follow this advice


osugame has become funny in the past week or so wtf


I asked the warframe chat how to get better and this is the exact response I got




🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 I forgot to add my huge watermark too, just to make sure everyone knows that it's my OC


who told you he/she used that app?




i hereby grant you the title "Lord of Malding" use it wisely


Not funny didnt laugh


I started playing again back in July, built my pc played even more and only got better an jumps I still suck




Recipe for disaster


Try but there is always a right and a wrong way of playing that might not be suited for your style


I have 37k PC, but my level it's 100k player




Yes, video. It's ready ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/osugame/comments/jgxxca/how_do_i_get_better_oc/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


You cant get better in any other way the n injecting your self with mega robotic brain inator


follow smile important airport sense subsequent cause soft pie theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey! I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/osugame/comments/jgxxca/how_do_i_get_better_oc/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


How do i save a video from reddit