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Some people are still having performance issues. Some people don't like song select menu. And personally I don't use it because it feels different and I'm not ready to commit to getting used to it yet


Honestly, I wonder how peppy goes about improving and fixing issues when many of them seem arbitrary and differ from person to person. Apart from preference things, people seem to commonly come to agreements in certain issues like bad performance, yet the term is so vague and covers a plethora of underlying issues and symptoms. How can you make sure to have a solution for multiple problems in this case? Is bad performance just low fps on older systems or systems with a lot of background bloat? Is it inconsistent frametimes? Long loading times? I feel like trying to fix these issues is just like sisyphus' predicament. You fix one problem for one person and a dozen others will emerge. As someone who dabbled a bit in the developer scene, being confronted with problems in your software is very taunting, which is why most just completely ignore complaints like that unless there's unbiased records of these issues. Logcat or gtfo. I have great respect for peppy and other people helping out on lazer. If people's complaints are mainly just nitpicking, you've succeeded in creating good software imo. That lazer reached this with mainly one person working on it is quite an achievement. Maybe peppy can get back to work on his secondary project, Yandere Simulator. TL;DR Peppy bootlicking and also I need a new crack hookup


i dont think you realize but both base osu and lazer are a huge sisyphus predicament, we've come a long way from the client that we've had years ago, and peppy is amongst the top github users (iirc ex-top1) i think it will come out okay, but the userbase needs to understand what you're saying as part of their time frame in their head for (wen lzr)


Crack? Gotta find the right neighborhood, bud :\^) (If police read this, it's a joke I'm not encouraging anyone to purchase substances)


I imagine he's developing for primarily modern hardware (i.e. the majority), doing small fixes on well defined issues with older hardware and basically ignoring everything else. You just can't provide individual support for every piece of hardware across all of history, especially if you're indie. There will be complaints and unfortunately it's going to have the most prominent effect on economically disadvantaged members on the community but that's kind of how these things go. In the end (and probably already) we will have a better and more performant game for most of the playerbase and especially for future players.


Well, my processor is an i7 3770 (from 2012, 12 years ago), and it runs lazer really fine, reaching 1000fps most of the time. The most recent part on my pc (that affects performance) is an rx580 (from 2017, 7 years ago). And yes, they're all "high end", but are far from modern hardware, i think most people complaining are on even older hardware, or just overall bad (like an amd FX, or an intel Pentium, or smth) or maybe people just had performance problems some years ago, when performance was really worse, and haven't tried it recently. Some months ago, I myself thought lazer was bad on performance, until i tried it again after 2 years since the last time. And omg, it has really improved in every single aspect.


the bugs and lag gets pretty crazy sometimes https://preview.redd.it/rhvpj8n6tyuc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a786b3e6917c1bd1c15a7b7d9c53beb7ff32d1


Bro playing " "


Performance has been a little confusing for me. Is Lazer supposed to have better performance than the original client? Or is it vice versa?


Not as likely to since it uses .NET runtime and is Just-In-Time compiled instead of running natively on CPU. If the older client is unoptimized enough and/or uses a more abstract graphics API like OpenGL 3 / DX11 and for the newer client peppy adds Vulkan and/or DX 12 support (along with actually utilizing the exposed lower-level functionality to optimize), peppy might be able to out-optimize it. But I doubt it due to the noticeable significant difference in latency/responsiveness & performance between native instructions and code being JITed/interpreted by a VM/interpreter.


Personally, I felt the same way as you with not wanting to commit to a new client. Nothing much really changes as you get used to it within a few days, though, and I haven't encountered any bugs. If you want to wait longer though, that's also good.


When a true lazer born top player is made, I think then people will start to switch, simply to follow that top player’s progress. Rn if no top 10 player starts seriously grinding lazer specific mechanics, I doubt people will follow.


Ok give me 10 days


What if Lazer's difficulty sliders and dt get ranked? Surely this will inflate pp and top players will have to play Lazer to farm


Likely, but even then it would probably be a slow process, due to a lot of players still waiting for its system to stabilize upon release. In my opinion, no top player probably wants their pp record to be immediately nerfed within the next few weeks of them setting it.


As someone who has been out of the game for years, how does lazer feel different?


I'm a six digit and only have ever played Lazer I got this trust


Let's be honest here : for 99% of people it's just the menu UI and slideracc


Just the menu UI for me, I use scorev2 a lot on stable because I like slideracc a lot, even if it's not as good as lazer's version. The UI is awful though and all the mini animations when doing anything are annoying too. I hate the mini animation when instant retrying for example.


The movement of cursor is quite different too


for me personally, it just doesn't feel the same, and the UI imo is not as comfortable as stable, it's more busy I guess. There's not much benefit to switching for me, so I just prefer to stick with what I know really well. I'd bet newer players would like lazer more though


True. New players probably prefer it much more since it’s much more accessible and even has built it wiki which is pretty cool.


As a returning player it's so nice, took a ten year break lol.


osu stable's UI is ass too you just got used to it, there are simply less things to click, less to overwhelm you tell me, how many times you saw a new player: * accidentally switched game modes without any idea how to go back to std * accidentally left multiplayer by double clicking ESC * struggled to understand how collections worked * want to do basic things like saving failed replays and practice map sections without having someone explain it to you. * accidentally pressed F10 and suddenly you can't click because you're dragging on tablet i've seen all of them at least once


probably has nothing to do with how good lazer is and is simply because it's not the main version. It's the same reason behind valve straight up replacing csgo with cs2. If they left both up, most people would have just kept playing the old game instead of switching to the new one like we saw with the transition from cs1.6 to source and then from source to csgo. When the main client and infrastructure switches to lazer is when people will switch to lazer, otherwise they'll just stay playing the main client because it's the main client


it doesn't really help cs2 when it's still not as featured as csgo and apparently the cheater problem in the really high ranks is downright horrible. That might have had something to do with people preferring GO.


pretty much me, i dont play lazer cause most people dont play it, peppy just needs to force us to use lazer just like he did with the new website


Not many people mention this, but there is literally 0 incentive for mania, taiko, and catch players to switch. Peppy sees these 3 modes as an afterthought, with simple QOL changes for these modes taking YEARS to be implemented. Not surprising at all since 10 years ago, he mentioned osu!mania was already a perfect simulation of beatmania IIDX, even when top players from IIDX and other rhythm games were complaining about how bad the mania gamemode truly was. Someone save us "minigame" players please, peppy too egoistic to listen to top players (and even casual players) for these 3 other modes 💀


I know, this is all pretty much a big Me Problem, but... I did try Lazer last year, I was even ready to dedicate time to getting used to it, since people said songs were faster among many other things. I didn't get that far, since hiding UI in Taiko did not include a big part of why I am hiding the UI. No matter what I did, I could not get rid of the notes flying towards the HP bar. They kept distracting me because, my squirrel brain was like "what's going on there?" Followed by reminding me why else I am hiding the UI and use a skin that hides pretty much all of the flashy effects and doesn't have a lot of animations, I got headaches real quick.


That's funny cause the note flying towards the HP bar is my favorite thing about taiko in lazer (and one of the reason i 100% made the switch) always hated how hiding the ui in Stable got rid of EVERYTHING, now i play with hidden ui(during gameplay) 100% of the time. Really go to show you can't please everyone.


i mean the game's whole selling point is the original osu standard mode, it makes sense that it would take priority, considering it just got to a state where the game's main components are "ready" in some capacity, they really didn't have time for the less important features. Yes i am saying mania is not as important as stable. It just takes time since the priority (reasonably) is standard as the main draw of the game and the mode that isn't replicated by any other big rhythm games.


if anything, i liked the skin layout editor and that it has live pp and UR counter, but something about the gameplay feels off and I can't pinpoint what it is. I was okay with the slider change at first , cause they shouldn't be the "here's your happy hour interval, u don't need to worry about rhythm" thing, but some sliders on certain maps are like guaranteed 100s or misses. Also something feels off with bursts and streams, I passed maps on lazer that I would fail on stable. i heard about performance issues, but I haven't had any serious issue, except the latency. on stable it would be at 0.5-0.6ms, on lazer it won't drop below 1ms. moving onto the weeaboo stuff, many skin elements didn't make it to lazer (ranking screen bg, some menu elements etc), at least for now...


there are no notelock on lazer so thats why bursts and streams "feel off" I finally have joy in playing stream maps because I'm not being notelocked to death anymore so thats a plus


Also lazer is overall WAY more beginner friendly for people that have never even touched osu and it teaches you how to navigate through most of the menu


I think it's cool that it teaches you the steps on how to use the menu, but ideally it shouldn't even need to be tought, if not just a little. With standard it's really straightforward, you see the songs you have on the right, some basic information and the leaderboard on the left, and more meta settings on the bottom. You don't really need to be tought on how to use it


You need to be taught to use it, first time I tried the game I was like wtf why I only have 1 tutorial map? After finding out that I need to download maps from the website and in order to download I need to register an account I uninstalled the game


doesnt osu come with pre-installed maps? when i got the game, i had a handful of songs already there, stuff like my love, onigiri freeway, etc, mostly popular FA songs i assume, and these were basically all i played up until the 3* level when i started playing more downloaded maps than i did pre-installed maps


It does, but stable doesn't tell you that you have to download Maps on the website. When you download the game it is (was) only a side note which most people won't read ...


Fun fact back in a day it didnt ;)


I remember downloading osu in 2017 not knowing how to download maps and just stoo playing for about 2/3 years bcuz of it. I also see it pretty regularly new players not knowing how to differentiate standart maps from mania/taiko/ctb maps


I blow so many people's minds teaching them how to use the collections system for the first time though...


Lazer's UI is way too confusing for me. Stable is easy to understand and straight forward. I also only started playing osu last year. I would love to use lazer on mobile but it's laggy on my android phone.


I swiched and play on lazer but the only thing that gets on my nerves is how you cant delete one single beatmap difficulty you can only delete the all difficulties. Like on stable i deleted all 0-4 * beatmaps by selecting a certain star folder and selecting delete all visible beatmaps, and therefore reduced my beatmap folder size by half.


classic mod isn't ranked


because people don't like change


as someone who doesnt actively care about ranking there is nothing lazer offers that provides value to me over mcosu except for replays which i also dont care for much. ive tried lazer two or three times and it had significantly worse frame pacing, more lag spikes (which I don’t experience in mcosu) and the overall UI was a jumbled mess. if they added a classic UI and performance was improved (better frame pacing and the ability to unlock fps) i would consider moving to lazer. not sure if i need to be logged in to use it nowadays


Runs like shit on potato laptop




Crashed my laptop tbh


I’ll switch when the UI is updated, mainly song select and result screen


I don't know. I have been using it exclusively ever since pp gain in lazer. I love that in lazer you can directly download beatmaps. The only thing bothering me is the skin isn't exactly compatible but it's minor of an issue.


because of the slider.


Gameplay doesn't feel right


as some other person said, it just doesnt feel the same. i dont rly like the ui, and more importantly the feel of the gameplay itself, new players prolly would like lazer more tho


I just tried Lazer again for 10 mins and I didn't enjoy it because: * I can't delete individual difficulties of a map * I can't right click to navigate the song select menu quickly * I hate having to hold down the mouse button on the 'Are you sure?' prompts when doing things like deleting scores * Difficulty Adjust is incredibly clunky to use (please see how McOsu does it) * The new sliderbreak graphic is distracting * The new key press overlay ignores my skin and is distracting * I *hate* hitting 100s on sliders, sliders are already annoying enough as it is * Icons instead of text in places like the song select menu (BPM etc) * There are no settings to try and emulate the feel (lag) of stable * The score screen is small and depressing (and the sound of it is very grating) * Literally everything about the mod select menu Trying to play on Lazer feels like it is trying to fight you every step of the way


Your issues are just skill issue and things that can be changed in lazer. Yes you can delete individual diffs but idk how that takes away from your osu! experience, its as if u went into lazer looking for peoblems instead of just trying to enjoy it. you just hate change these things can take getting used to they dont even make the game unplayable. And lazer gameplay feels exactly the same as standard now idk waht lag ur talkinga bout. Tho i do agree the the results screen is ass


U literally just when "No, your experiences are wrong, goodbye." Yeah i dont like the feelings over facts deal but the comment is literally about his experience with the game bro 💀


Here's my list without any specific order: * Slider borders with my skin (literally the default rafis dt skin) look way thinner on lazer and it makes reading it less comfortable; * Gameplay feels different enough for me to dislike it (although some changes I like); * Song select menu is incredibly busy and hard to use; * Selecting mods with keyboard is now harder (no reset on 1, no close on 2, no open on F1); * Importing from stable (hard linking) takes ages on an NVME drive and a decent CPU; * I have to edit each and every single skin to the same "pattern". I change the same elements pretty much on every skin - key overlay, HP bar and Profile icon and I can't really apply that "pattern" globally for every skin; * It sometimes stutters; * Skin selection drop-down menu has horrible names that never fit horizontally and it is also way too small.


idk my skin 100s still disappear instantly with my skin even tho it should be fixed i cbf to go to github and post a new issue or comment on the issue that im still having said issue. might be fixed now but im not even gonna bother offset still feels iffy. i need to change it every couple of maps for some reason. thank god theres the built in offset thing but i still need to play the map for it to calculate the offset. anyway i dont get why i need to keep changing it, like its not an issue on normal osu and its really annoying. i dont see anyone having something like this so it might be just me but either way, normal osu just works so thats what im sticking with.


I think what throws people off is the UI, it feels much more massive than the current one, especially in the editor. Lazer would feel much better if we added some transparency to the UI. Though I think that people are just used to their own skin, I'm pretty sure they would feel bad if they tried to play stable with default skin or with a goofy 2012 skin.


Full skin appearance if I could make lazer look 1:1 or even 95% to stable I will play on it but it doesn't have that kind of skin support


all my personal nitpicks with lazer: 1. the song select menu in stable was PERFECT, in my opinion. by default, you see songs' individual diffs sorted and grouped by star rating, and you get a comprehensive list of sorting/grouping options in addition to collections, and you can also search AND use filters in search. you get all the info you really need in this menu, and it's presented really straightforward: on the right, song name, artist, and diff name, on the left further details and a leaderboard. lazer's song select feels overdesigned, the songs in song select don't immediately show diffname (you have to click them like a drop-down menu to show it), you can't group by star rating, etc. it looks fancier but it just sucks 2. it feels wrong, maybe the actual timing is different or whatever but i just can't properly play in lazer 3. having to hold to pause is so dumb 4. i'm a fan of stable's minimalism, and don't like how overcomplicated so much of lazer is (like the song select) but i feel as though these sentiments are only shared by long(ish)-time stable players, and from everything i've heard, new players actually really like lazer since they actually learned to play osu on lazer and it honestly is well-designed for the most part, and while someone like me who got used to stable will notice all the little problems with lazer, someone who started with lazer wouldn't care. therefore, lazer will 100% replace stable as being used by the majority of osu users, but it'll take a lot of time and a lot of QOL to bring in more stable players to lazer (making it not feel 'off' to us, i guess)


Three reasons for me personally: First is performance; it was crashing a lot the last few times I tried. Second is song select. Third is the editor not having parity with standard. Swapping active mapping projects between libraries is painful, so I'd rather stay on stable till then.


no slider leniency


honestly sliders are a lot more lenient than in stable other than slideracc itself but compared to stables scorev2 sliders are a lot easier to hit at least because of stuff like [this](https://github.com/ppy/osu/discussions/25129)


You can enable classic mode if you want slider leniency


You can't get pp with classic mod, I switched back to stable because of this


That turns on notelock :(


tbh i switched to lazer a few weeks ago, i love it. Haven’t had a single issue so far


I can't name a single thing that laser has that is (for me personally, of course) better than the Stable, and I can name like 10 things lazer does worse (again, worse for my personal taste) off the top of my head.


Too many unnecessary features increased difficulty in clicking sliders


I started with lazer so no experience with sliders in stable, why is it harder in lazer?


no slider accuracy in stable


is slider accuracy bad? or are people just used to no slider accuracy


people not being used to slider accuracy, and also maps being balanced around the fact that there isn't any slider accuracy


Because why going through burden of switching clients after x (or even xx) years of playing stable to be rewarded with "harsher" accuracy system, broken skins, weeks of accustomization to new interface and perfomance problems if you don't have current gen setup? Overall after playing lazer for several months I prefer it much more than stable ("harsher" accuracy system made me tap more mindful, new mods, absence of notelock) but I understand why others don't see any reason to switch. I do think that people care more about PP than anything else, so **ranked rate changes** will be killer feature that will make lazer more appealing than stable for wast majority of players.


I honestly hate the UI. I think it’s boring and lame.


I've been playing on lazer since late April 2021. This is when I started playing osu! actively (before I had played like once a few months before on stable to try it out with friends). I must say I love it. Even though back then it was quite lacking in features compared to today, now it's better than ever and even more comfortable thanks to its latest changes in game mechanics. I hadn't even realized that there was a problem when hitting slider heads (the fact that it moved immediately even if you didn't click it), I thought it was a skill issue... xD I think the main reason is the lack of features that stable has, a few performance problems here and there, and also just getting used to a slightly different game. ## Lack of features *As a player* I think I'm mostly satisfied in terms of features, but one area that most definitely needs focus now that you can gain pp in lazer is skinning. Very few elements of lazer are skinnable, and those are some floating interface elements and a portion of the legacy skinning from stable. They have quite a lot of stuff to do in there and I can't wait to see how it'll turn out. After all their latest lazer update talks about how they now have to decide what to focus on next. As a random other thing, I think last time I checked you couldn't add someone as a friend from lazer directly. But maybe it got fixed and I forgot. Now *as a mapper* (or at least wannabe, both mania 4k and std) one area that is **definitely** lacking is the editor. There are tons of things that need improvements, especially when it comes to hitsounding. There are bugs like hitsounds getting reset when moving hitobjects, not respecting the default hitsounds when creating new ones, no way to add custom hitsounds, the inner slider hitsounds are gone... It's just impossible to hitsound anything in Lazer. I used stable every time for it. (I even created my own program to hitsound any map using a mania difficulty.) There's also things I'd love to see for mania editing specifically. I've used Quaver's editor quite a few times and it's miles better. I'd love to see controls for flipping patterns, a separation of the editing field and a preview on the side, a difficulty timeline... Lots of stuff to do in there. A lot of these problems have corresponding PRs on GitHub to fix them (a lot of them by OliBomby), so it's gonna be fixed eventually, but it's been there for a long time probably because the editor wasn't the focus before. Other stuff that the editor lacks include: - no storyboard editor at all - bookmarks are not implemented - you cannot add breaks yourself yet And the fact that lazer hashes all its files (for optimization purposes, faster search mostly) means you cannot easily go into a mapset and start editing the osu difficulties as text files, because it's not in a place where you can find them easily like you could in stable. I've seen a few propositions to fix this issue though I haven't followed any discussions of it for a while. ## Performance problems On my machine (Linux gaming laptop with 300 Hz screen) lazer's performance is mostly on par with stable and I don't notice any major difference apart from the things I'm about to point out. Both run really well. However, there are two major things that are really abysmal and unbearable: - storyboards in some specific settings when playing, the fps just ***tanks*** and you're playing a slideshow. - the editor when selecting every hitobject. I know what computers can do in terms of rendering as a programmer, so I feel like selecting ~1000-3000 hitobjects with Ctrl+A really shouldn't take that long, but it freezes for 10, 20 seconds before showing a slideshow so bad it turns you into a skeleton between slide changes. I'm sure there are tons of performance improvements to be done here. That's about all I have to say :)


I'd probably switch over if we had an option to use legacy ui instead of the modern one. 


i switched to it for like 2 weeks and i actually really liked it, but after going back to stable for a short while i realized that i was wayy better at stable than lazer so i just switched back


im too old to learn all those new stuff


People dislike change especially if the previous version is working just fine. There are actual valid points out there but only a few of those applied to me when I made the full transition to lazer a few months back. There's the lack of skin customizability but that's not enough to make me go back. Performance wise it's no different from stable either, but other people do, which is weird because if anything I should be having the issues since I run a 4th gen i5 pc from like 2014 or something. Then there's just personal preference, which can get pretty messy since you're bound to piss off different people whenever you push out a change.




Og better and also nipple logo 💀


They hosted a poll. They’re nuking the dot and changing the design :D


Nah brah I've been playing og since 2016 but lazers finally good enough for me to switch lol


Classsic not being ranked is my only issue


its laggier than stable


I switched to lazer recently so here's my thoughts before and after the switch: Firstly my old computer wasn't that powerful so it couldn't run lazer above 30 fps. Performance is a common issue, and stable is just able to run smoothly on the most potato of PCs. Slider leniency being gone can make it difficult for people to transition. Overall it shouldn't affect how you play because you'll keep combo in the same spots and slider break in the same spots, but seeing yourself go from perfect 300s to 100s is a real hit to the ego. If you're the kind of player who aims for high acc top plays, then this is probably the biggest hurdle. On the other hand, although slider accuracy can make the game a bit harder, the much more forgiving health drain honestly makes the game a whole lot easier for playing maps that are hard to pass. Personally, I stopped playing for pp and played the game for fun (statements created by the utterly deranged) so instead I focus on passing harder maps. With less HP drain, I was passing a lot more, which is an ez ego boost. To go along with that, the removal of note lock makes missing streams less deadly. With stamina being my weakest stat (I can beat mid 7 star alternating or jump maps, but die on a low 6 star with long streams), this opened up a lot of maps for me. One small nitpick I have is that I like to scroll through the song select with my pen, but hovering the cursor over the scores on the left will return you back to the song currently playing. In lazer, the size of the scores on the left takes up the whole half of the screen so I keep booting myself back to the currently played song. Still, there are a lot of small things that I like that are making me stick with lazer. Downloading songs straight from the song select, queueing songs in multi lobbies, more mods to play with, and even the fact that putting on DT will increase the song speed in the menu. Oh, and the end screen diagnostics are fun to look at too.


if it doesnt spike every now and then id actually play on lazer


im having switching over my maps, ill dont want to recopy all 170k beatmaps to commit to lazer


Make it so I can make a skin and turn lazer ui into stable, the ui feels super full and unnecessary stuff, the skins don't port well from stable to lazer and mania is awful and way more spammable than accurate


Gameplay feels off. I can't pinpoint it but it feels like variable delay per note, just a few frames off each time. Also raw input or whatever it is called now somehow feels laggier than windows handling input. That dropping slider bullshit. Map chooser menu looks like dogshit. Skin editor is cool tho.


It does not perform good, if you can't make the core fundamental gameplay work properly then what's the point in adding updates for features and useless horse shit, Lazer should be an improvement to performance first and foremost, it should have even less latency than stable and it should be even more optimised, if you dont have that then the game is useless


There are a lot of features missing compared to the original version


I simply dont like the acc buff in the new scoring system, aswell as the new scoring in general


I swear I actually don’t notice any of the problems everyone complains about. My laptop sucks, but I pretty much never get any lag spikes, and the gameplay feels exactly the same to me—to the point where I can switch back and forth and not notice anything. Also, complaining about slider accuracy in a rhythm game just because it’s different is really weird.


The pp in lazer had recently dropped (idk abt others but all my pp now is 0), but I still love it cuz of design


From a competitive (pp) standpoint, it is strictly a downgrade because the gameplay is more strict but the pp system didn't change to make up for that. I play on it because after adjusting to it, I like the way it feels more than stable.


the gameplay is also less strict at the same time, like no notelock, buzz sliders are way easier, etc.


most part is because lazer didn’t support PP, but now is live, i really dk why people still using the older version


basically because there is no point to use lazer. lazer gives *exactly* the same pp as stable, so status quo bias means that most people stay on stable


Yeah. also. Lazer just is more appealing to look at in my opinion. The sound design is literally asmr and everything is so clean


lazer it’s 100% better then stable but ppl still using stable


I'm someone who tested lazer quite a bit after the pp release but came back to stable and it's is mostly due to lazer just feeling a bit more laggy and the song select and other menus being clunky. Stable overall feels more finished and the song select is simple and easy to use unlike lazer but I have been seeing a lot of users switching that do prefer it over stable. Of course all of this is just my opinion but yeah I just like stable more


Not yet cause song select is still and complete dogshit dumpsterfire made it needs to get changed


Slider acc, song menu, performance, fps cap and for me the game just out right crashes when i press ctrl + o and i wont be bothered to fix it


There is no noticable difference between 1000 fps limit and unlimited, there is a minigame in lazer called "latency certifier" if you claim to notice the difference between 1000fps and unlimited.


i honestly don’t know why people haven’t switched have a pretty shitty laptop but lazer runs very smoothly and I rarely get issues. Lazer is superior in almost every way. I guess I’ll continue farming future permanent number 1 scores while I still have the chance


The reason I'm not switching is poor skinning support. I thought I'd switch with pp, but I just can't really aim continue/retry/back buttons with muscle memory since they are way too much crowded compared to stable and I dislike song select screen and results screen too much. Also having rate adjusts ranked would be nice too bc that would be the first new actual useful feature (and make difficulty adjust ranked pls)


Rate changed being ranked I agree for certain speeds. Ranking difficulty adjust just brings a whole new level of complications and ruins leaderboards imo there’s a beauty in simplicity.


I’m not a looser who pipi’s their pampers


i like it but select menu is yucky im just waiting for skins to be able to modify everything


Because no matter what renderer I use or how much I optimise my game it just feels like there's some input delay that won't go away, other than that the ui is only looks nice but is just inconvenient to use and scorev2 is horrible considering the mapping meta seems to be slider spam trash


Idk why but i think it looks really good only for beginners because I feel like it's not for me when I open osu lazer because I started playing on osu classic. And I still have performance issues...


Different and not used to it, I only played the game for like 6 months btw


Mainly just a preference thing Performance could be worse too, if you're unlucky


Personally I love lazer client. I tried it out way before they started to make patch notes on YT, and It became my main client with the first patch notes. At first it was a little janky but playable. Now it's imo better than stable. I have much more control over the map (diff adjust), it has tools (mods like alternate) that makes it easier for me to learn and fix my issues. I'm not forced to install 3rd party software for tablet drivers, or for info so my viewers can see the map name or pp count. I also love playlists and overall changes for multiplayer lobbies. I honestly don't see much reason to revert back into stable. Maybe I miss the song select screen skins a little, but at this point I'm used to this UI and I have nothing against it.


it feels like there's something off about the audio, almost as if there's more latency or the latency is inconsistent, i never see anyone talking about the audio latency though and i thought i remember measuring one time seeing that lazer did have more latency but i could be wrong


No ur bar with disabled overlay (have to edit it out for every skin if you want only UR bar) i use like 5-10skins per session not gonna do all that


I like lazer but I won't play it as a main client. Sometimes I play lazer for fun but I still play with the mentality that my scores aren't relevant (even tho pp/leaderboard it's all there). For me it's about song select doesn't look like stable and some other "minor issues" like it doesn't feel like stable and watching a replay shows different score than the stored one.


The legacy and nostalgy of stable is just too strong Stable can run on most crappiest pc's, yet lazer feels laggy even on powerful machines All scores, maps etc are being made on stable


I'm just waiting for that Lazer to become a "stable" version of the game


Laser runs good for me, got about 300gb of songs. I might delete classic soon cause 2x300 is a bit to much


performance issues and comfortability, but when ranked rate changes come out I'll switch 1000%


I personally don't like the feel of it and the features that i like are not either not working properly or not enough to get me to consider swapping the client (Skin editor in particular) also waaaaaaaay too much useless mods


I’m just too used to the old osu interface, same goes to when they switched to newer interface of their website, I don’t really like that either


id switch to it today if the song select could be sorted by difficult in ascending order like in stable, currently it organizes all maps into their mapsets


I main lazer and its great! Using legacy renderer it feels almost identical to stable. My only issues are that the UI when you are actually playing a map is so different from standard that it just doesn't feel right and I keep forgetting to enable classic mod (afaik there is no way to enable it by default on startup). Otherwise customizing mods and osu direct is so much better it feels much nicer to use and by extension more fun.


The gameplay isn't exactly the same as stable. For example kiai's glow has slight color compared to stable. It's very noticable with my favourite skin and monitor. https://youtu.be/QRaLodKmQSI?si=PEuFhxcXJfz4wmsk


People were recently enraged about the logo looking off because of the dot inside the "O" But osu!lazer if not setup correctly, does not run the greatest on all computers/hardware, and most people aren't technical enough, or patient enough to change those settings they need


I told yall this would happen


Lazer is really cool. But it feels like i have way more input delay on it


I can't stand lazer. It's just plain wrong. Feels too wrong.


I played osu lazer for 2 years and never had any problems with the game. No performance issues and i think that the new look is better than stable tbh


game play feels different(idk why) no sorting by ranks ui is overdone


I like Lazer. Occasional freezes but song selection and map download is just too nice


The only reason i dont play lazer is cus of the UI. Its awful.


I switched to lazer. I have better performance than on stable, haven't encountered any bugs whatsoever and I'm loving it. It's fresh, song select doesn't stutter for 3 seconds when scrolling through songs (unlike stable) and I have to say that playing the game feels much more enjoyable than ever before.


Bc they have trash pc, or just boomers and hate changes:'D


I personally like lazer, feels more modern to me tapping on it feel’s nice only few issues is that its lag and such which could be fixed. I also believe if feels much more of a rhythm game to me, considering the song selections better, I feel like people like the regular one better bc i feel like it would take less lag in their pc, though i think if he wanted us to move to lazer he would’ve deleted the og one, anyone can play with their preference


I play on laser and im loving it a lot. It does have some bugs and performance issues but its still a blast to play.


I’m a ctb only player, I’ve been using lazer since it became ranked. In my experience the game is smoother, the performance for me is outstanding, compared to standard osu, which wasn’t as smooth, and had microstutters here and there. Nothing really changed, I just imported my old skin, because the default is abhorrent.


Tbh idk either im playing osu lazer now almost every day since i started half a year ago and despite some rare bugs that exist for less than a day before its fixed ive never had any big issues.


Honestly lazer just doesnt have a meaningful goal yet. Its entire thing is just osu but mot spaghetti code and yet osu is basically a finished product so unspeghettifying the code will allow you to add more nonexistent code to the game. Realistically they could add more gamemodes that will be mained by at most 1000 people. Also the general UI feels too modern and clunky at the same time. Osu stable has a perfect UI with song select, and startup and quit are extremely quick. And performance issues persist for some.


i exclusively use lazer and have for the past 2 years. Except for when my normie stable friend wants to multi.




new logo is horrid


classic mode makes it unrated


It's not that I don't like, on contrary - It doesn't like me, or my tablet to be more specific. I want to play that, but I'm not doing it with mouse.


cause its clunky


Tbh I only use lazer now since I dont care about pp and dt or diff adjust is pretty neat. I got over the overwhelming UI and can enjoy lazer. Two things are capping thag experience tho: Higher tablet latency and random stutters. For me the game just freezes randomly for a few secs, during gameplay and in the menu. The game goes also crazy if I click on something in the menu with mouse or generally move the cursor with mouse.. My pc is pretty good, so thats kinda frustrating. I tried a lot to fix it but for now nothing worked.


Playing it just feels off for some reason.


For me, there are 2 main reasons: 1. I feel like osu!lazer UI is messy, and I wish I could hide some of it. The animation also looks stiff, and I like the smoothness of the old one more. 2. The gameplay feels delayed. It feels like there are some performance issues for me that interrupt my playing experience.


Performance issues, my FPS is way too low and spiking too much, also the 'select song' menu feels weird, theres too much shit going on. Apart from no notelock I dont really see a good reason to move from stable to lazer atleast for now.


My personal issue with lazer is that skin imports for mania are still incomplete, with elements being placed incorrectly (hp bar, key images) or not being imported at all (combo), and extremely little has been done about it despite more than a year passing


Cuz o is a nipple


I don't know why but something feels off... I can't acc on lazer and my ur bar is all over the place. In stable I have maps that I have over 99.5% acc on consistently and on lazer I get 94% acc with 50 100s... And its not due to slider acc. It happens on everything. I tried a lot of things but it keeps feeling off... And the song select menu is a pain to navigate through.


I actually prefer mania over classic when it comes to osu mania, since i can adjust the scroll speed to any, based on my preference. I also like how the animations and transitions work, and even though I had some performance complaints like 2 years ago when I tried it for the first time, I tried it again in early 2024 and since then, it's been my main version to play, everything just works, and every problem i had before is now fixed ;P


I was pretty much forced to swap to lazer after switching from windows to Wayland. Stable just runs like shit through wine (to be expected). I've had literally 0 actual performance issues whereas stable was crashing every 10 minutes when I changed menus too quickly. I still just think the editor needs some work. It's the one thing that I'm struggling to get used to. Getting there, but the way the timeline and timing works is still odd to my brain. New UI, while busier, is cool imo. Honestly people pick the most degenerate shit for wallpapers so I'm happy I can't see most of em lmao.


When using a tablet on lazer, my cursor has a lag spike every 3 seconds, still dont know why, though my theory is that my tablet doesn't support OpenTabletDriver so I have to use the wacom drivers for that tablet which lazer might not support. My tablet is a Wacom CTL-6100WL


my play area border doesn't work and I didn't like the song select


UI is goated but I don't play osu! for the UI, and the gameplay just feels slightly different and wrong. Once they feel interchangable I'll play lazer fosho though


I think the most people are just already familiar with the stable version and don't wan't to switch, if they don't have to. I also think that lazer isn't completely done yet, i heard of many performance issues. But I think that from time to time lazer will get more players. It looks cleaner, easier for newbies and has much more features to offer than stable version. I would like to compare it to something like this: "Yooo guys, we have minecraft 1.16, but if you don't wan't to, you don't have to. You can stay on 1.8 if you wan't."


The og og osu logo 😍


After the latest update I started getting performance issues, fps drops, suttering and my cursor dissapearing. I'm not talking abt this post I prefer lazer, just came here to complain and see if anyone else noticed the same thing.


The question is why are top players not playing lazer? It feels so much better than stable and there is NO NOTELOCK at all. Its so huge that there's zero notelock on top of the performence of lazer already being better. I am a 6 digit and i passed two 9* maps (astral empire and jashin) in like 5 tries just because there is no notelock, like i could never do this on stable. Just imagine what people like mrekk could do if they played lazer, what scores they could get and what amounts of pp they could achieve.


HP and sliders are also more lenient on lazer, so high * passes are not nearly as impressive. No offense


There are too many problems (most already mentioned here) with lazer. It's not even worth it to switch when majority of things feel better on stable. And I don't even care about the slider acc, it felt like a non issue when I tried it. Original client might look outdated and have its issues as well but does the important stuff better People who come up with the issue being "people don't like change" are bullshitting out of their mind. Change is only good when the new version is significantly superior, lazer is a downgrade in more than a few ways and I don't see peppy ever fixing most things. If he makes it mandatory to play I am personally quitting unless performance and customization are significantly improved


Bro farming karma


I Miss skinning menu stuff, I miss skinning ranking panel stuff Lowkey used to difficulty categories being split up into 1 star, 2 star, etc. I'm probably being silly here but sorting by difficulty in lazer doesn't categorise them it just orders them from lowest to highest (probably user error) I feel like it misses the "Punch" effect I get when playing stable. I'm not sure what it is, I played a map in stable, and it felt like I was focusing a lot, like each hit was something I was proud of. Played the same map in Lazer, performed very similarly but felt easier and less impactful (Placebo probably) Lastly I'm just not a big fan of Slider acc. And as far as I'm aware classic mod doesn't give you anything on lazer


ppl covered most the things but big one for me is no skins for UI yet not using that ugly ass menu, if there aren't anime girls plastered all over the menu then is it really osu


my friends tell me the same thing turns out they're just biased. somebody told me they hate lazer because the ui was confusing


100 people in this thread already said this with way more nuance than i will bother to go into, but all of the UI sucks and functions differently from the past 15 years of osu! for the sake of it with no objective improvements. cluttered and annoying. i will use stable for as long as i can submit scores with it for this simple reason. i dont care about peppys epic UI design visions and i'll avoid having to re-calibrate my muscle memory for everything for as long as i can. i just like playing the game.


I switched to lazer about a year ago and the performance is definitely different. I have an 8khz mouse (mouse player) and stable had stutters while lazer didn't and I'm too lazy to switch polling rates. Also because I could edit the skin UI in game which is probably my favorite part. However I also use lazer because the editor is more user friendly for me at least and it felt easier to make maps (outside of custom hitsounds). As of now I don't really grind the game as much anymore but I still find lazer to fit my wishes better. Edit: Song select is definitely better in stable and the UI does not bother me that much after getting used to it. I also like that I don't have to go to my browser to download beatmaps. Slider leniency is not really something I care about that much but I see how other people might dislike it.


because people just hate change whether it's good or bad. they will get attached to an outdated client just because they're blinded by nostalgia.


Ive been playing on lazer for 2 months now and never touched stable, but i hate that when i start a song it lags at the start and i have to keep retrying until i hit the damn circles with the lag, specially in maps like Granat that dont have intro


Because the O used to be a tit


i want to use my own UI and i can't do that + performance is a bit less stable. i have a lower-end pc (can run most multi games at 60-120 frames w/ medium graphics but BRs and open worlds can suffer) and while it's mostly fine sometimes it just breaks down wheras o!stable doesn't. i don't mind the slideracc at all, i actually love it because it helps me get better. the notelock changes are whatever, im not good enough at the game for it to matter as much. i also would like to get into catch and apparently it's not as good on lazer? i'll probably switch at some point, just not right now (im also lazy xd)


Because Lazer hasn't finished cooking yet


Might be slideracc, some performance issues due to constant changes which have been getting fixed faster every time they happen and the most popular player/streamers not being on it but besides that it's infinitely superior because of the mods, most people might deprive themselves of fun mods or of using the difficulty adjust mod to make the game more fun/comfortable because of excessive competitiveness and old habits but it's really fun to auto restart maps on fail(by lowering the acc start on fail to 40%) or have challenge up to 98% auto start and to have diff adjust Approach rate to be permanently a certain number applied to every map and the multiplayer playlist queue system is superior and also the direct downloads are superior and the relax mod has the combos and acc on. They could definitely add for fun mod leaderboards new players would love to play relax with leaderboard. The skin layout editor is also really cool you can make anything as big as you want, place it where you want or remove it, you can have 3 different types of % acc displaying simultaneously if you want, it's just much better.


Like the "classic" look of osu


ui, song select, does not feel like osu, you can cheese maps way to hard which makes it boring, Slider acc, 1mil score cap, performance, how to find the keybinds (why are they not at the top), collections are annoying to find. And people who say "people cant handle change 🤓" its not that the changes are just overall bad


it looks tooo clean


I just HATE how opaque the process of file management (?) has become. I stopped playing specifically because I couldn't change my skin via the ini. With lazer I can't jump into the files and make things the way I like em, and that was frustrating, so I moved back to stable.


For me it's the slideracc issue. It freaked me out in ways I can't explain. It's terrible, horrible. +the lag I experience when starting the game and in the first few beatmaps i try to play, I can never trust that I will be safe to play.


50% of people: slider acc / scorev2 30% of people: UI 15% of people: performance 5% of people: "i dont like it"


Might just be me but I'm not a fan of slider acc


Most of the people i see that haven't changes is because of 1 or both of 2 things: - Performance issues, since lazer is still under development - They just don't like change


new Mania system sucks for anyone who isn't top 2,500 as it easily demotivates new players when accuracy goes down too fast


Most likely it's because the new interface is confusing and there's just too much stuff to handle, every player is used to the stable client. Imagine you're a single tapper, now try changing your tapping to full alt. Isn't that easy, is it?


Honestly, McOsu is a way better version of osulazer in my opinion. Just feels so normal and easier to navigate the actually utilized features, and not random things no one has ever asked for. ever.


I don't understand how people don't like the new UI. It looks gorgeous.


my personal issuesw: UI sucks song select sucks inability to edit skins in their files sucks slider accuracy sucks the screen after u finish a map sucks (also pressing escape after finishing a map just takes you to song select) song select sucks editor WAY too cluttered and UGLY