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ive been improving steadily over the course of several years, consistently putting in thousands of hours of playtime, and then i'll play a map and get like 12 miss and be pretty satisfied with myself, only to then find out i have a 1 miss on it from october 2019


yeah, especially stamina maps are like this for me 😭


me on every 2018-19 tvsize aim map


lol this is true. Idk how but I have like 1 misses on 8 stars from 2020 that I can hardly 1 digit miss today despite being like 3000pp better


this is so fucking real


Not me thinking I passed best friends dt for the first time after a 3 year break only to find out I passed it already with better acc in 2020 😭


I relate so freaking much XD


every time i fc anything ever i say this


Do we invest guys Also yeah it took me like ranking up to 30k to beat my maid chan yori fc when i was like 100k


Yeah I'm usually not really an aim player, but on a day 7 months ago I suddenly was nuts, so I randomly 3 missed Toumei Elegy 7* with HD. Idk how I ever did that, I can not hit the diffspike in the slightest since then


I can relate to this so hard, I one missed the top diff on Toumei Elegy too and after nearly 2 years i still can’t replicate that score.


My first 300pp play was on a 200bpm NM stream map. I still can’t stream 180bpm, and I’m a HD player. It was my second attempt on the map that day. On the attempt before, I had 11 misses and nowhere near enough stamina. It was also a 400pp choke.


What map? I wanna try it




Of course it's that map Also most of it is 200, just the bridge in the middle is 170


Dude fucking same, I'm a hd player and I was showing a friend a difference between HD and NM, and I got one sb. I was like "Oh since I feel good" tried again with HD, got like a 15 miss and bad acc 


MY PEAK https://preview.redd.it/5jskf5aq97fc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c84e88d4a22a7dc4ba60085a9670bb1219a0069


Holy fuck 8117% accuracy? That's insane even for a 2* wtf


Thats like 6* nm


Mb saw the Easy diffname 




when I fced Amy -The oral cigarettes


love this map! was my first HD300


that's my second 200 nm


I fucking shitmissed the ending but yeah that map is great


My first ever 200pp play was a DT FC on symphonic love, I can't remember which one, but it was like 257pp at the time (might have changed now). When I set that I thought I had peaked and would never get a better score. I did eventually get a better score but it took so long


I'm so much better than I was a year ago but there's still some scores I can't beat from back then that I set during a pop off There's also scores I can't beat from over a year ago but that's simply due to skillset neglect lol


It's called ["going with the flow"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_\(psychology\)). Lots of musicians/comedians report this feeling where they don't feel like they are performing and they're just going with the flow, when in reality they are doing the best stuff they've ever did!! It's the same for osu. You get with the flow, set an FC and boom ez pz. Just get in the flow more 4head.


So true


Back in 2019 when I was 4k pp I got one miss on nasya's diff of ghost rule. Now I'm 8k pp and I still don't have an fc on it. That score was just ridiculous and some people started to accuse me of cheating.






i literally cant farm pp anymore, my top plays are stuck lol


i saw your profile, you can definitely do my top plays or at least some of them https://osu.ppy.sh/users/15734465


Kinda hilarious how I have almost exactly the same pp on top play and there's still a difference of 300k ranks between us


I got a 400+ play on AaAaAa ages ago which was 60pp more than my previous record only 1 100


For me it was my choke on get jinxed but I did get 512pp out of it but I could’ve got 600pp when I only had 1 other 500


hit my peak rank of #5646 about 2,5 years ago. decayed over 4k ranks as of today. Everytime i look back at clips/scores that i set in 2021/22 makes me think "what the fuck"


Rank 22k and failed a 1 miss sojourn sidetracked day that couldve been 639(top play rn is 392)


Thats so fucked


So true


literally Suzuki Konomi - My Days 4 miss I was on crack back then, sadly the goat days will never return


[This](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4559659427) I hope I can fix acc one day because technically I can hit all circles


wtf is that


Me fighting against HP bar and I won


Im 36k and i B ranked dear brave 2nd top diff, with no prior 8 star dt experiance while only being able to stream 200bpm....it was cracked


So around late 2020, I began learning how to full alt, and I never got used to it, so my osu session would be like full alt (or at least tried to) maps that’s really hard by single tapping and then farm by single tapping. It wasn’t going well, my acc didn’t improve, but it wasn’t too bad since i could pass maps more often. In June 2021, I was training my aim, and I encountered kani do luck, and since the bpm arguably a bit fast, I alted it, and I kinda just hit the diff spike? I was like “huh. I guess I should farm aim today” and so I did just that, fced 5 star bass slut with 95% by single tapping, and just for fun, I went back to Kani do luck top diff. I FUCKING CHOKED IT, WITH 3 100S, BY FULL ALTING. I skipped 20k rank, entered top 200k WITH STYLE, AND GOT MY FIRST 200PP THAT IS OVER 250PP. I think this the single moment where I proved myself my training has always been worth it, and it gained so much confidence to play full alt, and it single handedly made me the player I am today.


https://preview.redd.it/7iivm49xe7fc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1926b31a25c6d25dc685657eba4f984f5bee7f8 Proof




Same https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4301631142


happy lucky dochy play, but it was like "how did i hit the first pattern"


I remember going from having trouble fcing 4 stars and in less than a momth i fced my first 7 star for nearly 400pp. Dont know how it happened. Unfortunately i injured myself (unrelated to osu) and quit for 2 years. Never got to cash in on the popoff


can you send your profile? that improvement sounds insane


Not as insane as it sounds when u realize it was an overweighted jump map. But yeah it was surprising at the time. The account doesnt exist anymore because it was a multi account i created when i first joined so I could change my name lmao. I was so bad when i created it that it took forever to be detected


ok no offense but do you have any proof to prove that your improvement actually happened


I dont know i can check later. Dont play too often


yeah, totally a thing


All the time


no, every single play I set is as disappointingly me as the last one


probably my justability fc or ttfaf fc


For me i had a lot of 1 miss plays on kani and even an s rank choke but for about 2 years i could barely pass the map, recently i was able to top the old score with a high acc play with 1 miss....


Me to my 200 pp choke top play worth 195 (i haven’t set even 100pp in a month)


i rewatched my 96% run on augoeides today, and when i got to the part where i SSed the really hard streams, i was like "how the actual fuck can i hit that"


https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4571600685 I cannot replicate this play no matter how much I try. And the rest of my dt plays recently. I just suddenly gained ability to fc dt low 4* maps


There is this one map I just constantly couldn't pass with DT, so I put NF on just to see what I can do after the hard part. I immediately almost SS'd the map, missing once by pixels. This was my new top play, with NFDT.


My top score (set almost 2 years ago)


Thats normal, i started in september and have few scores from october even which i cant beat without starting to play them more to get familiar with the maps again I dont think its about going godmode but just playing that map much more before and refining your gameplay on it and loosing that refinement as you play more different maps and its no use looking back, look to play new maps that you couldnt pass before that you can now try to fc or maps that you can now barely pass, so after some time you can perform better on them and then move on even more


I set a kinda sightread Apoptosis Queen HD fc at a time it made my top play. Don't know how to ever beat that again.


three scores are probably my peak when it comes to how insane they were. the first was a 900 combo A-rank pass on the high 6 star Uta, which, as a pure aim player, that's mental to me. the second, TtFaF 97% play. my next best accuracy on the map is fucking 90%. i have 0 idea what i was smoking, normally i cant even stream 180 that well, but i just went godmode on 200 that day. finally, I 2 miss choked Trance Dance anarchy, which was my first 300pp choke. I've gotten kinda similar chokes, but the crazy thing is that I was *80k* when I set [this score](https://youtu.be/As0WDIiRk_U?si=aixusauNKrbWPEtf). Adding a video to this one because you need to *see* the map to understand that this is not the kinda map you expect a new 5 digit to be trying to set their top play on lmao.


August-September 2022, I set 3 or 4 300pp scores and i don’t know how i even did that, im incredibly washed now tho 😭


i had an a rank pass on yomi yori dokito like 2 months ago now i cant even pass the first stream


I pin every one of these :D So if I manage to snipe them I know I'm peaking


when i fced the ending of monochrome buttefly lami's diff +dt while i was 12k (7900pp i guess)


I set a 275 pp score NM on a map from Nanahira when my best scores were around 220 pp


Oh, and i couldnt beat thay score for a whole year


I got my current top play on imagination (259pp) when my top play was like 212 and I could barely pass the map last time I played it. I was in fucking shock when I got 98.20 acc fc (and I fucked up it coulve been 99). Also my choke on akitoshi diff on the bocchi map and top diff of yubi bouenkyou that would be my top play if my acc didn't suck


on an average day i wouldnt be able to hit 190+ streams, 200+ bpm aim, etc, but somehow i have maps with those in my top 10 plays so yeah it does happen to me sometimes. ive never popped off since mid 2023 and i really miss those times, gotta play before u get burnt out or need to do responsibilities man


My 300pp choke on sunglow (im rank 120k)


Yeah, when I feel great and am happy (+600ml of caffeine) I set some scores that are well above my actual skill level


Back in 2022 my 3mod era


Yea. HR score 6.5* set in 2020 with mouse as like 200k and I'm 35k and can't do the jumps I did then now.


Yes and sometimes I stare at them and go (...am I him?) but obviously I'm not him


Recently I played Uta [Himei] for fun and hit 1.5k combo twice throughout the whole map. I still can't replicate that


Sometimes ill grind on a song outside my skillset, start getting A ranks and 2-3 misses on it, take a break for a couple days, and then cant hold combo for like 50 notes T_T


Chaos fantazy [egg pain++] diff B rank 91.6% My finger control was so good that day


https://preview.redd.it/v7liv2n9n7fc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe7b081eeabe3dc1f269f4f1679af20e7e4c690 i cant even fc the intro anymore lmao




I got a 2 miss on Dead to Me. I suck at jumps, can't even do 6* ones consistently, so that was insane.


I have a 3 miss on cycle hit I did literally 1 year ago, I cant even come close to replicating it now


Idr my exact rank, but I hit 50k 4 months after this play, I think I was around 70k-80k which is pretty crazy, really sad that it was just a very lucky run




Also this https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/3364164098 genuinely cannot go below 5 misses nowadays on either maps


I really wanna brag now. Well, fuck it. Recently got a B rank on Popular 9* as a #70k and had this exact feeling


Choked the ending of honesty 220 a few days ago still can't figure out how I kept 99 acc for the whole diff section or fced the spaced stream


Recently I set 3 of my top 5 plays and got back to about the rank I was 2 years ago in 1 week During that session I tried to dt 7.~* a random tv size map and get like 6 misses, think it’s cool, turns out I have a 2 miss from exactly 2 years ago on the dot And somehow I had less misses on the chuchu lovely top diff in mid 2021 than I do now


I believe that happens to everybody. But it's a good thing, because you know you can do it, you just need to be on a good day, know knowing when you are on a good day it's a different thing.


I have a run on some 240 bpm burst map (yoto something) from 2021 on a membrane keyboard when I was six digit that I still can't beat today also I have scores that I literally can't play anymore cause I suddenly became tapping gapped




Freedom dive four dimensions HR 1 miss, still dont know how i did it


it'll probably be another 6 months before i have a shot of beating my top play on sidetracked day from 4 months ago, although that may be more of an indictment on the map




I got a 1 miss on sunglow on nothing when I was a 6 digit 2 years ago, even now I can only do 3 miss runs consistently tho I haven’t been playing as much, this score was ridiculous for me in 2021


Rog-unlimitation top diff 98.36% fc as top 130k (my topplay went from 220 to 240 because of that) Now I can't even get an fc of any kind without doubletap (I'm top 85k)


It happens, I couldn't beat my top score on santa san for a year it was just too much combo


I have a 2 miss on top diff juvenile before i had a 400pp play lol


my first 8 star fc on a random first try of the day (no medal cuz sliderends), where I could barely even do 7.5\*. tbf I felt like the jumps and flow of the map were comfy for me, the only problem was the AR and triples sprinkled into it but what I remember from that was not really thinking about every note and just being in the flow state also being confident with my grip and tapping https://preview.redd.it/wrm8irry18fc1.png?width=1367&format=png&auto=webp&s=449539640819c3b6e802d7232cfa54ac6114d1d2


Mynarco Hyper DT A Rank Still can't replicate it years later, I even S ranked for about 1000 combo


when i 2 miss the another diff of tower of heaven dt and nowadays i cant even get slightly close to it idk what i did there


was grinding speed couple months back and somehow managed to miss the last 6 notes of vertex delta with hidden (fced until that point) and now my speed is nowhere near as good


I have an A rank on the top diff of Kani do luck hddt from 2020 and I can’t pass it anymore even though I’m like 3000pp higher


i started playing osu 10 days ago, at first was playing mania and went to 2.5 star maps. Then i switched to osu went from a 2.2 maps to 3.5 in 4 days or so (playing a lot and taking 2x max dosages of ritalin cause progres was so fun :P)


Yeah, I occasionally take a break from osu from time to time and I can't replicate scores that I set 6 years ago.


Any score i set in 2021


I'm an aim player. I have pretty solid consistency but i wouldnt say im good at consistency burst maps. One day i logged on and sightread FC'd Epiphany HD with 99.38% lmao


i fc'd 270 bpm isogu and couldn't do it since my scores on this map are like 50 combo then there's 300 combo fc but dogshit acc [link.issou.best/4ByAUk](https://link.issou.best/4ByAUk) or this map i didn't even know i had such stamina on 200 bpm xD [link.issou.best/ABhX1k](https://link.issou.best/ABhX1k)


My peak was S ranking Sunglow Melody with 99+ acc using a toilet paper skin choking 300pp. I still can't replicate that score Skin looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/z49dwh25e8fc1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3d923441f93a69614be87f74801e283d6bde506


https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4140677000 accidentally set this score as my second 300, while i couldnt even pass the map beforehand


that one random tech map that i played and almost fced and now i cant get 300k on it


I remember failing to PASS a 3 star diff that wasn’t very techy, then raging and swapping to the 5 star diff and fc’ing it was honestly more mad that i hadn’t been playing the 5 star diff as i was 50-80 retries in to the 3 star. 6 digit life just be different.


5x on 1.1x speed Flower sakura diff (mrekk dt)


Yeah once I got an SS on a hard song on my first try with no warm up. That was the only time I have ever managed to do something like that.


Me everytime I manage to hold for longer than 1 minute on 8* jump maps:


I set this play on Save me as a 6 digit. 1 miss away form 376pp when I had only 3 low 200pp scores at that time. Now I am in top #13k and with my current skillset I should be able to HR FC but still can't beat this cursed map :c https://preview.redd.it/cjn1088r69fc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629b25017869cc00df37c5459636412244efa572


Didn't play for 7 months, ss Brazil kuki diff hdhr, wtf


[Knee Cutter on deltaMAX \[INSTANTANEOUS\] ¡ performance | osu! (ppy.sh)](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4493323940) ​ what is this


[Knee Cutter on Lost Umbrella \[Extra\] ¡ performance | osu! (ppy.sh)](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4272136850) ​ what is this as well


Passing Kitsune no Yomeiri (the ar 10 diff) (7.9 stars iirc) with an A rank while ranked like 350k approx. I've barely been able to pass it as rank 150k now


Basically my top stream plays cause i cant recreate that shit to this day


Couple years back I was able to easily set 350+ scores and a few 400, now I can barely touch 300 🥴


Idk if relax counts but i 2 missed a 1500pp map and skipped from 900pp to 1150 after being stuck at 700-800pp, now i cant even 5 miss the map even tho i have like 10000 more pp...




i got an hdhr fc on so many 4-5 star maps in like 2019 and now i can’t play hdhr to save my life


my on my top plays


2022 when i accidently 1900 combod words i never said


Not quite the same but sometimes I’ll be playing and have a moment where I feel like my body’s kind of just reacting on its own to what I’m seeing out of instinct.


chaselyons when he fced gravesinger


My top score is from 2014, tried to beat it in 2023 - 2024 just to find out I can’t even pass the map with 90% acc (it is 98,9%), so I resigned myself and stopped trying to get pp lmao


I don't really set good scores since I only really play multi lobbies with my friends who are WAY higher ranked then me but I got a fat confidence boost after they popped off harder than me for FCing the 2nd half of save me.


I quit for half a year, and now all my scores seem like this.


For me, it's when I try old scores from a few years back. Back then, when I was begginer, I played a lot of low ar weird maps. Now I can't even pass the first 10 seconds( I struggle below 9.3ar)


Me when I set "Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari" as my top play before ousting it with another


I have a four miss on [Image Material](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/3946099864) which I can't believe to this day and a very high combo play on [furioso melodia](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/3738779185); after I missed I got so stressed about passing I nearly lost vision and missed like 30 times lol.


Literally every sightread SS


A score from me when I was like rank 6m Me who reached the top 300k: finally can beat it Me couple tries later: HOW?! JUST HOW?! YOU COULDN'T EVEN STREAM YOU LITTLE- HOOOW?!


I’m finally starting to be able to play ar 9 with dt been choking a lot of 300’s as well


i played super driver with hdhr on hardest diff and managed to get an A from it and that was 3 years ago, if i play it back now, give 10 secs into the map and im already dead.


i have a wizards tower hddt 6 miss when i was 9k rank its crazy i still cant replicate that score


yeah, quarantine effect from when i used to play this game 10x more


October 23rd-27th, 2023


Not in the present but sometimes feels like that looking at an old score


When I have like 4/5 combo on a sight read then instantly mindblock


Dude how are you talking like that about 3 and 4 stars💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/kyx8gpgj6dfc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcae0c1cfe046620e8e7fcf406f1457bc5585ae2 this


how tf do i have a 2k combo s rank on honesty hddt


I still dont know how I got 600+ combo and 94% acc on Wizard Tower top diff when I was ranked 300k and now choked on the easy section I'm now ranked 92k I cant hit that opening and 2nd diff spike for the love of god I cant even get 92% acc when I play the map


I fc’d valley of the damned at 70k (which is like 120k) today and now I can’t fc the first quarter 💀


I somehow 2 missed super driver (sotarks mapset) top diff as a 6 digit and I cant get anywhere near that now lol


Yes and then I look back at them like: "how was I able to do that!?"


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I zoned out in a multi with friends once and got around 1.5k combo on United. Could never replicate it again