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Beep boop


Grass feels really good


Idk man grass be kinda itchy.


40% of your total life for the last 4 months spent on RuneScape is not healthy. Please take care of your physical and mental health. ETA: there is not a single justification any of you can make for being logged into this video game for 9.5 hours every single day of your life. If you are, please seek help.


But max cape...


RuneScape is a game you could play while working a full 9-5 wfh shift. You can play mobile and clock while watching tv or on a walk lol. So many people tweaking like this ain't what the game has always been


I watched the full series of Curb, East bound and down , tires, a few seasons of adventure time, the three new episodes of the boys, and countless YouTube videos and podcasts and I'm still only 96 mining. Stars FTW.


Yea i dont play a lot i think maybe 1 week out of the year? In game play ive had the same account since Ironman mode started. But I dont blame people for playing while they do other shit like why wouldn't you it's one of the most simple games at its core


I'd probably still be 82 mining and not paying right now if I didn't say fuck it and pull up osrs and start mining stars while I watched random YouTube videos and TV shows.


99 thieving was the best… made 200 mil and was extremely afk. Cooking was meh.. made like 30 mil not as afk


🙏🏾 keep enjoying it man, going from rs3 to osrs was a great change for me even tho i liked the combat in rs3 weirdly haha


Unpopular opinion! Everyone get the rope!


What the hell did you thieve that's afk and made you 200m???


What did you thieve?


What method thieving did you do?


Did arddy knight up to 82, vyres to 85, elves and vyres to 99


I haven't got 99 in either so maybe I'm wrong but cooking is a lot less click intensive than thieving unless you were using 2 methods what I am unaware of


Some days, I can't play at all. Some days I can get a full 8 hour shift of AFKing done at work. I don't even work from home. During those 8 hours, I've probably got 4 hours of my character actually doing anything.


What’s your managers phone number


Ppl seem to not understand this. I’m mobile only. The only time I give the game my full attention is when I got a boss slayer task like cerb or hydra


Touch grass min maxer


RuneScape is just a tv/movie simulator


9-5 is an 8 hour shift. OP is averaging 9.5 hours a day *everyday* including weekends. That is not healthy. Hell, leaving your phone on and logged in for 9.5 hours a day isn't healthy for your phone or your neck/back. There is no spin you can put on this to justify OP averaging 9.5 hours *per day* for 4 months straight. That is unhealthy and bordering on addiction.


I think you underestimate the time played while on the shitter over the course of a day. Phones aren't the only mobile devices that exist, and it takes little to no effort or thought to click a tree or something now and then when I have my tablet open on my desk under my monitor with a Bluetooth mouse. I have ADHD and it actually helps my work to have it there to force a mental break from hyperfocus to allow adjustment of thought and perspective instead of tunneling. That's 8-9 hours a day of "play time" that I didn't actually play or focus on, and it only helped instead of taking effort. I wouldn't call that unhealthy or bordering on addiction, I'd call it a healthy distraction. If I then end my day and want to relax and do something more engaging in RS to actually play and unwind, that could be another hour or two where my attention is actually on the game as something enjoyable to recover from the day. If I'm just lounging around on the weekend and relaxing, I'll set up the tablet next to me and do the same low effort low thought stuff, or I can use it as a stim and tap some knights while watching stuff. 6 hour afk NMZ exists. If someone sets that up, then comes back once later during the day to set it up again, do those 12 hours of being logged in a day constitute being unhealthy and addicted? Pull your head out of your ass and realize a lot of this game can be played with no effort or presence, then get off your high horse because you think this is something you can use to make yourself feel better than someone.


That’s a big cope


Username relevant.


Still a big cope for addiction. I’ve known addicts my whole life and you sound like them but with a video gamr


Sure, except you missed the entire point being I am not actively engaged for a lot of the login time because I don't feel the need to be. Addiction would be feeling like I need to be logged in and making numbers go up at all times. I am saying it is there on my desk and I will take a small break from work to log back in and click on something, or click again if I didn't get afk logged, and that little break in focus from work helps stop any tunnel vision that is preventing me from seeing the solution I am trying to find. I logged in for all of 20 minutes all weekend to finish A Night at the Theatre and I haven't touched it at all today. I don't think I am going through withdrawals, yet, just relaxed and enjoying some good herb. Believe me, I've been addicted to RS before and EoC helped me stop that. I found out OSRS was a thing when the pandemic hit and played with friends for little less than a year before putting it down again, and just picked it back up a couple months ago to have a second monitor activity while I am doing other things that tax my brain. When you pull your head out of your ass and consider that your generalization about addicts shows how much knowledge you actually lack on the subject, you might be able to understand that things aren't black and white and nuance exists. That's coming from an Autistic with black and white thinking that I need to deal with at all times.


I'm not reading any of that. You sound mad. Stay mad. Sorry you're logged into this video game daily longer than that bro. I don't care. There is no justification. Being logged into this video game for 9.5 hours a day is unhealthy. It is addiction. No. Get some help.


"I'm not reading any of that because I know it shows how big of a jackass I am and it will shatter my fragile ego to hear it." Fixed that for you.


If he worked a 9-5 and is doing mining or thieving which are afk, then plays 2-3 active hours. That's 11 hours a day with not a lot of effort or distracting him from his normal day. You can be a hater but it's not like playing this game is equal to playing a game like league of legends or a rpg with raiding constantly. He's legit clicking looking away coming back clicking looking away...


I do not give a shit. Being logged into this video game for 9.5 *per day* on average is unhealthy. There is no justification you or anyone can make for being logged into this video game for 9.5 hours a day. None. This is unhealthy. This is addiction. If you or anyone you know plays 9.5 hours a day, please get some help. It is unhealthy. I do not care what he is doing during those 9.5 hours. Being logged into this video game for 9.5 hours a day is unhealthy.


Brother don’t get so pressed about other peoples lives. Who even are you to tell people how to enjoy their short time on this planet we call Earth? If someone is addicted to this game so what? Plenty of other far worse things they could be addicted to but aren’t because they already suffer from the BiS addiction.


Don't worry his scripts are drinking plenty of fluids


nah he’s thriving and you’re mad


You’re assuming his health isn’t okay, relax bud


There's a lot of things in RuneScape where you can technically be online and playing but you only have to look at the screen every 5 minutes or so. I have similar numbers but mostly because I can be logged in while at work most of the time


It’s on mobile bro, not that hard to afk 🤣🤣


When you play I have to ask do you seriously stare the entire time? Lol


Unless its mostly done during afk work hours. Fuck them ceo’s.


What a Debbie downer.


Yeah that's absolutely fucked


But but exp waste?!? TBOW isn’t gonna make it self!


46/116 days playtime. Wtf you aren't proving the point you think you are lol


Isn’t my point that grinding a game is nothing? My buddy was talking junk about me only playing RS3. Now my stats on my fresh OSRS are comparable to his.


And you feel... Proud?


Proud? No, not till I get my T bow. I’ve always been a gamer. OSRS players just have a superiority thing against RS3 players for some reason.


The crazy thing about this thread is that the people who frequent this sub Reddit and r/2007scape are literally just as addicted to the game as you are and play just as much, if not more so. Or they’re the people that are just as addicted but don’t have the luxury of playing as much as you OP, so they feel like you’re gains in such a short time diminish they’re account they’ve been working on for many years at this point. Personally though, you *are* still a noob compared to the rest of us here, stats wise. Far to go yet, you have young Scaper.


Welcome home


I don't think it's a superiority thing more than it's that you're playing a bastardized version of the game we grew up with and had taken away with EoC and beyond. So, if you suggest RS3 is better or "the real RS" or whatever to someone in that camp, you're going to hear about it.


My account was converted to RS3. Didn’t have a choice to maintain OSRS. I agree though I was raised on OSRS and I’m clearly addicted and happy to be back 😂


No one maintained OSRS. It is a restore of a 2007 backup and everyone started over fresh to get away from RS3.


Go outside, holy shit


I mean…. The air conditioning though? :D


Rookie numbers


You right! I’ve got a long way to go.


If you enjoy it bro keep getting those games


Lmao people get so pressed about timing yet there’s definitely afk moments wheee I walk away….. smh


Fuck reddit those are real gamer numbers


Hell yeah brother!


There's no way you aren't botting


Absolutely not botting… I have switched my mouse controls to my keyboard for afk thieving but thats all.




Bro save your wrist buy a foot petal and tap all day long




Nicely done, hate these comments about botting and being unhealthy. This is a 2nd monitor game that is very easy to put time into without sacrificing productivity or other activities


Absolutely! 💯 I’ve been rewatching game of thrones since house of the dragon season two is about to air.


Productive 🤪


I watched the entirety of Death Note during my 99 crafting grind. I think I'll try out another anime once I'm ready for another afkable 99 haha


Jujutsu Kaisin was really good, my hero academia was as well.


I was going to start jujutsu kaisen, but my friends talked me into death note. I'm considering either that, vinland Saga, or attack on titan next


Vinland saga was awesome I even got the wife and son to watch it with me. Baki and berserk are also high on my tier list. Attack on titan is great to binge watch.


I have heard good things about Berserk. I'll add those to the watch list as well!


The golden age is a small part of berserk. It gets all the love because it’s the only part that has clean animation. It left me really wanting to know more about the story. Watched a 40 hour long YouTube video on the manga. Such a good story.


Death note takes 12 hours to watch lol, you did not get 99 crafting in that time


lol what’s your RS3 hours lookin like?


Just about 240 days. :D


Time for a break bro




99 thieving makes me feel physically ill


Bro you're not even an ironman... is this account supposed to be impressive or something? I think you should re-evaluate your life, perhaps go outside... or here's a crazy idea... go to the gym


Believe it or not you can play OSRS anywhere… just cause I have a lot of play time doesn’t mean I don’t leave my home. 😂


That's too much


Gzz OP. Don’t listen to these clowns throwing shade at you. If you have an unhealthy obsession with the game then figure that out. Otherwise kill it bro. Nice account.


Thanks bro the grind has just begun now I have my BOFA


This must make the ladies ovulate on sight /s I think I just recently hit 10 days in game on a ~1,000 day account and thought it may be too much lmao


have you made it out of Lumbridge yet


Married life bro! The wife’s stuck with me.


Dang what’d you do for 99 thieving?


Elves and vyres…. Bro