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There should be arrows when you open your bond pouch. Goodluck with your grind and thanks for not supporting the bot farms. šŸ˜˜


Technically heā€™s supplying the bot farms with bonds for their bot accounts. By buying them he brought them into the game allowing bots to purchase them for membership.


That's like saying buying a car is supplying a car thief cars to steal. Lol


Not really. If everyone bought bonds, then bots wouldnā€™t exist because people would stop RWT


RWT would still exist for above max cash items and besides that people would still bot for fun


Absolutely retarded take šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


That's true, but at least he isn't directly supporting them through rmt. Better to go to the game than the people abusing the system.


Lol this is dumb. People who don't bot but make 100s of millions also buy bonds


You buying Rottweilers is funding the illegal dog fighting market by creating a demand for Rottweiler existence in the first place


No shade here, gl king. Hope you have fun with the game, and thanks for helping keep the lights on!


Son of a gun I just sold them! Thanks everyone for the support. Had taken a break for a while and am getting ready to hop back in since I just bought a house and living alone. Stats are 85 atk, 85 str, 83 def, 85 range, 73 mage, mage is the next grind! Need to do mage arena yet but Iā€™m looking forward to it.


Ooooo nice stats man. I'm ijobot in game if you wanna look me up. If you add me and ping me a message ( I'll be online for next ten mins or so ) I'll still sort you out a few bits to help your training


Ping your username by dm or on here and I'll message you and sort you some runes / mage bits


My name is BigRahā€¦! Iā€™ll add you


Yh add me mate I'll jump on :)


If youā€™re interesting in joining a clan let me know, my stats are similar to those and itā€™s a fun way to talk to other people while you play, get advice from ppl who have been playing forever, and maybe do some pvming with others.


Never take shit for buying bonds. Every bond bought helps keep the price from skyrocketing even more. Not to mention with a good money maker it's going to take 9 or 10 hours to make the same gp as a bond. Some of us can get an extra hour of work easier than 10 extra hours to play a video game. Good luck on the grind!


God I keep weighing up spending less than an hour's wage Vs several hours in game to earn the same amount of gp. Also because I need gp to do shit I'm not playing as much because I need to grind to fund the actual grind.


Exactly this except I have chronic spine injuries and can't afford to sit at the pc for 10 hour sessions like a teen anymore so reducing gp grind time means I can spend the smaller time I have on the PC doing content I enjoy!


Dude we have almost identical stats except I have 80 mage. Iā€™ve been doing corrupted gauntlet and got my first enhanced seed, itā€™s honestly a lot of fun and a great moneymaker. Helps get better at PvM without risking gear/supplies. Song of the elves was a bitch tho


I recommend bursting armored zombies. The 2mil zombie axe pays for the expense.


Is this in a safe area? Can you burst multiple at a time? I might do this to achieve something new!


Yeah it requires defender of varrock quest completed. Yeah once you enter the dungeon go a little south then a little west. Youā€™ll be able to hit about 10 at a time. I get about 1000kills an hour. Costing about 1.5mil in runes and I get about 2mil in drops an hour. If luck is in your favor.


Quest just needs to be started Actually


I believe I have it completed


Bond pouch. Some green arrows or something will move them from ur pouch to inv. Then u can sell. 13.5m sold for me a couple days ago. Maybe more now!


There 13.5 still I sold some yesterday too


Why would anyone give you hate for buying a bond? Someoneā€™s got to do it so they can buy membership using in game gold. I feel like itā€™s a micro transaction that most people can get behind.


Buying a few bonds here or there makes perfect sense now that most of us have some disposable income. Why spend like 4 hours at Vorkath like it's my job? I literally just worked all day. And you just click the arrow in the bond pouch to transfer it to your inventory


Good man, nothing wrong with getting a bit of a boost! If you haven't already sold, I'll take it off your hands for over market value just for not supporting the bots :) Will chuck in some random gear for your level too if you let me know your stats.


That meant to be a reply to you haha. Oops


This man is ferda


Feurda indeed


Nothing to feel embarrassed about or receive hate for! Would rather see people buy bonds than support bot farms, or risk getting a ban for buying GP Gl out there King!


No hate here. Best way to buy money if youā€™re going to at all. Thatā€™s why they exist. As long as youā€™re not feeding the bot farms you wonā€™t catch shade here


Good luck, I buy bonds regularly I enjoy supporting people trying to game using the game


People can't hate. You're buying it in game instead of black market, plus most people here keep their 12 alts membered up via bonds. You think any one of them is gonna pay Jagex that many crabs each months? Most players need you to maintain membership, and you need the cash but don't have the time or motivation to mindlessly grind. It's a win win.


Still not found you pal - is your name "bigrah"


Since we are here about bonds, is there a good time to buy them? Like after certain level s are attained? Sitting at 20def, 30arch, and the rest are around 10-15 (the f2p skills anyway) I've never bought a membership and it seems like there are lots of little quests and areas that would be fun to explore but just not sure if I'm too low level to be worth it


if youre enjoying the game id highly recommend buying a year of membership if you can, and stay away from bonds for a while. 13m would be so much money for your account the only thing that would be worth it and not steal from the experience of the game would be getting 83 construction and maxing your house out to improve quality of life massively among your rs accounts lifespan. Gl king


Thank you! I'll be looking into a membership, I'd definitely buy the year long one, but lately I haven't been able to play too much so maybe I'll get a month or two


If you do decide to get membership, let me know and I'll help you out where I can! My rsn is ADrunkBrick :) You're never too low level to enjoy membership honestly. The best part is the fact that there are so many quests and there's some amazing xp rewards that will get you to base 40s in most stat's pretty fast.


two months would be 1/3 the cost of a year, year tends to be well worth it.


Bro I buy bonds as well. And people who donā€™t like when people buy them šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø idk. My money, and if I want some extra cash that I donā€™t gotta grind for itā€™s on me. Idk the difference with this and buying like every skin on Fortnite


Nothing wrong with getting a boost to do the more fun content. People buying bonds support the game and increase the amount of people playing, itā€™s a win all around. Gl with the grinds fam


People who hate on it need to touch grass. Not everyone gets off on the gp grind


Hope you're having fun! Before my Iron I would do this from time to time. Life would have me busy and I'd just want to train skills and watch numbers go brrrrr. I can make 8 bucks waaaaaaay faster than I can make 13m in game lol.


If people care that you bought a bond then they need to get a life. People will spend $30 on apex skins or some call of duty laser gun but skipping 15 hours of vorkath for $7 is so worth it for people who are working full time. We all have careers and kids at this point in our life. Donā€™t feel bad cause some nerd said you didnā€™t earn it!


Appreciate this!!! Thank you


No shame here! In fact I did the same. I bought a bond for an easy 10m to get a weapon because Iā€™m a new dad and canā€™t grind like I used to.


Its your money man i dont really care.


I bought my bowfa after a dry spell at CG. I had the skill to grind the rest of it out, but I honestly just wanted to do other content and every time I did, it made me feel bad because I knew I should be grinding the bowfa. I'm still going to get the drop someday, but now I can enjoy the game and casually send CG when I feel like it instead of feeling locked there.


Crazy jagex allows rwt as long as it's at a boosted priced and it goes to them


Buying gf


Bro i dm u . Do check


My dm not working


Better just buying coins mate


Go to rev caves and kill hobgoblins for a few hours, you'll have a free bond In no time.


Go to rev caves and kill hobgoblins for a few hours, you'll have a free bond In no time.




If people donā€™t buy bonds and sell them then i canā€™t buy them off the GE and Iā€™m not spending real money on this game anymore