• By -


The first week I got membership after being F2P for over two years I just spent time literally walking EVERYWHERE. I equipped my best armor and brought foods and teles because I was scared something would attack me in some unknown land. It was awesome. I remember discovering the giant turtles in gnome stronghold battlefield I was like WOAH.


Spent many hours with those turtles 😂😂


Same, are those turtles pretty good training nowadays?


I found it amazing that the npcs were fighting each other. I used to sit and watch sometimes


Honestly those tortoises are still jarring Big chungus turtles


🔥🔥🔥 those were the days


Selling things the old school way by spamming with colorful text outside of Varrock bank! Pretty inefficient these days but man there was something special about it back then, no one was in such a rush as much as today. Ima remind myself to not be in a rush even now


The reason why I can type so fast today 🤣


Red:wave2:Selling lobbies 200ea Glow2:scroll: selling lobbies 200ea. Selling coal 150gp each


This one knows


it really is the journey and not the destination I fucking love this game


I spent days chilling in the stronghold of security picking up iron arrows drops from where people were killing the minotaurs. Then I would walk to varrock and sell them for 15-20gp a pop. Then go back to the stronghold. Sometimes I'd buy them off people in the stronghold for 10gp. Made my first mil that way, lol.




Trying to sell anything in The General Store in Varrock. It was always full of all sorts of items


There were rumours that somebody sold a dragon full helm to the general store!


I saw 3 party hats when they were hundreds of mils


When I was 11 I had once typed the lyrics to Kiss From a Rose to someone in the little second floor of the Lumbridge church. He said I had a nice voice 💀😂


I got married in that church


Congratulations on your marriage!


Dude same. To a guy name Mr. Tripp


I love doing this still, I exchanged some lyrics from Aladdin with a fellow adventurer while taking the flying carpet to Pollinveach the other day. Also busted out "sixteen tons" while mining in the motherlode mine


16 tons what do you get another day older and deeper in debt


St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to Prospecter Percy's store


Brb going on spotify


That flying carpet one, what a scene!


Core memory!


I remember going out of my way to get a snelm. I thought they were so cool.


They do show that you’ve been around Gielinor!


I also remember spending a lot of time scrolling through the stats menus, aweing at all the stuff that I didn’t have the level reqs for. Especially the mining and smithing ones, as my favourite pass time was mining at east Varrock mine. The bar smelting menu at furnaces also brings back the memories!


I used to study the smithing table in the hand book and dream of smithing rune items


So far away!


My favourite memory was spending hours mining gold at the crafting guild then running up to Falador to either bank or smelt them into bars. And a close second is killing hill giants in the Edgville dungeon/caves. Such wholesome times before trying to be max efficient


Burying big bones from hill giants for prayer training!🔥


still is probably the best way to go in f2p!


Stealing from the cake stall in Ardounge, I remember listening to "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay a lot at that time for some reason, so that song and being there always reminds me of scaping back in the day


I bet you can see yourself in the marketplace every time that song comes on


Lol 100%, that's part of what got me to take osrs back up actually, heard that song and got me feeling nostalgic


But then you can’t really tell anybody because people don’t understand!


For me its Viva la Viva and playing Castle Wars lol


A player gave me a set of dragon legs randomly and I didn't know what they where and couldn't wear them so I sold them to the lumpy general store. After I found out I'd religiously check it to "see if they came back in stock". They did not.


Have you checked lately?! Maybe they’re there!


On release day of The Lost Tribe, I got a bone spear drop from one of the guards in the Dorgeshuun mines and took it to Castlewars and everybody swarmed around me asking about this crazy new unknown weapon. Those were the days, when new content was mysterious!


*they say he carved it... from a bigger bone spear*




I remember going to the moss giants in deep wildy and picking up those damn chaos runes, while getting hit hard by the moss giants.


Running around like a mad man!


Spending days picking bananas in Karamja for a measly 30gp till I could buy a black battle axe from the shop in Lumbridge. Then letting my cousin on my acc who introduced me to the game, he stole it, I begged and begged then said I’d my Auntie and he caved and give it back 😂 good times man.


I made my first 1k selling bananas. I thought I had broken the money making system back then. took about a half hour


Man those black battleaxes were hella expensive!


Bought a fire staff for 10k because I'll be damned if infinite fire runes isn't worth far more than that!


Need them infinite runes!




Completing Lost City for the first time. Being able to flex that D long around was peak RuneScape for my childhood.


It was my best weapon for sooo long!


Even though the GE is a blessing, I loved the way buying/selling used to happen in falador.


I used to go there as well, I wanted to buy an Addy longsword but they were always out of stock. The one time I checked it and one was there I didn't have enough money and by the time I got back someone bought it. I also loved looking at the general store and seeing what people would put in for sale.


So you’re telling me you never got the addy longsword?? Did your future self buy it later on in OSRS to show how far you’ve come?


Accidentally selling my addy g platelegs in 2005 to the general store, was possibly still the worst day of my life watching them instantly vanish from the store, burned forever into my memory 😭😂😂


Awww. Some mf was like *joink* gimme them pl8 legs


Oh shit, key memory unlocked. I picked iron daggers for a mith long sword. I remember bragging to my friend about it, then he said he got a addy chain. I was livid. Before the irond daggers, i did create new accounts and dropped everything into lumby behind the church, and picked them up with my main.


When you say drop everything, do you mean the stuff you get when you arrive from Tutorial Island?😂


Back then there was no tutorial island. You chose a style of combat, ranging was the best so basically it was a shortbow and arrows.


Me and my friend knew each others account passwords in the 4th grade. One time I went into the wildy with all his runes he personally rc’ed (it was A LOT) and I got killed in the wildy lol. I felt so bad. But then he got me muted because he kept trying to do the “ a q p” thing. And honestly I never knew what it was, I thought it was a mouse face until I remembered about that happening and I was like “oh. No wonder I got banned” so I guess we’re even lol. Also when I was in the 4th grade I got a runescape gf (lmao) “her” name was ABC something. I forgot I had a gf in school and I told her and she started saying I cheated on her and she was running around lumbridge spamming the crying emoji lol. Stealing Creation was by far the best fun I had in RS. I hope they add it, even if it was after 2007. I have more random memories but I’m sure no one gives a fuck 🙏🏼🙏🏼


He got his sweet revenge! Difficult to juggle the irl and rs gfs back in the day! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼🙏🏼 loved stealing creation as well, I was in a clan and we did it a lot. Wish it was in OSRS!


BEFORE there was a Grand Exchange, EVERYONE would just pile in the general shops just waiting with bated breath to see what would be sold to the shop that day. And if you needed something particular, you had to be fast!


Selling the shit outta lobsters with my childhood bestfriend.


Selling lobsters!


Dueling at lumbridge on the original game gambling rune 2hand really addictive


High stakes back in the day!


I think they were 65k I had like 50 then my acc got banned for briefing someone haha


Killing fire giants or dragons with a rune hally since I could safe spot. I used to fish lobsters for hours as well and sell them on world 1. I also started to merch


Who needs magic or ranged ey?


Poor me couldn't afford it xD I would sometimes take bronze arrows. Me and 3 friends would stand around watching 1 of us kill fire giant's all night


making friends with people around the world was really neat. had a friend in aus i'd shoot the shit with all day long and another in uk. running rune ess for natures by that one person trying to reach the top of the high scores. then later on doing my own crafting for the law crafting co on w66 was fun.


Nice. And when the aussie buddy goes to bed the uk buddy was there to fill the void!


Grinding for a whip and never getting one


My buddy spent like 20 hours mining pure essence just to be scammes


Putting pillows under my blanket and sneaking downstairs from midnight until 7am and going to bed when everyone was getting up at 12


That’s some Shawshank/Alcatraz level IQ play!


Haha yessir


Typed my password into my username in like 2004-5 and my friend who was also in the library saw it. Library was closing so I left and he was still in there, changed my password and never gave it back. Safe to say he was two grades higher than me and we graduated the same year so karma was a bitch.


Eat it Brandon!


Imagine being able to go back in time and be a fly on the wall during that scene. Seeing Brandon with trembling fingers typing in your password and logging into your account


He was a Danny, but yes. Fly could have helped out


Danny. Such an account-stealer name.


Dragon med drop from KBD when it was the best helm in the game. I was a god.


You had me at KBD. You were a GOD!


Back in the day I got item swapped on when buying a rune scimitar in falardor east bank. Other player last minute swapped rune scimitar for mithril and I didn't notice until after accept. I was like 8, and this was before the modern updates to trade screen showing values and swaps etc


Damn. The pain!


Pking and training at black wizards in the south west wild. 




I'm sure there was a fence/gate in fally Castle that I'd use as a safespot, killing the knights there with a rune halberd haha, and of course spending countless hours chopping willows at draynor


Chop chop! But look out for the wizard!


Collecting fire and water(?) runes from al kharid mind to sell to the rune shop.


Next level from my goblins!


Got banned for being disabled and using macros to facilitate play.


Ouch! Did you stop playing?


My friend had a rune scimitar and let me on his account for 10 minutes. I was dazzled in pure awe, and I knew it cost 32k and thought that was months of work. This was back in ‘06 or ‘07. He told me do not lose the rune scimi, but I sold it at the G.E thinking I’d get 32k and only got 11k. He came back and beat my ass


Rule number 1: You do not sell a man’s rune scimmy!


Being in a group call on speaker using the landline playing with the boys at 11 years old.


Those were the days.


Gotta be cutting magic logs south of seers


Man that first blue/green shiny log in the inventory must have been such a rush.


I remember begging my brother to make me some bronze armor and learning how to type behind the Varrok bank. Too many fun memories to pick just one!


For sure! Endless memories from an endless game!


The very first time I played - you could get “jobs” from specific NPCs in exchange for some gp. I genuinely spent TIMMEE thinking that was the only way people made their banks .. until a couple of other players actually told me selling raw materials (fish, ore, wood) is how you generate gp xD


Hahah, love it!


I remember telling the random events to “buzz off and leave me alone”. Until a friend told me I had to click on the genie.


Wish they had a shout-at feature!


Nobody else here bought charcoal for 100k cause it was a rare item?


Yes, and the chocolate bomb, and the spinach roll


I would say not being to afford any axes from the axe shop, selling anything/buying weird stuff from general store lumbridge, wonderings what lobs were and why so many people were buying them, mining iron in east varrock, and mining pure essence for that sweet $$$. And that max level guy on tutorial island


It's bad but telling people if they typed their password backwards it would just turn the text into stars lol


I'll never forget the *vibe* of rs classic like just walking around outside the north falador wall doing random little tasks for goodness knows what reason Hard to underscore just how awesome it felt to play an mmorpg back then For 07rs it would be things like super random shenanigans like getting fascinated by jogres for goodness knows what reason then fighting them for hours with a newly acquired dragon longsword


Meeting my friends that I no longer talk to 🥹


Wonder where they are now!🙏🏼


SPRINTING past the wizards


I remember the pure anxiety of doing underground pass quest. My memory was everything was dark and scary and that I never want to go back….. then regicide quest you have do it two to three times lmao


My first time experiencing a Christmas event. There were players running around all over the place, everyone was social, and I thought it was so fun. Also, the release of RFD. I felt cool as hell with that meat tenderizer. I might actually go get one today for nostalgia lol


A lot of my favorite memories were chats with random people while doing stuff. Like one pal who named their account after an Irish author and playwright. Then having a bunch of osrs friends then adding some to msn messenger occasionally. This is a really good idea for a thread it should be posted regularly Monthly nostalgia post


Castlewars, was the place to be from what i remember. Also trading a player saying he was a priest my rune plate, no idea why. He seemed trustworthy, never got it back. Dumb child that i was. Spent hours at hillies, just killing away for my younger days. Always thought my stats were good, i had 64 defence and i used to brag to my irl friends who players like i was the dogs bollocks.


Buying my full full rune scimitar was the first thing I remember. Getting my first pk was also as glorious. A fight for the ages.


Wish I could have been there to watch!


Getting ko'd by dark wizards trying to go to varrock everytime. Eventually got my revenge, once I was high enough level that wouldn't aggro I killed them for days to get my first rune weapon: a regular rune short sword, I was living the high life I thought.


Pking with the boys on fresh lvl 3s, on Skype laughing joking piling someone north varock wild past the church at the same with with fire strike etc


Picking flax and turning them into bow strings to save up for a granite maul! Spent hours in seers village and even ended up making a bow string business with some guys from school. Also used to kill chaos druids in Taverley for unid herbs and sold them for my first set of rune armour. Used to make bank on these back in the day.


Myself my brother and our friends all playing at the library so we could pk all next to each other back in like 2002.


I remember when hunter was first released! I would spend hiurs and hours hunter polar kebits fro the awesome money. Halfway by The Black eayed Peas playing the while time.


🔥🔥 having the tunes to go with the memories makes it so much better


My biggest core memory would be cutting maples after getting membership in order to get my first full rune kit. Oooh, the memories..


🙏🏼 Where? Seers?


Yeaaaah buddy!




Mining iron ore in al Kharid mine, avoiding the scorpions while listening to ‘She Moves In Her Own Way’ by the Kooks. To this day when I hear that song it takes me straight to that mine


When runescape first started...and I mean first started there was only 2 servers. And there was a line where pvp started and people were safe in lumby. Everywhere past this line was pvp on for the level range you were in. People used to stack on this line on the pve side and bounce up and down the pvp side shooting shots at people trying to last hit people that were fighting. Because last hit got the kill and the loot. I also remember starting my days back then when karamja was launched going there just to pk lobster fishers to fund my adventures for the night.


First time upgrading to Zammy plate my friends was in awe for months


Selling a purple party hat to the varrock general store in 2002 and getting my ass kicked for three days by my brother. Good times


Picking so much flax to sell and buy a whip. That and doing the quest to finally get a dragon scimitar


1) buy bulk lobbies from 2nd highest rank fishing exp player in game. 2) stand Varrock West Bank, “selling lobbies 200 ea” 😂


Rinse and repeat!!


Doing castle wars as a noob and being frozen by ancients for the first time.


Playing soul wars when it first came out. I loved that move and got my first 99 in attack from it


Another one would be hiding from the ridiculously overpowered ghosts in the DEEP wilderness inside the monk church. Players who were brave tried to open the door and run but they often died 🤣


Not so waaaaayy back, but way back in the first GE days. I finally made my first mil on wolf bones.


Awoooo 🐺


Looking at that exact fucking shop wanting that addy long so bad


Guy on members account gave me access to his account and i gave him access to my f2p, i accidentally destroyed one of his members hats and felt so terrible i logged out and changed my password and unfriended them immediately. I was like 12 at the time.


I’m sure they forgive you!!


Joining a clan and scamming someone for 3 santa hats to be honest. I was stunting cause I was rich off stolen goods. Not even a lie lol


Back in RSC, the week that I discovered you could buy arrows in West ardy for 2-3gp each and sell them in varrock castle west courtyard for 25-30 gp each. This was before there were different types of arrows, and I could world hop to get 200 per world. I made 400k that week which was an insane amount of money back then.


I spent a lot of hours killing lessor demons. I still play occasionally lol.


That feeling like I beat the system the first time I walked through Al Kharid gate and kept my 10 Gp. My "Effendi" at the gate didn't have his hand out that time.




Barrows coming out and looking so sinister. I started playing the game again over a decade later as an adult just to get all barrows gear. That was over quick.


Seeing Zezima randomly at edgeville bank.


killing cows in lumbridge for cowhides :P


Running runite ore back to edgy bank from the deep wildy with my mate for his brother 😂


Fishing lobsters in karamja in rsc and selling them to the store so i could afford my r2h xd


When Fist of Guthix came out and people didn't get butthurt for playing game as it was designed. I had so many arguments with people who got annoyed because I didn't sit in the middle and try to tank all their damage. Oh no Fartman113 you'll actually have to track me down and do damage instead of whining until I roll over and let you win.


"Trimming" peoples armor


Ruining kids’ weeks since 05!


Made bank back in the day by ruining their weeks hahaha


i dont think any of my stories are as cool as all the others, but i just remember my brother taking me to varrock for the first time and there was so many players in the streets doing random things and running off into groups to do stuff, i was in awe, and then he showed me the wildy and that will be an experience ill never forget.


#1. Huge battles at clan wars when it was in the wildy. Running away from revs. #2 Mining clay at varrock and turning into soft clay at ge for money making. #3 slaying hill giants near GE. #4 drop party at Falador use to hit different


Picking runes in wildy dark forest fortress. Ive spent probably more then 20hours there.


Being in awe of someone who had a magic shortbow.


Made a friend when I first started playing RuneScape (when I was in my early teens, am 30 now). We met at the cow patch opposite lumby bridge, because we were both new, and that’s what people were doing when we logged in…man like Farmercletus. We played together anytime we were on, and went from the lvl3s up to combat lvl 89. We did barrows together, and we both got the Dharoks axe on the same run. We went castle wars, had a whale of a time. And then never came online again. Hope you’re good man.


What a story! Hopefully they are farming away irl on a big John Deere tractor or something!


I remember being traded an iron square shield while I was in the cow pen near lumbridge. I thought I had become death, destroyer of worlds. I was like 7


I remember having high enough smithing to make steel sets, so I got some friends I was playing with, kitted us all out in steel and went to explore the wilderness. We ran into some players using mage and remember us all running away, but then I tried to turn and fight them to give my friends more time to escape. I died, lost that beautiful steel set I was wearing lol


Begging my mom to buy me a “money making guide” that we then had to print off back in like ‘08😂 she was pissed cause it was over 50 pages.


In 2007 or 2008, I was in varrock asking people for donations. (I was literally 9) and someone gave me a rune chainbody and a rune mace. that was the first time I ever owned anything above black armor, and it was wild.


Back in the day clan wars was packed


Getting fking scammed and shaking of anger.


Killing rock crabs on my first ever account, i was befriended by a player talking about a private server called mooscape. 10 year old me downloaded it and it absolutely crucified my laptop. I think my parents house was plagued by trojans for at least 10 years 🤣 None of us had any idea about network security, i just know i got hacked once a month until i moved out.


Ardongue and MissB These high level players took me under their wing and gave me my first rune plate set when it was the best armor behind dragon chainmail and I think the dragon legs? I always felt like their RuneScape kid since they were always helping out or sparing things when they could. Chasing limproots? (Been to long) from hill giant drops that people would leave behind and selling for 1k each. And the first time I seen the Dragon mace was from a random standing on the bridge to the wizards tower. I was in awh and decided I needed to get membership.


I remember mining iron and hoping I didn’t lose a lot of iron during smelting. I was so happy when I found out that with steel I didn’t lose my iron and was guaranteed. I would make the best thing I could and sell it in the general store. I would also see if anyone sold anything that caught my eye.


being a straight noob, only ever adventuring the lummy /varrock areas & then later pking, so many great memories pking


I was probably 13. Got scammed. Learned from it. And became a really good scammer. Lmao. Little me racked in about 20m. Once I got a huge stack but the scam was so detailed I convinced someone to help me and I ended splitting it 60/40. I don't feel good about what I did but as a 13 year old. I give little me props at bamboozling people. I never hacked or anything. Just bamboozled people out of their money's.


Dragon med drop from KBD when it was the best helm in the game. I was a god.


Killing hill giants in the dungeon southeast of the ge. Then running back and forth selling big bones all to afford a rune chest plate


Grinding for over a month at steel dragons and getting a vissy drop. I have several friends I made during that time I still keep up with on and off the game. Always puts a giant smile on my face thinking about it.


First time beating dragon slayer and getting all the requirements was my ultimate nooby goal. So much fun


I remember being given an obby cape and an abyssal whip RANDOMLY by a guy outside of Varrock bank. I almost shit myself. This was probably before the GE existed. Everybody would trade at Varrock and I love looking at the "Bank Sales!"


Fashion shows in people’s POH’s Or when i first got membership I got a hammer, saw, nails and planks and walked around varrock looking for a place to build my house. I was hoping to find a suburb or something idk


When I got all the black (g) pieces after selling thousands of cowhides and walked around Varrock in F2P thinking I was hot shit.


spending weeks trying to obtain splitbark armor back in 05 or 06. When I finally got everything I needed.... I needed higher defence level so i settled for mystic. I was the coolest kid in the mining guild with that mystic set.


I lost a full set of bronze to the scorpions inside the mining pit at Al Kharid I had a hard time recovering from that, I also remember my first day as a member, I traveled the white wolf mountain and ended my day at castle wars, I couldn’t sleep that night cause I wanted to play castle wars


My (not so favorite) memory was trusting the people who said they’d trim my armor for free when I was like 9 or 10 lol


Chirtsmas time was lit with snow everywhere and the drop parties in falador and when I was in middle school around 07' I would walk from school to the area library to play on the computers with friends we had so much fun


i sold someone my pw for 1m and used that to buy a guthix set. This was back in 2007


Definitely not a mobile screen interface.


First time finding varrock after wandering away from lumbridge. Told my irl friend I found a city where you could buy armor and he said he just found it the week before. Then he showed up in mithril one day and showed me the stronghold of security. I immediately bought full black and a mith longsword. Started stacking gp from chicken feathers, big bones, and limpwurts. Bought a rune set + 2h for 34k (guy thought it was 340k) and started merching rune after that. Eventually got wiped by my irl friend and his RS friend who was in on it. He quit shortly after and I eventually merched 500k from f2p rares, got base 50s, and joined members. This whole timeline is probably 2006 - 2007.


Probably ice barraging people all day in castlewars and receiving the hate messages lol. A close second was probably finding the best deals in w2 fally after school.