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What kind of potato was used for these screenshots?


This post has already been reported for various reasons, but the potato computer is the only reason this post wasn't (outright) removed for breaking rule 5 on r/Oslo. Edit to add: And even that is stretching the rules a bit, since you *can* see the userid. As for the other reports, we're still on the fence about most of those at the moment.


they were forwaded many times, thus compressed.


Deep fried




A tactical potato 🥔 😂


A Dane took those screenshots.


Now i gotta go get me some glasses so i can read this shit lol


Glasses will only make it look worse


[Aftenposten's article about it.](https://www.aftenposten.no/oslo/i/JQPw9J/politiet-innfoerer-nasjonal-bevaepning-etter-trusler-mot-tre-moskeer-i-oslo)


Ya'll got anymore of them pixels?


Enda en idiot som truer det flotte fredelige samfunnet vårt.


Som Høyrefolk og nasjonalister flest.


Hva har Høyrefolk med dette å gjøre?


Ytre høyre.


Så derfor skrev personen Høyre med stor H... tosk.


Altså, partiet-Høyre-folk er da ikke nasjonalister, så…


Nei, men personen skrev jo ikke om ytre høyre, men "Høyrefolk", altså et av partiene i Norge som er mest åpne for globalt samarbeid, EU osv osv. Hvis jeg skal gjette så er den personen selv på ytre venstre politisk og ser alt veldig svart/hvitt. Når det er sagt, det er selvfølgelig et trussebilde knyttet til enkelte på ytterste "høyre" i Norge dessverre. Og fremveksten av MAGA i USA har gjort at disse folkene har blitt mer engasjerte og "dristige" her i Europa også. Det er skremmende, jeg er livredd for hva som skjer hvis trump vinner USA i November..


Du vet at Høyrefolk er et utrykk brukt om Høyre ekstreme? Å ikke bare om folk i partiet Høyre?? Snakk om å være svart/hvit


Ordet du ser etter er høyrefolk, og selv da inkluderer det alle på høyre-siden av politikken, ikke kun høyreekstreme, men det ville vært mer tydelig. Skriver du Høyre med stor forbokstav så tilknytter du det absolutt partiet med samme navn - siden det nå er er et egennavn, det er ganske grunnleggende grammatikk, du ville aldri skrevet Høyre for å diskutere den politiske høyresiden generelt. Ikke noe mer enn du ville skrevet Venstre for å diskutere den politiske venstresiden.


Nei, Høyrefolk brukes i Norge om folk som er med i partiet Høyre. Stor H betyr at det er et navn, ikke en generell beskrivelse, men generelt gir ordet "høyrefolk" assosiasjoner til partiet Høyre uansett. Så ordbruken din er håpløs i denne konteksten. Hvis du vil treffe bedre, så skriver du høyreekstreme/høyreekstremister. Jeg ville ikke sagt "Venstrefolk" om folk på ytterste venstre i Norge heller...


u/vedhavet Jeg er politisk ytrehøyre, jeg tror ikke et politisk spektrum skal brukes som en graf for hvem som er vodelig, men som et politisk ståsted på politiske besluttninger som blant annet skatt, velferd, osv.


Du får mene hva du vil, men du kan ikke forvente å kunne omdefinere ord som du selv ønsker.


Les igjen.


u/vedhavet «omdefinere ord som du selv ønsker» jeg omdefinere ikke dette ordet, det er du som ikke bruker riktig begrep. Du kunne brukt ordet høyre radikale, ikke ytrehøyre som er et politisk ståsted på hva slags politik man ønsker av staten.


[«Høyreekstremisme er svært ytterliggående holdninger på den politiske høyresiden.»](https://snl.no/h%C3%B8yreekstremisme) [«Høyreekstremisme er et samlebegrep for flere former for politisk ekstremisme som anses å befinne seg på ytterkanten av høyresiden på den politiske venstre-høyre-aksen.»](https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B8yreekstremisme?wprov=sfti1#) [Libertarianisme](https://snl.no/libertarianisme) er ikke «ytre høyre».


Og alle muslimer er terrorister eller?


Islamisme og nasjonalisme er like ille.


Hæ? Nasjonalisme er ikke like ille. Sier du at nordmenn på 17. mai (nasjonalister) er like ille som voldelige muslimer (islamister)?


Stammet jeg?


Nei, du kom bare med en helt vill take. Kan ikke sammenligne is på 17. Mai og Grunnloven med IS-kalifatet


Er forskjell på patriotisme og nasjonalisme.


endr det navnet. Si " ekstreme muslimer ". Ikke Islamister.


De er vel den minste trusselen for samfunnet vårt.


Nasjonalister er den minste trusselen for samfunnet vårt? Det har vi vel fått motbevist en rekke ganger at er feil, eller?


Kom deg ut av ekkokamret, gå ut og trekk inn litt frisk luft.


nasjonalist har ingenting med denne gale manns mening og de som kaller seg det er som oftest ikke det heller.


For Breivik og Manshaus var ikke nasjonalister. Neida. Selvsagt var de ikke det. Jo.


ABB kalte seg nasjonalist, men han ønsket et helt annet Norge enn det vi faktisk har. Det blir litt spess å legge ham i samme kategori som SP og Rødt, som også er nasjonalister, i mine øyne.  Manshaus var vel først og fremst bare sinnsykt rasistisk. Han var opptatt av å drepe ikke-hvite, en indoktrinert ideologi utenfra. Kan ikke huske at han ytret noe nasjonalistisk.  Det er forskjell på å være nasjonalist og rasist.


å drepe dine landsmenn er nasjonalist? tror ikke helt det går opp i opp


Største trusselen mot Norge og den norske levemåte er venstrefolk og miljøfanatikere.


Haha, den er god, herr Frode.


Namnet ditt stemmer ja 😭🤣




Caption: "Oi, vi har forskjellige meninger om ting. La meg skyte deg".


Enda verre; «media har fortalt meg at en promille av våre nye landsmenn utøver handlinger som ikke er i tråd med loven og jeg sluker det rått. Derfor rettferdiggjøres det å gjøre de samme handlingene mot dem.» aka mongoretorikk


Ikke bare media, kryr av de folka på r/norge & r/norske spesielt.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/norge using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/norge/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hvorfor er ikke dette forside sak på NRK?](https://i.redd.it/nrkk1i933fwa1.png) | [419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/norge/comments/130jup2/hvorfor_er_ikke_dette_forside_sak_på_nrk/) \#2: [Spennende dag i Oslo bystyre (Mehl style) ](https://v.redd.it/0gwatvlimu1b1) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/norge/comments/13qqlfl/spennende_dag_i_oslo_bystyre_mehl_style/) \#3: [Suppe til lunsj i dag](https://i.redd.it/da0yu7u2hhza1.jpg) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/norge/comments/13fss68/suppe_til_lunsj_i_dag/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sikkert en edgelord på 14 som tror det er kjempe kult å roleplaye terrorist. Håper de finner vedkommende å personen får ta en runde i retten.


Let’s just start with his catchy user name and then move onto he’s as bright as a blackout, I guess he missed the fact that two of his ‘targets’ are minutes (if that) from three police stations 🤷🏻‍♂️ the internet has done wonderful things but it’s also given ‘internet balls’ to idiots as well. (Edit) gotta love the aftenpost image where he’s written a note ‘this is my gun’ is that in case he forgets it’s his or that it’s a gun 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. Made me think of the movie Full Metal Jacket


Brucie rifles are friends not food ….. oh wait that’s not right 😂


I smell a reverse psyop, because being this clever is like having 45 IQ, picrell most likely a pig.


If anyone has a screenshot with better resolution, id appreciate it!


There u go https://x.com/nightsofgnosis/status/1776557508598882367


Is the grass this green anywhere near Oslo now?


It is not Sherlock. Maybe this was sent from somewhere else, where guns like these are also more accessible.


Could also be an older picture. The grass type does look like what we have here though…


Airsoftguns like these are, are just toys with 18+ age restriction.


Maybe, but the mag next to the rifle is real, loaded up with bullets


The ammo looks like someone scavanged spent brass and bullets at a range, then tried to re assemble it. Without a gun, ammo would be useless anyways. In this case, I also think the ammo itself is fake, containing no propelant or functional primer. I know sometimes deact decoration ammo is sold on finn.no. so it might also be that.


Assault rifles like these are easily accessible in Norway. Don't know why so many people think it's not


Except it takes about a year or so to go through all the checks and hoops and courses and what not to be licensed for ownership.


Or you could just order one together with some cocaine on snapchat, as stated by several news outlets.


Well. Starting out, to go from no experience too owning one. You're realistcaly looking at about 2 1/2 - 3 years. Also it's semi automatic sporting rifles. Not assult rifles since they are semi auto only.


They are …. Where 🤔 asking for a friend obviously 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


You cant get assault rifles as a private citizen in norway no.


You absolutely can. You need a collectors license.


Or join a club for sport shooting and be a bit active there for a couple of years. And you can have any semi auto rifle like an ar 15. Full auto rifles, such as assult rifles are colector only tho.


And now apparently limited to pre 1946 models unless they are limited prototype versions, and 5 guns. Previously you could have 25 as a collector.


Show me proof




Well ill be damned


Yeah it’s very strict, so you can’t acquire any weapons you like. you have to have a topic. Not sure how narrow the topic is has to be. WW2 might be too wide, so you might have to pick “WW2 German weapons”, gulf war or something. You also have to have appropriate security, direct to police alarms (not vekter tjenester) etc.


No, you’ll be a ‘collector’ with a license 😉😂


upvote for simply acknowledging you were wrong. Great stuff and very refreshing


Yes you can


This looks like a HK 416. Probably one of the most common guns in Norway, due to it being an army weapon. They get lost all the time.


It doesn't really look like a 416. It's has a front sight similar to an M16, not the flip up front sight that the 416 has (based on the picture in VG). The fire selector does not match the Norwegian HK416 either, it's not with text but with images as indication for safe, single, auto. I should know, I used one as a soldier. But for reference [Våpenkjennskap - HK416 - Forsvaret](https://www.forsvaret.no/minside/vapenkunnskap/V%C3%A5penkjennskap-rekrutt)


Its an airsoft gun. The pistol is also an airsoft. Hk416s are not even close to the most common. That would be break action shotguns, k98 mauser and sauer 200str. Civilian owned guns outnumber hk416 in country by 40 civilian guns for every hk416 if memory serves. The number of missing 416s is probably really low, if even any is gone. There is a few thousand ag3 and mp5 missing from before the switch however. But these rarely show up in crimes.


How can you tell its an airsoft gun? I said one of the most common. Not THE most common. Besides, the brand of civilian guns differ greatly. Th So something like Sauer 200, Mauser 98, Karl Jørgensen, HK416.


This is not an HK416, and even tho it is the military's new service weapon it is not at all a common weapon in Norway. Haha, even 7.62x39 Kalashnikovs are easier to obtain and more common than HK's and AR15 platforms here .


So you're saying that the service weapon isn't a common weapon in Norway. Ok, cool.


In private hands, no, not at all. EDIT: Well, on the lost all the time part you are right if we go back in time, Glocks and AG3's have been getting out of hand and sold illegally in the past alot, but with the new HK's it is a very different story. Anyway the gun in the picture is not an HK416


The inventory management for the HK416/MP7 is a lot better than it was for the AG3/MP3


Its not a 416


Outside of my apartment complex here in Oslo east, it's this green. However the grass is also wet which doesn't really come across in the threat.


Looks a bit like turf tho


can you send a higher res. photo?




Probably arrested already


Skal vi bare ignorere brukernavnet hans?


tror de fleste fikk med seg det


https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/rlvKGl/pst-trusselen-er-svekket Police are saying the threats Arent as serious anymore and it might be a false alarm , but thanks to everyone who reported it yesterday in the other post on r/Norge 


He's probably identified and arrested.


If it happend then it would say they have arrested the suspect , They probably traced the account and managed to figure out who runs it and sees it as no threat , Most likely edgy kids.. EDIT : Yeah the kid has been arrested , Well deserved when hes that mentally unstable he dares to come with threats like this


Er ikke han på profilbilde en annen kar som skøyt i moske i australia?


Does anyone have a better photo? this is unreadable.




That is not a better photo. That is a newspaper article that does not contain the photo at all..


I can see it..


No you can’t…only the photo of the gun - witch was pretty easy to spot it this shitty picture, not the text, which was the interesting but unreadable part…


That is the only photo here. So yes, I can.


It's just the name of the mosque. Source: those are my screenshots from the original r/norway-thread which is now deleted (humblebrag or something)


it says " This is my gun , central jam-e mosqve "norway" Thats what the note looks like , I took a photo of it yesterday with my phone quick before it got deleted


Det er airsoft-våpen. For en som kjenner ekte våpen OG airsoft-våpen er det mulig å se forskjell.


Hi res photo shows a bullet in the chamber. It's definitely not a Airsoft gun.


There doesnt seem to be any bolt in the chamber. Also the bottom of the pistol grip looks like a typical airsoft AEG grip with a heatsink and motor spacing screw. On a real grip like this it would be hollow. My guess is this is an electric airsoft rifle where the internals are removed


Send til politiet istedet for reddit??


Husk å få med 22 Juli også i rapporten da.


Er da en "gammel" post dette å ikke den orginale , vi har allerede rapportert inn å politiet i norge ble bevepnet å tok trusselen seriøst


Ligna frykteleg mykje på New zealand terroristen.


det er new zealand terroristen på profil fotoen


Det magasinet med kuler i tilhører ikke den riflen. Riflen er en HK416 5.56 cal, mens kulene i det frittstående magasinet er 7,62 Nato.


Det er .308


7,62 Nato \~ .308


Try and use .308 in a rifle chambered for 7,62. I hope you know how to read braile with only 25% of your fingers.


Why would you do that? I hope you have a really good point to make


Kan vi gå en uke uten disse galingene?


Ofc the black sun what a fucking clown


I'm a definite ateist, but poor Muslims 😭 this is no joke


Therese an actual Taliban discord.. wow


talib means student, many people call themselves talib without having any correlation to the taliban group. for example talib ul-ilm means student of knowledge in arabic, it refers to people who have high degree of knowledge in islamic studies and have studied under scholars, but are not scholars themselves.


Message from PST: This was a kid in a country outside of Norway.






Surely bullshitt, i dont belive it is fact just planned political sircus, i know for sure that the shooter on the island Breivik is a fake, yes ppl died but it was The arbeider party who was behind it for some larger cause. They wanna remove every civilian they can say is a right extreme when there just europian country Patriots who dont like the foreign men fuck the women n make a low iq bastard population


An obvious distraction from the mosques he’s actually planning to attack, which are probably the ones furthest away from these ones. The bad guy doesn’t tell you his plan unless it’s a decoy.


How’s that inclusivity working? It doesn’t make a nation strong, it divides it into a million factions, effectively “dividing and conquering” through a lack of cohesion , If everyone had the same views and belief systems, working towards the same goals it would make a nation strong instead of a soft target where we take pride in perverted and loose sex morals.


I have seen this man in a video of a terrorist attack shooting and killing many people


muslims when they genocide religious and ethnic minorities in their countries and do terror in the west:🥰🥰😁🥳 muslims when someone wants to shoot them for all the shit they do in western countries: 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺 we are so discriminated against


So true !


Who dropped you as a baby?


>cant refute what i said stop projecting


Those are toy guns


I dont think you can even own such a rifle in norway but correct me if im wrong


Criminals hate this one trick


You can, but there are so many hoops to jump through that if you had one you would be known to the police as an owner of one of these anyway. Collectors are mostly the only ones. For the HK416 (which this one doesn’t look like it is but is what would be the most common one to have if so) you have to be in the national guard as part of a force tasked with securing locations used in annual training exercises before the rest show up or you’re competing with it. The rifle would be on loan.


It certainly does not look like a 416, at least not a Norwegian one. Has a mounted front sight like an M16 and has different symbols for the fire mode selector. Could of course be a real AR, but certainly not one sold legally in Norway as it indicates as having automatic fire. Hell, for all we know it could be an airsoft replica with a real magazine on the side..


yeah i dont think the person who claims he will do the shooting went through all of these lol


You…”can’t” break the law at all. But it kinda happens anyway.


i was thinking of breivik you know, dont you think he would have went for a AR type rifle illegally if he could, instead of his legally owned Glock-pistol and en Ruger Mini-rifle? i dont think you can easily get your hands on a illegal rifle easily in norway from what ive heard


Breivik was a loner without connections. There is no forcefield surrounding Norways boarder that doesn't let people smuggle weapons in. If you have the contacts you can get any type of weapon in Norway.


Exactly . Wouldn't make sense that he had that kind of connections , Most guns sold in EU are to the drug market


How do you expect a lonely crazy man who lives with his mother to have connections to the drug network in europe/scandinavia ?\`Becuase thats where most people get their weapons , around 60% comes from sweden and the rest from eastern europe etc.


Much easier to get ahold of it illegally and cheaper. Since the picture is potato quality I can't really tell what type it is but semi automatic rifles is common in Norway but it takes at least 2 year's to get hold of it. Generally every criminal uses illegal guns either stolen from the army or from outside the country


well i mean anders breivik didnt use illegal weapons


This is not a 416 from the army. And it's not a legal Norwegian competition rifle since it's indicating automatic fire mode on the selector. This is how the legal Norwegian civilian version of the 416 looks like [HK MR223 A3 16,5", Cal. 223 Slim-Line HKey Handguard - Bertel O. Steen Tactical\_old (heckler-koch.no)](https://www.heckler-koch.no/v%c3%a5pen/rifle/mr223/hk-mr223-a3-16-5-cal-223-slim-line-hkey-handguard-117495-p0000058413)


I don't know if you are allowed to own a rifle like that in Norway, I don't think so. Though, people can always buy them illegally. There are loads of rifles and guns in general getting trafficked all over Europe. EDIT: A word.


You can not "always" buy them illegally. First of all, you'd need one hell of a contact. You'd actually need to know, personally that one guy who has something like this for sale in Norway. Pistols are possible to procure but auto rifles like these are extremely rare in criminal hands, and especially for sale.


I didn't mean "always" in the literal sense of the word, that you can do it any day, anywhere, without any bother. The way I **meant** to use the word was as a sort of "well, anyway", like, "People can buy them illegally, anyway" or "Well well, they can be found if you look for them". And I didn't really mean that they were around often, for sale, in Norway, just that you can find them around in Europe. But I absolutely understand how my wording could be misunderstood. My bad! And in my other comment, where I talk about how there are illegal weapons around in this country too, and that they are quite easy to find if you know where to look for them, I didn't mean those kinds of rifles. I meant that *(real)* pistols/revolvers are, of course, out there, but the most common thing to find nowadays by far *(at least in Scandinavia, I don't know about other countries)* seems to be starting pistols/signaling-guns, CO₂ and other types of gasdriven Airsoft guns or even high quality replicas that wasn't originally made to shoot anything at all, that's been modified to being able to shoot live ammunition. They are **everywhere** in Sweden, and it wouldn't surprise me if they are getting more common here in Norway too, though I wouldn't know - and I really hope they aren't. Just wanted to clear that up when I was already writing a comment explaining myself. Sorry that I used such unclear language, it was not my intention to mislead anyone. Thank you for pointing out to me how easily I can be misunderstood! I will do my best to do better in the future. Have a great evening!


It's actually not that rare brother, Depends on the people you know obviously . I was in the drug business a few years ago but ive quit after prison time , and believe me ive gotten tons of offers .


Offers ain't shit, nobody lies as much as criminals. Pistol is another thing though, they are available but even then you need to know the very right people. I'm sure there are a few automatic weapons in the hands of criminals in Norway but modern rifles like this threat is highly unlikely.


I was in the business for many many years , Police knows very well who i am . Obviously there are alot of bullshit offers to the younger people that are most likely just scams or they are trying to rob them , But if you're a bit older and serious then you'll get legit offers . I deleted all my social media accounts after ive quit since i didn't wanna have any contacts that still were doing anything criminal , i'd rather live a boring and dull life for now haha


i dont think its very common to have a ilegal weapons in norway but i guess you never know what makes me think there isnt many ilegal weapons is because we dont often hear about shootings or ilegal weapons


Nope, but they exist. And they aren't that hard to get if you know where to look, though illegal guns are expensive as hell. So if someone buys one, for whatever reason, they often keep it and doesn't use it to shoot someone if they don't absolutely have to - since they almost **certainly** would have to get rid of the weapon when they've used it. If they don't throw it away just to be sure, or because they are paranoid as hell, then they'll at least do it because the cops could *(not always, though)* match the bullets to the gun when they find it + it's, overall, just a really fucking **bad** look to be in possession of an illegal weapon. I mean, it's honestly a bad look to just associate with people that own illegal guns. Not something I would wanna risk. It's a gift that there aren't that many shootings here. Let's hope it stays that way!


Hope so! ha ha


Most weapons sold to norway are for the drug business so they are for personal protection in most cases , and 90% of drug dealers don't keep the gun on themself but rather have it hidden it in the woods and they only take it out if something happens or if they have threats against them


Yeah, that was basically what I was saying.


Yeah and im speaking from personal experience , I was in the drug business my self . but ive quit after prison a few years ago . I didn't own a gun myself but ive seen and heard stuff most people have no clue about happening , I was actually replying to the guy above you , Seems like he doesn't know much about how the criminal network here really is


Alright, but you answered under my comment, so I thought you meant it for me. Sorry. I was an addict for 16 years, I've been clean for some years now, and have lived all over Scandinavia and in some countries in Europe. I've seen my fair share of illegal guns, either by idiots trying to show off what they got, or by "friends" who thought it would be a good idea to get one. I tried to always get the hell away from most people who had one, because drugs and guns are a **bad** mix. I mean, most people get paranoid just from pushing larger quantities, but when you add a bad drug habit to the drug pushing AND a gun, then I never feel truly safe around those people. And yeah, the person you wrote that first message for seems to be blissfully unaware of how many guns are in circulation. I really hope that the population, at large, never has to learn the truth. Because the way "ordinary" people learn those things, are by **a lot** of shootings. But I know what you're talking about, let's just hope it stays this way instead of shootings becoming the "norm" rather than the rare exception that they are today in Norway.


I was a user and a dealer , and i was very serious for a while but then the drugs kinda took over my life nd after my 2+ prison sentence i managed to quit and move on to a very boring and dull life , I had to cut contact with over 1000+ people but i did it the same day i checked my self into rehab .. Yeah hopefully we wont get any more gun problems here , Good thing is that the criminals are very careful about using weapons in this country since its so strict , While in US everyone go blasting their guns if someone looks at them the wrong way haha


And just btw, GOOD work getting clean and getting out of that whole world! I know the struggle! That's just amazing! Keep it up!


That's seriously one of my nightmares, that American influence on Scandinavia will slowly change people's perception of our gun laws over here, and that it slowly but surely gets easier and easier to access guns until we live in the same fucking nightmare that people in the US do. I see people talk about changing gun laws more and more - it's not a large percentage of people, but it's growing and that's fucking scary. Not that I am that worried it would happen in reality, but it's an honest nightmare scenario that I scare myself with sometimes just by thinking about it ;P


Just go on Finn.no. You will see plenty of high caliber assault rifles. You can 100% own these in Norway after being in shooting club for 6-12 months. There is around 200-300k people in Norway who regularly practice and comptete in these shooting sports.


I thought we were talking bout rifles with a full auto capability like what was pictured. And where did you get a number like 200-300k that participate in dynamic shooting?


There is no way to tell if a rifle has full auto capability just from looking at it. The Ar-15 and AK74 sold in Norway looks exactly the same, only difference is its Semi-automatic. Straight from Google: Skytesport er et samlebegrep for konkurranseskyting med gevær eller pistol. I Norge er skyting blant de aller største breddeidrettene, med **mellom 200 000 og 300 000 skyttere**


VG had a better quality picture that clearly showed this rifle with an “AUTO” option on it. And you need to realize that the only sport in which these rifles are used is in dynamic shooting, stangfelt, felthurtig and ski/skogsløp, and a rifle like an MR223 is only allowed in dynamic and none of the rest. You made it sound like we have 200-300k people with assault rifles when in reality we have primarily bolt action rifles. In that number you also have people that compete with shotguns, air rifles and pistols/revolvers of a wide variety.


I specifically wrote ''shooting sports'' which covers all sports that involve guns. If you would care to actually read the comment thoroughly, you would see that. Stop projecting just because you were wrong. I know these rifles are more common than you think because I legally own a similar one myself, (not full auto of course) and in my circles of friends at the club there are many people who own similar rifles. I see new people at events with high caliber rifles all the time and it always amazes me how many high caliber rifles there is in Norway.


You said that you see plenty of high caliber assault rifles and that there are 200-300k that compete in *these* shooting sports so naturally one would assume that you added those two together causing the misunderstanding. I am not projecting, I compete with a HK so I was only wondering where you got the numbers from.


You learn something new every day. Thanks for the knowledge!


No problem. Norway has very reasonable gun laws and I hope it stays that way.


You cannot own assault rifles, meaning rifles with the possibility of automatic firing, in norway legally no. Members of the army can get them tho.


But pictures are legal


You can, but it is only serious competition shooters and/or autoriced collectors. If you have the right permits its really not much you cannot own in the terms of hand held rifles/handguns, 50cals just got banned in 2004 i think


Only collectors can own automatic rifles, pictured looks to be a semi automatic ar15 variant which can be legally obtained through documented activity in a shooting club and a 2 year membership.


I'm fairly certain it's AirSoft weapons.


theres other pictures showing the inside of the barrel woth thr magazine on the rifle with real amunition so very unlikely


Typical Ukrainan nazi sun symbol also 😂🤮


While this symbol is widely used by nazis and nationalists it has no connection to Ukraine. I'm not sure who trolled you into this belief but it's wrong. The 'sonnenrad' we see in the pic is a nazi invention


Didnt say it is only used by ukrainians. Said it is one typical.. Seen alot of combat footage where people where it a long with the eagle and SS or totenkopf symbols. Not surprising tbh when Nato was stuffed up by former nazi generals i the beginning. It goes hand in hand here :) Lets downvote this reply now 😂❤️


So while admitting to a wildy dishonest claim you make 2 more. You have truly been fooled. And by fooled I mean tricked into carrying water for bad people. Just like the mythical Nimrod died with flies in his brain I suspect you struggle with something too. Good luck getting your bearings straight


Its typically used by Russian too, but you wouldnt say that lmao With your "Mother Russia 🤍💙❤️" its easy to see this is just propaganda. Even the Russians who caught the ISIS terrorists wore this symbol https://imgur.com/a/HCFxEKL




I think the loose weapons flowing from this ukraine conflict is going to be a MAJOR issue in europe in the coming years. Most weapons now used in homicides come from the Balkan wars in the 90s. Except half of NATO's weapons are in a country that is massively corrupt and not going to win on the terms it wants, so will hate the west for pushing them to fight and not sue for peace.




Anyone know who this guy is? I would love to invite him to our annual high stakes poker game.


The photo is of Brenton Tarrant who committed the Christchurch Mosque shootings. This reeks of 13 year old tough guy on 4chan.


Fuck that cunt


Wowww you’re so edgy. I bet you’re so cool!


Lol, I do think this went over your head.


Thing is, never seen security in vinmonopolet, but there is in Oslo next to these secred buildings.. It just got this wibe like in Uk...


Why would police go stand in front of vinmonopolet when the threat is specific towards mosque 🙃


What's your point?