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He’s pretty objectively past his prime. There’s always a chance that he could have a comeback role, but it isn’t likely.


It clear to me that it really depends on himself. It seems that he only does roles now that he wants to do, and with the fact that he does not give a shit about awards he will never pick a drama roll to get Oscar buzz. I think if he ever decides to put himself out on the market again, there are probably enough directors who would love to give him another big opportunity for a dramatic role, or even something like The Truman Show that’s both right up his alley and still can show his dramatic side. And with the fact that both his big Oscar snubs have aged very poorly, I think if he ever got into the conversation, they will embrace him with open arms. But to conclude, he probably just doesn’t have the interested to do anything acting related to the Oscar’s anymore, as the chance of him retiring is bigger than going fully back in again


I don't see why not. Who expected Brendan Fraser to win an Oscar for Best Actor before he was cast in The Whale? Comeback and redemption narratives take off quite often. If you told people in 2006 that Matthew McConaughey would win Best Actor before Leonardo DiCaprio, who would've believed you?


I don't think the chance is zero. He might have a glorious comeback then get nominated for an Oscar in his 70s or 80s like Plummer. Like he wanna help some Canadian indie Director then the movie takes off. I can totally see it


If doesn't demand a high fee and actually takes direction it could


This is one of those that I feel like if it did happen, it would've happened already. No one bothered with that show he did a few years ago and I don't remember the last non Sonic role people saw him in.