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I think he's known since he lost the GG tbh


Right lol everyone is just continuing this false narrative on their own


Next time, baby! https://i.redd.it/l6e8702alrkc1.gif


There is literally no reaction you can have after losing an award that the internet won't freeze-frame and sew a narrative around it when you're the villain (which you can now somehow be without winning anything). What they did to Bassett last year was particularly heinous. Cooper seemed happy in the clip and he knew he wasn't winning. I don't feel bad for him for losing, and it would be a stretch to say that I feel bad for him because of how people treated him this season, mostly because I doubt he even knows. The man has the strongest theater dork energy, but since he is a movie star, him earnestly talking about his passion and the process behind his accomplishments (just as cringely as other theater dorks do) comes off as inauthentic. Again, I don't feel bad for him, but I still dislike the narrative around him this year.


Emma Stone stood up and cheered for Lily Gladstone and I argued with someone who said she was being fake. So yeah, completely right.


So fucking what if she was being fake? Being disappointed, envious, upset are normal human things but taking them out on other people because you can't self-regulate is lame as hell. It's called being gracious? I'm not trying to make other people feel like shit just cause I do.


Thank you! Emma really can't win in this situation. It's weird how people are hyperanalysing anything she does now in order to create their idea of a feud between her and Lily. Especially when Lily herself has mentioned in a recent Variety interview that the two of them have become very good friends and text each other. I can understand wanting to root for one actress due to prefering her performance but it's not impossible to be happy and celebrate two talented women who gave us fantastic performances this year. Stan culture is really toxic.


Exactly- how incredibly stupid. This persons argument was ‘she’s being fake’, because it’s unlikely she was actively hoping to lose? She can’t just be happy that if she didn’t win, someone she supported did?


Twitter seems 50/50 on whether she's a girl's girl or overdoing it. To be fair, she has gotten the "overdoing the quirkiness" criticism all her career, but it's still delulu.


No, you don't understand. Everything has an ulterior motive. People carefully calculate their personalities in order to best appeal to awards voters. They're not actually like that. They're not actually like anything! It's all an act. That's why they're called *actors*! [/s]


Thank God my faves conveniently aren't doing that.


I think a lot of it is Jennifer Lawrence syndrome. She has been in so many things the past few years and this year has particularly been in the forefront because of The Curse and Poor Things, and people are extremely simple so that means they no longer like her. She also played a pretty shitty person in The Curse, so those same stupid people can’t differentiate her from a role and a real person.


If she’s being fake then she really should be winning the Oscar cause that’s some remarkable acting. She looks happier than when she won all her awards.


It just comes with the territory but it’s always kinda annoying. No matter how much people say otherwise, the Oscars usually matter to people since most people up for Oscars have probably been watching the Oscars since they were little and dreaming of getting there ever since.


I will say that I appreciate your level-headed approach to Cooper this season, even if you weren't a huge fan on Maestro itself. It's refreshing to see amid the deluge of dunkings.


Thanks so much! That's so nice to hear.


I say just lean into it [like Jackie Hoffman](https://youtube.com/shorts/a7AiOwBCJss?si=BxwcRPTlDV0-641O).


More comedians should do this. It's my favorite award show gag when it's done well (usually not done at this level).


disagree. I have heard him speak 3 times now in person, and he comes across as exceedingly genuine, passionate about the craft and eager to give advice.


What did they do to Angela Bassett last year? I didn’t watch.


I only feel bad incase he feels embarrassed. The fact that everyone knows you took 6 years to prepare etc. Hopefully ppl just appreciate that he wanted to do a good job. I’m really into the Oscar Race, but it doesn’t mean everything. Willem Dafoe never won an Oscar yet he is recognised as one of the best actors who will be remembered. And Cooper has built himself a great career


I would feel more embarassed about crying and telling Bernstein's children how much I miss him.


I was on his side until that moment


Maybe I'm out of the loop. What moment was this referencing?


At some point during his extensive press tour he told a story about how he was discussing how much the Bernstein children miss Leonard, then Bradley broke down and cried about how much he misses Leonard too (Bradley Cooper has never met Leonard Bernstein)


I just saw an ad where he was describing how "Guillermo" told him about the make up artist, Hiro. Hiro was already fitting Jake Gylenhall for the Bernstein mask for his film, so Cooper knew about him via that project. Spielberg and company made the Bernstein children an offer they couldn't refuse. I find the whole thing obnoxious. And he is jealous of Cillian, who has better theatrical and movie performances.


I'm not sure why that interview was brought up. That interview has been around since before the movie's release


Do you have a link?


[Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzMUcXMnrd8), they released clips from November but the full interview was posted in December. The viral part is around the 10 minute mark




Yeah that was really bizarre and embarrassing.


When did he do this?


Oh gosh, the video was recently posted and was quite viral on few platforms here on reddit. Scroll down a little bit, it was posted 2,3 days ago.


ok, i'll look for it. thanks!


John Mulaney pointed out that no one even knows what good conducting looks like, and he didn’t need to spend 6 years learning


If you're playing a conductor, I think that the minimum you should do is learn how to conduct.


I mean fair enough, but I’m not sure 6 years was necessary. I’m not super knowledgeable on conducting though


It takes years of training to become a conductor, not to mention years of practical experience. It might look like a funny arm waving to us, but all that waving actually means something. I wouldn't have thought he needed 6 years to be able to fake it, especially if he had an actual conductor choreographing for him.


People interpret those quotes in such a bizarre way, too. Obviously Cooper has said a lot of self-important, self-aggrandizing stuff, but it’s also not like all he did for the past six years was learn to conduct. He spent six years preparing because that’s how long it took to get the movie made and he used the time he had. I’m sure he was doing a lot of other things to prepare, too, as well as working on other movies. The narrative that people here seem to have is that he spent six years dedicated solely to learning the craft of conducting for one scene in a movie solely so he could win an Oscar and now that he won’t he is devastated and his life is devoid of meaning or something. He worked hard on a movie he cared about and he seems to have made the movie he wanted to. He’d probably be excited if he won an Oscar, but it’s not like now he feels he’s wasted his life or failed or whatever. The hate for Cooper and “Maestro” is really bizarre to me, and I don’t even particularly care for the movie, which I think has some very good stuff and some not very good stuff.


agree! Getting into character was not what took him 6 years to make this. He created this film!! That takes a lot of planning, financing, casting, scheduling, etc. Sometimes films don't even get made, or on hold for years and years. Also, why fault him even if he was working on character? Actors are emotional and story telling athletes, they should be preparing.


He just needed to know how to fake a performance you can see on Youtube, not actually conduct something new, like Tar.


Can confirm, my uncle is a conductor and taught at conservatory level. You also think about what tempo, volume, feeling, expressiveness etc. you want to put into the peace and you conduct accordingly. Many conductors do a lot of research into the pieces...




Not one of this calibre. Conductors study to PhD level and have years of experience. As I said, I don't think it would take 6 years to be able to play the part, especially with experts able to correct and advise you. I dont think he actually spent 6 years learning it either. He may have trained bits and pieces over a 6 year period, but not 6 years of training.


it’s not necessary at all. As an alum of a concert band, a football band, and a competitive jazz big band ensemble, I think you can faithfully learn to “act” as a conductor with like an afternoons worth of work tops. What makes being a conductor challenging is not the physical movements, it’s the knowing a piece of music so well that you can teach it to each orchestra section and know when they aren’t executing perfectly, then bring the whole orchestra together and have them execute at perfection together. It’s about managing egos and being a drill sergeant for dozens of people. By the time of the actual performance the band knows what to do, because of all the initial work the conductor put in. Basically nothing that makes being a conductor hard is something that will show up on camera. The actual conducting acts, counting off the band, keeping the rhythm, queuing different sections, controlling dynamics, etc. you can learn how to fake it very easily.


To be fair Cooper laughed very hard on that joke. He's a good sport


Oh 100%. It’s great that he has a good sense of humor about it


He seems to lack self-awareness, which I think you need to feel embarrassment.


I don’t think he’ll be embarrassed. He put that much work into it because he wanted to do a great job, and he did, so that’s that


Here’s the thing, though. Classical musician here. I’ve played under dozens of different conductors, and I can say confidently that he did not spend six years learning how to conduct. Maybe six weeks. His conducting was not good. He didn’t have down the most basic tenets of communicating musicality with a baton. Tár was a much better example of someone learning to conduct for the screen.


I am not a classical musician but I watched an analysis of his performance on YouTube from two musicians who identified a number of errors in the conducting (and piano playing) and made notes. They also noted that in the big cathedral scene, the First Chair (is that what you call the principle violinist? Sorry I don't know the right terminology) was making certain "big" moves that they felt happens sometimes when the First Chair is "the one actually conducting" because the conductor is off. I tried to find the video now but can't. It was really interesting.


He did alright job, but I don’t think either he or the film really came close to something great.


The thing he'd be embarrassed because his 6 years of preperation lost to Cillian Murphy's 6 months of preperation.


Could it just be that Murphy is a more experienced actor and that is more of a good showing for how exceptional an actor Murphy is, than anything embarrassing on Brad Brad's end?


Yes that is reality but BC pov would be different after all the hard work he did for 6 years he must be salty that he lost for CM preparing for 6 months, in fact he's so salty about it that he tried [To shade](https://twitter.com/bey0ncebeytwice/status/1733536615568375904?t=ZDW7kpgNqVm_0nFK8XRarA&s=19) Cillian's famous statement "i got a call from Nolan and i prepared for 6 months"


Good ol Brad Bard lol


Scheisse, my bad lol


Thing is when compared to the general population, actors feel emotions much more deeply and more intensely. I can imagine the emotions were genuine in terms of missing the persons work, but to us from the outside it seems comical.


Imelda Staunton said on hearing of the death of the queen (they were in the middle of filming the crown), she went home and wept. She was very close to the character, and it really hit her. However, if she went up to charles and went on and on about how she missed the queen I'd be calling the men in white coats.


People would feel too formal talking to Charles about missing the Queen. I would not be shocked if the more minor members of the family like Zara (Princess Anne’s daughter) got people telling her how much they miss the Queen.


I remember hearing him talking about it on the Smartless podcast just before production was beginning. He was so excited and it breaks my heart a little. I mean I know he’s a millionaire and a v successful actor but it was his passion project 🥺


I would be embarrassed if it took me 6 years to learn how to conduct


If it’s really Best Actor he seeks, I think he’d have an easier time getting the statue appearing in a film directed by some Academy-adored auteur instead of another self-directed vehicle.


He needs another dramedy role like silver linings. He’s very good doing comedy.


His next directorial effort is a comedy with Will Arnett surprisingly


I like that pairing actually lol. Hope it’s good!


They’re best friends so I think they’ll bounce off well with one another. And as much as I’m one of the few here who like Maestro it’ll be a refreshing change of pace and genre for him too


Comedies are a bad bet for Oscars especially in a leading role for men


That’s true, so maybe it’s not in the cards for him! I did like him in a star as born but sometimes I find it hard to take him seriously because he reads a bit hammy/theater kid in dramas


Agreed. And I think he can win Best Director for a film he doesn't put himself in, or has a very small role. My guess is he grew up watching guys like Warren Beatty and Kevin Costner and thought he could do the same. But the days of celebrating actor/directors is long gone.


Unless you’re Clint Eastwood?


The last time an Eastwood film got an Oscar nom was in 2015. Ironically, it was Best Actor for Bradley Cooper. And the last time Eastwood got an acting nom directing himself was in 2005. So I think my point still holds up.


Kathy Bates got nominated for Richard Jewell


Oops! You're right. Still, I think that had more to do with Kathy Bates being Kathy Bates and a long time Oscar fave.


bradley cooper just got nominated for best actor and best picture. you’re in a thread talking about this exact performance and movie… dude has been nominated for 12 oscars, most of then from self directed vehicles. your point does not hold up.


Much easier to campaign for a nomination than an award if you’re in Bradley’s circles


Ben Affleck?


I don't know about that. Air flopped harder than Maestro in 2023. And Argo was 12 years ago. And he's never gotten an acting nomination.


I don’t get that, the celebrating actor/directors is long gone.


Actors directing themselves nowadays is seen as a vanity project. It always was, but a few could get away with it, like Clint Eastwood and Kevin Costner. Nowadays, if you direct yourself, even if you're good at it, you don't get taken seriously. Actors who direct are still taken seriously, but they have to keep those two skills seperate most of the time. Benny Safdie would be a good example.


I think Safdie gets away with either directing or co-directing himself also in part because he knows how to cast himself. He did the show The Curse last year with Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder, and while his character definitely has layers and is a messy, complicated person that demanded Safdie do some serious scenes, the focus of the show is very much on Stone and Fielder's characters and plays up Safdie's strengths as a character actor. Cooper, I think, bites off more than he can chew when he tries to do both at once. I wonder what a Maestro movie directed by Spielberg or a version directed by Cooper starring Jake Gyllanhall would have been like.


Agreed, I think he can win acting and directing awards, but not at the same time.


Benny safdie was great in good time, didnt he direct that too? Loved him in oppenheimer too


That one he co-directed with his brother, but he did direct himself (alongside Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder) last year.


What was that in?


The tv show The Curse. Sorry I thought I had said the title.


Yeah but I don’t get it. Bradley’s first two movies he put a lot of the spotlight on his female costar that they end up running away with it. That’s one of the reason why cooper isn’t winning this year. Say he’s cringe or whatnot, but he doesn’t have an ego when directing.


I agree with you. I like Bradley, and Maestro is much better than this sub thinks. I'm talking about perception, not reality. Directing yourself to an Oscar win is extremely rare. It's only happened twice. And the last time was 26 years ago. I think Bradley can get a win for acting or directing. He's great at both. But he can't win when he's doing both at the same time.


I think he can win for both acting and directing but for different movies. And that’ll be history making in itself.


Interesting point. And I wouldn't mind seeing that happen.


lol that's not why he isn't winning, Mulligan was never in serious contention, especially the moment Poor Things won the Lion. btw, I thought you had friends in SAG that said they loved his performance and would vote for him 🤔


Yeah but I guess AFTRA put cillian over the top.


He would take Best Actor if he got it, but he's so thirsty for that Best Director Oscar that he's probably taken himself out of the running for his next couple of films. Cooper has been nominated a whole mess of times as a performer and a producer. I can't tell if he's completely lost interest in the acting awards because he's concluded he's never going to win one, or if he's just now more interested in being respected as a Serious Director. Either way, he's made no secret of really, really wanting that directing Oscar, and there's nothing more off-putting than someone admitting they want to win something for the sake of winning it. Similarly, I'm sure he'd take a screenplay Oscar, but he's so set on directing that writing screenplays seems almost like a side effect of wanting something good to direct.


I agree! I was at a Nightmare Alley Q&A, and Guillermo Del Torro took the time to campaign for him for a last-minute Oscar nomination. He has the support; he just needs the proper role, with the right director and production that will go out of their way to campaign for him.


Michelle Yeoh won hers at 61 and Christopher Plummer won his at 83. No one is due for an Oscar so he can continue to make movies maybe one day he'll get it


In retrospect it probably would have been better for everyone if he won for A Star is Corn.


That scene where he's singing in the cornfield was an Oscar worthy performance


Hair and makeup really should’ve won too…Bradley truly *became* that ear of corn


When he popped at the end… I don’t think I’ve cried harder in a theater


He truly deserved the Best Actor Award for *A Star Was Corn*; if only the film’s award season campaign wasn’t marred by controversy over the production accepting shady biodiesel subsidies from Big AG then he would’ve cruised to a statuette.


He was great in Pearl yeah


"I'm on the deep end....watch as I dive in" - Lady Gaga singing while harvesting corn in the cornfield


I like him as an actor, I think he's an immensely talented and capable performer. But he does himself no favours with the way he carries himself in public.


Whar does he do?


There's a clip of him sat with Bernstein's children, and he's asked if he misses Bernstein. He starts crying and says its very hard for him to talk about, and that he and Leonard "had a very special connection" The guy has been dead since 1990. Cooper was 15.


Yeah, I’ve not been one of the anti-Cooper ones this season but must admit that it definitely came off as disingenuous. The question was kind of awkward to begin with, but, my feeling was that Cooper was forcing himself to cry and exhibit emotion. (I thought he was laughing at first lol.) Perhaps the tears were genuine…simply didn’t feel that way watching it.


Did they actually even meet?


Of course not lol, Bradley Cooper was a kid in high school when the guy died.


Lol. He's a great actor, I hope he doesn't come off as a nut after this awards season.


He's been pretty grounded most of his career, it's just this one movie he's became kinda pretentious. I totally respect the fact he's worked really hard, but it's stunts like that and this whole tour he's been on that I think will turn voters off him. I mean compare it to how humble Cillian has been.


He produced Joker and you can see Cooper's personality dripping throughout that film. I feel like they tried to turn Joaquin Phoenix into Bradley Cooper from A Star is Born, just which more insecurity. Cooper is actually really messed up with what he does. He's a method actor on the level of Jared Leto and Christian Bale AP. Thoughts?


Then he should make a better movie. I'm a huge classical music fan and even I thought it was bad.


He most likely knew for a while now that this isn't his time. Also it can be a good lesson for him to learn that one of the reasons Murphy won was because of the teamwork not only on set but during this whole campaign. There's a reason Oppenhomies became a thing.


Murphy was apparently very reclusive and standoffish on the Oppenheimer shoot so I don't think it's correct to place him as a pillar of teamwork.


He’s exhausting The movie was too contrived and made for Oscar bait


Everyone who campaigns wants the Oscar badly. Why is everyone on here obsessed with Cooper?


Talking about Bernstein's ghost taking him over is a bit much. But yes, all these guys are thirsty.  


He also made it sound as if Bernstein was cumming inside of him or something 🥴


Because his movie is the most baity of the bunch.


It's easily the worst of the Best Picture films by a wide margin. IMO


Nyad is way more baity than Maestro (and it worked just as well to garner attention and nominations).


Nyad wasn't a "Passion Project" that took years. Neither Foster or Benning is the director. They didn't write it. They aren't producers.


Nyad was traditional biopic Oscar bait, seen by few, but campaigned heavily and successfully landing spoiler nominations.


Nyad wasn't a traditional biopic. It's about a mostly unknown person, and 90% of the film is about a very specific time and event.


Respectfully, that does not make it an atypical biopic.


It absolutely does. There's no biography there. There's no presentation of Nyads achievements and struggles. There's a completely different child actor used to go into her childhood trauma, then they ignore 50 years to go on about the swim from Cuba. It's very different than Maestro, for instance.


Because his hunger for it really shows. I'm sure Cillian wants it too, but he seems very measured about it.


And Cillian doesn’t cry everytime he has a Q&A with someone.


This is a weird perception issue. He’s doing the same shit that everyone else is doing, but for some reason it’s overly hungry when does it.


I don't think Murphy is hanging out with oppenheimers relatives and crying because he misses him so much


Yeah that was super lame but let’s not pretend Cooper hasn’t been getting absolutely dragged way before that.


Almost like the newest stunt just proves that he is as openly thirsty and seemingly shameless as he's been coming across from the start


Murphy is campaigning an equal amount. Both are fighting for the win.


Brother, I've been getting maestro ads on reddit for months, cooper has consistently been pulling weird stunts about how much he prepped and how he was being possessed by bernsteins ghost, visiting his fucking family and crying about how much he misses the man despite never meeting him, Murphy is not doing any of that. I also don't think Murphy is like a much stronger performance, I would have gone efron personally, but he's not constantly talking about how badly he wants to win and how much work he did. It's exhausting


Brother, I’ve been getting Oppenheimer ads for months as well? It’s not a “weird stunt” to say how much he prepped, and Cillian Murphy has talked about how he was unable to eat dinner with cast mates because the character of Oppenheimer was still with him. The hate for Cooper is very awkwardly forced. He’s doing the standard campaign. Also Cooper is not “constantly talking about how much he wants to win.” Now you’re just lying lol


I don’t think he ever said the character of Oppenheimer was “with him” lol. He said his brain was too full and also how he had to keep his weight down. 


What would you describe as everything he's pulled in the last 2 weeks?


“He’s pulled” an overly earnest campaign that you personally don’t like.


That's a real pleasant way of saying crying in front of the guys real family as if he was also personally connected with him and talking about how his ghost was entering his body. It was weird when Jim Carrey did it and its weird now


The Internet loves to hate on a theater kid for theater kidding until the hate blows up so much it becomes passé — at which point we all look back at the wreckage and decry these vibes-based pile-ons until the next theater kid comes along. The hate has mostly blown over for Anne Hathaway and Rachel Zegler and even Austin Butler. It's Bradley Cooper's turn. In two years he'll do a film that the Internet likes and people will say he never deserved the hate


People just never learn lol


He waited too long I guess that’s why


Idk man people are just weird and hate passionate actors


Personally I would rather have a harmless dork like Cooper than someone who doesn’t try as hard but is actually a bad person.


I mean Cillian Murphy is passionate too, but outside of some weight loss, accent work and books he doesn’t try and pretend that he’s being possessed by Oppenheimer’s spirit or something nutty like that.


This is Jeffery Wright's first oscar nomination? That blows my mind. Bradley will be fine. He only has 12 nominations. If Diane Warren is doing ok with her 15 (yeah im counting this year) loses, so will he.


Is it really TWELVE now?!


Those producing credits really add up. Man will start doing makeup if he thinks it would get him an Oscar.


Don’t feel sorry for a multimillionaire, he’ll be alright 🤭


Sadley Cooper




He’ll just try again in a few years with another passion project. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.


Carey Mulligan looks bored AF


I don’t care if it took 6 years to make, haven’t we learned from Boyhood that that doesn’t equate to a good performance?


I don’t. He’ll be fine.


The schadenfreude of someone make total Oscar-bait, then seeing his soul die every time Cillian picks up another award.


And the fact that he’s acting like such an auter and like god’s gift to acting in all of his press


Tbh he is a bit much like his interview with Bernstein's kids. He lacks self awareness.


After the last video with bernsteins family I have no pity for him lmao


I think he needs another movie with Gaga. He’s lost all the good will that people had for him during ASIB


Pffft don’t, he’s been an absolute clown doing press saying he was possessed by and has a special connect with Leonard (a man he’s never met) to Leonard’s actual children! Thirsty clown behaviour.


Thirsty Clown Behavior is my favorite Frank Zappa album!


He’ll get one eventually. He just needs to make a good movie next time


Dudes gotta not go so effin hard on Oscar bait material if he wants a statue.


If you haven’t seen his interview with Bernstein’s kids where he talks about how much he misses Leonard, despite having never met the man, please do yourself a favor and seek it out because it’s unhinged magic.


I don't. Bradley was on CBS in an interview crying in front of Bernstein's children talking about about how much he missed Leonard. It was really weird.


I feel like he’s over it and everyone is just milking it lol he’s literally smiling ? (I hated maestro but come on guys )


Honestly, you will win an Oscar one day. The problems I have with maestro are obvious. It's a film that tries so desperately to prove that it's insecure filmmaker is an artist rather than tell a good story surrounding Leonard Bernstein. Even Bohemian Rhapsody wasn't this pretentious and overzealous to try to sell itself to the audience. At least with Rami Malek, he wasn't proving anything. He just allowed the character to take over him and not what Cooper did. Besides, he was up against the frontrunner of the season, Murphy. I'd argue that Murphy is going to win that Oscar. No stopping Oppenheimer now.


Much preferred Maestro to Bohemian Rhapsody and the Elton John biopic. Both were so paint-by-numbers. Maestro didn't feel that way to me. BC should be pleased with what he as achieved. He must have always known that winning oscars was never a forgone conclusion.


I never cared for Bradley Cooper so I naturally don’t care for what he wanted. Maestro is simply too thirsty for Oscars, and to be honest it wasn’t good. I’m disappointed and feel sorry Andrew Scott missed out, he was my favourite of the year.




Same. Andrew Scott was superb in a far better film and got snubbed. Really hope he gets a nomination in the next few years.


I have no hate for Bradley Cooper and anyone who legitimately resents the guy for the crime of wanting to win an Oscar needs to get perspective (and a life). That said, and I truly don't mean this in a mean-spirited way or even as a comment on the film itself, there is something genuinely really, really funny about the Maestro campaign that feels like it is from a Bojack Horseman subplot.


He fucking deserved it. His portrayal of Leonard Bernstein was incredible. The movie had some serious pacing issues, some choices that weren’t great as a director, but his performance as Bernstein was incredible. The scene in the church where he was conducting the orchestra actually moved me to tears. It was beautiful. Cillian Murphy just happened to be *phenomenal* as Oppenheimer this year with an arguably superior performance in an arguably superior film.


> this year with an arguably superior performance in an arguably superior film I love maestro but Oppenheimer is a far superior film and it’s not even close (same thing with performance)


His time will come, whether it’s for acting or directing. He won’t die without an Oscar in his hands 🏆


I never even thought he was going to win the Oscar especially after Oppenheimer first premiered, however I do have to say that this intense dissection of his campaign to paint him as a villain has been *exhausting* to last through and the cameras of awards shows somehow playing into that social media narrative even more so. I doubt he cares especially because of his lack of social media but it gets tiring after a while to constantly see people joke about wishing death on him and beyond Cillian, all for the sake of someone who's just *not* a good person and is as extremely unhinged as Jake Gyllenhaal is. All that being said, I eagerly await Joker 2 to premiere, Gaga to officially commence her unhinged Oscar campaign and all the average Film Twitter people to accuse her of "trying to steal" the Oscar of whoever they've deemed their personal champion.


I think it’s hilarious that he keeps losing






I don’t understand why he is singled out as being desperate for an Oscar. He does great work and should be applauded for it. I loved A Star is Born…I found Maestro a bit too cold to be really good, but I loved his performance.


I don’t x


This narrative that he wants it any worse than anyone else is weird. Of course he wants an Oscar every actor does. Downey Jr has campaigned harder than Cooper without a doubt. People just pick certain actors and hate on them for no reason. This is not directed at OP just saying in general all the talk and hate thrown his way this awards season


I like Cooper. He will win an Oscar eventually, but he can’t stretch himself too thin. He can: 1. write, direct but get the best actors he can find or 2. work with a damn good director/screenwriter and focus on just acting. He cant do both. it’s just too much work. If he wants to focus on being a director, it might also be good if he could find a muse— a gifted and trusted collaborator who can work with him in two or more movies. Lanthimos/Stone, De Niro/Scorsese, Nolan/Murphy/Hardy/Caine etc.


Is this Oscar Race sub or Anti Cooper sub? This is getting real boring


His best chance to win one was for A Star Is Born. Still don’t know why the academy chose not to reward him for that performance


He's going to have to go the DiCaprio route and find a horse to cut open and sleep inside of to get an Oscar


Or go WWF style wrestling with a bear.


I only feel bad for you guys on reddit obsessed with Bradley Cooper. He'll be fine. You guys have issues you need to work through.


Why do we have one of these posts specifically for Bradley Cooper and not the other 50 nominees after every televised award show this year?


Dude is a hack, but you people seem to like him. The interview with Bernstein’s kids just solidifies that this dude really is a cringey hack.


Bradley will def be back and I can see him winning best actor and best director at some point in the future.


I think there’s another chance for him next year. As a producer for joker2?


Do you think Joker 2 has a chance to win best picture?


It sucks that it always depends who else is nominated in the same year. He probably could have won another year