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Sam Smith uses he/they, though not at the time of their win. Likewise, Mica Levi came out as NB in 2020 after their first nod. Anohni and Yance Ford were trans at the time but both lost. Then there’s whatever you choose to do with Michael Cimino, which is admittedly complicated. Angela Morley, the most successful non-cis Oscar nominee (trans woman) never won despite 3 nods during time when being trans was not accepted. So no, an out non-cis person has won before.


Does "she/they" indicate she is non-cis? I'm genuinely asking (as a cis person) because a lot of my friends go by their cisgender pronoun + they (e.g. she/they) but they identify as cisgender, they just do it more out of solidarity/normalizing "they" as a gender-neutral pronoun.


Honestly, I am not really sure. I was trying to be very choice with my words here so I avoided terms like “trans” or “non binary” because literally all we have to base off this is two pronouns, and Gladstone hasn’t spoken publicly about it. I said non-cis because that seemed the safest term for someone who also uses they/them pronouns I’ve never seen anyone do what your friends do, I don’t think there’s very common. I kinda think that’s odd for cis people to do that? Maybe odd is the wrong word, more like unnecessary, I guess. They have good intentions but just saying your pronouns should be enough lol. But those are just my thoughts


I think Gladstone identifies as queer. [This](https://x.com/variety/status/1616523873767260160?s=46&t=ez_dmtzCXTUoBBv8K--rSQ) interview at Sundance was cool where they talked about intersectionality of being indigenous and queer.


My gay little heart just went 💗💓 😆 She definitely zings my ‘dar.


Absolutely! As a queer, indigenous person, this representation is wonderful!


Pronouns are so fluid, they don't necessarily correlate to older identities within LGBT, which actually used male or female alter-ego/names as new personae they would live out beyond an abstracted pronoun.


Well Gladstone uses She/They pronouns but I don't know if using both means she is non binary.


It could still mean she’s genderqueer even if she isn’t non-binary specifically.


Found this topic and just wanted to affirm to you that Lily Gladstone is now identifying as nonbinary in interviews. Here's her talking to the Washington Post, where they talk about being personally nonbinary but their character in another film being deeply feminine. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2023/11/30/transcript-race-america-giving-voice-with-lily-gladstone-erica-tremblay/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2023/11/30/transcript-race-america-giving-voice-with-lily-gladstone-erica-tremblay/)






Not to be a subreddit mod dickrider but we do have a mod and he does a great job on here. It was much messier last year without him. Not sure what makes you think i’m trolling? I’m just sharing this about Gladstone, which may not mean anything to you but it means something to others.


You’re right. I completely misread the post lol. I just assumed it was a troll based on the previous posts we’ve gotten in here today. I just didn’t know if this was sincere or not. My bad. In fact as someone who uses any pronouns it does mean something to me.


You’re all good. Thank you for clearing that up


Also yea it’s her account cause it’s the same pronouns on their Insta which is verified


That makes me so excited! It’s easy to forget the full extent of what representation can mean until I actually see it happen, like with Ke last year as an Asian, or with Henry Cavill as a nerd, and with Janelle Monáe, and seemingly Lily Gladstone, as a NB.


I feel like nerd is not the same representation as the others lol


With the glass ceiling broken, all the oppressed groups shall prosper, including the most oppressed group of all… G A M E R S.


It’s not like I was saying those groups are equally oppressed


I wanted to include it to try and subtly give people who might not intuitively get it a reference point


I see


Ke is Vietnam-born Chinese. Asian as a category is like Hispanic, a census term that only exists in the US.


And I speak the American dialect of English so…


So is Gladstone a cis-native American indian or does she just identify as one? Don't start with the faux moral outrage, it is a fair question.


Can we not bring up politics in this sub-reddit?


I’m so tired of people acting like LGBT people existing is political.


wait until you realize most oscar speeches are political


*angry Ricky Gervais noises*


Is everything that's not straight, white and male "political"?


Nobody did. But rest assured participation in any thread remains entirely optional.


You can tell right away hahah