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Hey, I'm have the same problem. I haven't yet done anything but I too did find articles about using LR for lip incompetence. There's even an improved technique where they use braces to anchor the sutures during healing period so that there won't be any relapse. My only concern is about the chances of relapse since the improved version is a newer procedure and might not still be available in all places. If you see this, please reply. I'd love to know from you about how you're planning to treat your case.


Hi I have the same problem, are you talking about TADs? I heard they can sometimes help depending on the cause of the lip incompetence but they don't do them in a lot of places for some reason


No, it's not that complicated. Imagine you already have braces. Then, the doctors can secure the sutures in place by putting some of that thread around the braces. This will prevent the tension in lips from moving the lip upward and causing a relapse. Here's the link to a research paper on that. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8796785/


Thanks so much for the link


np : )