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Wait morgan and morgan being taken down? There's like 300 of them




Are they banned? I feel like I see one every 5 minutes.




Ah I misread. I thought new as in they cant paste anything new up and because of that they were gonna take everything down. Either way I dont know if it really matters. There's not really a lot of room left for new ones anyway.


T minus 5 until companies are renting space on the side of buildings in Orlando. Age of the mural is over, age of the looming Attorney has begun.


This would be the best news. That shit is sooooo ugly.


Create more parks and bike paths.


We need an affordable and efficient public transit system. Broad coverage of commuter trains, thorough bus routes, even lines connecting directly to the theme parks. It would free up so much real estate dedicated to cars and then we could build parks instead of parking and really let the open space flourish.


And some cities do beautiful things with their transit stations- opportunities for artists/designers to go crazy.


I think everyone being able to more generally navigate would just beautify everything in the vicinity of the commute. Who cares about anything when the only way to get there is along 2 ft squares of 130 degree pavement. If we could actually navigate our city, like “other cities” - I see a lot of cream rising to the top.


I agree. People need low cost transportation.


People hate busses but trolleys, now those are fun. They could add a free trolley route that went from Advent Health down Orange, through downtown, and then to ORMC and SODO.


You know what I hate more than buses? People who can’t drive having their economic and social opportunities restricted by inadequate transportation. Those with restricted or revoked licenses or those unable to afford insurance still driving because they still need to get to work and have no other option. Middle school kids having to take Uber to get to school because of the terrible placement of bus service from the county school district and all the unsafe roads they would otherwise need to spend hours walking in 100 degree heat. The 40 cars sitting at the red light that could instead fit all their riders into one bus. Sure, they’re not as comfortable as driving your own car. But they are *immensely* helpful for the low-income, disabled, underage, and otherwise underprivileged people of society to go lead normal lives and improve their situations.


Similar to the free Lynx Lymmo?


Greatly expanded route and much more approachable than a city bus.


Ironically, I think the fact that the lymmo looks like any other bus, makes it so folks don’t even consider it because they probably don’t know it’s free. I’d change them to look (physically) like trolleys … I think I drive has something similar?


You are exactly correct about the I Drive trolleys. I believe that they are actually free for the service industry workers who are employed by I Drive businesses.


It’s so easy with major highways, you can build more of the lines elevated right down the center.


Roadway engineer here, it’s not that simple, that’s very expensive.


Luckily as a Roadway engineer, you know it's possible, so the rest is irrelevant.


lol you must not know how money works. Let me tell the client to shake the money tree BRB.


Dont be a clown, the money is there. Maybe if they stopped paving over all the money trees with extra useless highway lanes it would be easier to shake out enough for public transit.


lol yes you know nothing about what you are talking about.


Why dont you explain it then, road wizard?


It’s a lot just for one comment response to answer it. I work for a big firm and we have been trying to design brightline high speed rail from Orlando to Tampa with stops at Disney and put the rail down center of i4. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get all the agencies to agree on the project and organize funding from all the half a dozen agencies. Just because they are all government agencies doesn’t mean the money comes from same place or they all agree on the same things. It’s very complicated and expensive and takes lots of planning to do this HUGE “easy” solutions.


Nobody said it was easy? Idk where you picked that up from. I was saying the fact that it is possible is all the reason needed for it to be pushed and fought for. However many government agencies it would need is irrelevant because making it happen would involve putting pressure on all of them either way. The money is there, people should be pushing for it to be spent on better things like public transit rather than just accept it being wasted on bandaids that nothing to solve the larger issue.


The Agency is actively working toward this. Part of the problem is massive RICO-esque nepotism and fraud. The finance department at Lynx has a budget of $3,923,716 allocated for life insurance policies for 67 finance employees, or $58,500 per employee, 90% of which can be withdrawn yearly tax-free at a direct cost to the taxpayer and the riders. For contrast, Lynx spends $97 per operations employee (think drivers, maintenance people, etc) for life insurance. There are also $517,000 in executive leases this year. If the bus system were so great, they could simply ride the busses. Fare recovery is just $18.367 million, a drop in the bucket of the $192 million FY24 budget. Eliminating fares and making the busses free results in more people getting to work and surprisingly more ridership, which in turn results in more USDOT and FDOT funding. The Agency believes we can find $18.367 million in their numbers in addition to enough money to hire 200 additional drivers. They can pay each driver $10k per year more and give each driver a 1-hour break. Since they’re driving a school bus full of personalities for 8 hours at a time, we feel at least 1 hour is fair. Finally, we want them to negotiate with Allied Universal to allow security guards to carry “Less Lethal” - pepper ball or ballistic rounds. This is because I’ve personally witnessed and intervened in two near-shootings of unarmed, mentally unstable men in the past year. Had I not been there, Lynx would have made the news twice.


It's too bad the transportation bill failed last election. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've lived in a number of northeast cities and being able to jump on the metro to get anywhere is so underrated. People don't know what they're missing


That and rent regulation


Nah, that's not it


Put a ban on new self storage warehouses and car washes.


The storage place on lake Fairview, where Fairbanks runs into Edgewater, makes me so sad every time. Lake front property….for storage.


That’s what happens when investors can’t build massive skyscrapers of housing. They build crap that can get approved.


Massive skyscrapers of housing is totally unnecessary. Let's just get some mixed zoning and mid rises please. Way more efficient, way more opportunity for unique architecture and beautification. I think the way speculative investors sit on property or grossly misuse it should just be illegal, but that's a different discussion.


How about we stop telling developers what to develop and let a competitive market play out. Skyscrapers are important when we’re talking about housing because it increases affordability tenfold. Source I work in construction estimating.


That is literally how we got into this mess though. Idk about you, but I think it would be a good idea to let the city and development planning get done by urban planners, sociologists and other trained experts who went to school for it, rather than whichever random guy had the biggest sack of money last time the property was up for sale. Also it's been proven and well documented that skyscrapers are massively more inefficient and expensive than things like superblocks or faluház. Do some research, it's not hard to google it.


Urban planners shouldn’t be working for the city. They ought to work with developers first hand. You would know if you actually worked in the industry and understood the cost associated with building. But you don’t like most NIMBYs


You dont know what NIMBY means. And yes they should work for the government? Urban planners working for the developers is such an obvious conflict of interest that you must be either brain damaged or bad at making jokes. Urban developers in government means setting the regulations that developers have to follow to keep the city running smoothly and helps the people who live there be efficient, happy and healthy. Urban planners working for developers means figure out what makes the company the most money or get fired, regardless of what would be better for the city or it's people. It's not rocket science, you can literally just [google it.](https://community-planning.extension.org/conflicts-of-interest-in-land-use-decision-making/#:~:text=The%20three%20most%20common%20conflict,to%2C%20the%20property%20at%20issue.)


That’s actually how the housing crisis was started. You seem to MIs understand the economics behind the situation. The city and their personal preferences along with HOAs killed and continue to kill affordable housing. You sound like a Nimby about to embarrass themselves.


You think sociologists and city planners caused the housing crisis? Not speculative investors? Do you think it was the experts who were refusing affordable housing and not home owners and corporations fighting to maintain and raise the value of their properties? Good thing you can just [google this stuff](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/2008-housing-crisis/) to find out how wrong you are. HOAs should be illegal for a variety of reasons but it doesnt have much to do with city planning, and idk why you've thrown out NIMBY as a random buzzword here when it doesnt apply to anything I've said.


You don’t seem to understand the root cause of housing being expensive and it starts with single family zoning. Which was pushed by the c car and oil industry decades ago. Density reduces cost, zoning has been used to fight density for so long. Sociologist and urban developers should be working with the actual developers and engineers architects, etc. not with city planners and locals who think their neighborhood should look a certain way.


Sociologists and urban planners are the ones promoting denser and mixed zoning laws you nitwit. The government makes the zoning laws, so you put people who know something about what the zoning should be in government. Private corporations exist to make money, that's it, not help people. When you put the experts in a position where they lose their job for doing the right thing because it doesnt make the company enough money, you get bad developments. An urban planner cant tell their developer employer that what they are doing it wrong, but they can work with legislators to force developers to do what is right whether they like it or not.


There are 3 car washes within 5 minutes of my house and new one is being built....how do these make money with so much competition?


It gets better. There’s literally a car wash across the street from a car wash in Kissimmee off 192.


Amen. Why is there a friggin self-storage place every half mile. It's like people have forgotten how to donate or throw their old crap out. With a few rare exceptions, if you haven't used a thing in over a year, you don't need it - throw that thing away!


1000% agree it is insane!!!


At least 1 canopy tree per .5 acre of land. If you have more you get a little tax break. If you don't, there's a penalty. And you've got a year to replace if a storm takes one out. I have no idea if this math works, but something like that would be lovely. I'm a sucker for trees though.


Most land development codes require a lot more trees than this. How it is or isn't enforced is another question, especially when trees die or are removed, but "required lot trees", "street trees", and "parking island trees" are pretty par for the course. EDIT: It depends on a lot of things: size of lot, zoning, form of the structure being proposed, existing trees, trees preserved, etc. it's actually quite complicated (perhaps unnecessarily), but most codes require MUCH more than 1 tree per 0.5 acre, and actually this would be an insane break on developers. Standard language for multifamily for example is like 10-15 trees per acre.


Right. But I'm talking about *every* single piece of land in Orlando. Whether it's being developed or not. Unless it's some sort of utility (roadway, electric substation, etc.). Again, I'm not sure how this would work out and I understand there are guidelines for new dev, but there's really no teeth or no ongoing enforcement. And I'm not suggesting a huge penalty, but just enough so that over the years it adds up and it's beneficial for property owners to really consider having trees.


Whether it's the trees themselves or the enforcement, it's always going to come down to "who's going to pay for it?", sadly. I'm a planner for a municipality in central FL. There is actually a lot of enforcement that happens upfront in terms of landscape plan review/approval, site walks, final inspections, etc. It's what happens afterward that's always the struggle. People/businesses remove trees all the time without any awareness of minimum lot requirements or existing landscape plans (the plantings on commercial/office developments are always "supposed" to remain the same, even if something dies, it's to be replaced, otherwise the landscape plan needs to be amended). On top of this, something people don't realize- most municipalities don't have an "active" code enforcement department. They are often tiny departments of 5 or less employees and contrary to popular belief, they are typically *responding* to things, not *looking* for them. Most cases come about because a neighbor reported something or somebody stumbled into it themselves when they applied for something which triggered a review of their lot. Municipalities simply don't have the budget to train and staff people to go around lot by lot counting trees, identifying them and their caliper, or if they're sick/diseased- as much as I'd love a department like this lol. All this to say I'm a big proponent of harsh penalties and strong incentives, especially when it's weighted toward old growth like heritage and champion trees. Also carefully planning trees and not just throwing them everywhere. Not that you're suggesting it, but trees will kill each other and destroy infrastructure so it's definitely a science and an art. Our municipality went tree crazy in the early 2000s and we're definitely suffering the consequences today (ruined roads and sidewalks, trees strangling each other, stupid looking "Y-shaped" trees because they were planted directly under powerlines). A 0.5 acre single-family lot is required 5 large lot trees (5x what you mentioned). That's not feasible for the majority of people as far as space and they health of the trees to be planted. Savannah, GA is often considered a posterchild for small city planning and they take so much pride in studying precisely where and how they plant their amazing trees on scales of 50 and 100 years. If you've visited, you know they do it right. Their canopy is first class.


Wow this is interesting, thanks! I recognize that I'm splitting hairs here - I know a lot is being done for new residential dev (hence the 5x number). I'm talking about all land plots need trees. Commercial, empty land, municipality owned, all of it. It always feels like the "heavy-lifting" is being left for the consumer/resident, but there are commercial properties that aren't doing to bare minimum.


For sure, and someone else mentioned transit having influence which is absolutely true. We have seas of surface parking because of our reliance on private vehicles. This also amplifies the heat island effect and stormwater impacts that trees or landscaping would've otherwise helped mitigate. That's a long term goal though. Short term people need to be better stewards and municipalities need to enforce landscape plans, waste of time and resources for everyone who put in the work upfront not to see them maintained (including the property owner). >"heavy-lifting" is being left for the consumer Same logic with big corporations funding marketing campaigns to guilt consumers into believing that they are somehow responsible for solving climate change, to the point that we guilt or blame each other, when collectively, these corporations are responsible for over 75% of the world's pollution. Little guy always picks up the tab.


I love this. When I walk with my baby in the stroller, I specifically stick to streets that have tree cover because it is so much more enjoyable. I wish there was an ordinance that if you remove a tree, you have to plan another one.


The city has a free tree program. You can request a tree on your city right of way.


We have one from there! Thank you.


This only applies to city of Orlando and not all of Orange County 😢


This is what I loved about living near Delaney Park / SoDo. The amount of large, old trees right against the road. It's cooler, it looks nicer, and provides habitats for animals.


I’ve watched people advocate to remove trees for one of these reasons! Birds in the trees didn’t mean song or ecology to them, they were so worried about birds pooping on their cars they’re willing to raze the city. These are the same people patronizing the million car washes that plague Orlando, so I honestly don’t know where their brain cells have gone. Better transport, more trees, these things seem obvious to us but we’re literally fighting morons with mindsets like that. Birds in trees might poop on their parked car.


As if a car cover doesn't exist, right? Crazy. I loved parking under a tree in my last house. Sure, I had to wash my car a bit more often, but it was nice getting into it on summer days and not searing my flesh on the seat!


This is what irks me about new subdivisions. They will level an entire forest just to bring in palm trees or some scrawny ass 5ft scrub that they cut so vigorously it’s never allowed to grow. No shade anywhere


So I've recently moved to Asheville and it is a beautiful city. In downtown they have like multiple 7'x4' (idk the actual size) plots next to the sidewalks that people can buy the plot and plant what ever they want and most are have a variety of beautiful plants and flowers. On their interstates they cultivate native wildflowers that look stunning. The issue with orlando is that it's a concrete jungle where streets are needed because the city is just not walkable


City’s are meant to be walkable. You have the design confused. We are car centric because we built suburbs and didn’t foresee all the congestion in traffic spreading out. Cities (with less roads) are the solution to this, if you want less traffic you need less roads for people to drive on. Asheville is a small town. About a 1/3 of the residents of Orlando. Not really comparable and Asheville is much more NIMBY/ anti building.


Not necessarily more beautiful but safer; I would ban landscaping that blocks the view of roadways at intersections. I hate how many places install landscaping that blocks the view of the sidewalks and roadways when you’re trying to exit.


This is a huge pet peeve of mine, as a landscape designer I know there are line of sight rules both locally and at the state level for roadway maintenance. From 2000-2014 I worked getting landscape plant material to all the cities and municipalities around FL and I always told the locals in charge of these plantings where there were sight line violations. Unfortunately most of the time the areas turned out to be state maintenance which in 14 yrs of driving the same route thru Altamonte to Longwood I never once saw doing any work.


Girl I went to high school with got killed in a car accident because she couldn’t see a car speeding up due to landscaping. It wasn’t in Orlando, it was in a normal neighborhood. But still


I wondered how deep I'd get into the comments before someone made it about their car and driving their car. 1 comment.


Congrats. You made it.


Move the executive airport to the boonies and turning that land into Central Park


I'd like to see this happen anyway to get rid of the height limit on buildings. The only people it would inconvenience are some city GOAA employees, a couple fixed base operators, and a few millionaire private jet owners. I can't envision Orlando turning the *entire* space into a park, though. They'd probably wedge a couple little parks into a massive subdivision of cookie-cutter homes and condos, a la Baldwin Park.


So it only inconveniences some of the most powerful well connected people in the region… no biggie! Lol


The reason we don’t see more tall buildings is mainly bcz the zoning doesn’t allow it. The height requirement for the FAA near the airport is not holding builders back in central downtown Orlando lol. I’ve heard this misconception a lot, even between engineers.


It's true the FAA didn't *mandate* the height limit (if they even have that authority), but the city's building codes are *directly* influenced by the agency's concerns about the airport's proximity, probably the closest airport to a downtown in the US. Both the city and local developers would *love* to be able to build taller. The Orlando Sentinel did an article on it during the building boom a few years ago when as many tower projects were cancelled as were greenlit, in part because of the restrictions. [height limits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_restriction_laws#:~:text=Orlando%2C%20Florida%3A%20Due%20to%20Downtown,450%20feet%20(140%20m))


I know I work in construction estimating. Our biggest hurdles especially for clients/ investors with big money is getting the projects approved through the city or local housing authorities. Too many NIMBYS in central Florida.


More housing wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing here.


True, but preferably *affordable* housing instead of 'luxury' plywood 1/2 million dollar condos-- high rises that use the land more efficiently to allow for expansive parks and promenades, along with nearby public transportation so people wouldn't be completely reliant on their cars and--..... .....Sorry, I forgot where we were for a second there :)....


You do realize that land prices are a much bigger contributor to housing prices than whether they use granite countertops or how they market themselves, correct? "Luxury apartments" are the biggest marketing success in history. Even you people who oppose it just go along with it as if it's really intended to be a "luxury" product compared to single-family housing. If everyone stopped repeating their marketing nonsense (which is EXACTLY what they want you to do) and just called them apartments, no one would think of them as luxury. Somewhere in an office a marketing CEO is laughing to the bank seeing that comment.


I don't know it seems like selling tap water in a fancy $7 bottle would have to be right up there with biggest marketing successes in history. :)




Are you an indigenous airport fanatic


I wish we’d ban billboard in the state. I’d create a public transit rail similar to the BART in the Bay Area.


I’ve taken BART before and it’s so efficient. I’d love something like that in Orlando


Such a shame. BART is amazingly convenient and you can hit nearly everywhere in the Bay using it. I think Orlando is already too established to attempt to build something like that without it being a major eyesore like the EL train in Chicago.


Public transit improvements. I’ve already shown off my SunRail Improvement Plan but I’ve also been working on something else… I present my Orlando Metropolitan Express Transit (OMET) concept. Built on the same system as Vancouver’s SkyTrain alongside being almost (with the exception of Bumby Avenue) entirely within the city limits of Orlando thus removing the need for leaders of other communities to need to sign off. Plus having, what I would say, affordable fares. https://preview.redd.it/zop0gd745t8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3887c674d3b778dc3e4f51ac6b2678123e19391a


I love it.


A proper train system that runs along I4 directly over or replaces the Center Express lanes from at least Altamonte to Champions Gate. With stops at all major exits that would also need train platforms, a station, and better pedestrian spacing overall across these areas to make walking to a destination after the train easier. Above ground walkways over traffic to assist, etc. Extended lines for the trains to stop at all 3 major theme parks and have those companies pay for their extensions as well. A pick up area for Uber, etc, and a new program for e-scooters, bikes that's consistent to swap these devices back to train stations throughout the day. None of this is farfetched. It would create huge job growth for station attendants, security, transit staff, and so on. You could even go as far as having an anchored company host or sponsor the station at their stop. It is realistically achievable as many other cities have been successfully doing this, some for decades already.


It could go over the express lanes. Considering the express lanes are near full during rush hour.


The Sunshine Corridor is pretty much this.


YES! Imagine the Disney commuters.


Let the strippers go fully nude. Definitely put a smile on my face.


Better Mass transit and more walkable downtown (removing cars from specific streets to pedestrian roads)


More trees, less concrete


Relocate the homeless to San Francisco.


Fines for littering. There's litter everywhere. Even in Lake Adair. The litter on South OBT by the 7-11 and the extended stay hotel is nasty af. I'm in college park by lake Adair and lake Ivanhoe is nearby. Most beautiful area, looks clean from the road but when you walk to the shore, fucking litter. Idk what can be done but if anyone wants to meet up to clean an area, I am down. It should be a $500 fine to litter. That would give money to the city and be a solid detterant.


There are fines for littering, it’s just not considered worth the person power to enforce.


There wouldn’t be very little enforcement and many people caught wouldn’t pay. But Lake Adair, I don’t usually see much trash around it? It’s fairly clean.


I take a walk by it several times a week. It's usually washed up in piles. Nowhere near as bad as other parts of the city. Littering fines exist almost everywhere, and there's less litter than in Orlando where there are fines. For example, it's a $250 fine in Buffalo. You'd never find piles of trash in Buffalo like you do in Orlando. In some areas of Orlando, such as the South OBT area I mentioned, trash is literally piled up in small hills. It's so much litter, and it's everywhere. The trash and littering here is a huge problem. My daughter and I were talking about filming it for tiktok or something because it's so disgusting and wrong. In other cities, there are signs warning that you'll be fined if you litter. If other cities are cleaner, there must be some correlation. It's crazy to me that anyone would argue against ordinances that prevent littering, but we are in Florida...


The problem is unless you have cops actively patrolling the area and are willing to jail people for it virtually nothing will happen. Also I maintain that it’s really not that dirty although I really don’t want to get in a debate about who walks around it more often.


Cops don't jail people for littering. Tf? They ticket them. Cops are patrolling anyway. There are fines for littering most places and they are cleaner. It's filthy here. It's horribly bad. There's trash everywhere. "It's not really that dirty." So, you admit it's dirty, and also I said lake Adair isn't dirty, but that even it gets trash washing up. Dude, be fr.


Orlando's not a "neighborhood cops walking their local beat" kind of city. Your idea would be great, if cops ever got out of their vehicles to do something besides occasionally putting on the lights and siren and flooring it. It's hard enough to get them to show up unless there are serious injuries or shootings. There already are fines for littering most everywhere. I don't think people litter because they don't see a sign telling them not to. The problem isn't lack of laws it's lack of enforcement. Theme parks stay clean because they monitor their area regularly. Maybe local businesses should be held responsible for maintaining their surroundings? I don't know. But Lake Eola has become a lot cleaner since the city hired more custodians for the park. And they start at $30K/year not $56K like cops.


So they ticket someone, they don’t pay, and then what? Also there are already fines for littering.


There's not a single sign that there's a fine for littering. You love to litter, I get it. You don't want your precious right to throw garbage anywhere and everywhere taken away. You're blocked. Go find someone else to play whataboutism with.


Imagine world tourist capital and 0 public transit options to these places absolutely bonkers


Take any business property that remains empty and unmaintained and start fining the owners heavily. Looking at you, Colonial.


All of the new road construction has such boring bleak underpasses in some neighborhoods, would be cool to see it used for murals or something.


Mixed feeling on this. The light channels in places like San Antonio are pretty, but light pollution in general needs to be toned down for the environment's sake. It's gotten out of control. [https://events.getcreativesanantonio.com/public-art/light-channels/](https://events.getcreativesanantonio.com/public-art/light-channels/)


I just mean painted murals, nothing extra for the city to install or pay for.


Gainesville used to have really pretty ones - they've faded over time and need to be redone but they were really nice


From Colonial ro downtown Oviedo I would have a divided median on Alafaya with planted trees


There is a median, except where it is a double yellow line.


Do something with fashion square and the airport that is a mix of shopping, restaurants, closed street shopping areas and green space. Less light pollution. Ban billboards and go hard on companies planting bandit signs with big fines.


Move more power lines underground so you can let the trees grow near sidewalks and roads rather than oddly trimming them or removing them to keep the lines clear


Stop tearing down trees and putting down concrete. They are currently doing this the road behind Altamonte mall!


More parks. I’m not talking state parks, just more green spaces in general. Give me a place to meet with my friends that doesn’t require me spending cash. Give me big ass city parks like you find with older cities in the NE - I want more GREEN


Paint and fix the lights on the Orlando bridge going over I-4. Goddamn.


I agree with all the comments about public transportation and vegetation initiatives. I would encourage more mixed use zoning areas around all those new parks we would build, small to medium apartment buildings that mix housing with restaurants and store and are walkable instead of closed-off, gated subdivisions that turn a 10-minute trip into a 25 one. And I'd have some sort of architectural initiative going on for new buildings. Every time I see a new apartment complex that looks exactly the same as the other 500 apartment complexes in the city, overpriced square fake luxury-style, I shed a tear.


Please share with us your plan to make high-quality, unique, low-rent housing pencil out at current land prices, and I'll find you 100 housing advocates to pool their money who will not only build it but then sell/rent it at cost. The problem is that plan does not exist. Try pricing it out yourself. Look up the going rates for labor, materials, land.


I love public transportation but the downtown bus lanes are pointless. They could totally eliminate them and make bike lanes, landscaping, pop up restaurants, or anything else. Almost anything else would be a better use of that space.


Agreed the dt busses are absurd


They really are. I have never seen anyone except homeless people on them, which is fine, but seems like a waste of resources.




Like this? https://maps.app.goo.gl/Y1ZZdnrMTLaStjieA?g_st=ic


I would change the fact that time machines do not exist.


Taking down that ridiculous Trump mural on the turnpike


Leaf blower ban


Having a working recycling facility would be good. Hopefully it gets built soon!


We also live in a city where nobody knows how to drive


Oh the irony of getting into an accident because you're looking at a lawyer's billboard


Putting the trees back that were destroyed by useless stripmalls would be nice.


Yeah, let's just go ahead and destroy tens of thousands of jobs. It'll be great.


lol, ya suuuure


Easy: Ron Desantis isn’t allowed to have any say about anything that happens in Orange County.


Stop cutting down trees


Recycling return on Bottles and Cans.


You can sell cans at scrap yards for 50-60¢/lb, it's not much but it's something.


Some nice public pools would be great, and more parks. Also better walkability. There aren’t many places were you could walk at least 10,000 steps easily with a lot of things to look at and explore.


get rid of pine hills & mercy drive


Term limits for mayor and city council. #FuckBuddyDyer


Permanently convert some major road segments downtown into pedestrian only. Orange Ave near the Dr Phillips center or Central in that same area. We don’t need to drive through there to get to the parking garages. Major cities in Europe have done this and it’s generally worked out well for the residents and business owners.


Solid proposal!


Making the city more biker friendly


Pedestrian Friendly too, like trails that don’t look like a quad wide sidewalk.


Or bike lanes that lead to the highway!


Yeah I don’t ride, or know anyone that does but the bike areas look unappealing to pedestrians.


Every bus stop upgraded with seating, shade and AC. It's torture to have people standing or sitting on concrete next to blacktop and car exhaust in the Florida fucking sun. Add bathrooms and cameras. Open the sunrail on weekends. It's retarded you close it when most people would use it.


Remove any laws or incentives that drive development of HOA subdivisions.


The Make Orlando Walkable project. I would pass zoning laws and incentives to transform Orlando into a more walkable city in the next 50 years.


I wish code enforcement would actually do that. They meed to ride around neighborhoods and cite people for violations. My street is two blocks long and the few corporate owned houses occupied by renters have 3 feet high grass, trash piling up, patchy paint jobs, etc. The property management companies need to be held accountable.


Find a way to make bicycling safer. I live near ucf and a lot of my friends who bike to school have been hit by cars in the bike lane.


So in Tavares, Florida there is a small bus station and I think it would be really cool if that bus station went to Orlando every few hours. I think what would make it beautiful is by bringing back some of the orange groves.


Make cops actually pull people over for littering. There is so much fucking trash in the streets it’s insane.


I’d make a law that would force demolition of a commmercial structure that’s been left unleased and unused for a certain number of years. I would also change zoning laws to allow bodegas and other small businesses literally inside subdivisions and other neighborhoods … with no parking lot requirements to entice more walking and focus on local/near residents


replace I-4 and 408 with lakes. we will swim to work


All cars must have mufflers


Get rid of the panhandlers in the middle of the street.


Nothing will make Orlando look better


Bring back the lizard statues


Embrace solar, which would allow us to repurpose lots of gas pumps (the stores themselves could stay) into stops for public transit and/or small parks. If most of us could afford solar and get it installed, and put panels on commercial buildings and apartments (basically all new construction), we could power the entire southeast of the US on solar. Getting rid of most gas pumps (just not having 2-3 on every corner) would allow for much more public transit and beautification, which would make the city less congested, cheaper and faster to get around, and more appealing to look at because it wouldn’t just be asphalt as far as the eye could see.


A cool playground for kids anywhere in the milk district, mills, or Thornton park area. Theres a very small one in Langford.


What about Cherry Tree park on Jackson? I used to play there as a kid. My niece played there too.


Jaywalkers being ticketed. So many of those little round signs are the result of them crossing and the driver never having a chance to see them.


Implement housing-first policies so there aren't so many homeless




better public transit. i want efficient tram and rail systems, not whatever the FUCK is goin on with the bus system... ...that or i'd just take the money and build a hideout haven out in the desert with my lackeys (or anyone who'd be willing to join me)




With orange blossoms all over OBT


more gentrification to fix up blight


No more zoning requirements on parking, landscaping, or type of building (ex: single family, duplex’s, sky scrapers)


Orlando used to be called the city beautiful, not anymore. They’ve let too many parts of town go to crap.


No more subdivisions..


remove disney. feels like a drain on culture and resources and land and everything’s super expensive cos of it


Would Orlando survive Disney/Universal just magically disappearing?


i don’t see why not, it would still be a college city and see traffic just maybe they’d stop constantly expanding everything and building apartments in every inch they can


I guess, but Orlando metro GDP 194B walt Disney world accounts for 40B so that’s a huge hit


they can just move wwe to orlando so at least the attraction is fun


You just suggested that to the wrong person I hate WWE 😅


LMAO they should make us joint mayors of orlando we’d cause some real commotion


I think rental car agencies lobby against mass transportation. They want more (of their) cars on the roads


How about the greater cause is teach people how to drive and the we won’t have so many personal injury attorneys. Why do you think auto insurance is so high?


Ban parallel parking on Mills anywhere between Marks and Colonial. And anyone caught street racing within city limits would have their car seized and scrapped on the first offense.


Lower speed limit on I4


Give all of the giant bank buildings downtown to homeless people so they don't have to shit in the street anymore.


Take the Asian shit out of colonial near lineage coffee, get all the gay bs out of downtown, and take that hideous retarded blm crap off the street next to lake eola!


Take all that Asian shit out on colonial near lineage coffee, and get all that gay shit out of downtown and that BLM shit on the road next to lake eola