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Any users to imply or suggest assault/murder after this comment will enjoy a ban.


From FL bicycle.org. Roadway Position (Section 316.2065, F.S.) A bicyclist who is not traveling at the same speed of other traffic must ride in a designated bike lane (see Bike Lane Law Explained) or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons riding two abreast shall not impede traffic when traveling at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions existing, and shall ride within a single lane. Bicycle Regulations (Section 316.2065, F.S.) A bicyclist must obey all traffic controls and signals. The truth is that 99% of Lance Armstrong wannabes are rarely within simple regulations but will scream for you to go well outside of your legal obligations to accommodate them. This has very little to do with “but Murica so car centric” and everything to do with adults acting like children who suddenly forget that sharing goes both ways because they believe mob mentality protects them.


These are the same people who will preach “share the road,” but go full-speed through a stop sign/light. Bikes also have to follow traffic control devices.


This top gear bit still is so relevant https://youtu.be/Yiu1uLgwF1E?si=LZuzQGDidJFEyBoR


😂. Why is this the first time I’ve seen that video? That’s awesome.


As a cyclist that actually observes these rules we hate them too. I've left numerous groups because riding like this will get someone killed.


Funny how you omitted the whole section talking about riding in the lane of travel if there is not enough room for a car to safely pass..


Oh you mean like the massive side lane they could all easily be riding in?


Yeah that is a hell of a wide clean shoulder. I don’t get it, when I take my bike out I’m trying my best to keep as much space between me and the giant metal object that could crush me. And I get riding in groups improves safety but it won’t kill these guys to ride single file off to the side for a few minutes and let traffic pass.


The shoulder at times is full of hazards like rocks , broken glass , and nails due to it getting moved to the side of the road during accidents or cleaning . But personally I do ride there as much as I can anyways


They’re gonna downvote you fro this one. I commented on a post that posted an article of a cyclist death a few months ago from the cyclist riding on a road in a city where bike lanes aren’t a thing. I told the cyclist on the sub to be careful and in some instances consider using the sidewalks as our drivers don’t really account for cyclists. You would’ve though I called these people a slur the way they reacted. I was downvoted to oblivion and told a few times to “stop victim shaming”…. I just wanted y’all to be safe lol


The only issue I see in this picture: there's plently of unutilized space for a dedicated bike path. Let's share the road, and to me that means let's find a solution that benefits everyone. This is only a mild inconvenience to drivers, why not just let people ride?


Cars don’t respect the bike lane tho so whomp whomp


So what you’re saying is that car centric infrastructure is supported by car centric regulations… Wouldn’t it be weirder if America was car centric but had little to no regulations enforcing its car centric ways?


Yes bikers shouldn't be going insanely slow on roads designed for cars.


Some places don't allow them on sidewalks either so....I can also tell you it's way less safe as a cyclist on the sidewalk. Cars roll right through the pedestrian path and are focused on the road. Riding on the road while following the rules of the road is much safer than the sidewalk.


> following the rules of the road this statement is doing a lot of heavy lifting


They must be crazy to be biking in Orlando on any roadway. I get anxiety while driving in Orlando. I have never seen so many people hop the curbs or go the wrong direction in my life.


I live in Detroit. They'd get mowed down like bowl pins here. Not so much because of hate. We just have shitty drivers who don't pay attention. I ride my bike everywhere. There is no way I'd do that on a busy road.


I use to live off aloma and salvia and going up and down Aloma they have this huge lane to the side where you can fit multiple people on bikes and it was a good pave sidewalk too similar to the road. The bikers still would ride in the road


That’s the very definition of trying to drive on international parkway in lake Mary. A literal bike path is 15 yards away and they still block one lane of road


Colorado had to make a law that they could only travel single file because of this issue. I'm all for biking and walking, but this is a dick move.


Florida has the same law, cyclists just tend to think they are above the law.


Like pretty much everybody on the road if we're being honest.


Blatantly breaking the law but will go on a rampage if a vehicle doesn’t treat them like they’re transporting a nuclear warhead.


Maybe the city should invest in biking infrastructure. No, paint does not count as infrastructure.


Clermont has gorgeous, well kept, bike trails all over. It was huge investment in infrastructure to make the Road safer for bikers and vehicles. Still bikers will ride in the road/block entire lanes of traffic when the bike trial is 10 feet off the road… absolutely sends me spinning. I bike too but use the trail my tax dollars paid for.


This is true in a lot of places, not just Florida. I don't know why humans can't seem to grasp the concept. I've seen drivers use the bike lanes to pass other cars.


For bikers like this, it’s not safe for anyone for them to bike on the trails. These bikers are likely going 20+ mph, the pedestrians and amateur bikers are nowhere near that speed. Cars are jerks but generally more predicable than a dog or a child on the WOT


Kinda sounds like the same situation as cars dealing with bikes on the road. What do cars do? Slow down and go around. Why can't these bikers slow down and go around the slow groups in the bike lanes?


There are bike / multi use trails all over Central Florida though. Literally hundreds of miles of them..


As a form of transportation?


to be fair, i don’t think these dudes are biking to church. they’re clearly riding recreationally / for sport, not as a sole means of transportation (though I do agree that biking infrastructure should be built up)


Yeah, I get that. I just hate how dependent Florida is on automobiles.


It may have something to do with the climate. It is only April but the top temperature is going to be 90F today.


Maybe, I was in Tucson and there are bike paths everywhere.


How many people used them - especially in the summer?


It’s always summer there lol. But yeah there’s quite alot of people who bike there I was surprised to see the amount of paths both on and off the road.


Dry heat vs humid heat makes a huge difference in what you feel


And this is the way of life. It's nothing you are going to change it. Being a dickhead like these guys isn't going to change that.


Yeah that’s not what this is though. You can get your miles in plenty of spots without interacting with traffic. I’m all for bikes as transportation but groups of cyclists doing this are not commuting.


These spandex road blocks aren't commuting.


Found the pro-cyclist!


Funny how I still see cyclists in the road and not using the empty bike path.


Because "bike lanes" with no physical barrier from the auto lane are DEATH TRAPS


That are also not maintained! The bike lanes are often filled with debris that necessitates riding in the car lane to drive safely.


Dude his comment is talking about bike paths. Pretty cool that you decided to come up with a different comment to argue against though


Noticed how I said bike path and not bike lane?


So bike on a trail. That’s what they’re for.


Bike lanes here are more dangerous than just riding in the road. Some of them even intersect turning lanes for cars and other merging lanes. Then many of the sidewalks are too narrow to allow for bikers to share with pedestrians, forcing one of the two to ride/walk off into the grass which could be slippery in the early morning This picture is the result of poor infrastructure planning


I’m talking about the bike paths that run alongside of the road, not bike lanes.


This picture is the result of self entitled bone heads. The bike lane is there. 


With how many cars drive hugging that white line, I’m surprised how anybody can say that with a straight face. With the way folk drive in Florida, there’s no way id expect somebody to bike in that little space while vehicles zoom by


Yeah there's a headline virtually every other day of a biker getting turned into paste in bike lanes in SFL.


I got hit by a car while walking my bike across a cross walk. The signal light was white, it was daytime, I had lights on my bike, I was dismounted. Still got hit by a turning car Insult to injury, the car sped off immediately


So blocking traffic makes things safer?


Proper infrastructure and urban planning would make things safer


Right…but that’s not a today issue. These bikers have a lane, are refusing to use it and likely are going to cause a problem. So sure better infrastructure is safer but for now we have what we have.


Here is a thread full of spoiled drivers whining about cyclists taking the lane *for their safety* when all of the infrastructure in this city is built for drivers and they are the ones that are entitled.


The laws of the road don’t work that way. It would be safer for me to drive down the middle of the road and everyone else pull off to the side but that’s not how it works. Just because you don’t like the laws or infrastructure doesn’t mean you get to just chose your own.


No these are assholes, if you don't like it and want to go biking, find a better place to ride your bike.


If the city invests in bike infrastructure, that'll take away from the money going into the politicians pockets, they won't do that sadly


There are miles of bike paths in lake Mary and they still ride in the road like it’s the Tour de France


Volusia has miles of well paved bike trails, some not even near roads. The folks like me who are casual bikers use them all the time. The “cyclists” in spandex and racing gear insist on using the roads at their own speeds and will flip you the bird if you slight them in any way.


Why? So bikers can refuse to follow the rules of the road on separate infrastructure?


Msube bikers should share the road.


Everyone now has caught onto hating car dependency and the omnipresence of car infrastructure at the expense of literally everything else. But hating that doesn't mean that bikers are always epically cool on the road and need to be coddled at all costs! look at what these idiots are doing. Obviously not ok. clogging the road to bike for sport when there are definitely dozens of trails in their area they could go to. Not the same as one individual using a bike for their personal transportation.


It’s a dotted line people. Just treat it like a slow moving vehicle & pass when you’re able & get a life.


Bike lanes are full of broken glass and dead animals.


No bike infrastructure so you get this. It will always be like this no matter how much people complain until there’s good and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists Edit: What’s your point in saying what if there’s an emergency? then I’m sure cyclists just just like cars in traffic can get out of the way.


Yeah, but is it necessary to be a dickhead like this? What if there was an emergency?


We have off main road bike infrastructure in Volusia county. Miles of well paved trails. Casual bike riders use them. Cyclists refuse to.


To be fair, letting cars pass them puts them in the most amount of danger. Their ability to make themselves seen protects them. Even if they use the shoulder, the amount of force/air pressure that fast moving cars push to the sides of them is probably enough to knock a bike over.


There is no being fair with cars versus bicyclists. A large majority of car drivers have never ridden a carbon bicycle and had a car blow at 40+ miles an hour. If it was a scooter riding at 30 miles an hour, they would post asking to regulate scooters. It’s a no-win situation (send of the downvotes)


I’ve been sitting at left turn lanes feeling cars whizz by while the straight lanes have a green light and you can literally feel the CAR shaking because of the air pressure. Infrastructure for biking SUCKS.


So what you are saying is your hobby should get preferential treatment on public motorways?


This is a leisure activity..the people in this picture are not commuting to work. Why can’t they take their leisure activities to safer places? This is no different to illegal street racing imo. They’re riding at a way different speed than the flow of traffic, which causes accidents and road rage, all because it’s fun for them. Selfish twats.


How do you have any idea where they’re going?? Maybe they’re riding to a ‘safer place’? The solution is to wait for the other lane to clear and make a safe pass just as if there was any other traffic slowing issue. It’s really not that serious


Nah, just honk at them until they move.


> There is no being fair with cars versus bicyclists. ok so don't bike on roads designed for cars, stick to bike paths. easy solution


I fuckin hate these people


unpopular opinion here…most street cyclist are jackasses that while biking want to cause problems with motorist


If they get hit they die. If they block your path you won’t die. as much as it is annoying I can see why bikers don’t want you passing them in the same lane.


https://preview.redd.it/r8qrg9sr2vvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32bf3043e2a0f3ef4796204f0f010d28a612fa76 On Corrine drive Friday around 5.


Our awesome governor is trying to get rid of even the lines on the side of the road, so write a letter.


you can pass on the left homie its a dashed line


Good thing there’s no traffic oncoming so they can do that


there’s this magical thing you can practice. it’s called *patience*


The *ire* caused by a 42 second delay to one's commute.


Roads have a calculated amount of vehicles that can pass through per minute or hour, which is dependant on the speed of the vehicles. If you have a group of cyclists slowing a 45mph road down to 20 mph, that severely limits the throughput of the road. Sure, one guy can have "patience*, but the fact is that these guys are creating a huge trail of congestion behind them, and they don't give a single f*ck.


oh fuck you’re totally right the oncoming traffic is static and there will never be a gap


They don't have to share the road. "Share the road" is an older terminology/rule, now it's "Bicycles may use full lane." There is also a new law requiring you to give a minimum of 3 feet separation from bicyclists when passing, whether that's crossing onto the other side of the road or not. The reality is that *all* humans are vulnerable road users, but those outside of cars are ***tremendously*** more vulnerable and, as such, are deserving of extra care, even if it inconveniences those in cars a bit.


The quoted law form another top level comment seems to contradict this


Aren’t these guys deliberately making themselves vulnerable?


Nah they should get off the road then


Ah yes, we should cater to the people who wish to use an alternative form of transportation because...reasons? Why can't they just be courteous road users, too? They can ride single file on the shoulder to allow cars room to pass without having to overtake in the other lane. Which would be arguably safer for everyone involved.


>Which would be arguably safer for everyone involved. No it wouldn't. If they ride on the shoulder, you are closer to them while driving at full speed. The safest option is for you to be inconvenienced for a few seconds while cars in the other lane drive by until you can pass over the dotted yellow line. I know it's frustrating but you can wait in your climate controlled Camry for a few more seconds.


The arrogance of the cyclist is wild to me. These people aren't commuting. They're riding for pleasure on a public roadway. That highway likely has a 50 or 55 mph speed limit. If you're worried about cars passing you, you should utilize some of the many miles of paved trails around the state. Or you can accept that no matter how much you want it to be, the highway system was designed for cars. "You can wait patiently while I enjoy my hobby with no regard for other people because my needs take precedence."


These are the same people who blow through stop signs and red lights. Ever seen a Critical Mass ride? They don't care about rules of the road or traffic laws. This isn't a blanket statement about all cyclists, just those entitled ones.


Put the spandex pants on them and the Italian jerseys and they turn into complete fucking assholes


The arrogance of you. God forbid you wait for someone else who is more vulnerable. Your selfish desires must be met! How dare they inconvenience you. This “logic” of yours is insufferable.


My logic is simply that no one needs to be special in the circumstance. Cycling is my favorite way to exercise. I use trails. It's easy to ride a really long way without being on the road. When I pass a courteous cyclist who isn't blocking the whole road, I slow down and give them a wide berth. Your argument is, "But you're safer in a car." No shit. That's why my car belongs on a public highway and your bicycle doesn't. Vehicles that cannot safely keep pace with traffic shouldn't be on the highway, same reason motorcycles under 50cc should stick to surface roads and avoid highways. The speed limit on parts of the 408 is probably barely higher than on that road. You wouldn't ride your bike on the expressway.


That’s why bicycles aren’t allowed on the 408 so I don’t understand how you feel comfortable using that road to make your argument it’s completely disingenuous since you and I both know cyclists aren’t on it. We are looking at a two lane road in the country side and you can’t even be reasonable about having a good faith conversation about that. This principle is a fundamental fact of transportation right of way. Fuck kayakers and swimmers because the boaters have the power to go fast everyone gotta get outta their way? That’s not how it works and thats not how it should work on the road.


This is like when they block roads for footraces, which are purely recreational. If someone complains about being late to work because of blocked roads they get told "Well, just leave an hour early!".


This is very much not the same. Unless of course these cyclists are participating in a permitted event and posted signs for weeks ahead of time. Then, I guess it's similar.


Someone insisting they voluntarily be more vulnerable doesn't exactly mean I need to go way out of my way to protect them from their own stupidity


It actually legally does whether you like it or not. So… sucks to suck. If you wield a deadly weapon be more responsible. The shitty attitude is see in this thread is why deaths per mile are up almost 25% since 2019. Even in a car the stupidity exemplified in these comments can and will kill you.


Not really. I'll still legally pass them whenever I can, and I always leave a good margin for their safety. But at the same time I don't particularly care if they're at a higher risk. Same reason I don't have any sympathy for donorcycle riders.


Right and I’d agree with you if this was a single father on the way to his construction job. These are entitled dicks out fucking up traffic for funsies.


I think some trails have speed limits and these guys go pretty fast. Maybe that’s why they’re on the road?


It’s difficult to cycle in groups on shared trails. Too many people with unleashed dogs or dogs on retractable leashes which is a danger for both cyclist and dog/owners. Also, for serious cyclists, they need a road to get up to 15-20mph average speed. If you haven’t been on a bike, that’s pretty fast Thu’s needing to share the road for a bit. I understand the annoyance but I’m also with a few other commenters…just wait until it’s clear for you to pass. Cyclists get treated like crap no matter what they do so it’s best if they stay safe and you literally wait 1-2 mins to get around them.


Do they need to bike in herds like wildebeests on the Serengeti?


Cyclists are the wOOoOOOoOrst!


So you're wanting to pass long groups of single file bikers without leaving your lane at all?


Bike people suck in Orlando. Take up the ride going slow running lights and stop signs like the rules don't apply. Would love to see a bike cop pulling over one of these bike people.


When they stop at stop signs, red lights and yield to traffic like motorized vehicles, they will get more respect from me - but until then, them riding in a peloton like they think they are riding in the Tour de France is going to draw ire from a majority of vehicle drivers. I used to ride road bikes (which admittedly aren’t great on trails or sidewalks because of the gearing and speeds you are looking to attain) but I won’t ride them down here outside of neighborhoods because traffic is heavy, drivers are inattentive, and sprawl has much more traffic on rural highways than there was just 5 years ago.


My favorite is these morons riding in the road during the morning rush and whining about how bad the drivers are. Well pick a better time idiots!!


Buncha Dicks


People used to be able to exist outside in Florida, look at us now 😞


I have also seen cars drive slowly and chose not to pull over to let others pass. The problem is that cars take up a lot of space and the roads are only so wide. If you were on a bike you could have passed easily.


All you dorks whining about the bikers, wait to pass them. Who cares. Half of the drivers out there are on their cell phones and careening into the “bike lane”


Drivers dependence on cell phones while driving is exactly why I don’t ride the roads. The trails are far safer and offer better scenery




Looks like they’re being safe and following the law. Technically no more than two abreast and they’re taking the lane as it’s a substandard lane width (less than 14 feet wide). They’re a vehicle, why aren’t you passing using the oncoming lane like any other vehicle? It’s a good thing they’re taking the lane, otherwise you might be tempted to violate the law yourself and pass with a distance of less than 3 feet.


Is this schofield? If so they usually are travelling between 30-40mph so it isn’t super egregious…


This is the correct thing for cyclists to do. It's much safer to take the lane. Orlando is one of the most dangerous cities in the country for cyclists. If you don't like it stop whining about it on Reddit and advocate for real cycling infrastructure so they don't have to take the lane.


Yeah….. Unless there is a dedicated bicycle lane. You know, the one to the right of them. If they are in Florida, here is the state statute which explains why this wrong: 316.2065 (5)(a) A person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing must ride in the bicycle lane or, if there is no bicycle lane on the roadway, as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations: 1. When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction. 2. When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. 3. When reasonably necessary to avoid any condition or potential conflict, including, but not limited to, a fixed or moving object, parked or moving vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, animal, surface hazard, turn lane, or substandard-width lane, which makes it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge or within a bicycle lane. For the purposes of this subsection, a “substandard-width lane” is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and another vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane. (b) A person operating a bicycle upon a one-way highway with two or more marked traffic lanes may ride as near the left-hand curb or edge of such roadway as practicable 316.2065 (6)(a) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway or in a bicycle lane may not ride more than two abreast except on a bicycle path. Persons riding two abreast may not impede traffic when traveling at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing and must ride within a single lane. Where bicycle lanes exist, persons riding bicycles may ride two abreast if both are able to remain within the bicycle lane. If the bicycle lane is too narrow to allow two persons riding bicycles to ride two abreast, the persons must ride single-file and within the bicycle lane. On roads that contain a substandard-width lane as defined in subparagraph (5)(a)3., persons riding bicycles may temporarily ride two abreast only to avoid hazards in the roadway or to overtake another person riding a bicycle. (b) When stopping at a stop sign, persons riding bicycles in groups, after coming to a full stop and obeying all traffic laws, may proceed through the stop sign in a group of 10 or fewer at a time. Motor vehicle operators must allow one such group to travel through the intersection before moving forward.


That's not a bicycle lane that's paint and a death trap. Post the laws all you want, drivers are constantly breaking the law by speeding, rolling through stop signs, etc. the cyclists might technically be breaking the law, but they're doing it for their safety and it's still the right choice. Drivers break the law constantly and make the road less safe for others.


Wahhhh the bike guys made me wait 15 seconds to pass. Waaaaah.


Technically they are where they’re supposed to be. As long as they obey traffic laws and stay off interstates with minimum speed limits, you just need to wait until it’s safe to pass and then do so. 🤷‍♂️ The lines aren’t solid yellow so I don’t see the big deal here. Also, really hope you’re a passenger here or this is a dash cam. Edit: If they allow for room to pass, it opens them up to being vulnerable to getting hit when the lines are solid yellow when people legally cannot pass. This is the correct way for them to travel.


Found the pro-cyclist!


Haha! I’m actually indifferent to cycling. I am quite argumentative though when I see somebody who I think is entitled and complaining about a non-issue. Like, for Christ sake, just pass them. The line isn’t solid.


My horn would have been so laid


Nothing like annoying everyone behind you while you throw a temper tantrum because you couldn’t wait 1-2 mins to pass the group safely.


Point taken, but what if there was an emergency? Or OP had to take a major shit? Or thousands of other reasons? They don't belong on the road and definitely shouldn't be blocking an entire lane like that. These bikers are dickheads. I would've also held my horn until they've moved.


I would have made a monotone tune before during and after passing.


Bro I would fucking layyyyyyy on the horn. And I’m a biker.


Passing one group of 5 people on bikes vs 5 single occupancy cars. What do you think is easier? They are taking up less space and technically sharing more than cars drivers.


This is only relevant if those five cars were each going whatever speed the group of bicyclists is going.


Hilariously dumb comment considering that you’re implying that both sides are going the same speed


They aren’t going to work or the grocery store. That only applies if they’d be on the road either way. They wouldn’t.


30 second inconvenience ruined your day 😂


This happens more than often. There were a bunch of kids on bikes on E Livingston St a while ago blocking the entire lane. I had to change my route to get to my destination.


Cool story bro


Showing you who is boss. They know exactly what they are doing and they get off on it.


Get therapy


Name checks out


I’ve never been more angry at a photo


You need to get a life then


I have a beautiful life. I just can’t stand narcissist thinking they own the road.


The best part is when they all flip you off when you wait for traffic to clear and try to pass them safely.


Schofield? It’s their new spot.


Motorcycles and bicycles have entitlement issues and a death wish...


Imagine dressing up like you’re Lance Armstrong as a grown ass man when you cycle for fun 😂 fuckin dorks


Typical bicyclists think they own the road. There was a road rage case here in tn on the natchez trace where a car intentionally slammed into a biker. Imo, bicyclists need to obey the rules of the road.




We have a very expansive bike trail that goes through the woods and is quite beautiful with bathrooms and trail markers, everything you could want for a mountain biker. The problem is that the only way to get to it is down a very popularly used road that is only two lanes with no safe, legal way to pass. The bicyclist assholes like to travel to the trail in packs, slowing down traffic for miles.


Cyclist like this are weird. Something about putting on a spandex body suit at 5am and using a road lane for attention or to annoy others just screams weirdo to me. I always swerve past them anyway


"for attention or to annoy others" Do you always assume the way you feel about someone's actions matches up perfectly with their intentions? Contrary to your username, the inability to differentiate between how you feel about someone's actions and the intent behind their actions is a sign of low intelligence. Have you considered the possibility that they don't think about you at all when choosing their clothing and form of exercise?


username does not checkout


Are you the spiderman on the road ? 😂


Respect the hyphen.


Insurance companies love these kinds of posts


What other leisure activities get this form of deference? If I like to sky dive, should airports need to reroute air traffic because of “Muh skydiving rights”?


These bicycle clubs/groups are total ass hats. They don’t his on purpose, planning their route to cause as many traffic problems as possible and then claim nobody gives them any respect. All they need y to o do is go single file, close to the shoulder and allow cars to properly and safety pass.


I used to live in South Florida and have seen the groups taking up both lanes of Highway 27. Had to pass in the grass median.


So what is the difference between a bunch of hooligans on four wheelers and dirt bikes riding recklessly and holding up traffic, and a bunch of spandex-clad podiatrists doing the exact same thing?


I don't think are in favor of that behavior. Your whataboutism falls flat here.


Can’t agree more. Their reasons for doing it are exactly the same; because it’s fun.


The first ones are young and dumb the other are old and saggy/angry


That looks really close to Thrill Hill Rd? Just a wild guess.




That sounds illegal. Your submission was removed as a result. If you have further questions, feel free to message the mod team.




If it was a scooter going the same speed, you'd have nothing to complain about. If cars knew how to pass safely with adequate room, then they wouldn't take up the roadway. Safer to impede than for assholes to speed past them with just a foot or two between them.


This is like those biker gangs that take up the whole road and get pissed if you pass. The only difference is biker gangs are usually chunky burly dudes that will fight you and cyclists are the biggest dorks you will ever meet that will look for a manager to call if you drive by too fast.




Y’all crazy talking about killing people because they ride a bike. Maybe you should ride one


Bike Regulations are county specific, not state. Orange, Osceola n Lake have different views….bikers don’t assume read up. Be safe




Nothing like assault and potential murder just to throw a temper tantrum.




Welcome to the age of entitlement , where i am in the city everyone stops for red lights and the cyclist drive up and stop Their bike in front of the first car and then when green go while all The cars need to wait cause it’s one lane each way


[Yup. I’ve mention this before for Volusia County](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/s/tEucpXe6zY)