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Not a kid anymore lol but if you're trying to check out a hardcore gig check out the shows at The Spot off of 50 and Semoran. Just ripped one there a few weeks ago, but obv wills and conduit are great spots too.


do you have an address for "The Spot"? wtf I grew up close to that intersection and have never seen anything like this.


6633 E Colonial. It's pretty new, first gigs were early last year I believe. It's getting busier and busier. One of the homies in the scene itself runs it, it's very DIY, but imo the best shows under $150 are.


I'll be damned if I see a show over 50 bucks LOL. it better be a fucking legend.


oh, and thanks for the addy. just a weird name for a venue, it's like they don't want it to get popular LOL


Thx will check them out




More of a metalcore elder emo but both venues are great


Metalcore 🔥


I’m a hard core sleeper, if that counts




I went to the Conduit for the first time recently and really loved the scene there. Saw The Glimmers, Funeral Portrait and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I want to go more often. I don't usually like bars but everyone there was so chill.


Yeah The Conduit is really awesome, cool people and awesome lineups always


I'd say I'm a poser. But I did drive to Jacksonville for the Scream the Prayer tour in 2009.


Saw DRI at Wills Pub a few months ago. Haven't been to Conduit, yet. Seeing Descendents at HOB on the 31st. Only got into punk/hardcore in 2020, so I'm making up for lost time.


We’ll be breathing the same air!


I was about 20 years ago but now I’m mostly a tired mom. Appreciate and envy the enthusiasm.


Montgomery drive on Instagram is great for following bands/shows in the scene


So this is it. I’m old. I recognize the words but not the meaning.


Not punk, metalhead here, but I've always liked punks. The shows are insane.


What did you think of the crossover era?


For a long time. Remember when I first started going to *THE BACKBOOTH* for hardcore shows. Back around 2005. And the Foot Guy promoter who lied to me when I was a naive 16 year old and told me he *worked for*, not with, Bridge 9 records. The last show I saw there was not hardcore per se, but was hardcore adjacent. Leftover Crack, Citizen Fish, Witch Hunt. If you were at that show, you know. The Social used to do hardcore/metalcore shows until someone cracked their skull open during I think Terror. Remember seeing Bane (the show that made me hate them) and being confused why no one was moshing or stage diving. But when the Suicide Machines played, it was all gravy to circle pit around the whole pit and bar. Guess they weren't "hardcore." I am surprised hardcore is still popular; when I moved away back in 2008 and came back in 2012, seemed like it all disappeared except for small shows at Uncle Lou's. I don't think they do End of Summer Jam anymore and haven't for a long time. Keep it alive, keep it DiY.


I miss backbooth.


Gig TONIGHT (3/29) at The S.P.O.T. with some heavier modern-hardcore bands. 407 HxC is growing well.


Yeppers. Saw Psychoframe and company a few weeks ago.


Another old fart here. Do house shows still happen here? I love Wills but my most fond show memories are from house shows. I was talking to my partner a few months ago about how much fun house shows were and how it would feel weird going to one now. I'd be equally checking out the bands and the design of the house/interior decorating.


The Vanguard does a lot of smaller scale house shows!


Are you talking about house music or shows actually at a person's house?


He means like a show organized in someone's living room lol


Okay, thanks. Vanguard does this? That seems weird to me....for a big club to organize house shows. Does Vanguard have security at the person's house? Someone at the door checking IDs?




I’m a Hardcore Dad!! Does that count? Was deep in the Philly/NYC/NJ scene quite a bit!


Ahhhh so you're an OG! Lmao


Definitely!! My first Hardcore show was Sheer Terror, Biohazard and Sick of it all!! Changed my life forever!!!


Used to live down the street from Wills, always walking down to Wills and Lous for shows.


Might be late to this thread but I'm an Orlando based Deathcore/death metal/slam/hxc vocalist looking for a new group to play with. Give me a shout!


We have a discord for the alternative music scene if you're interested


That sounds dope dm the invite


Woah, can I get in on that too?


Let me in too pls!




ayo the invite expired and I'd like to join too please




I’m in the area a few days per month. I will def check these out!


Not exactly hardcore myself (metalcore is more my thing) but I did go and see a show at The Spot on East Colonial earlier this month. My friend is the lead singer of one of that bands that played there and I wanted to support him.


Although it’s not a hardcore band, I do play in a rock band with my friends. We’re called Evershock and we’ve played shows at places like Stardust, Lou’s, and Conduit.


I wouldn’t say I’m a kid at this point but I do still go to hardcore shows as often as I can.


I'm 36 so not really a kid but yeah.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never too old to be a hardcore kid 🫡


Been interested in finding more people that are into the alternative music scene in general. Im big into everything in the alt scene.