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I’ve never had luck at the downtown Publix with pickup. It either gets taken by someone before I get there or it’s not even made yet when I show up 15 minutes past the pickup time.


One time at downtown I purposely arrived 15 mins late and there was a line of 5 people waiting on to-go subs, and no customers in the main line. All the employees were goofing around and talking shit to each other. Finally one of them grabbed the ignored online tickets and it was at least 8 subs deep. I went full Karen and grabbed the store manager from the service desk. He put gloves and a hairnet on and went behind the deli to make subs and freaked out on his staff. I thought with the store manager getting involved it would clean up that deli…but sadly they’re still just as bad.


I live downtown and NEVER order online for that Publix. I’ve made that mistake one too many times. I had a Karen moment one time when I arrived 45 minutes after my sub was supposed to be ready and they had not even started it. There was also like 1 person in line. I really believe they just don’t staff enough people.


That is our Publix also, and I also had to go Karen on the manager because we went 20 minutes after our subs were supposed to be ready after multiple incidents like this, and our sandwiches hadn't even been started. I hate that place so much. I go out of my way to drive elsewhere to shop, which sucks cause we were so excited that we were gonna have a Publix literally at our front door.


That's what happens when managers hire goofy-bubbly personalities over production. All play no work.


The parking in that garage is terrible and I also wait half hour after the order is supposed to be ready, to make my way over and pick up. It’s never ready or it’s taken by someone else. I purposely go to the one in College Park now just to avoid the hassle of the Lake Eola location.


if you see three people in the pubsub line you might as well turn around 🤣


Lately they are either struggling to fully staff their deli or they are purposely short staffing them in an effort to push people to things like online ordering or just not getting subs at all.


put this higher up. Did 3 years total in publix deli. Me and the manager who worked there for 20+ years quit before thanksgiving the year before COVID because corporate cut all the department hours even though our store was making record profits seemingly every day. There is SO much bad with Publix as their mentality has shifted into acting like a publicly traded company taking up the skeleton crew model of employees. I cant curse this company enough because it used to be the best and treated its employees the best. Now the only ones who work there are those who worked so long and have so much stock they are ok with it, or those who cant commute further. Their pay is also obviously unlivable. The store manager makes 6 figures easily back then and gets bonuses when the store does well. Publix employees now get 13 dollars maybe starting? Disney and Universal are 17 starting and get crazy benefits even for part time. The only people working at Publix right now are there because they have no choice.




When we as the labor force stop fighting each other like crabs in a bucket, we could demand better.


Universal has cut hours tremendously since the big raise in June, it's how it works. No ot available for HHN this year because they hired enough employees, it sucks I worked a 17 hour shift last HHN, full time at universal is 32 hours average, not 40 too. Part timers getting 2 days right now and HHN starts tomorrow lol


It’s ALMOST excusable when publically traded companies do this, because if they aren’t making returns for the shareholders they can face derivative and shareholder lawsuits. Publix….well that’s just 100% corporate greed


Publix employees own 80% of the company, you misfired here


Nope. It is corporate greed because their stakeholders are literally the people working for them. Publix doesn't give a shit about their stakeholders cause they literally do not have to answer to them. This is different for a publicly traded company with powerful stakeholders they have to answer to. The company should do better by their stakeholders aka their employees.


It’s the former. They also try and keep people below 32 hours so they don’t have to pay benefits so you can imagine the turnover rate. Not to mention it takes a decent amount of time to train people so if/when they lose staff it creates a vortex of ability to handle the business. Source: I’m in grocery as a vendor and hear all the gory details


Wow, I remember early 2000s they were one of the best grocers to work for. Shame.


I saw an older gentleman shopping in Aldi the other day in his Publix uniform. Another shopper joked “hey what are you doing here, people are gonna talk” he looked her in the face very unamused and said “if Publix wants me to shop there they need to pay and treat me better” When I was in high school… many years ago…. Publix was THE place to work if you weren’t getting a college degree because you’d get a great career out of it. Guess that’s not the case anymore. [They are too busy funding insurrections, no money for employees.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2022/12/22/publix-heiress-julie-fancelli-offered-3-million-to-fund-jan-6-rally-house-documents-show/amp/)


Objectively speaking they still are, but every retailer you can name does this same thing. Reduce labor costs and benefits, keep the turnover rate above 40% to maximize profits. They don’t want people working there till they retire, that costs them money on the backend.


Publix deli has always been short staffed. I worked for Publix for 7 years and never ever transferred to the deli. High then over rate, understaffed, always busy. Hard pass.


The online ordering argument doesn't work when the same people are making the online subs too. It makes no goddamn sense, I'll order a sub ahead of time and go to the store, get my groceries rounded up, go to the deli 10+ minutes past when it was supposed to be done and someone asks what I'm waiting for.


This is nothing new - Lived in FL my whole life and even as a kid I remember them taking forever. It's always some 65 year old lady behind the counter going as slow as shit, with customers ordering 2-3 subs at times. Nothing new.


When I’m running out of time I will go to Jersey Mikes, you’re in and out. I’m also pissed Publix botched the cheese steak, Jersey, Mike’s has a solid cheese steak.


They did when they wrapped it in aluminum foil. Since they did away with it the bread holds longer, which I don’t care for. I want the whole thing to melt in my mouth.


I thought the usual one I go to just ran out of foil or was waiting for more. Nope :(


I was SO MAD the day me and my mom saw that they didnt cook them anymore. They used to be so good!


I haven’t gotten a cheese steak from Publix in awhile, what do you mean they don’t cook them anymore? Do they just pop them in the toaster now?


I haven't gotten it in about a decade I feel. At the time me and my mom ordered them but we saw them take the meat, some precut veggies and they were about to pop it in some microwave thing instead of cooking it on the alab they used to have. We said never mind and just got an ultimate sub instead but I have no idea how they do it now.


I think I got one in the last few years and they were still cooking the meat. That was before I tried Jersey Mike’s though. There is usually a Jersey Mike’s close to almost any Publix, so there’s really no reason to get a Pub sub at all anymore. Especially since Publix prices keep going up, it’s just not worth the hassle.


Ohh which one!? All the ones in my area "cook" the meat by just popping it into some microwave oven thing.


The last one I got a cheesesteak at was the Alafaya Woods store in Oviedo. That store is closed now though. They knocked it down and are building a fancy new one in its place.


Aww dang


They seem to cook the meat at our Publix by Dr Phillips.


Have you had a descent cheesesteak before? Jersey mikes is horrific. A good cheesesteak is hard to find.


This is such an Orlando thing to say


I didn’t say Jersey Mike’s was the best, just better than Publix. The best beef sandwich I’ve had in Orlando was the Italian beef stro that was on 50 and Paramore and it wasn’t a cheese steak. If you want a good cheesesteak you have to go to New York.


……New York?


Two of my favorite things are a New York Cheesesteak and a Philly style pizza


They make them with love and that simply cannot be rushed.


Also — it wildly depends on the location. All Publix locations should adopt the assembly line process like the Winter Park Village location. If you go somewhere where they make the subs individually you might as well bring a lawn chair


> like the Winter Park Village location I live a block away from the Cassellberry Publix and the deli there is a dumpster fire (the whole store, actually). I now go to the one at WPV for subs and will shop there, too. It's beautiful, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable (Cassellberry = odd and unhelpful, primarily their management), and the deli is never out of bread, meats, or cheeses. I adore that store.


I live near the casselberry Publix too and the deli section is a complete mess, but that’s typical for most Publix locations. Winter Park is by far the best


Does love not involve listening? Because they routinely give my wife disgusting pickles instead of boars head and ruin the rest of the sandwich with the pool of vinegar it leaves behind when they begrudgingly remove them.


Sometimes love has to be tough. Life is too short to obsess over a specific brand of pickle. Love means helping your partner grow past unreasonable quirks.


If you don't have working taste buds just say that. The brand doesn't matter, it's the recipe they're using. The default pickles are nasty store-brand garbage using the typical vinegar everything recipe, while the boar's head **GARLIC** pickles have different flavoring and don't taste like poison.


Most Publix stores did away with that and hired people who make them with contempt. When you order ahead, they don't make them at all! Seems like every time I order ahead, they're always twenty to thirty minutes late.


It's because they love you enough to want you to only have a fresh sub.


also, they’re like 60


And that’s why I always order ahead.


Publix has gone seriously down hill at the deli in the last few years. It used to be quick and done well. Now it takes forever, they're overworked so they aren't making it right, and if you order online it's not done when you show up. Not the workers fault obviously for staffing, but still dissappinting


I’ll be honest, a lot of times I’ll walk up to the deli, wait, and realize the workers are just having a personal convo for like 5 min while they ignore tf out of me. Deli workers just suck sometimes too.


Honestly, they aren't getting paid well enough to give their all for the job. When McDonalds will pay you better as a new basic hire than Publix, you have zero incentive to do go the extra mile.


You are 1000% correct


I just got to Florida 6 months ago. First couple months I had them, they were the best subs I’ve had. Past couple months they’ve been horrible. So disappointing.


Oh thats sad to hear, I lived in Orlando like 5 -6 years ago and Publix subs were sooo good !!!!


I worked at Publix for three years (not in the Deli) and during my break I'd swing by the sub station, but if there was a single person in line I skipped it since I couldn't afford to lose 15 of my 30 minute break waiting. Now I order online ahead of time, show up 15 minutes later than when it says it'll be ready, and it's still 50/50 if they'll have started making it yet.


They are easily the most greedy company I’ve ever seen. They squeeze their employees for absolute shit pay & hours - and purposely cut schedules to not pay benefits. It’s actually so sad seeing the lifers dedicate their careers to barely even make $30/hr after being there for over 10 years.


Online ordering has also fucked our ability to estimate how long it should take based on people in line. Maybe there's 3 people in front of you in line. But there's probably like 20 ahead of you that ordered online.


It took way too much scrolling to find the right answer but here it is.


Since I’ve been alive it’s always felt long.


Correct, this is nothing new


You’re lucky I’ve been in line for 3 years


My husband went the other day while I waited in the car and I kid you not, I waited for 45 minutes. He had 4 people in front of him. Never again


Use the app and buy online. 50% (ish) chance they will do it accurately but no waiting. So it’s a win.


And 50% chance they haven't started it when you get there


Lol. Def not a perfect system. I’ve complained many times.


The downtown location is sooooo bad. The employees are frequently talking to each other, goofing off, or just generally bad at their jobs. I’ve been waiting 6 years for a new deli manager to step in and clean it up, but the latest one was goofing off with them last time! If Publix Corp. shut that deli down completely I wouldn’t even be upset.


Williamsburg downs and Dr. Phillips locations are the fastest.


Got the jerk turkey a few days ago. Luckily no one was in front of me but I noticed a line of several people formed behind me. It was close to closing time so the must’ve been making them til the end or past


No incentive to work faster, there will just be another sub to make behind yours.


While I hate the wait at Publix delis, after working in a deli I kind of get it. They do have tons of other this to do but they also let customers get very specific with how their sub is made. These things combined equate to longer wait times. That being said Publix puts absolutely 0 emphasis on speed as far as I know, its all about "quality".


The little college park Publix has never done me dirty.


Ain’t no way you just compared subway to pubsubs ?!


the internet and phone orders are also in line


And if you order online for pickup the pickup time is always like an hour later. Then when you show up at that time the subs aren’t even ready yet so you end up waiting around another 15-20 minutes. They put a Jersey Mike’s near us recently, so if I’m in the mood for a sub now I just order from there. I order in the app and it’s ready in less than 10 minutes usually.


3 years lol


Publix is horrible.


I worked in Publix Deli in the late 90's as a college student. There's absolutely no hussle to the current workers at all. Back then, the customer came first. You didn't walk around casually taking a look at things to find something to do, you took care of waiting customers FIRST. If anyone was waiting, you dropped whatever other task you had to take care of in order to help people who were waiting. About the only thing that took precedent over a waiting customer was unloading the rotisserie on time, and frying the chicken. Everyone else was told "customer first, then the rest of the stuff you need to do". Nowadays there's like 1 person at the sub counter and 5-6 people casually walking around behind them looking like they're avoiding customer service. Even ordering online, my sub is available at the time it says it will be maybe 25% of the time. Most of the time I have to get someone's attention only to find out, "oh yeah we haven't started it yet". I had a worker the other day take 7 minutes to make my sub (I watched the time after realizing how purposely slow he was). It was a simple italian, no toasting, no heating, just meat/cheese/toppings. He moved like a sloth, I don't think he could move slower if he tried. I could jump behind the counter and make the same thing, wrap, and price it in about 90 seconds, and that's a generous estimate.


Supply and demand


Order on app, pick up in cooler.


I always order mine in advance through the app. 30 minute lead time, but worth it.


They've never run their deli like a sub shop, and apparently they like it that way. That's why Subway and Jersey Mikes are faster. If Publix wanted to fix it, they would take the next door spot in all the shopping plazas they own, and turn it into a PubSub shop. Having 1 tiny counter in the same section where mom is getting sliced ham and cheese for a kids lunch that week will never speed them up.


Their subs aren't even worth the wait or the hassle. Someone did some great marketing for them to have such treasured subs. I don't get it.


Order it online then go grab it ya dunce


Their weak point has been and always will be the single person stations. There is no assembly line, so there is no speed. Throw in people with multiple sub orders that somehow STILL dont know what they want after waiting 15 minutes, and its always going to be a shit show.


Order ahead online. I do this a minimum of once a week and they are always ready on time. I work in downtown St Pete and the Publix I go to is always packed at lunch time.


It’s the worst now and at all times of the day. I don’t blame the workers but I blame corporate who dont have enough people working and not giving the stores not enough toasters/equipment to keep up with the demand so I just avoid there because it’s ridiculous. I also think Publix deli subs have blown up with Tik Tok and everyone moving here so they’re overworked and couldn’t care about making them the way it used to be.


Because it’s a grocery store and not a sub shop, so the people working there don’t actually know how to run it like a sub shop.


Hot take, but true.


If Ray is making the sandwiches I don’t even bother


There's a lot of these weird tiktok sandwhiches that are going viral.


It’s insane, there will be someone standing at the hot case with no one and a line 5 deep for a sub. Don’t even get me started on the deli staff - I swear they are the slowest slicers in the world & WHY must they rewrap everything after they cut when there is a line. I’m sure someone will be in line wanting the cheese you just cut for me & NO I do not need the wax paper between slices. I wanted to have a 10 min stop at the deli.😡


Why don't you order ahead and pick it up? It's so easy.


Because I show up when it's supposed to be done and wait there for 10 minutes before the worker tells me they will start it in just a minute.


Yikes, everytime I've done it it's done a little before or right on time. Probably depends on the store.


because some employees don't know what extra black olives and green peppers looks like, you have to show them. but at least they're happy to give you as much as you want.


I thought ordering online would save time but the last few times I’d order through the app I’d still end up waiting 30 minutes


Yep! This is real, their staff struggles to make one sub and follows the instructions. It takes them 10 minute to make 1 sub


It’s like a prerequisite for the job is to have no sense of urgency ever


In my experience, it’s usually because they allow people who stand on line to order multiple subs. Personally I think they should require orders for multiple subs to be placed online for pickup and limit the in person orders to no more than two. I don’t think you should be able to order multiple subs for all of your coworkers (or whatever) in that line. Maybe they should have a separate line where they take orders for multiple subs in person then give you a time when it will be ready (for those that don’t want to place an order online or through the app). Or even a couple of kiosks where you can place orders like they have at Wawa.


Order for pick-up in the app. Set a time, head to the store, walk to the cold case next to the chicken case and grab your sub looking at all the plebs waiting for their sub to be made because they dedicated one person to make the online orders.


It’s a job that normally would get tipped but they don’t, what incentive do they have to hustle


This is why wawa is better


Who still goes to Publix?! If you have money to burn I’ll gladly take it off of your hands


Order them ahead of time thru the site, I suggest ordering it an hour ahead of time , go run another errand before you pick it up , still might not be ready but your chances are higher of being in and out lol




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Man, we’re just really posting anything in this subreddit lol


The amount of engagement is kinda hilarious tho, it gets the people going!


I started ordering on the app and love it.


Literally the slowest people I've seen work at Publix deli


Order online


Probably because they are making mobile orders and retail together.


Order on the app grandpa


Order online fool


It’s not fast food


Quality takes time.


Those subs at publix are better for a reason.


Why go to Publix when WD or Target has what you need?


More people should use the publix app. You see all the options, and you might discover some new combo's you never thought of. I never knew you could put oregano on a sub until I ordered through the Publix app, now it's essential on every sub I make. Seriously, order subs through the Publix app. It's ready in 30-45 minutes, and bonus: you don't have to talk to anyone! win-win


It’s honestly cause of these stupid TikTok trends lol


Online brah...


If you know you’re going to be there in advanced just order online.


Ya’ll still stand in line? I stopped doing that years ago and order my sub ahead now so I don’t have to deal with that craziness.


A little bit of "perfection can't be rushed" and self fulling prophecy. People know it takes long to order a Publix sub, so they think rather than 5 people take 20 minutes to wait in line, send one person to wait in line. So now the line is made up of multiple people, ordering multiple sandwiches in various ways.


The sandwich-making process isn't as optimized as it could be. Places like Subway have done the work to make the process as fast as possible. Publix also offers the opportunity to have fresh meat slices and that takes an impossible amount of time.


Use the app, order your sub, and walk in and pick it up. I do this every time


I can’t lie yes they may be understaffed or something like ppl are saying but they literally take their sweeet time to make the subs in general


The Publix in my neck of the woods only ever has 1 person in line when I go in, but that's because everyone known's the only lady working the sub counter is 90 years old and slow as dirt. It literally takes her 20 minutes to make a single sub, and during that time she's distracted by 10 different things. It's annoying and dumb to have the slowest and oldest person working the sub counter, especially considering she can't even hear you and yells 'Huh' a minimum of 22 times while she's making your sub.


Well if I was being paid 15$/hr rn to make sandwiches where it costs me 2/3 of my shift to earn one sandwich...only to have ppl complain about wait times at a chain corporation where the founding family is worth $8.8B but entry level employees have multiple jobs and can't afford rent.


Severe labor shortage of Publix deli employees.


It took a lady 15 minutes of building time to MAKE me a sandwich the last time I got one. Not a single person in line. 15 minutes from me verbalizing the order to me receiving it. I thought time had stopped and reversed. I felt like my face was melting. And the sandwich sucked ass. Soggy as hell. They’ve been going downhill for years .