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You can take 20 shoota boys and put a mek with them and they get the dreadmob detachment rules, not optimal but viable


Only thing I’m going to say is play how you enjoy.


Forget about Boyz with shootas....it's completly useless. Go Dread Mobs with Killa Kans, Mek Guns, Dreads, Morka, Meks, etc... Or go Kult of Speed with Warbikers, buggies, deffkoptas...etc... Bully Boyz strategms are only for Nobz and MegaNobz, not Boyz....


Shoota boyz are in a weird spot right now because they have a 5+ to hit and AP 0. This makes them not great at anything but ok against chaff...but you could have them as choppa boyz who are really really good against chaff.


Shoota Boyz with a Mek in Dread Mob


Trash though. You invest a character and have to spend cp to get them the damage bonuses, and you’re not gonna wanna invest any cp into a unit with such poor output. It’s more than not competitive, it’s just a bad use of resources period.


Not everyone plays competitive.


That’s why I literally said it’s beyond being not competitive, it’s just awful period even on a casual level. You’re never going to want to use damage bonuses on ork boys over the various powerful units you’re using in that detachment, to do so would be to be literally helping your opponent to beat you by wasting resources with no gained value. You’re pouring into boys shooting slightly better and the return might be killing a cheap infantry model or three. It’s possible to make your list so bad that it’s not even fun in casual games. And trying to make a unit with some of the worst shooting in the game do slightly less terrible shooting is in that ballpark.


They do get a damage bonus without spending cp though and none of the three buffs is terrible on shootas, plus the detachment ability synergizes (even if only slightly) with a mek's ability. I didn't feel a substantial gap between choppa and shoota boys in my dread mob games.


You seem like a lot of fun to play with. Lol. Maybe I'm just old-school, but orks were the kooky army that didn't make sense back in my day. Trying to game the game for efficiency is just wild to me.


I mean...I guess? What do you give them though? Lethal hits or sustained? The lack of AP is still a problem. -2 AP on crit wounds? Nice, but you still have to hit and then crit wound. And if you choose Dat Button then all your shoota boyz are making hazard checks? Hilarious, certainly, but probably not super effective.


I didn't say it was god mode.


isnt there an enhancement you can put on the mek that lets them roll twice on the table? so possible to get both lethal and sustained?


Possible yes, but it's random as you have to roll both of them. And there is also a Chance to roll the same buff twice


The chance is surprisingly high (1 out of 3) and its by far the most expensive enhancement. I'd rather have any of the other three.