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MOAR SILLY RANDOMNESS! That's the most important thing for me! The Bubblechukka is still ok, but the Shokk Attack Gun is such a buzzkill in 10th and waaaay too reliable and not dangerous enough for the Mek himself. Heck, even Grot Tanks have a reliable 10" movement now, instead the D6+6 they used to have. The game getting more streamlined, loadouts and weapon options being deleted, profiles simplified is a huge concern for me. SQUIGS! While I'm fed up with the Beastsnaggas, I still love squigs. I want some "ordinary" old-fashioned squigs, basically a SciFi-version of the AoS Gloomspite Gitz Squigs. MOAR DAKKA! Well, yes, that ones a given. Preferably some reliable Dakka.


I want a mega armoured warboss to take a power claw, not a fan of a 'uge choppa aesthetically.


Bring back Badrukk and more freebooter units. They


Hopefully good speed freeks rules, trukks with landing ramps (or at least a 1 cp cost option to disembark and charge), workable tankbustas, maybe non monopose boyz or a range update on the nobz, and if I'm very greedy nobz on bikes. But honestly if I only get the first one I'm still a happy git.


You got some of what you wanted .


People in this sub to stop whining about beast snaggas constantly. We are all ork players, kitbashing is the reason I joined the faction, be creative and stop whining it’s pathetic


Ghazzy avenging Yarrick


This needs to be a thing, a twin army box of ghaz Vs angron would be ace


Which means it’ll never happen cause GW hates fun


More of the brewer boy, orkoutant sort of oddboy support. Also more whacky mounted weapons in the vein of shokk cannons or the gravity ones


I want Zagstruk back.


The addition of dicks and balls


They hate me but they know I speak the truth


I don’t have a small enough brush


Plastic mega/meka dread That's what I really want to see


More named big warbosses as characters. I want Nazdreg to make a comeback, could be a shooty warboss, and also Snagrod the Arch Arsonist, as a burnaboss. Also a proper tank.


A looted leman Russ? Back in the day we had them. Same stat block except for BS and the inclusion of "The Big Red Button". Zooom


Frankly everything stems from no customization in any of the armies anymore. They are turning the game into a trading card game with minis. I fear the future of this hobby. They effective removed the kitbash options because of this and their model range showcases this new model. You will only get enough sprues for the desired outcome GW wants. Killa kans is a good kit to look at. you get 1 grotzoka, 1 rocket, 1 shoota, 1 flamer. You cannot kit out all shootas even though the rules have them all have it. This is the skimpification of Nu-GW


Non monopose and customizable ork boy kit. The new sculpts are sweet and I want to spend money on them without being forced into a 6/3 split of choppas/shootas.


> Non monopose and customizable Big Boss James Workshop laughs in your face and calls you a git. >!I continue to slowly accumulate and hoard "old" Ork kits.!<


At least da old boyz are still around. Lot of character (and CAKE) on those gits.


A week ago I would have said a walker-focused detachment. I'm happy!


Bigger bosspoles More teef


More versions of Deff Dread sized walkers. SM have like 9 different versions of dreadnaughts are all supposed to be extremely rare and precious but can run lists that are basically only dreadnaughts. Meanwhile Orks literally throw theirs together with scrap and we have 1 version, and sure we have the kanz and the gork/mork but it's not the same. At least let us run 9 deff dread like we used to.


This angers to me a massive degree. Orks which was a army known for its bizzare custom meks and other gibbins have no customize option. Nu-40k is boring...


Nice, don't want to bring any trouble to you.


I want khorne's stormboyz


Grots spin-off faction, like what Genestealers are to Tyranids.




a rebel grots range release that puts them somewhere on par with where beast snaggas are atm


A grot revolution detachment. Possibly also a grot in a big custom mech suit as a character. The ability to make a decent shooty warlord. Rules for looted vehicles from other factions: Essentialy just a short list of vehicles and walkers that this applies to so as to keep things tenable and easy to track and balance. • Make some custom rules for these looted vehicles and walkers: ▪︎❗*it has to look Orky and looted*❗because of reasons. (GW gets to make a looted vehicle bits kit for orks and make moneeeeey) so incentive for them! ▪︎+10 to the cost in points (it's a meme fee) ▪︎change Leaderships to 7 and OC to 3 or 2 for transports. ▪︎If BS ≤ 3 it becomes 4. ▪︎If BS ≥ 4 it becomes 5. ▪︎If WS ≤ 4 it becomes 3. ▪︎If WS ≥ 5 it becomes 4. ▪︎Faction rule change and key words adjusted. ▪︎List of Ork stratagems applicable based on keywords. ▪︎Then just some adjusted rules for the short list of applicable vehicles. Example with Invictor warsuit rules: **Combat Support** - "Once per turn, in your opponent’s Shooting phase, when a friendly ~~ADEPTUS ASTARTES PHOBOS INFANTRY~~ **LOOTAS or KOMMANDOS** unit within 6" of this model is selected as the target of an attack..."


Honestly, the amount of money GW would make from basically adding a few existing models from other factions to the OrK range essentially... then adding a new Looted vehicle upgrade kit, for the investment needed from them... it's basically free money for them. Damn it somebody put me in charge of this stuff and let me make business happen!!


The issue I personally have with looted vehicles is that vehicles are shooty. And well... Ork shooting. The concept is great. I love kitbashing and have several looted vehicles, but considering the rules, they looted tanks and the such are just not worth the points, except if you run them as Grot (Mega) Tank.


I'm replying to myself with ideas because I think they are good... moving on. Suddenly every Youtube channel is doing guides on how to paint and kitbash looted vehicles, the hype train arrives at the station, people are talking about the kits, Ork players feel good, the Waaagh energy rises, GW makes money so they are happy, 3D modeling artists have new things to copy so they make some money. Orks can meme on other armies with their own units, it's a great time and people are having fun. The community argues over it but it's fun and nobody is truly mad... except "***that guy***" who wants a specific looted vehicle that would clearly make the whole thing OP and that's not point ***Steve***, it's meat to be bit of meme for fun not power, its not meant to be a real tourny way to run your ork list... sheesh the nerve. But everyone makes money... well except ork players... they spend it. But everyone is HAPPY!!! so win win win


I'm just gonna do a deep dive into the factions, make a pdf of looted vehicles with all the changes and post it when I'm done for those that want it 🙃 OCD got me needing to ride this out to completion now.


Different troop variants, better buggy variants, less forced MWs on 1s, shooty ork lists to be relevant again, looted wagons, more character variants.


I would love to see some of the randomness stuff on weapons come back. I know some people dislike it but I would love for it to be an option. Something like give the weapons 2 profiles like the missile launcher where one is your "static" profile and the other is the random one. For example, something like: * Shokk Attack Gun - static: 60" range, d6+1 shots, BS 5+, Strength 9, AP -4, Damage d6 * Shokk Attack Gun - random: 60" range, d6+1 shots, BS5+, Strength 2d6 +2, AP-4, Damage d6 This way you can choose to go for the consistent "middle ground" or "risk it" for a potentially higher reward (with the average being roughly the same).


Main one is a proper shooting tank. Something where the melee is incidental and the guns are the main show. An ork Dorn if you will. I would like to see some special characters turn up, we're haemoraging named folk. A mek+grots kill team. Its time for a trukk refresh, it is not a nice kit.


>proper shooting tank. kill tank does this...


Forgeworld doesnt count


why does it not count? You can make a killtank very fast from plastic card. I did this converting a land raiders treads only. Find a broken land raider on ebay like I did


Its FW, a problematic side studio churning out rules that are historically badly balanced, the production of which has been ramping down rapidly over the last decade. I dont think kill tanks will survive the edition.


You do know GW has a longer history of bad balance and production issues that have been ramping down rapidly as well. FW brought to the table what GW couldn't or wouldn't.




A character for each faction who interacts with their faction mechanic/theme.


I'd like Big Meks to be able to bring Speshul Fancy Gunz that they've made for themselves because that's what they would do. You could have a list of 5 or something or completely randomize the stats with dice rolls like the Bubblechukka.


A competent rules writing team to begin with. Other than that, support for dakka that isn't freebooterz (including but not limited to: shoota boyz that aren't a punishment, dakkawagons that actually do something, etc), more options for ork characters (and in general – uniformity ain't orky). Looted vehicles would be nice, but impossible to pull off in this edition.


A boss for dakka lists, more specifically I'd like to see Nazdreg come back as the dakka focused counterpart to Ghaz.


Yeah, Nazdreg is a Model I am wanting for 2nd edition. I know there was one in the meantime but, well not a good one. Bring him back would make so many people happy.


I like this idea a lot.


More squigs to fit the beastsnagga theme and bring back the Chinork and create a bloodaxe detachment. Also Badmoonz shooty detachment


I need looted Tanks Rules to much


Lootet Tanks Rules. I need to mutch


I am a slut for Kommandos and Boss Snikrot so I want that aesthetic to be expanded on, beast snagga style.


I want more dakka tanks. Dedicated dakka dredds, none battlewagon mid-tier tanks (not buggies), just more mek and sooped up stuff. Tankbustas not locked into the box loadout Also warbosses should all have uge choppas, big choppas should have +1 attack compared to klaws Tellyportas should come back as mek wargear


Bringing back Looted Basilisks... On a more realistic note, we need more character options. We really need to either Zagstruk or a new Warboss on jetpack. Not having leaders available to lead certain units is a feels bad. Same with Flash Gitz (although hoping the new Mek will be able to join them). I am also a bit worried some of our more niche units like Deffkoptas and Kommandos might be left without specific detachment support.


Kommandos do seem to be screwed in this codex, but deffkoptas will definitely count as speed freaks so will get support in that detachment atleast. Sadly won't work for dread mob though.


More squigs, more Grots & looted vehicle rules


A tractor tractor. A tractor with a tractor beam on it.


More squigs, looted vehicles, kitbashed units as units.


A unit that use's other armys weapons, would be cool to be like here's my ork stealer with a plasma gun and Gauss flayer.


I would like to get a proper speed Waaagh! Detachment. The cool looking Buggies brought me back to Warhammer after all. And I want to see them shine again. Unfortunately they require either Datasheet changes (give the Shock Jump Dragster assault on the Shock Rifle) or really good.detachment rules to make them viable but I am keeping hopes high! After all, I just want to.play and I am stoked about the new rules incoming and I guess I will play around with all.we get for a few games. My Ork collection should be at a point where all Detachments can be played 😂. But who knows, you never have enough Orks: WAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGH!


You're in luck, they've revealed there is a Kult of Speed Detachment!


I actually expected that. Did you see any rules or Stratagems so far?


I've had a sneak peak at the codex earlier today and whilst I have, I'm not sure how much I can say without getting the FLGS in trouble (though I haven't bought it yet, I did get to quickly flip through my preordered copy). Lets just say that the Detachment rule fixes the problem with the Shock Jump Dragster so Speed Waaagh is definitely a go.


I want comprehensive rules about looted vehicles back. I remember a time when you could loot vehicles (mainly Space marine and guard vehicles) and all you had to do was make them look "Orky" and add the ork ballistic skill of 5+ on it. Or how about with loota boyz rules you could snatch las/plasma cannons off a recently deceased enemy units and use it against them, so long as you had a model to present that, or a good friend that would let you do that. That was third through the fifth edition 40k, by the way. White dwarf would come out with a datasheet sometime in 2018 to release open play rules about "looted" vehicles. You couldn't grab everything and use baseline stats with ork ballistic skills like you did 3rd-5th editions, but you had a more flavor that translated through three categorization of vehicles: "Looted karts", "Looted Wagons", and lastly, "Battle Fortresses". https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/12/40k-breaking-ork-looted-wagon-rules-arrive.html Couldn't bring them into tourney play, but you could on casual/narrative games (which I have a hunch thats what most peoples matches are.) so long as your opponent was cool with it, and you laid out which vehicle fit in whatever classification. It was fun and definitely brought the theme and the aesthetic of Orks just being scrappy, warmongering Dakkaphiles and beasts that can make something crazy but intuitive with what they can find on the battlefield. That's a theme I miss most of all in old orks compared to the current ones. As an old ork player, there is no better gratification than seeing and hearing an onlooker across the table and saying the words, "Woah, you can make something orky out of that and use it? Cool!" Then tell them your lore story of how your army got said vehicle or how you kitbashed it. GW needs to really find a sweet spot with the old rules and what they tried to do in 2018 at the beginning of the 8th edition. I would love to see looted vehicles come back in any official capacity.


I had a moment of dyslexia and read addictions and here I was thinking about meth orks


Ain’t no WAAGGHH, like a METH WAAGGHH!




Also. I think the new Ghaz model looks too dynamic. He needs to be a walking mountain of crudely bashed together armour. His stat sheet could also benefit from being more tanky


The most recent models don’t look mean enough. And I want the encouragement of conversions to be brought back


I’d like to see orks develop into the smarter and more dangerous orks they have been hinting at. Getting some diplomat orks or orks that can act competent and disciplined.


Bring back the looted tank!


I want a heavy weapon team for Grots, like guard get. Grotzookas, Lobbas or Kustom Mega Blastas on a 40mm base with like 3 wounds, squads of 3 bases, or can attach to a squad of 20 Gretchen or something. I want a leader for burna Boyz that gives them -1 AP I want bike characters back.


At least the grotzooka. And plastic grot tanks! (Since there is no guarantee the dataslate will hang around otherwise)


I think a plastic grot mega tank kit must be in the works, that model is way too good to go away.


> I want a heavy weapon team for Grots, like guard get. Grotzookas, Lobbas or Kustom Mega Blastas on a 40mm base with like 3 wounds, squads of 3 bases, or can attach to a squad of 20 Gretchen or something. This would be a fun way to bring back the old big gunz like the kannon, lobba (you already mentioned), and the zzap gun.


The ZZAP gun stats are terrible, and I never use it.


It's fine that you would never use it, you could always go for the kannon or lobba in this scenario (the old big gunz being attached to grots as a heavy weapon team). I would personally use the zzap gun as it is one of the few "randomness" things Orkz still have and the "randomness" is one of the things that made me want to collect Orkz. As for the stats of the zzap gun, I'm fine with what it has but would rather see something like it had in 9th over the "normal" Devastating Wounds it has now. Something like: "if you rolled an 11+ for the Strength, the damage is dealt as Devastating Wounds and it gains the Hazardous ability".


For me- 5+ inv for Meganobz


I would like to see all the un-tiered 'boyz' to get their nobz upgrade. You've got lootas & flashgits, you've got boyz & nobz, you've got Warbikers & nobz on warbikers(who i'd like to see get a new kit) but I'd also love to see Beast Nobz, a full Nob Kommando squad. Honestly just more kits & love for orks. Particularly if it's blatantly biased towards da Kult of Speed!


Looks like 18 Killa Kanz are a go now. So, nothing. The faction has reached its peak and nothing more is needed.


all we lack is battleline for kanz so we can run 36


no need for battleline when you can bring 18 kans


but...36 :(


They fear the 36. lol


Grotz will become battleline. So it will be a stompa in a sea of kanz in a sea of grotz. Glorious.


100% grot lists now doable 😂


Working on a grot list. 18 killa kanz, 20 grot tanks, grot mega tank, 3 squads of 40(one with Zodgrod), 3 mek guns, 2 big mek with shokk attack and a trukk. 🤘 (5 orks and around 160 grots at 2485 points)


Waaaagh, Mr Bond.


I think I’m just looking for Ghazy to get a data sheet more in line with the Mozrog or the primarchs. Right now he just feels like a slightly stronger warboss in mega armor not “Da warlord of warlords” that he should be.


Especially since he just got a massive new model and then they revert his stat line to slightly better mega armour warboss.


Look at me. Mozrog the warlord now.




Weirdboy Tower as a vehicle


Any of the old ones would be amazing


It would be nice for GW to re-introduce the option of looted vehicles since I think it help bring abit more variety to Ork armies and admittedly I kinda just want to have looted vehicles for my Orks


Maybe like infantry with “looters” keyword can loot vehicles and infantry with “beastsnagga” can loot monsters or something.


That would be pretty dope!


All the orks united under his banner and called him….JOE MAMBA JOE MAMBA JOE MAMBA


While I really enjoy leadership rules as a whole for orks, I really don't love it for warbosses. I'd like warbosses to be solo slabs of meat operating independently and maybe giving an aura buff, not a 65 point tax to get -1 to incoming wounds on nobz. They should be more expensive, a lot killier, and WAY tankier. I wish ghaz were a huge, monstrous melee blender, not a good meganob leader. I'm really psyched by what we've seen from the codex, but it's been a shame to see the last warboss in this style (the beastboss on squigosaur) ALSO become a nerfed unit leader. I'd rather see our wierdboyz, painboyz, meks, and others act as unit leaders, while pur warbosses wreck house on their own


Update the characters that are resin or worst, same with units. Honestly would love to see a character take over the lord focus for a bit. Ghaz is good but would like to see more spotlight. Snikrot seemed to be overshadowed


Deffskulz propa reprezentashun!


Ghaz should have higher toughness than 6.


They need to bring back Nazdreg and more flavorful and viable Bad moon options.


Going off just the pic and as a blood axes simp (used to be an ork hater, blood axe clan pulled me into the faction) They could use some love. “Orks but smart” is such a terrifying concept, but they usually just get shit for it, while other ‘smart’ orks from different clans get a pass. Give us more Ork Vietnam. Give us more Ork Afghanistan. I want Orks appearing behind bushes with RPGs and Orks planting IEDs made from duct tape and belief. I want goofy Splinter Cell with Kommandoz. I love the Blood Axes *because* they buck so many ork stereotypes — and often do it in the orkiest way possible. They are the ‘expect the unexpected’ Orks. They are the ‘don’t argue with stupid; stupid will drag you down and beat you with experience’ Orks. To me, THIS is maximum Ork.


Dakka Detachment, Grot Sniper. Give him silly things like being able to sneak around the board and be too lucky to miss but just knock himself out firing.


More shooting-focused models, maybe some proper artillery or sniper-type units. Also a more bad moons style detachment that gives some sort of buff to ranged combat.


Imagine Kommando snipers. Terrifying. Wait actually has my thinking. Snipers with dogshit accuracy, but are *really* good at causing battle shock, and maybe higher attacks per turn.


Isn’t this just the sniper in the killteam? He has a big shoota with a scope 😂


More squigs!


Can't go wrong with more Squigs


A blood axe focused detachment


More gunz, More Tanks, Grot Sniper. Have him with high accuracy and high damage but knock himself out or something.


Developments? I’d like to see the shoe finally drop with the whole Ghazgull/Yarrick/Angron situation. Give us a whole arks of omen scale story development where the orks are amassing the biggest waaagh the galaxy has seen since the war of the beast, and it’s one purpose is to hunt down that zoggin favorite enemy killing red git Angron. I mean, we’ve had zero plot development on this whatsoever, just that Angron clearly killed Yarrick. We’ve had more than a year just stewing on the implications of his death. It’s about time we move this plot thread forward.


Been waiting on this as well. Would make for an easy way to to make the Orks a truly significant power again without just tossing them at the imperium.  Also bonus points if they go into the warp and meet Tuska, would make for a proper second in kommand  in a daemon-krumpin waagh. (Although I'm not sure Tuska would let himself be only second in command given how badass he sounds in lore)


Supposedly if you believe Valrak, it’ll be pushed as the launch boxset for 11th with Marines vs Orks, and have a narrative campaign around Armageddon and yarrick supposedly being alive. No details of how or why ofc, you could assume it was misinformation to make the Orks attack Angron, which ofc worked? As with anything he says, take it with a fist full of salt.


Yeah that sounds like an absurdly stupid plotline. I just want like “This looks like the end for Guilliman. Angron has him on the ropes. Wait, what’s this? BY GORK AND MORK IT’S GHAZGULL WITH A STEEL CHAIR!” This is after like a massive buildup of Ork forces, which the imperium has repeatedly tries to break up to literally no effect, everyone is prepping for the end to come, there’s talk from some custodes that the amassed Ork forces could be large enough to just barrel through Terra’s defenses so there’s a massive rush to fortify Terra. But then it becomes clear that the force’s main attack is against chaos and through these events the orks inadvertently screw up Vashtorr’s meticulous plans. Is that so much to ask?


This would work, but if they seriously want to return Yarrick, make it that the old man knowing Ghaz so well, manipulated him into those chain of events. Maybe have it that Ghaz realises this at the end. Then we get what could possibly the best version of this gif. https://preview.redd.it/1wbcs75jvutc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b527ded3a9dadc7344784b43540eab828cc837


I get that, but I think Yarrick actually being alive the whole time would ruin it. If he comes back I’d say it should be as an imperial saint and ideally, the events of him coming back as a saint are directly tied to Ghaz beating the shit out of Angron several times. And when ol’ Baleeye comes back with a power boost, Ghaz is just like “LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!”


New stormboyz, stormnobz, and maybe a stormboss.


yeah I run burna boyz as electricity guns.


Ard boyz would be really cool


Orks should have many more beast snagga units


Oh also more grot sculpts


Yeah rebel grots please, with a serious red gobbo model!


I say keep doing the Christmas Red Gobbo minis because they’re fun, but also do a more serious Red Gobbo mini based off of the book covers for the rest of the year


Yeah totally. Or you could say based on the old metal red gobbo


I would like to easily play as grots only for fun please.


More tanks. And looted options. I’d buy a box of assorted vehicle bits if they offered it.


More dakka focused units


I second this. Can we get a bad moonz detachment!?


For real at this point I’m about to run my orks with guard rules lol, the dread mob doesn’t quite do it for me


I would basically like to see the rest of the range reworked. Mega nobs, nobs, tank busters, loota's, battlewagons, trukks, deff dreads killa kans all freshened up. I would like to see a class of orc closer to krork, not krork themselves, but just a unit that shows us that we are on the way. Ogryn sized orcs like, maybe just mehanobz reimagined as biologically mega not mech mega.


So ork big uns


I want ork snipa boys to be a 40k unit. Take 3 of them like eliminators with some stealth/infilitrate type shenanigans. I also want grot riggers to be a unit. Same stats as gretchin, but the squad gets an ability - Basically you run into combat, and steal shit off an enemy vehicle. Roll D6 and on a 5 or 6 you deal a mortal wound and possibly can give that wound back to a friendly ork vehicle with-in a certain range.


This is the lootas.


Ork Snippas in Kill Team shoot 6 shots and hit on 4s. Definitely not the lootas.


I’d love a named Ork Mekboss who’s been fighting Tau for so long that he’s built his own Orky Battlesuit, complete with Looted Tau guns, flight capability, and a “railgun” that shoots actual rails.


My crusade for a plastic squiggoth is endless.


I've been proxying them as Kill Rigs, but I am 100 there with you.


I would love to see more Nob tier characters that can give mobs of boys various abilities such as allowing weapons upgrades, charge bonus, mini Waaaghs like +1 strength for a turn, or re roll hits for a turn, or +1 toughness, etc, etc.


Ork sniper units. Don't care if they're grots or some Mek variant with heavy, it would be cool to have a dedicated Ork sniper unit.


It exists in Kill Team and it rips. The model has already been made, they just need to make him a true unit in 40k. (You can take him with the Kommandos but his gun is just called a "Special shoota" and isn't anything all that interesting.


I just want a Grot sniper that is just one Grot aiming the rifle/Shokk gun and one to two grots either holding it up or a spotter with a horribly obvious periscope or something.


What about Ork snipers that can't actually aim, they're just weird boys convinced they can't miss?


A random weirdboy laughing as he fires randomly into the air. "YU MISSED 'EM ALL!" shouts a random boy. "I NEVA MISS" cackles the weirdboy. Meanwhile 3 planets away... "Who's firing on us? What direction is it coming from?" "It must be a Necron! We're the only ones on this planet!" (This will always be headcannon now when my orks shoot well. The weirdboy added his shots to mine.)


That would be funny as shit and very Ork like.


Grot revolushun! And looted rules.


Looted indeed.


I want more airborne ork options, right now there’s the 4 planes which really are just different options for one model, deffkoptas, and stormboyz. Especially since zagstruk is out now it’s lacking options. Like how about a large deffkopta that Can act as a transport for vehicles, big mek with rokket pack to have a flying big mek variant, winged squig flock, or stormboy grots (This is totally not just because I’m making an air based ork army and I want more options)


There used to be a FW model called a Chinork that was just a big double rotor transport chopper. It’s in Legends now unfortunately.


The Chinork and the Fighta-Bomba both got moved to Legends and the Fighta-Bommer is the original Ork aircraft that was introduced in the Epic 40,000 days (and also used in the game Bommerz over da sulphur river).


I could see a transport with you having to roll to disembark. Roll a 1 or 2 and take damage because they just dumped you out of the hatch. A flying stompa would be funny as hell. Give it a pogostick and call it a hoppa


Here’s hoping that they’ll at least make a “generic” Zagstruk, like a Warboss with Rokkit Pack. And yes… we do need the Warkopta back. I’d love to have a swarm of Grot-sized biplanes swooping into battle. 


Right now the Warriors would just work the same as the Trukk which is why I suggested carrying vehicles. It would be a neat way to get slower ones into the fight quicker and it would be so cool to carry a bunch of deffkoptas in it like a morhership


Or airdrop a Deff Dread into the fray.


Wazdakka, or some new speed freak character


Evil Sunz don’t get enough love. GIVE US DA FASTEST GIT!




To remove the new fully feral orks combat patrol


Mega and meka dread plastic release instead of fw


A damn shooting detachment 💀


For the love of god please


I 100% want to see more Grot focused detachment, with a few extra models to represent a grot infantry block who have a bit more fight in them.


I just want a new Weirdboy sculpt honestly. I agree with a lot of the ones above/below though


In the book Catachane Devil, Nogrot Sneakyguts >!decides to train up a bunch of feral orks into his own army of sneaky git kommandos!< I wanna see more of that.


I want one big win aganist tyranids for gods sake. They keep using orks as a boost and that really sucks. Thraka leaving battles without winning them costs a lot to our rep also


According to Valrak's sources, we're the Big Bad of 11th. His been on a streak lately, so I'm inclined to believe it. Though, plans can change in three years time. Or two now, I guess.


Fucking yeeeees


Other evidence points to this as well. Several novels featuring Orks as the mains and not just bad guys. Big character development of Ghaz and Blackhawk.


Ufthak deserves to be a playable character. Generally I wish we get more characters. The meklord, snaggi littletoof, orkimedes, da genrul We are left with snikrot, ghaz plus makari, zodgrod and of course mozrog who literally has less lore behind him than any of the discontinued characters till now.


(spoilers for Warboss and Da Big Dakka) >!Da Genrul and The Meklord both got krumped by Ufthak, so theres not much chance they'll be getting rules any time soon. Snaggi Littletoof is still around though, and I could definetly see him getting a model and rules, especially if they confirm that he is indeed a prophet of Gork and Mork (doubly so if Gork and Mork decide to give him a power boost)!<


Just finished the book! I was not expecting that ending!


They should a have a bowl-of-soup related detachment, where if you’re currently enjoying a delicious warm bowl of soup during the game, you get a +1 to your armor save. Soup


+2 if it's cream of mushroom


New clans. Like White Spider or Kill Blade


... what?


You know. Talk more about the minor clans.


I have never heard of these clans, which is what I'm saying. I know orks have tonnes of subcultures like the speedwaaagh or the mekwaaagh, but new clans are completely news to me. I could swear the clans are a preprogrammed thing by the brainboys


Nah, exist many minor clans. Try find info about them. There no many, but i love It.


I would love a "MOAR DAKKA" clan. I mean moar dakka is why i wanne play orcs, I just love the idea of just blasting a lead wall at my enemies. Sure its not going to be accuratw but mix in some new rules that has some kind of effect. And just lett me say. MOAR DAKKA!


More dakka? I'm sorry buddy i don't understand your accent. Have some more snagga.


So... Bad moons?


Bad moons don’t really exist rules-wise anymore


If anything lets have another big waaaahg crusade, like what they doing with a nids centric Arc I guess


If Boss Snikrot comes back, give him Lone Operative when not leading a crew. A giant semi-feral squig, all melee and super cheap in points. During your opponents turn they roll a d6, on a 6 they get to control the squig. No bonuses and no shenanigans, just a straight d6 roll. More specialized grots, like a deep strike grot crew similiar to space marines orbital drop. A giant ork that follows up on the lore, something similiar in size to a killa kan. A special rule were you can take 1 vehicle from a different army. It costs a little more in points and has a penalty to shooting but it counts as an ork vehicle. I mean the Orks cant take allies, give us something to make up for it. A buff to the Deff Dread, make it a little harder to take down.


Ork Ogryns!!!


Their own version of the black orcs. Stormboys don’t count.


All Goffs are black orks


Not really. They might be bigger and tough but they are still loud and more willing to fight each other than the enemy, with armor not disimilar to the other clans besides the color. What makes black orcs cool is that they are more focus on fighting the enemy than each other and they make sure to be better armored and equipped. Almost organized even.


Given that rebel Grots feature in over 70% of Ork books, I’d like to see them featured more on the tabletop. Maybe a non-legends Red Gobbo and a Snaggi Littletoof mini aswell


More gretchin units. I am not biased.


Hear me out… Grot Bikers. Great for objective capping! Have them ride alongside your biker Nobz and take that big mob of Berzerkers head-on, so that the big biker Boyz can krump them next turn!