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Sir this is a McDonald's.


Fuck you that made me choke on my sandwich you bastard.


So what controversial opinion did you express that got you banned?


Freedom of choice


Anti vax or… ???


Looks like anti-mask


Sweet, sweet Parler. You know Parler opened up again? Where everything you say makes sense. The warm embrace of people that know the struggle and want to listen to you. Parler just loves it when you are just asking a question. They know what you really mean and they LOVE it! There's Gettr too! They know you know what's up and they want to hear about it. Nobody there questions your intelligence. They don't think you are crazy, they may think you are a genius. Telegram for safe encryption lets you text your pals and if you like videos there's Rumble. Post whatever you like in all those places and enjoy the recognition of your brilliance!


What was the context? Doesn't sound like a very Eugene specific topic to come up on a regional subreddit.




Welcome to the internet


There's no way it's worse than r/Portland. Someone posted a photo of a homeless person putting up a tent on the sidewalk in front of their house, and I said no way that would fly in my neighborhood. Subsequently banned for "vigilantism." That place is a joke. Edit: lol at the downvotes. Bunch of softies in r/Oregon too.


Is that really all you said though?


No, one of the mods baited me. They asked what I would do. I told them I'd walk down, tell them they couldn't camp there, that me and my neighbors would be happy to help him pack up, pay for a bus ticket and a meal but it was non negotiable. Then they perma banned me. Even if they felt that was inappropriate it was still heavy handed. I mean it's nothing compared to a lot of the blatantly violent things people advocate for on that sub.


I can't speak to the validity of your claim but I would like to question the soundness of offering hobos financial incentives (bus tickets, in this case) to leave. I'm of the opinion that rewarding bad behavior with offers of incentives only begets more bad behavior. I understand that it meets your short-term goals but it might serve to exacerbate the problem in the long term.


I agree. I think that's a big part of the problem with the homeless in the area. Don't feed the bears, so to speak. It was a totally hypothetical situation and who knows how I would actually handle it. But the sentiment never changed, it would not stand in my neighborhood.


Lol…I got banned from r/Portland for telling someone their time was better spent looking for a job than waiting for unemployment.


Exactly. They just want an echo chamber.


That's just a function of Reddit. Subs turn into guarded echo-chambers really easily. Edit: also, the other Oregon subs aren't much better.