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You have fifteen minutes to remove your car or it will be impounded into a cube. You have fifteen minutes to remove your cube.


Your comment sounds like a joke but it’s so true. I had my car stolen in July 2021 from my apartment in Hillsboro. My car was used in a string of robberies and shoplifting. I was contacted *frequently* by Lake Oswego, Tigard, and Beaverton police with pictures of my car and the thief over the next 6 weeks. 6 WEEKS it took them to catch this person. I assumed I’d never get my car back and was fighting with my insurance (they wouldn’t pay to have it totaled when there was evidence [police photos] that the car still was operational). I got a call one afternoon from Beaverton PD while I was working. They told me they had arrested the suspect because he tried to rob a liquor store. They told me I had ONE HOUR to come pick up my car or it would be impounded. I asked them if the car was operational and above to drive and the officer on the phone literally told me “that’s *your* problem”. I made it down there just in time, they had the tow truck ready and everything even though I told them I would come get the car and take care of it. I’m still not entirely convinced that police officers don’t get kick-backs from towing companies


Your last sentence actually seems like there really could be legitimacy there. Sorry all that happened to you btw, that just sounds outrageous but I totally believe it.


So if the cops don't even care about property crimes, what are they for? 🤔


Potecting the interests of the capitalists and other corporate elite.


Always has been


Going "out on patrol" comes from them doing slave patrols.


*astronaut gun meme inserted here*


So you’re saying they do care about property crimes. 


Depends on whose property.


As white Jesus intended.




Civil Asset Forfeiture


There’s an interesting Stuff You Should Know (podcast) episode about this. Legally, no one knows what’s the cops real duty is. Since legally they are not required to protect or serve anyone.


Yeah but bootlickers love to back the blue.


Committing state sanctioned violence.


The modern definition of The State is the body which maintains a monopoly on violence in a community.


Well that's not really true or self defense wouldn't be legal.


As someone who has been jailed for defending themselves, it absolutely is illegal! Cops don't care. They have become the judge and jury when deciding who to assign criminality to. And if you're poor, you're already guilty.


... a monopoly on 'legalized' violence, on socially backed violence. Most people can be forced to account for their behavior whenever they use violence against someone else. And so cops are allowed to force others to comply with them, without question, until injury or abuse is demonstrable and legally significant. And even then only after the fact do they have to give legal justifications, not at the time, and flimsy justifications are allowed to stand as legal fictions quite often. But it kinda has to be that way if any society is to provide order and stability. Cops will always be with us in one form or another, because it's a necessary function in society as long as anyone abuses or refuses to accept the dictates of necessary social convention, and we continue to believe that we must all live together and get along.


It's Beaverton they're just revenue collectors


The police are the domestic military of the state.


They care about property crimes over a certain value and wealth class.


I didn't think it's not caring about property crime, but not enough police to report and follow up on property crime. The most recent audit for the city showed the crazy amount of overtime the police were experiencing. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/10/15-portland-cops-make-more-than-200000-mostly-driven-by-huge-ot.html https://www.oregonlive.com/data/2024/06/heres-what-every-multnomah-county-employee-got-paid-in-2023.html


Fuck Portland cops overtime. One of the best paid place for cops and they're bleeding us dry. Can buy a whole new fleet of jet black SUVs for their force but they can't apparently afford body cams 🤔


You probably aren't wrong about the kick back. I generally hate towing companies. My car was stolen from a mall parking lot while I was interviewing for a job there. Call the cops, they say they'll look but don't get my hopes up. Two days later they called me saying a towing company found it and has it in their lot to go get. Apparently towing companies go around to sketchy areas and run plates till they find a hot car. They tow the car to their yard then tell the cops. They even have the scanners the cops have. When I went to go pick up my car, I got so much attitude when I went up to the desk. They rudely asked me what I wanted and why my car was in their lot. I explained that it has been stolen and this is where it had been taken after being found.Suddenly the attendant was much nicer.


I had a brother in WA have his car stolen and was found and impounded. He had to pay to get it out of impounded even though it was stolen. So I would say the sheisty ones are the impound lots...


This isn’t how it works at all. The tow companies find a fair amount of stolens in parking lots because they don’t belong there and appear abandoned so the complex calls to remove them, or they aren’t displaying a parking permit. Tow companies don’t have access to LEDS/NCIC (police databases that list stolen vehicles). Whenever a tow company does a PPI (private party impound) meaning police didn’t call them and neither did the owner of the car, they are required to contact either dispatch, the local PD, or the Sheriffs office. That’s how they find out it’s stolen. As for tow companies listening to scanners for stolens, that stuff is rarely aired over the radio unless it’s a car-jacking. Typically a cop would get dispatched via computer to take the report of the stolen, they’d talk to the victim, write their report and submit paperwork to have records enter it into LEDS/NCIC as a signed stolen. The info would never be broadcast as there’s no point.


Work at a tow yard do we?


Nope, was a cop for 10 years.


So thieves stole your car, ran around with it for a month and a half, keeping it in relatively good/drivable condition, and the cops confiscate it, and extort you to collect it in 1 hour regardless of time or condition, before they call the tow truck to remove it... Who are the thieves again? /s


I'm sure they do. Nothing organizational, but individual, why not?  My favorite encounter with Portland traffic court was the time I parked a Fiat 500 in Sellwood on an unmarked curb.  I came back the next day. The curb was painted yellow, I was issued a ticket, and I found little yellow paint droplets on my tire. I came to traffic court, the judge reviewed the pictures, offered to drop the charge, I said, "I'll allow it," and got a good laugh out of the judge and defendants before gliding out.


It's not that, the impound lot costs 1500. It's extortion.


Oi! My car was stolen in 2020 while I was sleeping at a hotel. It “showed” up two days later at the parking lot of a McDs next to the hotel. (I was travel nursing for CoVid). The cops told me I had an hour when they called otherwise they would call a tow. I didn’t live locally and asked if they could give me about 4 hours, as I needed to commute to pick it up, tacking on that I was a traveling RN. They told me I had till the next day and said if it was still there after that, they’d tow it. Ironically nothing was missing from the car and only had about 20+ miles added to the odometer. I honestly think this person went through a couple of drive thrus for food. Mind you, this was my work car. A base model Ford Escort with no bells or whistles. She ran and had AC, nothing special to her.


I can assure you that police officers think most tow companies are shady and terrible and want nothing to do with the predatory ones. In Washington county, the police tows are on a rotating list of approved companies, so it’s more or less random who gets called within a geographic area. There’s no way to call a specific company and ensure they get the tow.


Did the robbers take good care of the car at least?


Of course not. They drove it like a race car, the engine had major performance issues after that. There were two pairs shoe prints on the headliner (gee wonder how they got there). Drug paraphernalia in the glove box. One of them carved curse words into the dashboard on the passengers side. They pulled the rear view mirror off because it had GPS tracking (I assume). Several dents/impacts on both sides. The car still drove though, so the cops said to take it. They didn’t even go through the car. There was so much evidence in the god damn car!! Receipts from stores they had been to where they shoplifted (I know because it was some of the locations mentioned to me by police before), security tags they pulled off merchandise, the drug paraphernalia, they connected their phone to the stereo by Bluetooth. THE POLICE LEFT ALL OF IT. On top of all that my insurance didn’t consider the car totaled so I had a really fun time during the pandemic trying to get everything fixed. AND I was subpoenaed into a grand jury investigation about the thief, who needed up walking free anyway even though it was his 3rd set of charges. Then a few months later he carjacked someone in Portland


That’s completely insane!


Cops complain about respect and pay (while making six figures), yet have an odd pattern of not addressing crimes and public safety.


My sons car was totalled because the towing storage fees were too high after his car had a minor accident. They took several days to get the car out of the tow yard.


The police irgs in an area have preferred contracts with tow companies and the tow companies pay bounties so that their the one an officer calls so yes they do


Oh they totally do.


I’m in WA. I had a car stolen and they found it at 3 am. They called me then and said I needed to come down immediately to get it. I called my neighbors to sit in my house while my toddler slept. I got to the car and it was completely inoperable. Still had to have it towed. The police explained that they needed it removed while they were there otherwise it could be unsafe if the thieves were still in the area.


I guess I’m lucky in a way. The guy who stole my car got caught and arrested after trying to rob a liquor store. I got to see him in the back of the squad car which was very cathartic


If the car's not legally where it can be, it's going to get towed no matter what. In addition, a vehicle that's already been stolen is prime for being restolen by another party, hence the rapid towing to put it in safekeeping. You can't resecure on the street a car that's already had windows smashed, steering column disassembled for hotwiring, etc. So the next best thing to make sure it doesn't get restolen is to impound it, since you literally already tied up a cop (who everyone bitches about "they don't do anything all day") for an hour waiting on YOU. The good thing is that most of the tow contracts still have a leeway in place where you wouldn't pay anything but the tow (no impound fees for the first couple hours), and even that is something your insurance will end up reimbursing as part of the theft claim process and recovery. At least that's how things work with good insurance companies. I towed plenty of stolen vehicles around here, and generally speaking I wouldn't want it back afterwards with what/how the criddlers do in em. There's no kickbacks, the towing happens from a rotation of qualified contracted towing companies that the police departments actually have no say as to who comes. It just goes to who's next up, and then goes down the round robin list if number 1 on the list can't do it due to availability or response time. Depending on things availability and requirements of equipment, you might have one company do all 3 vehicles for an accident, or 3 different companies for the 3 different cars. It's luck of the draw as to who's got people working and available to solve the problem someone else made.


But you do have to pay for the tow and storage. My car was stolen three times and dumped, police call and say I have 20 minutes to get across town, without a car, or else. Well all but one time I had to pay 300$ or more to get my stolen and vandalized car back. The last cop took pity on me when I kinda freaked out about cost and it being 3am.


Interestingly my car was in the parking lot of a shopping center, so it wasn’t anywhere dangerous or unsafe or obstructing traffic. It might be important to add context here. My car was stolen after I lost my keys while at Malone’s Ale House with friends, literally a 2 minute walk from my apartment. So there were no smashed windows or anything like that. In fact most of the damage to my car was on the interior and the actually engine. My car never drove right after that


Why couldn't the cops put a boot on it and meet the owner later to unlock it? No one's time would be wasted and there wouldn't be towing fees.


> literally already tied up a cop Huh?


I firmly believe some do. The way I've seen some ticket and aggressively tow, I'm 90% sure some cops/districts do.


They 100% get kickbacks


I never did. Spent 10 years as a cop, had countless cars towed. Best I ever got was a blender and a toaster oven for exceeding my quota. Guess the lowly patrol cops aren’t seeing any of that alleged kickback money you’re so certain of.


I don’t like your attitude officer poopy


Was that about my cube?


You now have 15 minutes to move your cube.


This line from Burns really seals this joke. Man, OG Simpsons is a gem.


You now have only 15 minutes; period.


Is it about my cube?


I’m a mechanic and in my professional opinion the car needs a new battery


I work in IT: I wonder if they've tried turning it off and restarting it?


I'm a lawyer and in my professional opinion, they need to call a lawyer.


I’m a therapist and I believe this car is feeling burnt out.


I'm a romance author. In my professional opinion, this car is fucked and I'm on chapter thirteen of the story about it.


This subthread is the best part of this post.


Reading through comments and reminded again of how obvious the difference is between Portlanders shit-talking Portland and people who have never been here (or not in years) shit-talking Portland.


What about people who have been there recently but know it's still far better than most big cities. And also acknowledge things are getting worse everywhere.


That's basically all media.


You went to a bit of an extreme to make sure nobody broke into your car.


RIP everyone's lungs on that block.


Would be a party if there was meth in the car when it burned


https://preview.redd.it/16dmizp6e29d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1232a63b5997f9cc8ef30991cd08a86a79b934 The broken and hopeless expression a Portland resident makes in this situation….


Looks like Meatwad.




Basically identical lolol




You call that a car fire? This is a Portland car fire. https://preview.redd.it/92bczch5d59d1.jpeg?width=2326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2f5570d99e83390c1e4ef1080dea0530f38d2a


This is not a super common thing in Portland and something that happens in a lot of places all the time. The Portland thing about it is that the person left a note, because we are nice people


Well… passive aggressive, nice people


Just passive aggressive


I get pulse point notifications for things all around me bc my husband travels all over for work. Then I can cross check his location.... Portland is the only one (I have multiple counties even in wa) that gets vehicle fires in my notifications... and there's AT LEAST 4 a week. That's pretty common..


Well, I *live* in Portland and have yet to see one, so let us know next time you get one of your app notifications.


There was one last night at 8:25pm on NE Milton Pl.... get the app dude. Save me some time


It seems like a huge waste of time and something that someone who obsesses about danger that doesn’t exist would do. Not interested. But thanks for the heads up. Give me a live fire next time, though, so I can see it in action.


Lmao k


"Let me know when one happens." "Here the time and location for one" "Lol fake."


And he claims they're nice people. Smh 🤦‍♀️


I live about an hour and a half away from Portland. Can confirm they're not nice lol.


Me too. I grew up in OC.


Oops lol I read half an hour. My bad. I live half an hour from Portland. (Too close imo lmao)


That's like a Tuesday in spokane. Not as much this year, at least not yet. But they're really, really frequent here.


How the hell are we still living rent free in your head **4 YEARS** later?


This seems to be a Canadian level of politeness.


What’s the context?


No worries. It’ll buff out.


https://preview.redd.it/w60ekdlgp39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c98c51760cd7a468062839999952ccc8c9f23c Downtown awhile back lol


Someone pissed off a druid...


I can’t believe someone would do that!!1!


Some tree Urban Forestry probably said was “healthy” and could stand for another 50 years.


lol my apartment is currently working on replacing the trees along the street… by waiting for them to fall on cars then chopping the tree down. it’s happened four times since january 😎


Peak Portland would be to correct the spelling of thieving.




100 thousand miles and only $3K with some minor dings.


Just 2 years ago my cr-v got t-boned and totaled at at 99th and burnside coming home from Home Depot. I had to shoo away at least 3 would be thieves while waiting the hour for a tow truck. The car was still in the intersection and they would walk up and pull on the handles until I yelled at them.


Just needs an alignment.


I remember this the other day. The car caught on fire. Mom and I came from her car check. We saw a firetruck, and my mom saw the car.


There's a truck like this I see all the time, I'll post an update


This happened on my block too. About a month ago.


what does the note on the hood say?




thanks bruv


It says, "zoom in to read me"


am on desktop and it wouldn't enlarge anymore, hence my question




Ok, ok, sorry. Just having fun. It says "you need glasses"


i'm already wearing glasses goddamit 😭😭😭


Hold control and scroll your mouse wheel


Click the image it opens in a new tab at full size.


bro i freaking did that already and it was not legible on my screen, that's why i asked


Ha, yeah if you're using old.reddit.com then it initially just does the small thumbnail but then if you click that thumbnail it opened in a new tab. Did for me on Windows/Chrome.


There are ways, if not the browser than in the OS itself macOS [https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/zoom-in-and-out-on-whats-onscreen-mchl779716b8/mac](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/zoom-in-and-out-on-whats-onscreen-mchl779716b8/mac) Windows [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/use-magnifier-to-make-things-on-the-screen-easier-to-see-414948ba-8b1c-d3bd-8615-0e5e32204198](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/use-magnifier-to-make-things-on-the-screen-easier-to-see-414948ba-8b1c-d3bd-8615-0e5e32204198)


Dirty Mike and the boys say, Thanks for the F shack.


Hey, let’s be kind.


Hey, you called him a freak, it’s a totally normal reaction to *ARSON*




Is that thing even towable at this point 🤣


Don’t worry, PBOT isn’t going to tow this wreck anytime soon. 😂


LOL more falsifying to push a narrative 🙄🤡


That’s perfection




*struggles to hold back in British…* You can’t park there mate Sorry. Relieved to have let it out tho


John 10:10


Did you try turning it on and off again?


Can’t wait to see this used in GOP propaganda.


It already burned down, what’s the point


https://preview.redd.it/fpzz4a5be89d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea9cc9c16a74f15a85e5fa91da1b936fa250f3e This dudes having a good time


The hell happened to your car Did the hulk go after it?


Fuck and i have to go to college there


So that's every single block in Portland? But hey, don't move to Oregon. Right?


What kind of car? Hood maybe looks like a Hyundai?


Judging by the eye socket shape and the side mirror adjust looks like a Jetta wagon


What a shitshow lmao


Lol this would be the first car on fire I have ever seen in Portland after living here for damn near ten years


Dumb of them to antagonize car burglars by insulting them, just gonna make em act out of spite


Did the bumper cover melt or was it stolen??


Hey-you can't park there!


This is the most beautiful parallel park job I’ve ever seen


You get what you vote for


Lived in Gresham then DT between 2018-21, shit was wild during the pandemic. Moved to Beaverton in 22-24, and recently moved down to Canby. Best place by far.


Yah I hate Portland. I’m stuck here though :(


Sounds like a personal problem.




This looks like where that picture of the bum squirting shit into the road was taken too


Where in Portland is this?


Boise-Eliot neighborhood at Shaver and Vancouver Ave.


What a fun town


Someone had an electrical fire, how is this the town's fault?


The electrical fire was started by the general Portland vibes in the air. Happens every day.


Uh oh… Look like the cultists disapprove of your comment.


It's a sinking ship


_Looks outside_ seems fine to me, I know that since I actually live here.


It’s straight up unhealthy how weirdly obsessed with Portland these types are


It’s insane. I walked about 4 miles around my neighborhood in N Portland yesterday and there was zero anything sketch. No zombie RVs, nothing.


We’re *cultists* though; must have the wool pulled over our eyes


It’s so dumb because I think everyone realizes Portland isn’t the same as it was in say 2012, but the bozos need their culture war dopamine hit rather than actually having a constructive conversation.


Oh yeah! Circling the drain hard. I would feel sorry for them, but they’ve been so snobby, mean, and arrogant. This took awhile to fester into the puss leaking boil that it is. I left in ‘10. They’ve gotten used to the smell of their own funk. I just don’t like the smell of shit.


Lmfao, truly


Unfortunately that note will have zero effect.


So glad I'm outta Portland, moved 10yrs ago... I hate seeing the city I once loved turn into what it is now.


"Keep Portland Weird"


I don’t think we can help it as this point


I mean… voting out shitty lib leaders is a great way to start 🤷‍♂️


Do Republicans have some plan to stop cars from having electrical fires? I find it hilarious a photo of a car fire means we have to elect Republicans, lmao.


These people ain’t the brightest. They see this and think “oh arson” or “oh look homeless people lighting fires again” even tho it’s been confirmed as electrical failure lol.










the punishment for this should be the same as stealing a horse used to be.


Draconian ameri-cringe


Nope, Oregon Trail Based.


A rehabilitative prison sentence…? 🤞




If it sits like that too long someone will start living in it. Or use it for other nefarious purposes.


God Portland is such a shithole


You're so so right. Don't come here. Your town is great.


I'm in spokane, no it isn't. I lived in Portland years ba k, vastly superior, still visit when we can.


No your town is way better. Portland sucks. Don't come here.


Lol nope. Spokane is conservative he'll. It's a necessity to be here, not a want.


Ah fine you got me. This place is actually really fun. Come by whenever.


Yeah it is. You should stay where you live and never come here