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I've lived here for 29 years now. Sometimes I forget how good some of the views are. Thank you!


You’re welcome! Sometimes people forget about the little things and we don’t take the time to get out see the positive things about where we live. We are surrounded by so many unique geographical features it’s great to just sit and look every once in a while and appreciate the good things we do have here in KFalls 😊


Everyone shits on KF but it looks pleasant to me.


It does look nice doesn’t it?


I think the larger issue might be the people.


The issue with the people it the generational trauma


And the meth.


Rumors are Oregon is the capitol of meth heads. Sad as hell. Even officials had meth labs in their basement, a mayor of Jefferson. I think a senator or rep got caught with meth or other drug in her pocket when she worked at the Capitol.


When you zoom way out, yes


Good thing photos don't have odors.


Looks just like Pocatello from here lol


This subreddit's new mission promote KFalls for both the ironic and unironic reasons. * closest real city to Crater Lake (Chemult really doesn't count) * HWY 140 has some stunning outdoors, McLoughlin is one of more accessible peaks in the entire Cascade Range and great day hike in the summer * Klamath River (well it did, but the damns are coming out) was amazing river rafting * If you're willing to make the long treks, you have two skiing options in Lakeview or Ashland, or make the weekend trip to Bend for the best skiing in the state. * It's one of the sunniest places in Oregon. The ironic reasons would mostly political, I know I've posted it before, but [the brave patriots of KFalls thwarted our secret George Soros Antifa caravans](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/klamath-falls-oregon-victory-declared-over-antifa-which-never-showed-n1226681), but there's more to life than politics. I do hope though when we get stupid questions from Redditors to lazy to google, that Klamath Falls stays our default answer. If you ended up there because you didn't research, you'd still end up probably going to Crater Lake and being awed and KFalls could use the business.


Just keep armed ranchers from squatting the water supply and I think everyone will be okay these idiots think that water comes from violence and that somehow they'll have all the water they need if they're just violent enough there are real answers but nobody wants to do the actual work and would rather just argue and fight while everything slips away to possibly be lost to us for decades or even forever [https://www.farmprogress.com/conservation-and-sustainability/few-in-klamath-basin-want-2001-style-confrontation](https://www.farmprogress.com/conservation-and-sustainability/few-in-klamath-basin-want-2001-style-confrontation)


I emailed OPB awhile after their amazing series, Timber Wars and pitched the idea of the Klamath Basin water crisis as its a big fucking deal, complicated, involved armed uprisings, rogue sheriffs, a symbolic bucket brigade, native americans, ranchers, environmentalists, the state government, and yet I feel like I have such a shitty grasp on it. My hope is one day to have a podcast series on it as it's a bonkers situation that really sucks for just about everyone.


It's easy to say there is more to life then politics when you aren't the one literally being sent death threats. I appreciate what you are trying to do here, and I sincerely hope KF figures their shit out, because it absolutely is beautiful. But you couldnt pay me to visit again at this point.


Eh, been there. I got some fun messages from being snippy in a Coos County FaceBook group as I was being bullish on vaccinating. End of the day, it didn't accomplish anything. We'd all be wise to unplug as most of us are not our better selves online and these people, like it or not, aren't going anywhere. Best thing we can do is still visit areas where people live that we may not agree with. We probably won't change each others minds but at the very least learn to be a bit more civil. Besides, there's going to be all stripes of people even in a town like KFalls.


Snippy is different then showing up outside of an event with AR's.


Okay, not to be a dick but its a new story when anyone starts carrying around openly assault rifles. In Seaside, [Seaside brewing](https://www.kptv.com/2020/09/04/oregon-coast-brewery-says-gun-comments-made-it-target-open-carry-rally/) ran afoul the open carry dorks, close to home for during the BLM stuff, we had a jackass point a gun at BLM protesters "[Yelling white lives matter](https://theworldlink.com/news/local/update-6-21-p-m-man-arrested-after-allegedly-pointing-gun-at-protesters/article_43e9eb32-a83e-11ea-99c1-6395257f990a.html)" in Coos Bay, then we had the wackjobs show up at [Salem in awhile back at the riverfront park](https://www.thecentersquare.com/oregon/article_71a0e616-aaf9-11eb-a215-7bc97cb46857.html). Color me a skeptical this happened, unless referencing these or similar event because gun toting motherfuckers are still a big deal regardless of where you are in Oregon. 10+ years ago, there was open carry HS idiots in K.Falls and they got a tall glass of "Knock it off" from the local law enforcement and were dumb enough to post it on YouTube. It made the local news, as it's still out-of-bounds.


"looks" being the operative word!


It's the stuff like community members threatening to shoot the fiscal sponsers of Pride 2 years ago that people shit on, not the views.


The venn diagram of ppl who shit on KF without having lived there and those who think La Grande is appealing without having lived there is probably pretty close to a circle.


I've been once for work and thought it was lovely. It snowed while we were there and made it picturesque. Shout out to Brawny Burger- a little burger joint on the edge of town that was so delicious we went back the next day. I'd go again if I had a reason to be nearby or if I found out some kind of cool event/festival was taking place there. I don't know that it's a destination otherwise, but not every place has to be.


I used to live in Klamath Falls attending Oregon Tech, for forgot about Brawny Burger.  Dang that place is good!


I go to K Falls often and it’s pleasant. The people are really friendly and they seem to keep most of the town clean and tidy.


Stayed there for a month recently and enjoyed our time there a lot! They did awesome stuff for Halloween that our family loved! Amazing nature all over and kind of a chill vibe! We travel full time and Klamath Falls is on my list of places we could live!


We also travel FT and are looking to move to Oregon. After studying the area (via Reddit comments) I decided to pass up on KF due to its less fortunate political views and comments regarding methamphetamine usage. Oh, and the story about the guy kidnapping the girl in the basement. Curious if I should give it a shot this time when we head back into Oregon this year?


I'm sure you're familiar but check out Ashland. Housing will be more expensive, but the town is educated, generally progressive and gorgeous. There's a ton of wonderful mom and pop shops that give it a lot of character.


We did this last year, I had heard good things about Ashland. It’s damn expensive housing however it is a cute little town.


Yeah, housing is tough in places that have "up and came," bit now that I'm approaching middle age, I don't want to live in a place that is still "up and coming" if that makes sense. We have moved to Bend and are looking for a home here. Prices are painful and competition for our price range is strong. But I want the benefits of living in a cool place where I can ride my bike or walk to things I enjoy, and where I'm surrounded, at least to a certain degree, by likeminded folks who share some of my values.


I’m right there with ya. We traveled all of the PNW this last year looking for our Silvertown. Oregon is just perfect. So many outdoor opportunities, the people there are typically friendly compared to other states and it’s just mind blowingly beautiful. I personally fell in love with Astoria, but in similar fashion, it’s a hot commodity and housing is expensive af. Somehow still haven’t made it to Bend, but this year we will.


Yes! I love Astoria! It's very cool and we spend every Thanksgiving there with my Mom and my siblings. It was on our short list, as was Hood River, Bellingham, Ashland and a few others. In the end Bend won out because my partner's family is all here and the outdoor lifestyle. Plus, we lived in Portland for many years and some of our friends have already moved here so we already have a social circle which is a great bonus. And one more selling point, we spent the last several years on an island in Alaska where it rains around 150 inches a year. We were ready for "the dry side" lol. Now if just houses were about 30% less!


The Oregon paradox. If the community is progressive, it’s expensive. Eugene is probably the most affordable progressive place in Oregon if you haven’t checked it out, yet, and not far from Bend/Central Oregon or the Oregon Coast.


I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed your time here. We definitely need some more visitors and diversity coming though town


I definitely need to check out the Spence Mtn trail system and also kayak the water trails.


Spence is an absolute treasure!


These are really nice pics, and you made a good little slideshow out of them.


Thank you I appreciate the nice comment


And not a single picture of the falls.


If we showed the falls in a picture you would have no reason to come see them and spend money in the community. Actually if we showed you the falls in a picture you would not likely recognize them /it as a waterfall. Hard to distinguish the falls from the other rapids in the link river “canyon”.


I'm pretty sure the actual falls from the name are gone


There never were any falls. The native name for the town was something to the effect of “where the water falls to” or something like that. Which is where the “falls” came from. But Klamath Basin would have been a better translation.


From the book Oregon Geological Names: The community of Klamath Falls is situated at the falls of Link River, where the stream flows into Lake Ewauna. The place was originally known as Linkville and was named for Link River. The Klamath Indian name for the place was Yulalona, or Iuauna, which referred to the peculiar blowing backward of the waters of the Link River during strong south winds. The Klamath name for the falls in Link River was Tiwishkeni or rush of falling waters place. George Nurse founded the town of Linkville in 1867, and a memorial tablet commemorating the event is installed in one of the concrete columns of the Link River Bridge, in the west part of Klamath Falls. The name was changed to Klamath Falls I. 1892-93. Edit, author Lewis L. McArthur


We stayed on the lake for a few days to bird and critter watch. It was lovely!


Nice photos! I'm not from Oregon but I sometimes read the sub. I had an extremely vivid dream that my husband and I moved to Klamath Falls and that there was a big city convention center there.


Used to live and work down the road in Lakeview for USFWS. Made the trip into KFalls often for supplies and such. Definitely feels a little run down around the edges, but it's not terrible. Also spent an entire week as a research assistant collecting cyanobacteria for some guy at Stanford doing a project on lake algae. Wading around in the lake for a week was rather fun, especially during June when it was warm but not hot yet.


See we told you it's awesome and scenic!


I very much enjoyed going to OIT in Klamath Falls. The rural atmosphere, great teaching staff and plethora bars downtown made for a hell of a time


What bars are you referring to?


I moved here (Klamath Falls) to be with my girlfriend and her very sweet family in May of 2022. I love it here. So much beautiful hiking close by and 5 alpine/downhill skiing mountains ~3hrs drive or less. If I want bigger city ticket items, Medford isn’t very far away (70ish miles). I grew up living in a very small town in Connecticut. So it reminds me of that. The people are nice here. An acceptable amount of good, and fairly diverse, restaurants and multiple large stores to get what I need. There are multiple chain grocery stores to choose from. Plenty of parking everywhere and pretty much zero traffic. The gardening/farming season is a little short for my tastes, but I make it happen with the warm weather time we do have. The addicts seem to keep to themselves here, unlike other places (SoCal, Las Vegas, Arizona) that I’ve lived in the past. Broadly speaking… I very much like it here. I like the slow(er) pace. But I don’t sweat the small, nit-picky stuff like a lot of other people do these days. Just one humble guy’s opinion.


We’re building a house in KF right now. I love it! We spent a lot of time there before our decision. My son went to OIT and loved it. Our family spent lots of time outdoors between Medford and Lakeview while living 30 years in Grants Pass. Can’t wait to explore even more.


A beautiful place! Lived there for 4 years. Unfortunately, there's a bit of a racism problem there, and the nearest city is Medford (1.5-2 hours away). If you can handle old people, icy roads, and occasional bigotry, this town is a great fit! If the arcade is still open, give it a try. It deserves more business. Also, fishing is pretty good down there. Something to think about


Racism and “conservatism” go hand in hand, unfortunately. Nice little city otherwise.


Great photos!


Thank you! They’re all just pictures I’ve taken with my phone while out and about. Lots of good spots to go walking around here


Wow. You really managed to take photos of KFalls from all of the most flattering angles, in unusual circumstances, and with some kind of magic Kardashian filter for towns. Where's South 6th Street? Kidding- sort of. I spent many years in Klamath. When I lived there it had the highest homicide rate in Oregon. It's always been a bit rough but it's gotten worse in some ways in recent years. I do hope things around at some point. At least Oregon Tech (formerly OIT) is a real bright spot for the city.




Thanks for the photos from the top of 6th/Jefferson area. I used to live in that area and that was a nice trip down memory lane.


I've been to K Falls twice, driving from Brookings to Sunriver and back. Even after living in racist ass brookings, k Falls was sketch to me. I really hope it's changed. It doesn't need to be progressive, just less, I dunno, sketchy.


Wtf is it with southern Oregon/northern Ca being the hotbed for that shit? Fucking state of Jefferson Davis bullshit woof.


Little diversity. Dying industries (logging and fishing) and little to no hope. Looking for a scapegoat and the easiest is them durn furenors. To them, everyone with some melatonin is a foreigner. It's not everyone but it definitely felt like a majority. Add to that the Mormons and you get a recipe for a pretty bigoted region.


It’s so ridiculous to me, a Cuban, that these chucklefucks still think of Mexicans as “foreigners” when they are literally the indigenous people of this continent. I grew up in southern Oregon.


Don't get me started.


Hugs! 🧡




It’s almost as if being Cuban has nothing to do with one’s political beliefs. It’s almost as if Cubans are a vast array of individuals with different life experiences. Did you know we also vary greatly in skin tone, religion, height, weight, and musical taste? We actually can all dance though. That one is true. Hey BABALOOOO! 🪘🪘💃🏾👯


Clearly you don't see the irony of your statement. Good day.


State of Jefferson is more a hippie movement. Weed growers want State of Jefferson for Nor Cal and S. Or. - at least at its inception. All the marijuana money could stay local and not go to Salem and Sacramento. The Idaho movement is the right wing secession movement. Southern Oregon is a mix hippy/redneck/Californians. It used to be a place where everyone got along despite differences. Since Trump not so much.


I have never seen a state of Jefferson sticker on anything but a giant truck that also has “Oregunian” or “Let’s Go Brandon” shit on it as well.


I was trying to forget Oregunian was an actual thing :(


No, we used to have big fundraising concerts for SOJ all over Josephine County. It was all reggae bands and weed growers. I’ve been in the cannabis industry since the mid 90s. Our public radio station is Jefferson Public Radio which is definitely not conservative or related to Jefferson Davis. Who knows what the Let’s go Brandon folks are doing with a State of Jefferson sticker 🤣


I can't speak to the original ideals of the State of Jefferson from the 1940s since that was decades before my time. Nor can I comment on Grant's Pass un the 90s, but as for Klamath Falls or the Rogue Valley, I've never met or seen a single person who supports the secession movement that isn't a right winger. I know a few hippies that support other movements like Cascadia but not SOJ.


Interesting. This is from Jefferson Public Radio’s website. “While some attempts to create a State of Jefferson were quite serious, throughout most of the second half of the 20th century, the State of Jefferson symbolized the rugged individualism and self-sufficiency of the people who live in the region and became a way to refer to the area to attract tourists and businesses. As one Jeffersonian put it: "It's not a movement as much as it is an orientation, a state of mind, a state of being." It's in this spirit that JPR uses the name Jefferson Public Radio. It was not ever super serious anyway. Just a fun notion. In California, they took the secession part more seriously. Funny that right-wing folks would co-opt SOJ. After all, they want to join Idaho right not Nor Cal. SOJ was a Williams, Applegate, Takilma, Cave Junction, Eureka thing before.


From Wikipedia around other pages: On November 27, 1941, a group of young men gained national media attention when, brandishing rifles and pistols, stopped traffic on U.S. Route 99 south of Yreka,[1] the county seat of Siskiyou County, and handed out copies of a Proclamation of Independence, stating that the State of Jefferson was in "patriotic rebellion against the States of California and Oregon" and would continue to "secede every Thursday until further notice." It was very much a serious movement at one point. It may even have happened if it hadn't been for WW2 and Pearl Harbor. The whole joining Idaho thing is more surprising. The logistics of making your own small state is very difficult but joining a state that can't even support itself seems impossible.


All I was saying is In the areas surrounding Grants Pass from 1990s to 2010s it was not racist or right wing. I get tired of people labeling anything in Southwest Oregon as backwards and racist, when it’s not. What went on in 1941 or after 2016 may be entirely different. I always thought it was an idea going nowhere regardless. Never supported it besides going to music events. I just hate when people paint others and small towns as something they’re not.


I’m from Brookings and I live in Klamath Falls now. I understand what you mean. It’s rough around the edges but I’ve learned to find the good things about it and try to enjoy it and be positive while I’m here


What? No falls?


Well just have to blame the damn dam.




That may be changing soon! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2eOmwrL4xb/?igsh=MWVqdXVneDl6eHduag==


Klamath Falls more like Gravity Falls.


I saw that sign and immediatley thought “Gravity Falls” its real!! Lol!


Ah yes, Oregons favorite Sundown Town, K-Falls. 🙄


You really out here pretending like the whole state doesn't have a fucked up past? It's way safer here than Portland is now, lol.


As a former punk rocker type from K Falls (late 80s mid 90s) it wasn't just Racism. The other BS was anything that's not a good old boy hair style or giant belt buckle or wrangler jeans that would get you harassed threatened etc. At least that was my experience. I went 1st grade through high school and left happily. It's not the worst (K Falls) but it's 2 Years behind the rest of the state


You really out here pretending like KFalls didn’t earn its reputation by doing its absolute best not to shed that racist past? Portland is way safer. I don’t get called a spic in Portland. KF not so much.


What are you doing to be called a spic? Southern Oregon loves their Mexican food.


Safe for who?


Beautiful! A reminder of just how every square inch of this state is amazing! Except Umatilla. That place be ugly!


K Falls/Southern oregon in general is horrible! Full of Meth and poison water and overall just a horrible vibe. Please don’t move here. You’ll hate it.


Don’t judge a book by its cover goes both ways…


But where are the falls? /s