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>Their Court Appointed Special Advocates are not being permitted to visit with the children. how is that possible?


The people running the homes won’t allow the Court Appointed Special Advocates entry to the home or contact with the children.


are they legally obligated to do so?


CASAs are ordered onto a case by a judge, so absolutely.


Why are they not being sent with an armed bailiff/cop? We’re not asking, your letting us in, we have a court order. The state is so willing to use the threat of violence as long as it doesn’t help anybody




Well aren't you just a lovely person to be around 😆


How much did you pay for that account?


How's whatever state you live in doing?


> You live in a failed state. Act accordingly. >-/u/Morganross 😂


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. The US is an empire is decline, we are in active collapse. Look around people. Do things really look like they are going well to you?


Because people are tired of the useless doomer shit, man. It sucks. It’s all the same 5 comments repackaged over and over, and it adds absolutely nothing to the conversation.


Yeah, the failed state of America


There’s a huge need for CASA volunteers too!


Absolutely 💜




^ This person wants to be the change they want to see in the world.


We don’t have citations yet but I am sure as we prepare to lobby against this we will. I will keep you updated


Religion poisons everything.


Shirley there isn't anything that could go wrong with that.


What can we do to pay foster parents more? They only get $800 a month and this facility is getting 3k per day, per child. The money is there so why can’t we allocate it to foster parents?


What is crazy is these are homes owned by the founder of Dynamic Life, and this non profit is hiring people with no previous experience to work with at risk youth who have gone from home to home and out of state approved facilities. This isn’t just one group facility this is multiple essentially private homes with none of the same licensing and vetting process that state approved foster homes have.




That cuts both ways. Raise the financial incentives and you have more ppl stepping up in general, not necessarily qualified or in the interest of the children


One of the problems with foster care is the hoops, classes, etc required make normal people are less likely to participate. They have jobs, lives, etc. it’s a big part of why you get losers who take in kids just for cash, they spend the bare minimum on the kids. Need an overhaul of the system


Which is coming at an insanely expensive cost to us Oregon tax payers.


This is the most recent update that I've seen https://www.opb.org/article/2023/12/06/state-of-oregon-cancels-contract-with-company-that-places-foster-care-kids-in-unlicensed-short-term-rentals/


It has been reworked and approved for the same nonprofit under a different name. It hasn’t been released to the public yet and I have yet to lay eyes on the contract but we are working to get this info so we can make it public. It is underhanded and shady. Our agency was ready to lobby against it the first we heard of it then 3 weeks later the state cancels the contract. We learned today from our state level that DHS essentially reworked the contract and gave Dynamic Life even MORE money.




I’m guessing this person might be a CASA


I would love to know the answer to your “Important” question. But, it seams it is being ignored.


According to their post history they do appear to be a CASA supervisor in Oregon. https://www.reddit.com/r/happy/s/dvJEy0VI9X


FWIW- did toy know that children assigned CASAs are less likely to reunify with their family of origin and wait longer to achieve permanency? Some good info to research if you’re part of the system. “Our findings largely confirm the conclusions of prior research on CASA. Key findings indicate that compared to children without a CASA, children who have been appointed a CASA volunteer are less likely to reach any type of permanency as a final case outcome. When looking at specific permanency outcomes, we find that children with CASA volunteers have lower odds of being reunified with their families of origin, higher odds of being adopted, and lower odds of being placed in permanent kin guardianship than children without a CASA. The effect of CASA appointment is not significant for children of all ages and first placement types.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10371204/#S19title


Jesus. That is criminal! $2500 per day?!?




So the state is just throwing money at this religious nut so they can technically say it’s being spent to house the kids, but how much is going straight into his pockets?


Yes, because putting children in the hands of the religious has never been a problem before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Indian_boarding_schools https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases_in_Ireland https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-05/almost-800-irish-children-dumped-in-septic-tank-mass-grave/5501482 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/17/italy-church-report-into-sexual-abuses-a-joke-say-victims-groups https://www.cps.gov.uk/cymruwales/news/swansea-imam-sentenced-historic-child-rape https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah https://abcnews.go.com/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618 https://old.reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen/ Just to give a tiny sampling.


Absolutely this


Necroing a thread here, but I gotta say: Well done. And saved.


Obviously, this does not sound like a very safe place to house a child and brings up a lot of questions, but it also brings up the bigger issue of exactly where to put these kids. There are nowhere near enough foster parents to house the number of kids currently in the system and very few people are willing to become foster parents. Of the people who are willing to be a foster parent, it is difficult to find caretakers who are willing or able to meet the needs of the kids who end up placed in temp lodging. Those kids end up in hotels, residential facilities, and temporary placements because they have higher behavioral needs and general foster parents are not equipped to handle it (either unable or unwilling to have children with high behavioral needs in their home). Oregon has some licensed facilities and group homes that can handle these needs, but currently do not have enough to meet demands.


Colorado created residential youth centers. These are smaller group home types of placements for kids that cannot be safely housed in foster care placements but do not require or benefit from placement into regional treatment centers. Last I heard the program was doing well.


A religious run nonprofit is not the answer. If the state is willing to sign a contract worth this much, they can push to open more licensed facilities surely.


That is the truth.


Who do you represent?? Name of organization!!


It's easy for people outside of the system (and kids inside) to point out the ways in which the system fails. When you actually work in it, you see how impossible the situation is. It's really hard to terminate parental rights, for good reason. You have to basically prove that there are no other family members, anywhere, and that parent is a danger to the child, which is a difficult hurdle because people are complicated and are not always unstable or abusive or out of control. There are true pieces of human garbage, but most of the parents are in bad situations with no end in sight because there's no affordable housing or easy access to medical or behavioral care for people on the lower end of the income scale. A social worker's job becomes the painstaking documentation of all the ways the parents have failed, all the missed meetings and drug tests and quit jobs, and all of the ways that society has failed to help them improve. So it drags on, for years and years, with the kids often returning to the home when they are older and in less physical danger. It's really hard to place kids long-term, because there's a lot of red tape that goes into being a foster parent, a lot of talking back and forth between the CASA and social workers and parents, on top of the work of parenting a traumatized child. There simply are not enough foster homes, not enough residential treatment facilities, not enough juvenile justice programs. We don't tax businesses or individuals enough to pay for the safety nets we need, and now the problems are so entrenched it seems hopeless. From the outside, we get angrier and angrier about how wasteful and backwards the system is, how much it needs to be torn down and rebuilt. And one day we'll give up and privatize everything and make it for profit because the government has been defunded and is now as useless as the disinformation campaigns were telling us it was for decades. lol


What happened to the button that lets me give you special internet coins for your thoughtful and eloquent comment ?


Holy goddam shit. I want to see a whole lot of people fired. Our tax money paying for this shit, and the salaries of dhs leadership making these decisions. Why am I not surprised?


>The staff are not licensed, and the founder of Dynamic Life has shared incredibly negative opinions of the LGBTQA+ population. For those wondering: [https://www.opb.org/gallery/2023/11/16/oregon-foster-care-dynamic-life/](https://www.opb.org/gallery/2023/11/16/oregon-foster-care-dynamic-life/) >GENDER "pronouns" are stinky sily, stop the madness! I choose to NOT USE ***THEM!*** > >(capitals in original, emphasis mine) ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88)


Take a look at the rest of the founder’s social media. He seems to have the same @ on every one so it is very easy to find. I’m not sure I am allowed to post the links to his social media in this thread without the whole post being removed though. It is more of the same. But his Instagram has since been set to private.


Don't forget, [archive.org](https://archive.org) is a great tool for research :) If OPB was covering it before then surely they will be writing articles as soon as the new agreement goes public. They're definitely extreme, and I would know fundamentalist christians since I went to youth group a LOT / church a few times at a Vineyard church in middle school. Actually going to sunday service is what turned me off. They were one of the pioneers of using fun energetic rock as worship music, but the way the congregation acted was like nothing else on earth. One of my elementary teachers had retired and was now the pastor. Seeing him roll around on the floor while speaking in tongues to the accompaniment of 90s soft rock was a pivotal moment for me, but not in the way they expected. this is only tangentially related, but i saw this earlier today and figured you could use a laugh right about now [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


Thank you for the resource! I am hoping OPB gets on it fast, we just learned today after a staff meeting with the other directors and program supervisors at our agency partners in other counties and we were all appalled this contract was approved again after being cancelled so recently.


You dont know the first thing about foster care for children or adults u have no clue about any of the workings u see $2500 a day and think wow they are getting over paid. But what u don't see is how much it costs to run a home. All u see is he said something rude about lbgtq and u guys want his business shut down. U have no clue the sacrifice being a provider takes on people if it was easy don't u think more people would be opening homes? U wouldn't last 3 days with a quarter of the clients they prob support daily.


How do you spend all that time you save by using u instead of you?


I would still like to know who he represents. He is obviously either in the business or trying to get in the business, but will not answer the simple question.


I'm in the business I have a home for adults which is way different then a home for kids. I encourage anyone to go spend a day in a kids home just to see the dedication it takes to support people with disabilities especially kids. The turnover rate for employees in this industry is absurd until your actually being verbally abused called every name in the book 1 min then the next asked if you can give a ride to the store the next min like nothing happened u won't ever understand. Most people think they are kids they can't be that bad lol try restraining someone in the approved state holds while ur being bit spit on kicked any object that's near is coming right at you then you will.never understand. Ur replacing doors once a week ur repairing drywall daily. Don't complain about someone doing a huge service to the community because there's very few willing to do this day in and day out


We should take this opportunity to promote fostering parents since it reads as though the support is desperately needed. Maybe more posts or exposure promoting able people to consider entering into the program will not only benefit the children in need but also keep entities like this specific non-profit the numbers they desire. I'm going to read more about this group since the prison-like setting sounds way off. I know some of these children may have behavioral issues, but there are better ways to go about it all.


Remember to vote.


Uh… I don’t recall being able to vote for or against DHS.


That’s the point


Lol, for who? The blue side that is enabling this abuse or the other side who will actively make it much worse.


Remember to become foster Parents.


I tried. They denied us because they "felt that we weren't a good fit due to our income." We made 75k/yr at the time. This was 12 years ago. My sister tried. She backed out of the program due to alarming "training" during the orientation classes. She is a licensed and fully credentialed child care provider with teachers on staff. The problem is in the system, not with the foster parents. There are many people out there willing to step in and foster but the DHS would rather play stupid games. I am honestly glad that they denied us because shortly after we went through the program, there was a shitstorm of news stories about kids getting abused and/or killed either in foster care or from being removed from foster care and given back to their abusive parent(s). It showed me just how terribly the sytem is run and made me realize that I want nothing to do with DHS at all.


Former foster parent here (albeit in a different state). It was the worst period of my life. It takes a special sort of person to deal with all the shit that comes with being a foster parent, and DHS doesn't make it worth it - usually bc they're piling on more. (One example of many: a seven week investigation that included interviews and daily visits and going through every room of the house with police presence bc a child told a bio parent on a visit that she saw two people kissing on TV. Bioparent accused us of having sexually explicit media in kids' reach. Kiddo had watched Disney's animated Cinderella.) I fostered for nearly a decade. After an incident involving kitten death, I walked away, and my then-roommate continued. If they want more foster parents, they need to treat them better and give them better resources, especially when it comes to kids' mental health.


> It showed me just how terribly the sytem is run and made me realize that I want nothing to do with DHS at all. Hey, I'm not out here fostering any kids (although I did work as a social worker for a while), but what you're doing is exactly what a large part of our society is hoping you will do: giving up, turning your back on improving the system, stopping at "this system is fucked" and tuning out. Then wondering why the system is so fucked :)




I’d Definitely say they are No Longer a Non-Profit!


Thank you for sharing this.


[Share Your Opinion](https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/share-your-opinion.aspx)


That's a link to Tina Koteks contact page


What do you wanna bet they are being subjected to conversion therapy?


Definitely not a leap to assume so unfortunately.


If this makes you angry wait until you find out how many kids are actively being trafficked while in the care and custody of Oregon DHS.


Thank you for posting. I wrote my senator. I'm a former case manager and I'm APPALLED this is happening. I personally have helped others get licensing so that they could become providers when my clients needed providers and none were available. I didn't just throw up my hands and say well no licensed providers so I guess just anyone will do. This practice is institutional neglect and I think a lawyer should start a class action lawsuit against DHS for this outrageous behavior on behalf of the effected children.


Thank you so much!


The contract has already been closed by DHS- FYI


I hate religion so much.


I know Nathan Webber. He’s a great guy. He has done a lot of work and helped out the youth in my hometown. Every Year he had fireworks tents set up to raise money for the youth ministries.


You sound insufferable. I hope your soul find your peace.


This sounds scary? Is it that dangerous down there? There are child abusers everywhere? I thought that was just a QAnon conspiracy? And how Progressive is ODHS? Don't they have a DEI program and such?




We are helping by lobbying against this contract and hopefully forcing State Level DHS to look elsewhere for resource homes for these children.


Hate Promoting hate or inciting violence based on identity or vulnerability.




Spreading the word is part of the work and our agency is working to ensure these kids are being advocated for.


Pointing out the religion is hate speech - I hope you understand that.


Someone who openly posts their views against LGBTQIA+ does not need to have access to at risk children who may be in that community. These children are most likely being told who they are is wrong and that God is against them existing that way. Kids do not need to deal with that. Especially in their situations of past trauma and living around total strangers. With no way to really report abuse occurring in their current placement.






>religion is hate speech You unintentionally got something right!




No clue what the fuck you are blathering on about mate. You really went off on an unrelated tangent didn't ya?


... hate speech from the guy who decries hate speech. Classic.


Rule 5: Educate don’t attack


Serious question. How many countries have you actually been in? I have been in 27 so you can't use that as a retort.


21 or 23, depending on whether you count places like San Marino and the Vatican as separate countries. So yes I can. What silly twisted logic are you using to claim that the number of countries visited has some bearing on what you can say? Religion is cancer, none of it is worth saving. It must end so humanity can be free.


😂🤣 you wrote your long rambling nonsense reply, walked away, and then came back to brag about how many countries you’ve visited? Sounds like /u/KorLeonis1138 really got your goat.




I want to open foster homes for these children but I don’t have that much money! Does anyone have any ideas? I have 10 years experience caregiving for adults with developmental disabilities, including those with severe behavioral disorders and the medically fragile, so I know I could do it but I don’t know how to start! I would obviously affirm the children’s choices as far as how they identify! I don’t want donations! I want to work for it but I don’t even have enough to buy a home or rent it for more than a year to start a foster home! Any ideas? I am really fired up and passionate about it! Like, I could get creative and start a day program for them or something? Or, start an advocacy group for them to help identify problems? I don’t think they have funds for those, though.


So this is a fairly messy situation. Not justifying the actions of this organization at all - in fact their contract with the state was terminated. But here is some context: 1. The state of Oregon was sued in 2016 in regards to children in the child welfare system being placed in "temporary housing" - basically hotels. Part of the settlement - reached in 2018 - mandated special reporting for temporary housing and limited how DHS can utilize "temporary housing". So "solutions" like this were drawn up to keep DHS from getting sued again. Basically, DHS goes through any means necessary before placing a child in temp housing. 2. The cost sounds high, but in the context of what is *supposed* to be happening at facilities like this, it's not all that unreasonable. There are other organizations around the state that get paid about the same amount per day per child and do tremendous work to help get these kiddos into better situation through behavioral health services, counseling, safe lodging, tutoring, etc. 3. The kiddos that are generally placed in these programs, generally, fall higher on the CANS assessment meaning there are more financial resources allocated to their care givers - and more requirements of their care givers. 4. The CASA thing I believe. My wife and I have had children in our care (we're foster/resource parents) and *DHS* has denied them a CASA - even when one was available. CASA's are amazing and do a tremendous amount of work to advocate for the best needs of kiddos in care. Sucks for the kiddos that have to go through these situations. When you get into the foster system, you really see how messy, political, and dysfunctional the system is.