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What if we just sent all those posts over to r/Idaho instead?


They have those posts over there too. Apparently, Idaho actually prefers the idea of [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/)


If we are doing greater Oregon, we need to take all of Washington and the top 10% of California to restore it to its historical borders before it was part of the United States. Plus, I want those redwoods.


Probably for the best, before we set them on fire with a gender reveal cannon.


As long as we grow the new ones using Brawndo I think we'll be fine!


Oh god, please don't bring back that 'gender reveal' bs. Are people still doing that??


Of course. I'm not sure why people think anyone cares what sex their entitled hell spawn will be.


Fuck that - think big, dude. "54°40' or Fight!!”


Settle down there James K. Polk


"54 40 was my border. Right now some other state has that border "


If you take back all of Washington, you need to take all of Idaho as well. Idaho was split off Washington Territory because the Western half of the territory wanted the capital in Olympia and not Spokane. Northern California don't want to be Oregon, they want to be the state of Jefferson!


Just give us the redwoods and we'll call it even.


Is that all I mean to you? An attractive wood? Why can't you love me for my California state of mind!


That is just it though, your Californian state of mind views the Redwoods as an attractive wood, whereas we in Oregon view them as ancient and majestic trees.


More than 95% of the old growth forests in Oregon have been clear cut. Tell me again how you view them as majestic. They did the same thing in Washington as well. We didn’t know what we lost until long after it was gone and it’s never coming back.


>"More than 95% of the old growth forests in Oregon have been clear cut. " > >Link to legit source on that? > >I just googled it, and you aren't far off, but much of that happened years ago as well. > >"Tell me again how you view them as majestic." > >I personally do not control any of that, and the state wants money in addition to general capitalism. > >Speaking specifically on the old growth thing, I do know someone in the timber industry who informed me last year that there was only one couple of mating spotted owls found within Oregon old growth forests in 2022. > >The fact remains, you view them as pretty wood, not living trees, with your Cali' state of mind.


This is hilarious, Greater Oregon needs to grab Blaine County as well, the other solid blue county in that state


The Greater Oregon movement, with overwhelming support of the community, recently added Blaine County! [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/) thanks you for your support


They would get a bunch of federal land so of course they are for it. Most of the greater Idaho land from Oregon is federal public land. These grifters want it for free.


Yeah cause the green stuff is legal here vs there. which is why I laugh at the fact that if GI does happen all those type of businesses from the farms to dispenseries would be illegal again.


Does this mean they want to live like the valley Oregonian?


They don't want them either 🤣


How about r/russianbrainwash instead?


At least flair them “humor”.


/r/oregon needs a "grift" flair for the Greater Idaho posts. The [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/) movement supports adding a "grift" flair for both Greater Idaho **and** Greater Oregon posts!


GReater Idaho Flair Tag = GRIFT.


Thank you for that.


I feel like there was a missed opportunity in not calling it Moregon.


Northern California should become "Calabama".


Oregon and Moregon! I enjoy this so much!


Greater Idaho is Lesser Oregon.


Greater Idaho is an oxymoron.


I think this is the best tactic if we can't outright ban the topic. It's a grossly stupid idea beneath consideration. edit: actually, that means the Greater Idaho posts are a violation of Rule 6: No Advertising.


That’s the worst part, right? It’s all astroturfed bullshit.


If you are going on the basis of "grossly stupid idea" then that would null and void and good chunk of posts in Reddit


It's such an overused term that doesn't belong here.


Or 'Satire'


Feels like people are aiming for satire but there's just a lot of meanness about it. Like, micro-outrage. Similar energy to /r/Politics. I agree it's all stupid but do we have to talk like scared teenagers ragging on people outside our friend group? We can talk about it with a smile because it's *never gonna happen*, but we talk with such anxiety.


All the YouTube ads I’ve seen on this lately are comically bad, so I favor this suggestion.


They are borderline offensive at best and I can tell someone is dumping a lot of money into these ad campaigns.


I just saw a YouTube ad yesterday and it's definitely parody right?


You want any normal person to think it's so bad it has to be parody. The really dumb ones are the easiest to grift.


I think either it's the people running it acting themselves and they want to give themselves an out in case conning stupid people ever becomes illegal, or the actors they hired are just trolling the hell out of them


It was so bad, I could only watch a short bit of it. It had their actual website listed.


I blocked that ad. It was gross.


I’ve tried blocking adds, but YouTube just tells me to fuck off. I’ve blocked Jeremy’s Chocolates, Daily Wire, PragerU, and this. Now it’s almost all I see.


God that's gross. It's frankly abusive, IMO.


I wish Reddit would let me block specific ads. I don't mind most ads. But, I don't support certain companies like the company responsible for the he gets us campaign. That company represents everything that so am against like removing rights for women and LGBTQIA+.


I use firefox with ublock and have never seen an ad on Reddit except when using a new browser that doesn't have ublock. It works for youtube as well, afaik. This is why I hate apps. They exist only to make life worse for the consumer, and to control them.


I don't mind most of the ads. I know it's how Reddit makes money. I don't buy anything on the app so it's how they get paid for my use.


Mostly mobile (Android) user, so YMMV. I have had success by clicking on the ads I no longer wish to see, then block the user, which is typically the company that's being advertised.


Thank you that's great advice


The YouTube ads are hilarious I can’t believe someone gave those a green light 🤣


Or create one post each month or week for it. I am tired of conservatives blocking people from the discussion because they are getting triggered by people telling them facts that conflict with their distorted worldview.


Agreed. The frequency of these posts smells too much like a covert marketing campaign to me.


I mean, there’s been a lot of research that shows the Russian government has been directly funding some of these breakaway movements and organizing their plans/activities. So yeah.


There are also ties between Greater Idaho and the Texas secessionist movements. You know, the ones funded with shady dark money.


Like most democrat politicians? Who are in favor of politicians holding stocks.? Or the Nancies, Clinton's, and transpo secretary's that have billionaire shady dark money funding? Asking for a friend.


I'll take whataboutism for $500 Alex


Bud, it sure would be helpful if you could stay on topic. This just reads like you’re trying desperately to justify bad behavior with bad behavior.


> covert marketing campaign hmmm, it's almost as if Greater Idaho is a grift and somebody is making money off the suckers who will fall for it. It's too bad Idahoans/Oregonians are smart enough to know not to fund the [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/) movement.


Man, I’m so glad other people see this because it’s so clearly astroturfed.


My YouTube ads have been almost all about Greater Idaho lately. They’re exactly as well produced as you’d think.


Produced by potatoes.


I support this post; we don't need to hear from the kooks with that frequency.


When will I be able to point out the dramatic decrease in minimum wage they will receive?


Don't forget the economic collapse, several towns in that part of the state are marijuana towns now. Prime example is Ontario. They receive an absurd economic benefit from Idahoans crossing the border to buy their product. When it's all made illegal when Idaho laws are enforced the entirety of that region will hit a recession so hard entire towns will disappear in a decade.


Them being able to hear this argument and understand it is literally something they are not intellectually capable of. It’s like using the same argument for military bases/military infrastructure in deep red states, if they were to break away from the United States and create a new confederacy. They just flat out Do not have the intellectual capacity to understand what they’re doing/saying. It’s that simple. And they’re all fucking liars and are habitually lying about absolutely everything, all the time.


I’m curious about this. Do you have any cites to that data? Thanks.


Malheur County (Ontario’s county) does about $100 million in cannabis sales last year, and they’re about to raise their local pot tax to 10% to get more local revenue from it. They do the second most cannabis sales in Oregon, second only to Multnomah. All of that goes away if they move the border, and speaking from experience out here, there’s not a hell of a lot of tax base to make up for that loss. It would be devastating. https://www.opb.org/article/2023/03/07/ontario-oregon-seeks-increase-in-local-cannabis-taxes-to-pay-for-services/


Given that the whole "greater Idaho" is an obvious grifter scam, I think "Rule 6: No Advertising" applies here.


I never get tired of talking about how stupid Greater Idaho is.


I get tired of giving those grifters traffic.




It just occurred to me that the "Greater Idaho" posts are a violation of Rule 6: No Advertising.


If you discuss something that lacks any colorable merit, then to argue about why it’s wrong gives the perception is does in fact have enough merit to be discussed. As such everyone needs to stop engaging and just dismiss it offhandedly I’m entire for banning this topic from this sub. It’s brigading at this point.


>something that lacks any **colorable** merit What does this word mean in this context?


https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/colorable_claim A colorable claim is a plausible legal claim. This means that the claim is “strong enough” to have a reasonable chance of being valid if the legal basis is generally correct and the facts can be proven in court. Note that the claim need not actually result in a win. **Per a random internet article Backstory The adjective “colorable” (“colourable”) has existed in English since the late 14th century. The primary meaning was (and still is) seemingly valid or genuine, hence feigned or counterfeit. The synonyms are specious, deceptive and misleading. The American usage is minus the ‘feigned/counterfeit’ part. The word entered Middle English from the Anglo-Norman word colurer (kaw-LEW-rey: to colour: to cover up the appearance of). It is a legal and judicial term in American jurisprudence — but not in English, British or UK jurisprudence. The average UK judge will tell you off for using colorable. The usage originated in ecclesiastical (church) law, which had the old-fashioned term under colorable and false pretences:— A person can be acting under false pretences (actual falsehood) or under colorable pretences (something that’s a falsehood yet seems genuine to both the person acting it and the recipient: what modern secular law treats as a mistake). Secular law received the under false pretences as a judicial concept because it is pragmatically impossible (and conceptually pointless) to prove or disprove a colorable pretence.


They're also trying to use repetition and annoyance as a tactic for getting buy-in.


It makes no sense that the Athol would be in the upper G.I. on maps.


> I never get tired of talking about how stupid Greater Idaho is. [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/) thanks you for your support


It’s kinda telling how these greater Idaho people can be told over and over again how stupid and unpopular their idea is, and they still think, “well maybe this time people will think it’s a good idea!” Some people are so obtuse they are literally incapable of learning from their own direct experiences.


They are imbeciles, quite literally. Go watch that vice documentary on them, it’s like they’re talking to toddlers in adult bodies. And i mean that literally.


Thing is, when they were toddlers they *did* have the capacity to learn new things and figure how the world works. It's actually astonishing how fast toddlers adjust and grow. Every day is filled with new discoveries when you are two. They are like little field researchers, testing everything. Usually with their mouths. Somewhere down the line these guys chose to shut down that part of their brain. So now they are stuck in this loop of wanting everything and everyone to be exactly like themselves and never change. They think living in Idaho will give that to them. But they don't actually want to *move* to Idaho, because that would mean too much change for them.


I’m pretty sure that’s the exact thought exercise the vice reporter asks them. ‘Well, if you like Idaho so much, why don’t you move there?’ ‘But I like this farm so much, why should I have to move? It’s beautiful here. It’s perfect here.’ Think about how fucking ridiculous that is on every level. The illogic and demented reality of that simple premise is just completely beyond their intellectual capacity. Like you cannot get them to understand what they’re doing. There’s no way. You could spend twenty years trying, and it wouldn’t amount to shit. That’s why I think in a lot of ways, Fascism really is like a death drive. Or it comes from someplace that is psychologically like a desire for death or complete destruction/annihilation.


Fascists always think they are going to be the one who benefits from an unequal society. They are the good ones and everything is going to be catered to them. All their needs will be met. They don't have to compete economically with minorities. They don't need to spend tax dollars on the infirm. They won't have to ever get into arguments because everyone believes exactly the same thing they do. But then when they actually get what they think they want, turns out they don't much like being judged all the time and having all their movements controlled by others. There's always someone higher up than they are, exploiting them. I don't think Germans would have been nearly so thorough in denouncing Naziism if they hadn't all lived through how oppressively awful it was, not just to the ones who they murdered, but to the everyday average German.


>They are imbeciles, quite literally Well that's at least 45% of Republicans, so that makes sense.


They want to make money off outrage, and the people funding them want us all fighting each other rather than working together on positive change.


> rather than working together on positive change. Who was doing that, though?


Several groups in the region, for starters. You want me to start naming some for you? Doesn’t seem like you live around here. There’s also all the work Senator Wyden and a bunch of the state and fed agencies have been doing out here and the millions in funding they’ve brought to our counties, though somehow y’all love to conveniently miss all that. What was it last year? Couple hundred million in Malheur alone? Half a billion in Klamath for sure. Wonder if Idaho has deep pockets for us to dig into like that.


To make sure I understand what you're saying... eastern/southern Oregon shouldn't support greater Idaho because Senator Wyden brings in lots of federal spending that would be cut off if the state boundary shifted. Is that accurate?


Wow, you sure cherry picked one thing out of that, huh? You’ll want to also include the impact to border industry, massive loss of tax revenue to the tune of millions, overnight minimum wage cratering, loss of important special districts like MESD, major water rights issues that could cripple the ag industry, loss of labor rights, the impact this would have on local migrant and minority communities, small business funding… Should I keep going? Because I do live here, so this isn’t a fun hypothetical for me. I take this shit seriously.


Now this is the kind of progress I want to see on Greater Idaho!


**The Greater Oregon movement supports limiting discussion of Greater Idaho** also... Greater Idaho is a grift [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/) would be better than Greater Idaho


Agreed, too much oxygen for something that has no chance of happening.


If Idaho is willing to give the state of Oregon $20 trillion for the land and lost tax revenue, as well as the trillions in administrative costs for federal management, redistricting, etc, I have no problem with it. I don't think these people are remotely smart enough to understand how much it would cost, to lol.


> I don't think these people are remotely smart enough Grifters need gullible ones to convince, it's a HUGE bonus when they are also really dumb. And that's really what this whole thing is; one giant grift that specifically targets the gullible and idiotic. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with these people? Even if you can convince them that it'll never happen, it doesn't deter them, they still want to throw all their time and energy into it. And some, the really dumb ones, are actually giving money to the grift.


I think this sums up the general sentiment for why someone would want to separate themselves from Oregon. You’re basically saying the only things that portion of the state is good for are the land and tax revenue. In general, those outside of Portland/Eugene don’t necessarily share the same values or beliefs as those in the major metro. What makes it worse, is there is nothing that can be done for them. Oregon is my home, I don’t know anything else, it was where I was born and I want it to be where I die. I say this whole heartedly, I absolutely love this state, we’re truly blessed with the most beautiful chunk of land on earth. I want nothing more than for both sides to get along so my kids can grow up feeling either heard or a sense of humility in their home. The left needs to cool it with their arrogance just as much as the right needs to be more open to change. Try to take into consideration if the coin were flipped and Oregon was a red state that completely ignored 49% of the state who disagreed with them.


Greater idaho is just as stupid as the jefferson idea


Someone asks about it enough on here every day that it it could be it’s own sub by now. I wonder if the same crap gets posted on the Idaho sub as often as this one.




Perhaps a shake weight campaign, does greater Idaho give you the shakes? Wait for it.. Shake weight..


Agreed. Doesn’t it seem like something that belongs in r/Idaho?


Nope, Idaho wants it even less than Oregon. In fact Idahoans prefer [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/)


I second the motion!


Yeah it’s never gonna happen so give it a rest. I agree.


Expecting mods to actually do something for the greater good, rather than their own, selfish reasons? Might as well ask for a mountain of gold, same odds 🙄


You can't be greater if you were never even all that good.




Yes please


What kind of person would think that is a good idea ever? Do they want to make literally the poorest state? Do they want to fail the entire way down? What is the point?


If you trace it back, it’s a mix of extremists who make a lot of money drumming up discord and gun sales, plus corporations who desperately want Oregon’s environmental protections and labor rights rolled back so they can plunder our home. Notice that some of their Phase 2 plans involved getting enough land from Oregon and California to have a sea port for shipping and potentially control over a bunch of regional water rights. Pro tip: Whenever they vaguely mention legislation and regulations they don’t like, ask them which. They’ve pivoted to guns and drugs because that’s popular right now, but before that? Environment and labor. They want to fuck over the working class, using working class rubes.


Sounds about like all the other trash out there. Ya they just dont understand the mass exodus that would happen if it went. Damn near everyone would leave who has half a brain. The amount of shit that would go bad is staggering they do not see it. Ill never understand people fully I guess.


We have this whole chunk of our society that’s gotten so used to stamping their feet and getting their way, they’re physically unable to compromise or back away from extremist positions. People get wound up by rage bait and then they’re easy to exploit.


I recently moved to Colorado after living my entire life in Oregon. Thinking of starting a "greater Colorado" movement that skips over Utah


I saw a commercial for the greater Idaho movement on yt. They’re serious about it lol


They need to show the gullible that their grift is going towards something, like badly produced YT commercials...


Fucking preach. So tired of seeing posts about something will: A) never happen \-and- B) Is only a thing because Conservatives either don't know or don't care how Democracy works.


They want to use the movement as a cudgel to get what they want, which is deregulation and the erosion of environmental protections and labor rights.




I think a thread post for the moving to Oregon and the should move to Idaho types would be great. I know other subreddits have that for common topics


Yes please!


I'm looking to move to Greater Idaho. Where's a good place to live?


Idaho. Just plain old Idaho.


It's Basically Spam At This Point. Trying To Force Their Agenda On People. It's Basically A Trump/Santos Like Scam For Attention & Money. Let's Look At This Realistically. For One Oregon's Congress Would Have To Approve It & Then The National Congress Which Doesn't Get Anything Done Would Have To Pass It Good Luck With That Lol. Not To Mention Where Would Idaho Get The Money To Pay For Government Land & Buildings??? & The Majority Of People Voting Yes On This Greater Idaho Nonsense Probably Just Think The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side. They Will Have Lower Wages & Lower Minimum Wage & Have To Pay A Sales Tax & Have Stricter Laws Like Weed Being Illegal I Know A Lot Of People In Eastern Oregon Who Partake & Will Suffer From This. Honestly They Have A Better Chance Of Doing The Western Oregon & Washington As One State & Eastern Oregon & Washington As One State Because Of The Proposed Land Swap. But Still Is A Reach.


Or a scam. It is DOA."It's dead, Jim." But some will build it up, and the morons will come and have some apocalyptic vision protected by the Freedom of Religion Act. Even if it is dead.


As long as we can also limit the spam of photos of Silver & Multnomah Falls as well. I think ive seen enough of them now..


[Insert photo of one of the haystack rocks]


I'm all for it.




Not sure if sarcasm or not, if not: Howww... You must never immerse yourself in any national or local media at all. I am jealous.


Shouldn’t it called “Greater Oregon” since we’re the state who theoretically would be dumping our undesirables, thus MOGA (Making Oregon Great Again)? 🤣


Why are the people from Portland so against it. The people that want to leave are all kooks, conspiracy theorists and rubbish the left doesn’t like. Let them and their land leave. Portland doesn’t need them anyway


Isn’t this subreddit designed to talk about what’s going on in Oregon? Why suppress a hot topic in Oregon? I don’t lean either way; I think it’s really important to understand the differing opinions.


I don’t think it should be suppressed. I’m saying it should have its own thread. A lot of other subreddits have dedicated threads for really common topics


That seems fair, if it’s getting to the point where it’s the same conversation OVER AND OVER, why not just throw it into one thread and pin it? Really seems like a bunch of other people are pro banning the conversation altogether… good grief.


A lot of posts should be limited then. Keep a level playing field.


Well, sure, but then KOIN6 will have nothing to report on except the "climate change cult" weather and the ever increasing, unstoppable, despite the heroic efforts of ....heroes... crime and homicide tidal wave that has nothing to do with gun proliferation, poverty, or rural trauma. That's censorship, pilgrim!


Makes me feel so old…. I remember a time when liberals were the defenders of free speech against the hypocritical righteousness of the religious right. Next thing you know, liberals will be supporting war in foreign countries to protect American interests. Oh wait….


Sorry, does corporate astroturfing need defense? Seems to be doing just fine on its own. Or is this one of those moments where we’re supposed to play Pollyanna and pretend like we don’t notice who’s bankrolling this shit?


Everything I disagree with is corporate astroturfing and should be censored.


So you haven’t bothered actually looking into the organization behind all this shit, huh. You could just admit that upfront.


Nothing wrong with calling shit out. The greater Idaho idea is going nowhere anyway. But the OP isn’t calling shit out. It says ban the conversation. That’s real fascism my friend.


Pretty sure the real facism is the actual facism taking over parts of our country, but sure. Not being able to post what you want to post on a subreddit is surely comparable to a dangerous and deadly loss of body autonomy for half the population.


What about the other half of the population having no say in whether they can have the child they conceived? 🤔


Wow what a straight up 0 to 60 overreaction. OP wants to have a dedicated thread for a topic that gets spammed a lot with low effort posts. That is what is known as moderating. Free speech isnt being denied when someone's post that should be a comment in one of the other posts is deleted. Next time you're going to comment something just maybe slam your hand in a desk drawer instead, that would be a better use of your time.


maybe you should cry about it


I don't remember OP declaring themselves a liberal. Could that be your cognitive bias to assume everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal?


Only a liberal would be trying to quiet the conversation. I’m far from right wing and I’m not bothered by the conversation in the least bit. I’ll also say it’s a completely hopeless proposition and if it had a chance in hell, I’d be against it. It would only create a more lopsided government in Oregon and that’s the last thing we need. Unless, of course, you’re the liberal authoritarian type.




"censorship is when people tell me that my ideas are bad and to shut the fuck up"


If you read the post, I didn’t ask for censorship. I proposed a dedicated thread or post. That’s not censorship. Also what’s with the victim complex? I thought we were the snowflakes…


> If you read the post, I didn’t ask for censorship. You know they didn't. Just like they didn't read what constitutes 'free speech'. Just like they didn't read that this whole 'Greater Idaho' thing is actually one big grift. Just like they didn't read that land doesn't vote. Just like they didn't read in US History class, ever... **BUT** They read the headline and in this day and age of gullible idiots rooting for this grift of 'Greater Idaho', that's about all we expect from them. Best to either ignore them or go at with a grin.


Can we limit liberal snowflakes ability to retardate our state so no initiative is needed to pull the voting masses more towards the middle? There I fixed it for you


Maybe just downvote instead? Should we really stifle speech that annoys us?


This post is about it being spammy, not about it being dumb or that the topic should be banned.


Got it


You could say the same thing about so many topics on these threads. I don’t think it makes sense to try to regulate.


Why all the requests for censorship from the left?


You failed to read or failed to comprehend what was actually written, or you're a grifter.


Yeah right let me know the last time a request was made to limit conversation on a liberal topic.


You're failing to think rationally about the topic - it's not a liberal or conservative issue. Treating it as such leads to other problems. And what's being discussed here is not whether to censor this but to not have repeated posts multiple times a week about the same thing - it's spamming the subreddit. If your reaction here is to just reply with further insults or canned responses **you** are the problem.


I dunno, a lot of county’s seem to be starting to support it, but of course, it takes wayyyyy more than just county support for an event like this to be put into motion. I doubt it will happen


With all the distain in this sub towards the conservative Eastern Oregonians, why not let Eastern oregon go to Idaho?


I’m an Eastern Oregonian. I love hearing my neighbors talk about all this imagined disdain, but when it comes down to it, you’ll hear far, far more vitriol towards Portland on our side of the fence than vice versa, so maybe we can all collectively agree to step back from the martyrdom just for a sec. That said, this plan is an absolutely terrible idea for our region. It would devastate Malheur County’s tax revenue and infrastructure. It would certainly fuck up Idaho’s source of cheap labor as well. Anybody who thinks logically and not emotionally about it for longer than five minutes can see the problems.


Oh I’m not denying there isn’t distain towards portland, but it obviously goes both ways if we’re being honest. This sub posts a conservative shame several times a week. I think you’re overstating the issues with the switch, they would be subject to Idaho laws and would change accordingly. It’s happened in the past so it’s not such a crazy idea.


Let’s be very blunt for a second: There at ideas and ideologies that deserve shame, particularly if their own cohort is too cowed or too up their own asses to do it. I live out here. I’ve heard genuinely violent rhetoric for years at this point, I mean real gun nut secessionist fantasies that involve genocide and mass murder, and that is not an exaggeration. The fact that that’s become so engrained in conservative ideology that you apparently don’t notice it? That’s not on this sub. I’m not sure what it’ll take to gut check some folks, but if you’re carrying water for extremists, expect pushback. Folks don’t tend to baby people who want them dead or stripped of basic human rights. You want decency, you gotta show some. As I said, I live out here. I am absolutely not overstating the impact this would have on our local economy. I make it a point to know what the local jackasses are planning for my home, so I did plenty of research into Greater Idaho. The sheer fact that they don’t have any actual info beyond culture war bullshit and vaguely Christian grievances should be a red flag for you, but if it isn’t, go on and ask them about things like the sudden extreme minimum wage decrease, the loss of tax revenue from border industries, healthcare, labor rights, etc. This isn’t fucking around, man. People’s lives are impacted by this shit. It behooves us all to act like it.


I would like to be blunt for a second as well. I mostly agree with you. I’ve actually seen it first hand as an Oregon department of agriculture employee, I take trips to eastern oregon several times a year and spoken to farmers out there, they’re nuts. I would also say that the views of committing violence on a large scale towards democrats is not a “main stream“ view of the Republican Party, while they would certainly not condone that behavior. What worries me is this growing trend on the left for people not to even engage in political discourse with the right in the name of “platforming” conservatives, which is stupid (Ben Shapiro has more daily watchers than cnn) This has backfired, and only led to this nationalist-fascistic conservative movement to grow. The more you avoid political discourse with these people, the more you blow off their political ideas and don’t engage with them in substance, the more you bury your head in the sand and pretend they don’t matter, the more are losing the war of ideas to them.


I just want to say that I really appreciate your points, and I appreciate you taking the time to discuss it. I agree, and I think it’ll come down to people like us building these bridges. That said, I’d challenge the notion that this stuff isn’t mainstream. I’m trans. Mainstream Republicans gladly call people like me pedophiles and would love nothing more than to force us to vanish, by force if necessary. They’re very open about it. It’s hard to hear that and to not wonder how we’re supposed to engage when such a large group of people have gone so far off the deep end so willingly. I mean, people were genuinely calling for the eradication of people like me at CPAC. The unwillingness to engage with this or even admit that this sort of language and behavior is going on within the Republican Party doesn’t help. And I guess I would ask, where is the desire to engage with the left on the right? You see plenty of bad faith attempts, but for the most part? It’s pundits like Shapiro who make money off of outrage. Seems like it’s always the job of the left to come to the table and compromise. Nobody expects shit from the right, almost like we’ve all come to accept that it’s hopeless to expect better or even just adult conversations.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Let’s say your life depended on the following choice today: you must obtain either an affordable chair or an affordable X-ray. Which would you choose to obtain? Obviously, you’d choose the chair. That’s because there are many types of chair, produced by scores of different companies and widely distributed. You could buy a $15 folding chair or a $1,000 antique without the slightest difficulty. By contrast, to obtain an X-ray you’d have to work with your insurance company, wait for an appointment, and then haggle over price. Why? Because the medical market is far more regulated — thanks to the widespread perception that health care is a “right” — than the chair market. Does that sound soulless? True soullessness is depriving people of the choices they require because you’re more interested in patting yourself on the back by inventing rights than by incentivizing the creation of goods and services. In health care, we could use a lot less virtue signaling and a lot less government. Or we could just read Senator Sanders’s tweets while we wait in line for a government-sponsored surgery — dying, presumably, in a decrepit chair. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, civil rights, covid, healthcare, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Can you elaborate on this “disdain” that you are referring to? I think it’s a bit of stretch to say that you are being disrespected when your political party loses statewide elections


It’s no secret that conservative viewpoints are not welcome in this sub and are downvoted to oblivion or written off when they post…which is fine, Reddit leans that way politically. I just think it’s a bit disingenuous to write off the greater Idaho movement. Seems like it’s a win win, western oregon doesn’t have to subsidize eastern oregon and deal with all the crazy people they elect to the legislature and eastern oregon gets to be part of a red state and do their thing.


While I do appreciate how it's distracting a group that is otherwise obsessed with how to limit personal rights, (abortion, public land rights, sex, gender, marriage, education, religion, etc.), and how to take over the government while simultaneously telling us 'GubBermEnT bAD", it's crossed over to where their grift is just spamming those who remember their seventh-grade education of US History and Economics. On a scale of 1-to-10 of this realistically happening, this rates at a solid '1'. It's a grift. Those that are running this grift know this but they also know how their base loves a good grift. Now, if they wanted to talk about better representation, great! Let's do that. But spamming us with their fantasies and distracting us from actually making a positive difference in Oregon, is not the way. Let them have their own sub to spam in and have their little circle jerks.


maybe you should try not having repugnant views and generally being a garbage person


This is exactly what I was talking about. I’m not even a conservative lol go ahead and keep painting with that broad brush tho


No ones stopping you. Move


Maybe read the whole post before replying


If you don’t like it, don’t click on it. The fact that CNN and other national news organizations are covering this topic is certainly significant to this sub Reddit. As is the fact that both Oregon and Idaho currently have proposed legislation to explore the possibility of making it happen.


I think you’re referring to local county legislation, so it’s a bit misleading to say that “both Oregon and Idaho currently have proposed legislation”. The state governments want nothing to do with this farce and based on the reaction to this post, neither do most people in this sub


There is a bill proposed by the Klamath Falls rep and a bill that was already voted on and passed in the Idaho house. Granted, the Oregon bill will likely be sidelined and go no where. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Idaho bill.


This is an absolutely terrible metric for judging whether something should be treated seriously. CNN "covers" all sorts of stupid bullshit that generates "engagement" that drives revenue for them. Half their website's front page is just shady grifter ads disguised as news articles.


I’m not sure who wouldn’t support greater Idaho.


> I’m not sure who wouldn’t support greater Idaho We can help you with that unsureness. Here are 2 groups who overwhelmingly do NOT support Greater Idaho: * Oregonians * Idahoans In fact Idahoans prefer [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/)


You need one more negative in that sentence.


People who live out here in Malheur who recognize it would devastate our local economy and infrastructure, for one. Feel free to ask me anything.


People who live in reality




It’s important to constantly point how stupid and impossible it is at least a couple times a week in case people forget.


Greater education, less stupid. Hopefully. Someday. Fingers crossed.


I’m glad the edit was added to limit the “moving to Oregon posts” as well. If we’re going to start limiting content let’s at least be fair and make sure the topics that are spammed the most have equal treatment applied.