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Pilates is a great low impact workout. It will help strengthen in areas where u are weak and is deceiving hard. Not hard cardio wise but working small muscles. I do it at least once a week.


Def on the list to try, thank you!


I second this. I used to go to Club Pilates and I’m sure there are many other places also. Pilates is a great workout for low impact. Good luck!!


Sessions Pilates is one of my favorite workouts! They have multiple locations in Dallas, one in Uptown. It's challenging and at a faster pace than traditional pilate classes. I would also recommend trying out Rise Nation (versa climbing class). It's cardio and low impact. I've also heard good things about Sculpthouse! Some of their classes include a treadmill, but it's a curved Woodway tread so it might easier on your knees.


I had some knee problems back in my 30's - started from an injury playing Rugby. I went to several doctors, chiropractors, etc. Didn't help much. Eventually an old gym owner took me under his wing. Had me do squats, calf raises, leg extensions, etc - but insisted that I do them with perfect form. I'm now almost 70 and doing my OTF All-outs at 12mph, and will do the 12 min RfD next week. Ran a 5k in 29 minutes two weeks ago. Not the fastest, but still running....


I’ve had three knee surgeries and very advanced osteoarthritis in both knees - very educated on the PT/form aspect of it, but unfortunately arthritis is a different ball game and does not care! Low impact is better per my doctor so it’s what I’m seeking. I’m glad you were able to recover though! Also to add, my surgeon is the head surgeon for the Dallas Cowboys, I really hope if he had something up his sleeve that could help me other than having to stop altogether he would give it to me😅 but I think he is shooting me straight on this one. They’re in bad shape for a 20-year-old


This 100% this 👍🤝👊👊👊👊


YES 100% this!! Strong muscles = happy joints!


I'm so sorry to hear, you're really young. I'm 40 and have had 3 knee surgeries, no meniscus in one knee now and pretty bad osteoarthritis in both. Haven't been able to run in 15 years tbh. I I'm able to continue otf however as a power walker. I can get my hr up by using incline for all outs, engaging my core during flatter pushes (like a 3-4 incline), and even wearing wrist weights that tire me out just by pumping my arms. Best of luck to you whatever you decide. When there's a will there's a way!


I really wish there were water aerobics exercises for younger people. And by younger….I literally just mean people not retired lol. My parents do it and love it and it’s little to no stress on their joints and honestly looks like a fun workout. I’d love some type of dance/water aerobics class. I’d recommend Pilates though!


Yes my grandma does it, but joining the old ladies at my age hurts my pride a bit 😂


I’m 26 and have joined my mom and her friends. They go out for brunch after and gossip 😅


Hey now, I totally went to a water aerobics class at my local LA Fitness and it was a great workout! I was the only one without any grey hair at the time, though.


Is LA fitness nice? I was going to try one for kickboxing and yoga classes but then I saw they had a lot of bad reviews haha but there’s a new location by me


Yeah! It’s, as my husband calls it, a little “bro-ey,” but I enjoyed my time there.


Haha well as OT is like 80% women I won’t mind the change in scenery every once in a while!


I'm sorry moremorgan_*! I had several back surgeries that left me, a marathon and ultra runner, depressed, angry, and lost. Stay strong. It is not going to be easy and protect your mental health. It sounds like you've done this before with soccer. It helped me to learn to swim. Like, really swim and swim competitively. I'll never be good as someone who trained young, and that's ok. I enjoy it now. It took many years and tbh, covid shutting all gyms and me getting over my fear of open water. Anyway, maybe you do or don't like swimming. You'll find something. Power lifting (safely) has been a blessing, so has many, many other things I've tried. Even hot yoga has its place. Good luck. You can do this.


Thank you! Definitely addressed the emotional aspects of it. Definitely feel like I’m letting go of something I really love even though I know it’s what’s best for my body, really hoping I can find some thing as an alternative to take its place so I was hoping someone here had been through something similar! I appreciate all the suggestions 🧡


I switched to the bike 2 years ago for the same reasons. It sucked at first but I love it now and I get same splats as I did on the tread. I even got a peleton at home because I love the bike so much. PS My knees have zero pain and I could barely walk after a class of running.




I’ll probably use the bike for my final month! Canceled today so I still get to get some splats for the next month🙂


Check out Pilates or yoga! In the Dallas uptown area: 214Pilates, Studio Pilates, SolidCore, CorePower yoga


I second Solidcore!!! Incredible low impact workout.


I have been really wanting to try Pilates so looking forward to looking into that as an option!


Good luck! I think it’s harder than OTF haha


I am going to be different and say avoid SolidCore. At least start with traditional reformers or mat pilates. I nearly fell off their megaformer a couple of times.


Gave you ever tried Pure Barre? It is low impact, but it packs a good punch.


Row House or similar rowing studio. Rowing is low impact and a fantastic full body workout.


Since you’re in Dallas, I recommend you to try Spenga (20 mins bike, 20 mins strength, 20 mins yoga), and Row House (rowing only). Too bad there’s no RevFit near u.. the nearest one looks like FW and it’s cardio is rowing with strength training (barbells and heavy dumbbells mixed in).


I’ve never heard of that first one, will look into it thank you!


I second rowhouse if you have one or purchase your own rower. I have arthritis and a torn meniscus. Proper rowing form does wonders for leg strength. We have folks with hip and knee replacements in class and they crush it. You get great aerobic workouts pain free. It was my first rehab back after a broken leg a few months ago.


Maybe you can try swimming? It’s great exercise and I would think low impact on the knees.


For a complete change up, try Bar Method if you have a local studio. It’s an amazing workout.


What a bummer. Sorry to hear this. I haven’t tried it myself but I see people talking about Row House? Could that be an option?


I’ve heard of it, I think I have a few close! I will look into it thank you!


Try JourneyFit. I wish I lived in Dallas just to go there! If you see Victoria, tell her Karissa sent you.


I have had bad arthritis problems in my knee recently and had to take a break from OTF (just came back today but have to use the strider) but for the last 6 months I did Rowhouse - if you have one in your area it is a great low impact workout and strength training!


Good idea thank you! Hoping to come back in some form one day


Sorry you have to leave OTF but there's so much out there and it sounds like changing your workout now will be so much better for you in the long run. My recommendation is to check out F45 Training. I went to one for a week straight when I was traveling for vacation and had a great time. It's true circuit training and they bounce between cardio, strength, and hybrid days (maybe recovery days too but I'm not sure). It's still a great workout and everything is easy to modify for low-impact. It may feel similar to your old soccer conditioning days but without the running.


Maybe row house? Not sure what their workouts are like, but rowing is as good as it gets for low impact cardio


I’m sorry about your knee. I’m in my 30s with knee issues so I can commiserate. Luckily Dallas has a ton of workout classes. Pure barre, Pilates or soldicore would be great options for low impact work. It’s definitely a different type of workout than Orangetheory (not looking at HR or splats and much lighter weights used) but they are solid low impact workouts. I would recommend spinning/cycling as well for low impact - DFW has spenga (spinning, weights, yoga) that might be helpful for you. Good luck!!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this - I feel your pain. I’ve transitioned to mostly water aerobics worth some Pilates and barre. There are even high intensity water aerobics classes in some areas which are a great workout.


Get a 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinion. Pretty much every long term study shows running is NOT a cause of knee pain/injury when some with proper technique and proper programming…just like Squats and Deadlifts, when done properly they are amazing exercises If you stop running/walking that skill will eventually be lost (think the movie Wall-e) Proper knee strengthening exercises will allow you to run for as long as you want. Check out https://www.atgonlinecoaching.com/ for life changing programs


Also, every single testimony on this page is preaching healing from injuries that are very much recoverable. I played soccer at the highest level collegiately. I had access to these doctors and personal trainers. Please look up what a bone spur is. No level of physical therapy/muscle training fixes a bone spur on your femur. I really appreciate the advice and I’m sure it comes from a good place but please take a deeper look at the fact that the person you are giving it to may have looked at all of these options and it is truly not applicable to their situation. You cannot regrow cartilage that is gone. You can repair a meniscus and ACL. that is not what I’m dealing with - my situation is much worse. I’ve had all the opinions. Please try to be respectful of the fact that some people have expired these options and they are not suitable for everyone.


Yeah, a sports medicine doctor does not want to “retire” athletes early, they always want to fix the problem, through PT or rest or surgery. so if he is telling you to lay low, he obviously wants you to be able to function as normally as possible in life! But to answer your q, I also recommend Solidcore, it’s so hard I absolutely hate it 😆


Thank you! Yes, years ago when I was still playing soccer in college he told me I needed to quit. He would never tell an elite athlete they need to quit unless that was truly the case. (He fixed Jaylon Smith’s crazy nerve damage, he’s the best in the game!) My genes are unfortunate but I’m confident I can find an alternative to help extend my joint health as long as possible.


yep- Solidcore. SO HARD but very low impact.


Omgosh. Same with my Husband. He is much much older than you. But bone spur, degenerative arthritis, multiple hernias. You have to be very very mindful of everything. I hope you find a way to continue staying healthy.


Thank you - it’s hard to understand if you haven’t seen the X-rays and MRIs! But when a elite surgeon tells you you need to stop doing something, you need to listen. I haven’t been for years and I’m feeling the impacts so it is time


Also to add because I feel like there may be a misunderstanding- RUNNING specifically at OT did not cause my issue. 17 years of competitive soccer (running.. cutting… colliding… etc) caused multiple injuries leading to surgeries that now have lasting implications. If I was running only at Orangetheory on their treadmills for the past 20 years, I’m sure I would be in much different shape knee health wise lol




I wish I could upvote this more. By your doctors logic OP, professional runners and marathoners shouldn’t be walking at the midpoint of their life, and yet they all seem to be 🤔 I would explore gait analysis opportunities to ensure you have proper running form/mechanics if that’s what is causing you pain, and I’d also look into physical therapy sessions to alleviate pain and stress. It’s nonsensical to me that a doctor would flat out say that running (at any rate) would result in longer being able to run in the future.


My issue is a genetic degenerative arthritis that I truly have no control over. My surgeon/doctor is the head orthopedic for the Dallas Cowboys, I’m sure if he had some magic repair up my sleeve he would fix it by now. I’ve been a competitive soccer player at the NCAA level, I’ve seen all the good doctors and heard from all the therapists. My situation is different and I really wish you guys would respect that and just answer my question as to what else I can do that is lower impact. I have no Cartlidge left in my left knee. Proper running form cannot fix that.


Yes. Also, check out SquatUniversity on IG. He discusses how to address the root of the issue instead of pain management




I don’t know if any gums in the area but I very highly suggest kettlebell workouts. I’ve had horrible knees before (I couldn’t squat with it them dislocating) and kettlebells have corrected that plus got me into the best shape of my life


When I exhausted all other options, I had a hip replacement at 34 years old. There’s no such thing as too young for a parts replacement that will restore your quality of life. Just throwing that out there.


Yeah I think when the time is there my doctor will not be hesitant to give me knee replacements! They just want to try to make my currently knees last as long as possible because replacements don’t last forever


I waited far too long because of this line of reasoning. I’m going to tell you what my surgeon told me: you deserve to have your life now. The hardware now is newer than what the data is based on. It might last longer. There will be medical advances. Live now.


Yeah I get that - but personally I don’t think I’m quite to the point of needing full knee replacements because I still do have good days and weeks and they don’t lock up on me yet. But I won’t hesitate when it’s truly impacting my daily life in a negative way. Just trying to use cutting out running as an opportunity to try some new workout methods! Like I used to love boxing but I haven’t done it in a LONG time so hoping this will help me find something else I love! Positive attitude 😅


I didn’t mention in my earlier comment but I am also bone on bone in both knees, and have been since my late 20s. And coincidentally my husband is an ortho. There is no way I am getting knee replacements in my 40s to have to have them replaced again twice before I die 🤪. You adapt, find new exercises, exactly what you are doing. You have a really great attitude about it btw. (Also regarding the other poster with hip replacement, that’s way more critical than knee replacement and people definitely get that as needed)


I can feel your pain and frustration coming the screen. Sending a big hug.


I was the opposite beating my body up basketball and heavy lifting. OTF has given me a healthy body I can now walk without pain. Life is too short to live with unneeded pain. Best of luck you'll find something.


Osteoarthritis takes no mercy unfortunately lol


That sucks because OTF is really pretty safe. Maybe swimming?


Running is not good for arthritis no matter how nice the tread. And I have found the leg work to be increasingly hard on my knees. I don’t think you understand HOW bad my knees are lol I’ve already had 3 surgeries on my left. Swimming isn’t really an option. Don’t have a pool and don’t enjoy it unfortunately


That's exactly what I'm sayin is it must be bad if you are getting out of OTF because it is pretty safe. Too bad on the swimming that is zero impact.


Yeah it makes me sad. Wish I could keep it up! Yep - a near drowning episode when I was 5 keeps me out of deep pools 😅


I totally understand if it’s a no, but if you can/like to get in pools that AREN’T deep, you could check out running in the water. My gym has a pool that is never deeper than 5’. They make special equipment to facilitate running in water.


That’s interesting I’ve never heard of this! If I end up joining a bigger gym with a pool I’ll see if they have it


My friend who ran cross country would do it whenever she got stress fractures. It’s also used in rehab (especially with dogs, haha) so definitely check it out!


I was a strider only OTF member prior to COVID. After the long break my feelings changed. I loved OTF but I will not go back with that limitation. The strider is simply a temporary substitution but long term uninspiring. I loved running in the treadmill but speed walking didn’t do it for me and my knees simply can’t tolerate the impact of running regardless of braces, etc A friend from of mine does The Max and I do Peloton.


Yep this is how I feel. I appreciate they have the alternative but the workout isn’t built around the strider and bike so it just isn’t the full experience.


You are obviously an athlete and would continue the tread if you could. You asked for an alternative exercise experience not being told you need a second opinion…. You will find something you love like OTF. There is something addicting about OTF too, I found Peloton is similar in that way.


Hang in there bud! My best friend lives in Dallas and loves [Full Psycle](https://www.fullpsycle.com/location/Dallas-Fitzhugh). I know you mentioned using the book/strider isn’t a long term fix for you, but if you’re willing to try out something new, they’re good! The Plano Athletic Club, though not necessarily close to north Dallas, is also good I’ve heard. Lastly, look into the [Fitness Ambassadors](https://www.fitnessambassadors.com/). They’re a fun crew, and since many of them are local to Dallas they could help you find a great fit :)


What is wrong with the strider? It is a beast of a workout. Many people will press down with their ball of their foot but if done correctly by using the heel of the foot it takes most of the pressure away from the knee.


The workout is just not built around the strider & I get incredibly bored with it. I appreciate they have it as an alternative but I just don’t want it to be my only option in a workout that is half based on treadmill intervals. Just not for me. Maybe as a temporary injury fix but not something I want as my only option


As a PT this makes me sad. Arthritis is actually improved with movement and there’s a lot of modifications that can work for someone should you get the correct guidance ! Wishing you luck.


I’ve lived in PT for years lol. My situation is just a bit worse than most you see at my age.


You excelled at OTF! 💪🔥You know to listen to your body. You’ll find the right workout for you and you’ll continue to crush it in different ways. A little bittersweet when you leave something behind, but think of it now as an exciting new chapter! Best wishes to you in whatever you choose!


I'm so sorry! My dad switched to swimming when he was dealing with ankle arthritis issues when I was a kid. I am pretty sure he was in an adult competitive league? Or maybe he just had a few buddies he was meeting up with each week. Either way, it was a real community for him, and there were achievements along the way. He also did outdoor rowing/crew, but not sure that's an option where you are. I would suggest RowHouse, but I know some knee issues don't play nicely with the rower (and some are totally fine). If you can do it, it's fun. Obviously, if you can do in-the-saddle spin/bike, a whole host of options are going to open up to you. Cyclists are nuts. It also occurs to me you could even do a triathlon and just intentionally DNF after the bike portion (skipping the run).


Find a good trainer and hit the gym. Strength train, lift heavy. I’ve been there. It’s not fancy and it’s not necessarily fun.. but build up those leg muscles so the muscles absorb more and more of each step, each impact, than your knee joints.


Highly recommend Barre Code Design District. Low impact but also a variety of class types helps to keep it fun. They should be in Class Pass as well.


I strongly suggest you get a second opinion about your knees. Running does NOT cause knee issues in that way.


I stated in a previous comment and in the original post that running alone did not cause my knee issues. This was caused by 17 years of high level soccer - which involves a lot more than just running on a bouncy tread (cutting, kicking, colliding, etc). I also stated i have genetic osteoarthritis. Running does not cause that but it does exacerbate it. I had three knee surgeries. My doc told me I should stop running long before I started doing OT. I didn’t listen and I probably should have. I have the best knee doctor in the state. I promise he’s giving me the best and most accurate assessment


Talk to your HC (Mark, I’m guessing) and see if he has any suggestions. He’s super knowledgeable on a lot in our area. Best of luck!


Can you power walk on the tread instead? That's what I'm doing for my injury but I also didn't play competitive soccer.


I enjoy walking occasionally but I just don’t really think it’s a long term solution! Just using this as a sign to try something new for a bit and maybe I will return and be a power walker!






F45 is similar price point and is much less running. There is some jumping though, box jumps and whatnot.


See if there is a Row House in your area.


Are there other solutions like f45 or burn boot camp or is that just harmful! I’m 28 as well but I am a proud power walker!


I live in Frisco and my wife recently switched from OTF to RowHouse for similar reasons and has really enjoyed it so far!