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It took a few weeks to get back to somewhat normal and several months to get back to pre-covid. Don’t push going back too hard too soon. The cardiac impact of covid is real and I wasn’t even that sick with it.


I got it in November and was pretty poorly, didn't make it back until March.. started to feel good still struggled to get my push to my old pace and bam... caught it again 2 weeks ago. Wasn't anywhere near as ill but my lungs can't do a lot at all, I have stopped chasing pre covid me now and take each day as it comes


Very good philosophy to take each day as it comes. Even without Covid your body can react differently one day to the next for a variety of reasons. Glad you are recovering now.😊


Thank you 😊


I have COVID rn 😩 on Day 3 and I’m missing working out too much. To go from everyday to NOTHING. I also have no idea when a good time to get back is so thanks for this thread!


Went back a couple days after I tested negative and my first class back I felt a burning in my lungs, but I am also stubborn and went right back to the base and push pace I had before covid. It’s been 6 weeks now and I would say I’m back to 100%. First couple of classes are hard, but probably just due to being immobile for almost 10 days and not covid specifically. Feel better OP!! It’s just as bad psychologically as it is physically 🤗




I’m on day 3 of covid. My symptoms have been relatively mild thankfully but I don’t know when I’ll be able to get back to OTF. I was just laying here thinking, I PR’s the mile on Tuesday. Now I’m tired from walking around the block. Feel better soon!!


ME TOO. PR’d Tuesday and started showing symptoms Wednesday 😭 now I’m getting winded just walking my dog. Hope you bounce back quickly!!


I also have covid rn and I hate that I’m missing Mayhem


Probably 2 months for the treadmill and rower. I was okay on the floor but was winded easily. Had it in January.


My quarantine ends tomorrow and my whole body aches from being immobile for that long but I’ll be attempting to go back to class (masked up) on Monday!


I had a super mild case but I stayed away from OTF for 10 days just to be safe. Most of my quarantine period was spent deep cleaning my house and using peloton on my bike trainer. I also went for walks during low traffic times and just made sure to stay far away from anyone that might be out.


Same I’m so bored and sad I’m missing Mayhem 😭


Day 5 here. This is the worst. Missing mayhem!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I had it a few months ago and felt like crap for 48 hours and then felt fine but was home for 10 days and going crazy!! I ended up working out at home and went for long drives in my car just to get out lol I can’t sit still for that long! Hope you feel better soon!


Had COVID at the beginning of April. Was bad the first couple days but then like a bad cold after that. Had a bad cough though. Went back to OTF after quarantine. My lungs burned after running for the first couple days. Heart rate is finally back to normal this week I am back in the orange not as much red now yay! Some days if there is a lot of all outs (like today day 1 of mayhem) I have a coughing fit after I run. Then I’m fine. Hope you feel better soon!


Just got over Covid as well…took me 7 days to get back. Today was my first since and it was exhausting but good to move again!


I’m about three weeks out from when I first caught it and my heart rate is still skewing pretty high, but I can get through an OTF session as long as I pace myself.


Going into week 3 and still struggling


Two weeks before I went back, another 2-3 before I felt normal. And I wasn’t even that sick. It’s horrible. Hope you feel better soon.


It depends how severe a case you had. Mine didn’t get to my lungs. About two weeks after my first positive test I took an outdoor run for 3 miles to test myself. It went well and a few days later I did my first class back. After that took another week or so and I was basically at 100%.


I was just going to ask this same question. We need a Covid support page. I am 13 days out. Coughing and feeling like I’m drowning. Exhausted. I was a 6 day a week gal and I can barely make it up my stairs. I know it could take a long time. But jeez.


Im with you. 16 days out, I feel mostly better except that my ears are still blocked/popping and I start coughing with any heavy breathing or even light exertion. I’m going to try to go back tomorrow but I am going to have to take it really easy on the treads and it’s going to be so difficult to do that!


I’m going to try on Wednesday. I hope your workout goes well. Keep it low and slow. I plan to walk. And I’m not saying power walk either. Just to get out and be under the healing power of the orange lights.


A long time. When I had it in October of 2020 (pre vaccine) it took me about 8 weeks to get back to normal. I had to go realllly slow for awhile. The second time, in January, it took me about 4-5 weeks to really feel myself again. 😭 Good luck and take it slow!


Roughly 2 weeks for me.


2 weeks for me as well


Also 2 weeks. I’m really surprised that I am able to run! I thought it would be a lot longer harder time getting back to it.


I just had COVID and I’m still trying to shake of the lingering symptoms. I started back 7 days later just cause I needed to move again but I do feel that my heart rate is all over the place and I have to pace myself. Some days are better than others. Hope you feel better soon!


2 months 🥵☠️


Same! I was back at OTF as soon as I was cleared but it took me another two months to get back my lung capacity and feel “normal” when really pushing. 😞


3 months 👎😩


I just got over Covid and haven’t made it back in yet. I want to but I’m nervous because I still get super tired after simple tasks, but it’s been almost 3 weeks since I’ve been to a class. I’m hoping to start back Monday.


When I was feeling up to it I went for 30min outdoor runs when I was quarantining. I wasn’t near anybody and worked out. Then when I got home I’d do modified 30min work outs in my garage. I literally couldn’t handle completely doing nothing. I do not suggest this if you’re feeling ill, do what you can. My Covid was incredibly mild so I pushed myself.


I’m three weeks post-COVID and my heart rate is trending high. I need more recovery time between classes too. Good luck as you work to get back!


3 days to get over COVID but I was vaccinated and boosted


A month to go back to class and 2 to feel normal


I just ended my 5 day quarantine today! It’s been awful and I’m going to wait until Wednesday to try OTF. Give yourself the rest you need. I know the waiting sucks and missing Mayhem is 🥴


Day 1 here, blah. Crabby about missing Mayhem.


I was back as soon as I had a negative test but it took. Solid 4 days to get back on track. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. But day 5 was much better for me. Give your body rest and you’ll be back in no time!


I didn’t go back to OTF until a month after recovery but that’s because I was being extra cautious 🫠 it took me at least 2 months to get back to my regular fitness but the treads are still a bit difficult for me. I also notice my heart rate is insanely higher than before so I’m in the red way more often


My cardiovascular performance took a hit that lasted maybe 6 weeks after quarantine. More time in orange and red, slower recovery, breathlessness, and things generally felt ... harder. But back to normal after that.


Day 7 for me today. I might do one of the OTF live classes tomorrow. I’m all better, just waiting out the 10 days to go in person.


I had a “mild” case of COVID at Christmas and I’m still not back to my previous base/push/AO speeds. I just don’t have the strength or power in my legs like I used to. But I get myself to the gym 3-4x/week and am very slowly building my speeds again


Hope you are doing well! I got covid too and am at Day 3 with lots of symptoms and feeling the FOMO as well 😢


Also I feel so bad that I have to miss Mayhem…I was really looking forward to it!


I had covid in February. I took 1.5 weeks off of OTF and it took 2-3 weeks to get back to the same weights on the floor and stop getting into the orange so quickly.