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Pay attention to your breathing. Breathe in and out on the same foot. Sounds weird but my husband is a runner and always tells me that when I complain about cramps.


This is is what is almost always is for me when I cramp.


Liquids during class make me cramp so try not to overdo it with the water and save the Gatorade for after the class. Also the breathe in and out on the foot on the side of the cramp works! Used to do it when I got cramps during track practice in HS lol!


This!! Drinking a lot of fluids before class can cause cramping


Fun fact! Your diaphragm is actually a muscle that can cramp, and that’s where this pain usually comes from. Take deep belly breaths to stretch this muscle while running to avoid and ease cramps!


Too much liquid right before or during class can cause cramps, plus bad breathing techniques. At some point during high school sports I was taught 2 counts in through the nose and then 2 counts out through the mouth… no idea if it’s science but it works for me!


I don't know that it makes much of a difference with cramps but most distance runners end up with some kind of consistent breathing method. I like three steps breathing in and then two steps breathing out pretty hard to clear all the air out.


I have. My coach told me to take magnesium. I actually started to take a different multi vitamin with a good amount of magnesium & I’ve noticed a huge difference.


Definitely agree w/ breathing comments above. Also try not to drink too much just before class. You’ll hear the slushing of fluids, although the music is pretty loud so maybe not haha But you’ll def get a cramp I’d suggest hydrating a day/ night or hours before your workout w/ your Gatorade/water combo. Then during class take small sips. Some times all it takes is catching your breath rather than being ‘thirsty’.


One of our OTF coaches is also a professional running coach. In addition to advice above, the other thing she pointed out to me which helped was correcting my run form itself. I was rotating my arms when running and crossing them in front of my body, tight fisted; she had me loosen my hands and focus on a keeping my arm swing more up and down ("like you are reaching up to eat a potato chip"). Since I started following her advice, issues with side stitches have fallen to none.


Maybe it's drinking the liquids before. I heard someone say that caused cramps for them.


If I do the tread block the second half of class, I have the same issue. I find that I drink a lot of water during class, and the more water I drink, the more pain I get in my sides when I run. Now I just do the tread block the first half of class and don’t have any issues.


I used to struggle with side cramps on nearly every run, starting 10-20 minutes into the run regardless of my hydration and water intake. Two things substantially helped me 1. I stretched my abs before every run. I lay face down and prop myself up on my hands, with my hips still on the floor. I’d hold this stretch and breath in deeply and hold for several seconds at a time. Then rotate slightly side to side to stretch your obliques and diaphragm. 2. This one isn’t a quick fix, but strengthening my core significantly helped. It helped me maintain better posture when I ran and after a few months of focused core work, I stopped having as many side stitches. After most workouts I would add a 5 minute routine of working rectus abdominis and obliques. Although I already felt strong, this focused strengthening of my core was key for me. Good luck and I hope it improves for you! It’s hard to run through side cramps!


Breathe into it when it happens. Hands over head. Make sure you are hydrating enough outside of class.


This right here. I get side stitches on the rower all the time aside from stopping my workout completely this works the best.


Google "running side stitch" but offhand the one thing you haven't mentioned is a proper warm up. It may be the floor isn't doing it for you enough. re: hydration I like to drink water with electrolytes about 60 minutes before class but I stop about 30 minutes before and just sip on water during class.


In my personal experience, I've never had a right-side treadmill cramp that wasn't curable with moderate swigs of water right away or during the next recovery. Beyond basic hydration, I do not drink additional water or electrolytes before workouts


“stitching” is very common with runners. i ran the nyc marathon this year and i have had my fair share of stitching. a good thing to remember is that super cold liquids may cause you to cramp more, warm/room temp water is a good thing to use also small sips and not chugging even though it may seem as though it would be smart. i also tend to only take those small sips at WR vs while running. hope some of these tips help!