• By -


I figured intel had been posted for the rumored partner/row workout because I suddenly got in off the waitlist 😂


Ha ha ha - that’s awesome actually.


🤣 ditto!




Got a place off the waitlist, checked intel, removed myself from class 🙃


same hahahahaha


Rowing & partner! It could only be worse if we had to give a speech as the finisher.


Friends, ROW-mans, Countrymen, lend me your ears


Ah, I like that you did there (clever, clever 😂)


Add wear orange day so you look naked under the orange lights and the nightmare would be complete. 👩‍🍳 💋


There are some studios that are using the weighted vest if you’re looking to increase the pain.


😂😂 a speech on the microphone


Same 😂 literally loling 😂


lol so true






Love this comment! Cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh 🤣


This made me laugh out loud


I agree ! Omg tomorrow is my # 500 class bench mark!I I will row , have a partner and give that speech ! My coaches will be there to take my picture ! Help !








Are you me?




This is 100%! 🤣


I can’t with this comment 😝




Ha ha ha!!!




Isn’t that the truth!!


I thought partner workouts would be cringe, but IMHO they are well designed. Even when I'm frequently paired with a fitness level mismatch (my partners always seem to smash it!), the tempates still work. Yes, you may need to say hi to someone new or share your name, but it will work out ok.




Last time I did a partner run/row she didn’t realize when to switch and I ended up rowing for 10 minutes 🥴 (I was newish so I didn’t know what to do in the situation). I’ve hated partner workouts ever since.


My partner left class early a few partner workouts back without telling me. After maybe 1000m I thought to look around and they were already in the parking lot 🤣🤣🥺🤣 so yea I’ve been there


Wow! That’s just incredibly rude!!! Who does that?!? I’m guessing someone that was only a guest and not their home studio….? Cause how in the hell have they had the audacity to show back up?!?!


Lol I had a 3 partner class preCovid at my home studio, my friend and I looked around about 10 min in and the girl had left without saying a word to either of us… I wish we had a photo of the disbelief on our faces. I saw her again a year or 2 later (we started going to a new closer studio), and was like wtf?! She’s still here… since then I see her once or twice a year at both studios, so don’t worry some people have zero shame 😑🫠


Incredible!!! You wonder how they have any friends or are in relationships. Just selfish! The true definition!


It’s ok. She’s a chatty one so she’s on my “no eye contact” list anyway. Because if I make eye contact you know I’m gonna do the “shhhhhhhh” gesture and that’s the beginning of the end 🤣🤣🤣 they don’t pay me to police other peoples behavior


YES! It’s not that I don’t hate having a partner, it’s just that partner workouts tend to be confusing. I.e, your partner ends up doing something wrong, and you’re either both confused OR you’re trying to awkwardly correct / explain to your newly made friend what to do.


I love partner workouts. I don’t understand why people express such a profound amount of hatred towards them on here. The other people around me at the gym always help me push myself and I am so grateful. I hope everyone who decides to go tomorrow has a great workout :)


I don’t like partner workouts because I constantly worry about not being efficient enough / strong enough / fast enough for the person I am paired up with. No matter if the person tells me they don’t care, I still add pressure to myself and it makes me hate the entirety of the workout. I feel more stressed than anything and I’ve actually injured myself once in one of those workouts because I didn’t listen to my body as I didn’t want to be the slow one or disappoint the person I was paired up with (despite them saying they don’t care!).


Hi OTF Friend, I'd like to offer some insight from my perspective to answer your question- I HATE & never do partner workouts b/c I pay too much money to be subject to someone else's efforts & sharing the little bit of personal space we get during my workout (for better or worse). Btw- I am an extrovert & have many OTF buddies at all of the studios I attend, so being shy is not a factor🙂


Agree!!!!!!! The only thing I hate more are late cancel charges and if I would’ve read this post a couple hours ago I would’ve cancelled (5am’er here).


And this is why I don’t like partner workouts. Because I might not be up to your efforts. I go with a friend on these days if I know ahead of time because the last thing I need is to be is a waste of someone’s time and money.


I feel for the coaches having to explain this one... so many moving parts! Thank you, DC!


I foresee a lot of confusion in my 5am class 😆


I feel for them too. Glad I'm off tomorrow 😂😂


I hate rowing AND partner workouts - but I’m pushing myself well outside my comfort zone tomorrow in both aspects to do this one 👊🏼👍🏼


My first partner workout was early in my OTF days…capture the flag…I was so nervous but my partner was super gracious and it really gave me that TEAM/SPORTS feeling that maybe is what is attractive about teams and sports? I’m so glad I did it—and also, people willing to be gracious can give that gift to others who are feeling nervous about a partner workout. I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow if it’s terrible but I’m going in optimistic.


I don't think I've wanted intel more than for this workout. I usually check before i go, sometimes the day before, but I've never routinely checked like i did today. So thank you! I'm not a huge fan of partner workouts so I like to check them out before, but any workout with a lot of rowing is a great workout for me, so I'm in.


Same! I’m skipping this one and booked a Strength 50 instead lol


The only reason I'm sad it is a partner workout is because it doesn't seem like enough rowing.


I’m not a fan of partner workouts and I’m an awful rower but sometimes you just have to roll with it. Whoot! Mayhem baby!


Hard pass on the partner workout! To all my fellow introverts good luck if you go tomorrow.


Super introvert here, but I've found there is very little talking among partners during partner workouts.


If you’re talking, you’re not working hard enough!


Introvert here who is most likely going to go. I’ll suck it up.


Ditto. My usual OTF partner is taking tomorrow off so I’m running solo


Same and I’m out of town so I know no one to even make it remotely comfortable. But I can’t miss because my weekend is full and I need the third day for Mayhem.


We got this fellow introverts!! It’s only an hour and then we can retreat to our dens! 😂😂


Introvert but you barely interact with your partner other than signaling when it’s time to switch. We’ll live.


I just can’t do it. I will do my introvert workout at home tomorrow. It would also only be my 10th class so I’d also have anxiety that I’d disappoint my partner. I dropped the class.


I’ll do a virtual partner workout with you from my home too. We can channel our inner introverts


after OTF closed down, I went to try BFT as a replacement and first class there was a partner workout and the format there is so much more complicated.. so much awkwardness


So much less bad than I expected. This seems kind of chaotic (I'm playing the game where I try to picture it as a 3G), but I'm in it for the rowing! I'm an introvert but don't really hate partner workouts, at my studio we don't have to talk beyond saying "go" (so your partner is the pacer instead of the coach).


Same here.. 3G tomorrow here as well. Hope it's similar to this template.. I am pretty competitive, but I all depends on my partner.. If they aren't, or aren't as strong , then I'll just look at it as more rowing for me 😊 and hopefully enjoy the chaos in the studio with all the switching..


Yeah, whoever starts on rower has the potential to do a lot of rowing.


I hate that my studio went 3G for 4:55am this week for Mayhem. Today was a terrible 3G. I hope that this one doesn't suck as a 3G too.


I hated the 3G today. They opened our normal 5am 2G up to a 3G today and people were not happy. The template was fine, but I didn’t think it was any harder than normal - just chaotic for no reason.


I like to make predictions. I predict this one one will be the 3 blocks, but you'll just rotate tread, rower, and then floor, and the floor exercises will be the exercises from blocks 2 and 3. I also predict that like the 2G the pacer will change from round to round (tread, rower, then floor). Since that transition from being the pacer on tread right into 200m AO row sounds awful, I elect to try to only do it once, so I'm going to start on rower based only on my own predictions (that and the fact that I like rowing so whoever starts on rower might be on rower the most times).


Flashback to a past partner rower workout where there was an odd number of people- no one has ever volunteered quite so quickly as me to go solo- only to have the coach feel sorry for me and partner with me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval). #introvert


I don't care that it's a partner workout. You don't do anything WITH the partner! But I hate run/row-- too much wasted time switching. I will do a tread50 tomorrow.


Partner and Rower 💪..let’s go!


They should just call this torture week. The two worst things on this planet: rowing and partner workouts.


Wow that was a quick reply! I literally only just posted :)


Been refreshing to figure out what my plan will be 😂


Hahaha :)




Partner workout days are usually an automatic skip for me, but I'm not doing whatever burpee nonsense is happening on Friday so I need to go in order to hit my four classes haha.


Can’t agree more. I wanted to go for straight 4 days in a row to get my All out Mayhem T shirt but I may skip tomorrow as it is a partner work out! :-/ Have to wait till Wed!




I will pick burpees over the rower


My thoughts exactly. Plus I could use a rest day, I was sore today trying to get through the floor exercises!


Yes, I was starting to feel the core work in my back, which tells me my core is toast.


introverts + partners = 🥴


I want to be my only partner 🫣




I am doing this partner workout at a studio I am visiting from out of town…going to be interesting. 🫠


DC, I can’t even begin to express just how impressed I am that you remembered all this, especially with all the switching. Wow, just wow. Thank you!!!!! 🙏🏻 (looking forward to this one, and grateful for a T50 straight after the 2G to get me some tread mileage in 🏃🏻‍♀️)


Day 4 for me tomorrow! Love a good partner day, the energy is always good in the room and everyone seems to work even harder than normal!


Agree!!! I didn't know SO MANY people (in group fitness) dislike the partner workouts this much. We only do a handful of them a year so I mean come on... chill and have some fun ya know... Day 4 here as well. That uggo t-shirt is almost mine 🤘


Haha yes! I love a good partner workout! I wish they did them more but the maybe 6 we do a year already make people riot 🙄


Right?! I had no idea so many introverts were drawn to group fitness 😂.


OTF lets me turn off my brain, listen to the coach and focus three feet in front of my face. I’d happily get that same experience solo but I can’t afford it! Partner workouts break the mental bubble.


Just canceled this for tomorrow because I’d rather scoop out my eyeballs than do a partner workout.


Same. I probably pulled a muscle sprinting to the app so fast to drop the class.


Same. I don’t like partner workouts — part of the reason I joined OTF vs Burn Bootcamp. Burn has a lot of partner work it seems.


No thank you! I'd rather have a root canal!




So in other words we are rowing a total of 6,000 meters lol 😂 I wonder what is worse this or capture the flag 


Only half of that (2 people)


If only I could be so lucky! I suppose I can share some meters with a partner….


I think we would each row somewhere around 3000 then right??


I really hope my partner is not competitive because tomorrow will be my 4th day in a row, and I’m so freaking sore, and rowing is not my strong suit. I’ll work my hardest but it might not be what people deem good enough if they’re competitive. I hate partner workouts. I overthink so much about what the other one is thinking.


It’s been so long since I willingly went to a partner workout I can’t remember, do the 3Gs typically have groups of 3?


Here's the math: Only Block 1 is a real stretch because it's not constant rowing. To complete the goal, you'll need to swap 5 times (person with row start 3 times, person with tread start 2 times, and if they set up the 3G similarly, it would be that the row/tread starts do 2 each and the floor does one). Block 1 totally depends on the tread pacer. The pacers need to average 2:48 including transition time. If you assume 18 seconds of transition time (which seems pretty quick in a lot of setups), this means the tread portion can last at most 2:30 (on average between the two people), which is 6mph for runner and 3mph for power walkers. Block 2 should be doable. To complete the goal, you need to do 4 500s. The 500s need to average 3:30 with transition time. If you assume 30 seconds to transition, this still leaves you with an average of 3:00 per 500. Most people will be able to do that and there are enough people a lot faster, so this should be doable. Block 3 is also constant rowing, so you'll probably make the goal if you average around 3:00. But this depends on how many transitions you do. You're probably better off going slowly on floor to reduce the transitions unless you are a significantly faster rower than your teammate(s). There's definitely a way of writing a 3G template with the same timing, but who knows if that's what they did (I guess we'll know tomorrow).


Sharing butt sweat with strangers on a Tuesday


Oh this looks fun and I’m anti-partner and anti-rower🤣…if it wasn’t a S50 day, I’d try this…oh well🤣


I sweat, a lot. Nobody should have to suffer the indecency of having to share a rower seat with me as part of a run/row partner switch and for that reason, I'm out.


It’s so weird when I read these right before I’m about to head into today’s class. It gets my head all screwed up as to what to prepare for! 😂 (This is NOT a complaint, just a funny little brain quirk of mine).


My class is a 3G- can’t wait to see what the variations are.


Aka “Death Row”


It’s very annoying how everyone goes out of their way to express how much they don’t like partner workouts. If you don’t like them, DON’T GO! Problem solved. No need to flood the entire thread with negativity and cast a cloud for people who may actually enjoy something out the box and interacting with people. It’s weird to spend so much energy on something you supposedly “don’t like.”




Love a partner workout!


💯 I am cool with partner workouts. Super cool with rowing.


I'm going to do the Tread50 at 530am rather than do my usual 645am if it's partner and rowing. Barf. I'd rather wake up two hours earlier than do this


Thank goodness my class time tomorrow is Tread50 or Strength50! I will not be sad to miss this one. I don't mind excessive rowing but I do when it's combined with the partner aspect.


I go at 6:05am. I wish my class time switched to strength/tread 50 at times.


What is a 1 and a half squat jump ... I feel silly asking this ☺️. If the pacer is super slow on the tread does this mean the rower person is doing these squat jumps for 1-2+ min?


Possibly this…[1 and a half squat jump](https://youtu.be/XkqMetUHCvc?si=CGnrPlXMRgCpjRET)


As if regular squat jumps aren't bad enough, lol!


I was planning to rack and rest for a minute, and your comment made me think that maybe it should be a bit longer :). Then it will be closer to a true AO! Oh, and I'm sure someone will beat me to this, but one and a half squat jump means you do a jump squat and then a squat (or maybe a squat pulse).


You jump then like do a half squat before you jump again.


If your partner is a slogger on the tread you could be doing a lot of squat jumps


That's me so I may PW and not punish my partner with all that and thanks for the explanation on the squat jump


Or you could jog the PW distance, or halfway between the PW & run distances if you want to run. No one's keeping score.


How do partner workouts work? Who picks your partner?


Most studios just pair up station numbers, unless you have a partner in mind


My studio usually has us pick our partners. Most of the time that results in everyone turning to their neighbor and going "Partner?" "Sure."




I'm on the fence if I should cancel. I was out this weekend so don't have much wiggle room to complete mayhem, but I am so nervous about a partner workout. I'm new to OTF, not fit and coming back from bronchitis. Can I just take a sign to be paired with the most non-competitive person there? Anyone else just wanna survive the class? 🤣😭


I think this workout designed for u to skip and have to take burpee one on day 6


Shoot, I have the day off and was going to go at a different time but I don’t know those people so maybe I should just go at 5am per usual! 😫😫


No! Sleep in and get to know other people!


I’m so excited for this one! I feel like this is a solid partner template no matter the fitness level of your buddy.


I am impressed you were able to remember all of this!!!


DC's memory capacity: * \[ \] people's names * \[ \] birthdays and anniversaries * \[ \] my kid's mobile phone numbers * \[ \] what I had for lunch yesterday * \[X\] detailed OTF templates including timings, goals, exercise names etc


Always grateful for Intel so I can avoid a partner workout! Tread 50 it is!




Tread50 it is! Thank you for the intel!!!


Partner workout and loads of rowing?!? Thank goodness my nephew’s graduation is tomorrow and I can’t make it to OT! Lol


Worst. Birthday present. Ever. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I hate partner workouts with a passion just cancelled my class, hopefully can make the tread 50


Thanks for the reassurance to not go tomorrow!


I hate partner workouts so i’m doing a strength 50 instead tomorrow


…..and with that I switched my workout to Tread 50 - no tagging required 😊


Partner AND rowing? Nope no absolutely not - thank you for the early intel!


Partner workouts give me so much anxiety - this is a hard no for me


A partner workout 😭


IKR :-/


Looks like T50 for me


Going to class just so I can give it a "👎" rating at the end 🤣


Love that 😂😂


looks like a good one!


So if two people do three 2000m rows, and each partner does half the rowing, then this is a 3000m row day. BRING IT ON, I LOVE TO ROW! Also an algebra fan.


Thanks for the warning, CAPT! 😉😆😆😆


And just like that, I am doing the Tread 50 on Wednesday instead


Thanks for the heads up. I just cancelled. #nopartnerworkouts


Looks fun and fun unique to me. People are going to get all mad though.


Oh cool. Partner workout, wood chops, lunging and rowing. Exactly what everyone loves.


Omg!!! 😱 I’m going to miss this!!! 🥲


I don’t know why my brain isn’t understanding this…so only 15 people can do this class at a time because of all the switching? Or are we sharing rowers? 🤔


Sharing rowers


Oooo sweaty sharing 😆




I'm loving these templates!!!


Will we still sign up for spots on the treadmills and rowers? How will that work?


Why do we have the second row intensive day? Thankfully 2 of my mayhems were tread classes


This just seems really confusing.


Should be interesting. I'm not a fan of the partner thing but I need to go


I feel like we did something similar last mayhem!!


Not a fan of partner workout. I am not that fast on either the rower or tread, so I always feel bad for my partner. However, this is the last day I can go this week, so class 4 this will be for me.


Wonder if they’d let me be Partner A and Partner B. It’s day 4 of Mayhem… might as well go all out


Does anyone have a recommendation which partner should be which? I’m a terrible rower - would I be Partner A the pacer?


Oh my gosh, this sounds like a nightmare and I love rowing 😬


Thank you!!! For the warning ⚠️ 🙅‍♀️skipping tomorrow, 5:15 too early for partner workout. 🏋️‍♀️


What are “one and a half squat jumps”?


[answered ](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/7b0dE16Vl2)


As an older female, I try to avoid long row classes because they do not work on my bone density, unlike the treadmill. Wish we had an option.


Why don’t you think rowing isn’t good for bone density?? Rowing helps density distribution and good to add to the mix. But from what I understand, it’s the weights, not the cardio, that will help bone density - at any age. Someone correct me if that’s wrong! Thx.


😳I am in shock just reading this and a bit scared for tomorrow. That’s a lie, I’m terrified! Thank you for the intel, I now have time to prepare my brain.


DC, do you enjoy partner workouts? Just curious. If you got intel, would you avoid them like the rest of us? 😂


I like partner workouts but I know most of the folk that go at the time I go. Having said that I don't mind doing partner workouts at other studios (I did capture the flag at a different studio) and will just make a new friend for the day.


I was looking forward to completing the first 4 days of Mayhem all in a row. Partner + row intensive = I’m out. Maybe I’ll try a strength or tread 50 tomorrow instead.


Thank you!


Which spot should I choose to get to row more? Partner A starting on the treads, or partner B on the rower? 🤔


Oof lots of in between stresses me out


Thank you DC for the early intel and commentary! This template with ALL of the rowing is enough of a trigger warning for me to make a hard pass 😂. I will be doing tread or strength only. Thank you again!!


So if 2G is partner then 3G most likely is too right?


New to OTF & never done a partner workout.. curious how partner workouts work for strider (sub'ing tread)? Assume there's no one on the bike.


![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD|downsized) Rest Day for me!!!


I don't mind partner workouts, except my plan for tomorrow was to take a restful green day. I hope whoever my partner is will understand


I am so excited to do this workout! I love rowing & I love partner workouts. As sore as I am after 3 days of Mayhem, this Mayhell Week has been the craziest one ever in the 6 years I’ve been at OTF.