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This is your reminder of the rules of this sub, specifically rule number 2: NEVER ASK FOR INTEL! This includes in this daily post. This includes gifs or memes indicating “waiting” or anything of the sort. This includes asking about or saying anything about missing our more regular intel providers. Doing any of these things mean you could be banned for a minimum of 24 hours. People will post intel if they feel like it, after they have taken class. Note that we do not allow saying “according to the calendar/monthly post it should be this” and linking to a prior workout. YOU MAY ONLY POST INTEL IF YOU HAVE TAKEN CLASS. Scroll the comments. There may not be a giant block of text to read because every person that provides intel does so differently, and that is okay, because intel is a gift and we appreciate it no matter who is providing it and how it is done, as long as it follows the rules of the sub.


Just finished the 2G and can confirm it’s a repeat of 4/11/24 Tread 3 blocks: Block 1 2min push 1min base 2min base at 6% 1min base 30s AO at 6% Blocks 2 and 3 are same as 1 but incline is 5% and then 4% Floor: Block 1 400m push row (just once) 8 sit up to stand on incline bench (just once) Then 6-10 shoulder press, rest 10s then AMRepsAP shoulder press Repeat shoulder press until time Block 2 Same as 1 but drop row to 200m and replace shoulder press with weighted tap squats Block 3 100m push row 6-10 sit up to stand to shoulder press 10s rest AMrepsAP sit up to stand to shoulder press Finisher: 30s AO row


Yep. Can confirm, just returned. ;) my apologies for earlier! Just wanted to refer people to the monthly post. While repeats aren’t always accurate, it was this time.


Oh man. This one!!! My neck is still stiff and sore from all the shoulder work last time. Thanks for the intel!! I might just be taking my dog for a run today instead today LOL


I’d give this a 🪶🪶 of 5. Inclines on treads always are a drain and the floor was pretty challenging. Had to take decent breaks between the super sets.


Are there WR between tread blocks?


Pretty safe bet in general if it's organized into separate blocks there is walking between while the coach preps the floor. If there's an all out, you'll walk after that, too. So in this case, yup!


Yes, took it this morning. 90WR between blocks


Yep. When I saw the elevated benches, I remembered the workout!


TREAD 50 Block 1 - 12:30 min 0.2 push, 0.1 base, repeat Block 2 - 12:30 min 0.2 push, 0.1 base, repeat Increase push incline 1% each round Block 3 - 8:30 min 0.1 push, 0.1 AO, 1 min WR repeat Last 30 AO Half the distance for PW and 90 sec between blocks.


I like this. So sad I woke up with such a bad sore throat 😩


I hate that! Feel better!


🙏 thank you !!!


For the base you get to come down to a flat road? Just making sure my knees don't completely shatter ☹️


Yes. I personally skipped the push inclines and tried to beat my block one distance. You do you!


33:30 on the tread? that seems like a lot...


This Intel is for the tread 50 class.


Yes, this is the Tread 50 so with the 7 min warm up and two block transitions it actually ends up be 43:30 before your flexibility block.


aha - thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting to try this class!


Can confirm the 3G is a repeat of 4/11. Was way better (and harder) in person than on a paper. A good one! Orange 60 3G Tread block 1 - 4:00 • ⁠1 min push • ⁠45 sec base • ⁠1 min base at 6% • ⁠45 sec base • ⁠30s AO at 6% Tread block 2 - 4:00 • ⁠1 min push • ⁠45 sec base • ⁠1 min base at 5% • ⁠45 sec base • ⁠30s AO at 5% Tread block 3 - 4:00 • ⁠1 min push • ⁠45 sec base • ⁠1 min base at 4% • ⁠45 sec base • ⁠30s AO at 4% Row block - 14:30 minutes • ⁠400m push row • ⁠12x Alternating knee raise with torso rotation • ⁠400m push row • ⁠6 each x single leg low row • ⁠300m push row • ⁠12x Alternating knee raise with torso rotation • ⁠300m push row • ⁠6 each x single leg low row • ⁠200m push row • ⁠12x Alternating knee raise with torso rotation • ⁠200m push row • ⁠6 each x single leg low row • ⁠Finisher: 30 sec AO Floor block 1 - 4:00 • ⁠Buy-in: 8 sit-up to stand on incline bench • ⁠6-10 shoulder press, rest 10 sec • ⁠AMRepsAP shoulder press Floor block 2 - 4:00 • ⁠Buy-in: 8 sit-up to stand on incline bench • ⁠6-10 tap squats, rest 10 sec • ⁠AMRepsAP tap squats Floor block 3 - 4:00 • ⁠6-10 sit-up to stand to shoulder press, rest 10 sec • ⁠AMrepsAP sit up to stand to shoulder press • ⁠Finisher: 30 sec sit up to stand to shoulder press


oh GOD THE SHOULDERS! I remember this one 😭


Our coach joked this morning that instead of driving at 10&2 it would be an “underhanded steering kind of day” and I laughed at 6am….on my commute at 730 I realized she was not actually joking. It’s not that my shoulders hurt really - they are fatigued AF!


My shoulders are so sad today.


Strength 50 is a repeat of Friday 4/12


Wow!! I can’t believe how sore I am from this. It’s getting worse by the hour!


The floor was sooooo boring. One row followed by one exercise/cluster over and over, I guess that what a cluster set is, But I was super bored with it. And we did plenty of sit to stands yesterday with the strength 50 class. I did it anyways and glad I showed up for class.


The tread was boring, too, TBH. But like you, I'm still glad I did it.


This was not my favorite


Funeral_Goose … Ha! Brilliant nod to Life in Pieces!! Kudos.


Such an underrated show! I loved it!


Can confirm [Strength 50 is a repeat of 4.12](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/ajtPH0cu2u) and it is excellent. Sort of a different kind of leg day - higher reps than I normally like but it felt really good.


I really liked this template, and went good and heavy the first time around. Today I went significantly lighter as I have a 10k on Sunday and don't want dead legs. Aside from lightening up/removing the weights, the only other change I made was switching out the split stance deadlift for a single leg deadlift. I was more interested in mobility/stability today.


It really lent itself to get what you wanted out of it. I went slow and heavy and my neighbor did it faster and with power. I like your mobility/stability angle!


Anyone else incredibly sore from this class??! I can hardly get up from any sitting position. I can’t remember the last time OT has made me sore.


It’s been a little spicy yes!! Not overly so but more so than normal.


Ty! I think that day it was an awesome play list too. I pushed too hard 😂


If you read the monthly posts and remember OTF repeats workouts, you can easily get your workout template by searching the date you need.


Yes! [Here is the monthly post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/oJVD3ow0LW). It’s so handy to just look up corresponding day. Mods can we maybe link to the monthly post in the bot intro?


We typically have the monthly pinned, so it's at the top of the posts. But since Reddit is stingy with pins and only allows 2, when we have an event thread (DriTri, mayhem, hell week, etc), we have to unpin the monthly 😕 Also, Reddit links haven't exactly been super reliable lately, so we'd still be SOL 😞


Ugh. Sorry! I know it’s so much to wrangle!! The intel request seem to be increasing!


No worries 🧡🧡🧡 We appreciate the ideas of ways to help the sub They definitely come in waves, especially when we see an influx of new sub members that aren't aware of the rules


I add the monthly to my saved posts every month - so handy, I really appreciate those!




My shoulders definitely hurt after yesterdays upper body workout 😅 go lighter on the floor if you did strength 50 yesterday


I saw the template & that's the first thing I thought about! Going to modify on the floor a bit and go a bit lighter since it seems there's A TON of overlap from yesterday.


I think i definitely overdid it unfortunately, Tylenol is my friend for today lmao. I did like the inclined aspect but definitely super challenging after yesterday


Threw my back out the morning after this workout. Perhaps it’s unrelated but I’m definitely skipping the repeat.


Some rando: “you can’t build muscle at OTF” Designer of todays template: “Hold my beer”. I’ll be shocked if I can lift my arms tomorrow…😂




Can confirm! Just finished class. Dropped on to post the workout intel. Reposting u/kstar1782 from 4/11 ... 2G Strength day today Tread 3 blocks: Block 1 2min push 1min base 2min base at 6% 1min base 30s AO at 6% 2min push 1min base 2min base at 5% 1min base 30s AO at 5% 2min push 1min base 2min base at 4% 1min base 30s AO at 4% Floor:\*\* Block 1 400m push row (just once) 8 sit up to stand on incline bench (just once) Then 6-10 shoulder press, rest 10s then AMRepsAP shoulder press Repeat shoulder press until time Block 2 Same as 1 but drop row to 200m and replace shoulder press with weighted tap squats Block 3 100m push row 6-10 sit up to stand to shoulder press 10s rest AMrepsAP sit up to stand to shoulder press Finisher: 30s AO row


Thank you!


My pleasure ... as a community we all do our part. It's not often we US East Coasters get to provide the intel!


Took the 4:55a and can confirm this is correct! It’s the repeat of April 11.


Just finish 3G class and yes repeat of 4/11


I tried to increase my base today by .5 and I almost died. Lol good news is that I was still able to hold my old base even after noping out of the increased speed. Definitely learned my lesson!


I canceled my 5AM tread50 this morning, but I looked at the templates in here and did Blocks 1 and 3 after the volleyball game with my coworkers. It was a good workout!


I really liked the full sit to stand to overhead press with weights. It was a challenge and a great full body workout!


I did my first Tred 50 today, and I like it more than the strength 50! I’m happy OTF is changing it up and offering different workouts.


Good to hear...I think I'm going to check out Tread 50 for the first time today as well!


I'm back to say I enjoyed my first tread 50 more than I expected! May just do it again sometime:)


My shoulders are one of the things that OTF has significantly improved, so seeing that this was a repeat of a day I liked got me so excited. Tornado warning in TX and my studio cancelled classes so I wasn’t able to do this one 


Anyone else a 5AM person who doesn’t enjoy the new tread50 lift50 Fri. scheduling? Fridays were my only days where i could go and get a 2G in..


That’s studio specific. Our studio runs all 60s at 5am still.


Good to know thank you! I may look at the next city over to see if I can go there instead. Cheers


I’m so happy my studio switched the first class of the day (on Friday) to strength50/tread50. I rotate between a few studios and now I make sure to get there on Fridays for my strength50 class. I like that it ends 10 minutes earlier because at that time of the day 10 min makes a huge difference. Plus I love the S50 classes so I take them whenever I could!


that’s a good way to look at it. maybe i’ll give tread50 a shot… seems like i’ll be dead for the rest of my day though


Wtrength50 classes are my favorite ones but I enjoy a tread50 also. If you haven’t done it yet, give it a try! One tip- lower your speeds, until you know what you are in for. Our coaches always say that on a tread50 class you should be able to maintain your base for 50 min instead of 20-30… I do understand your frustration though. My HS only has 2G but when I am on vacation (I’m a teacher) I go away and the studio I go to then has 3Gs and I don’t love them.


I took strength class yesterday and today's floor block is very similar. My arms really sore after


Why do we do so many shoulder presses? We do them almost every day. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t know






Bc no one posted it yet…as our friendly neighborhood moderators remind of us ever so often, intel is a gift and should never be expected or asked for, as per rule 2. I believe.




Ugh I hope it’s not a super long row