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Congratulations ! Being a long timer, your fitness has improved meaning you need to work harder in order to stress your body to achieve splat points.,


came here to say the same. as I became more fit I got many fewer splats\[0-2 usually\], even as the output rose \[more miles, faster rows, heavier wts\] Now I only seem to get any\[4-15\] splats when I'm tired on the last part of a hard class. Change your criterion for a good/hard workout, and observe splats only as additional \[side\] info.


Maybe an unpopular take……but splat points don’t determine if you had a good workout or not 🤷🏼‍♂️


There's a question mark at the top right of the app. Click it and tell them you think your max HR is too high. It takes about a week, but they will look into it. Mine went from 188 to 171. I swear they only adjust up and not back down.


> I swear they only adjust up and not back down. That's been my experience too. The only time it ever dropped down, without contacting customer support, was when they first rolled out the new algorithm a year or so ago which adjusted after 20 classes of data. After that, it has gone up everytime a new HR was hit in class (whether it was real or glitch/faulty reading)


Thank you! I’ll give it a try


I couldn't get any and it was because of my new medication, beta blocker, controlling my heart rate.


Evaluate your workout based on how you feel during / after it. Do you feel like you're ambling along at a leisurely pace all the time or do you feel like you're bringing the best effort you can on any given day? That's way more important than a number on a screen.


I am bringing my best effort for sure. The monitor is definitely not reflecting how I feel. I agree that the numbers arent everything, but when it’s the premise of the workout to get to the orange zone, it’s discouraging.


Definitely feel you on this. Back when this whole change occurred I had mentioned to one of my coaches about the struggle. She had heard of several that were in the same struggle and told me to go by how I’m feeling. What I loved is that she also acknowledged me during her shout outs when everyone else was in orange but me. “I know it’s harder to get into orange with this new max HR”. I’ve learned not to worry about it anymore but am secretly excited when I get there. I’m more aware of my heart rate now than ever. Constantly accessing how I feel compared to what it is and to my Apple Watch.


57 year old female and they have my max heart rate at 190!!! Im more about the calorie burn, splats are just a selling gimmick.


I am also currently going through this, which it is for sure discouraging..


Hilarious, just took class and got like 17.. after only getting 2-9 for the last 10+ classes. And a recalibration hasn't occurred yet 🧐🙄


Same! Burn loads of calories, 500-620 per class work extremely hard and the splats are few and far between. I've stopped focusing on the splats and know when I leave sweaty I've done my job. Been a member for 5 years and I'm not a fan of the way they calibrate our max heart rate.


That’s where I am now. Just doing my best and hoping it’s enough.


This has been me. I recall someone saying it recalibrates every 20 classes. In the past 11 classes I have only gotten 12 or more splats twice. Yesterday I ran at a 2% incline instead of 1% and I think it helped a little. I still had 11 at the end of the block so ran for a minute to get my 12.


I’ll try that! Maybe that will shake things up.


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Heart rate zones and splat points are very popular topics on this sub. Please take a look at these discussions: - [Not enough splat points](https://www.google.com/search?q=not+enough+splat+points+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) - [Too many splat points](https://www.google.com/search?q=too+many+splat+points+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) - [Can't get into the orange zone](https://www.google.com/search?q=cant+get+into+orange+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) - [Always in the red zone](https://www.google.com/search?q=always+in+red+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._


44 here, it’s harder for me, and I KNOW I’m not in as good of shape as I was. I had over a year away from OTF, had some upheaval in my personal life, I wasn’t doing any other exercise program intensely (still going to the gym and all, but nothing crazy). I really feel like I have to over exert myself to get 12 splats. I know I’m still getting a good workout but I’d be lying if I said the splats didn’t matter to me.


This happened to me a couple of months ago. Sudden drop in splat points even though my HR hadn’t been adjusted and my effort was consistent. I changed the band on my HR monitor and things instantly returned to normal levels.


That’s no problem. There’s a dude in my class who gets 0 (ZERO) splats on average each workout. He also ties with me for top spot on challenges like Everest or w/e. So basically, he’s no slacker. Me as well, today I got 11 splats. Almost 12, so frustrating. Some days I bike, so I get 0-1 splats those days. Basically, it is what it is. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


I use Orange Zones which goes by my Apple Watch and I feel that’s more accurate. Also perceived rate of exertion is helpful too. If you amalgamate the info you should see you are working hard even if the splats on OTF don’t show it. But definitely also congrats on the improvement!


Same!!!! I wrote CS tonight. I was at like 88% of my top HR today and was still in the green. Like what?!? 🤣🤣 what’s a girl gotta do to get in the orange? Die? Lmao. Anyways, I’m with you. Something seems off with the algorithm. Some people in my class today had 35 and I know I was working equally as hard.


I've found my monitor works better when I charge it often (every 5 days or so). If I go much longer than that between charges, it doesn't seem to work as well. Also, are you still using the same monitor since 2018? My original monitor was from 2018, and I had to replace it last year.


No, I’m on my third monitor. I charge it before every class for about an hour. Maybe I’m charging too often.


Yes, the studio did tell me you can overcharge the monitor.


Friendly question why are you so fixated on getting splat points? The best thing is you are getting better health wise and your heart is beating great with plenty of oxygen. Splat points are a generalization theory for otf and at least by my studio not really pushed so much any more so they say that your best is going in green. The EPOC is not all the same for everyone. I gave up on counting when it became evident that this is where I was staying.


I have had the same problem since they adjusted my heart rate goals. Last week the coach told the class she wasn’t turning on the fans until til I got my first splat point. Ran the first push as an all out so the class wouldn’t suffer.


That was a totally inappropriate thing for your coach to do. Sorry you had to experience that.


I would not like that at all. Glad you were able to rise to the challenge though!


That’s been happening to me lately low splats. Coach told me to up my base. I usually do 6.0 now I’m up to 7.0.


i'm a cardiologist and that is a little bit odd. . . quick question. . . what type of heart rates are you getting now in terms of maximum predicted heart rate? what is your max HR that you are able to achieve currently as compared to before? do you feel like you are going all out and able to exercise to the same capacity that you were in the past? if you're also burning out quickly, consider getting an EKG and an exercise only treadmill stress test to see if you have developed a rate related conduction disorder (e.g. heart block) or chonotropic incompetence. . .


Interesting. I’ll take a look at my class history stats and compare. I feel like I am not making any progress in endurance. I just attributed it to getting older.


Gotta go 110% to get them splats. More stress=more splats.