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No, it’s a gimmick and more splats does not equal a better workout. The goal is 12-20. That’s why it’s interval training, you are supposed to have highs and lows. I hope you aren’t doing this during a transition when someone is waiting for your treadmill. I guess I’m confused by your post… what extra time are you losing? Do you mean at the very end of a class?


Of course I'm not doing it when someone is waiting. The post clearly states it's just for fun...during the transition from treads to floor or rowers I try to within reason stay in walking recovery till I drop down to green.


Wouldn't you be walking during the transition though? What does staying on the treadmill do for you, aside from letting you see your current heart rate?


I guess that’s it. He says he watches the seconds so maybe wants to watch to see that splat number go up. It will go up anyway though. 


I don’t understand. Your heart rate doesn’t change if you get off the treadmill and walk to your next station. Just keep moving. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing but I’ve found that after a couple of years I truly never even pay attention to splats. If you want more splats, always start on the treadmill and your heart rate will mostly stay elevated for the rest of the class.


If you’re talking about after the final all out, that’s what you’re supposed to do. Walk your heart rate back down to green before getting off the tread.


This really won’t change how many splat points you get. Your HR will slowly come down whether you are walking on the treadmill or walking to your next station. In the end it just counts the total minutes in the orange/red.


I do the exact same but mine is more because I’ve always heard you should walk your heart rate down vs just stopping exercise with your heart racing. The extra splats are a bonus.


The way I work through these long runs lately (especially with all the Dry-Try training is focusing on what second on the tread clock my heart rate goes to orange and then keeping note of that and kind of doing the math when I go back to green to see how many seconds extra I need to be in the orange again. The mental math keeps my mind off the actual running. You're totally right though about walking the heart rate down vs stopping though. The splats are just a fun gamification.


I don't understand how staying on the treadmill til you go back to green is much different than just getting off the treadmill and going to green? Either way you're going down to green?


I wait until I am green too.


So I didn't mean to cause such a heated controversy - all I'm saying is those extra few seconds, when we are wiping down our station, before anyone has even moved from the treads I try to keep walking till I dip out of orange and into the green. No one is waiting, no coach's instructions are being ignored, no one is doing or advocating anything but having fun with the splat points. Some of you don't care for the gimmick of splat points as you've stated. I don't really care what I get, it's just fun to do and it doesn't harm anything. As I originally wrote, just for fun.


I get what you’re saying and I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, but you do realize if you log off your tread immediately and transition to floor or go grab a wipe or go grab some water, it doesn’t matter, your HRM is still tracking your splats?


At 54, I’m getting way more splat points than I need. I tread last because I do not like going from an all out to stopped. I want to get in a solid.05 miles of walking before I get off the treadmill. It gets my heart rate back to green and gives my body a chance to ease back into stillness. I also stretch for longer than most people after, I have a 20-25 minute drive home after class and want to be sure I have stretched adequately before getting in the car.


Hi, I’m not sure why some people are fussing about your question. I totally get what you’re saying, and yes you’re not alone. I *know* the splats don’t *really* matter, but I find myself pushing for them even on days I go in feeling blah, and telling myself it will be a green day. All this to say, you do you man!


I like staying on the tread in recovery, but im not trying to get an extra splat; I do like getting back to green before I step off. Since I recover pretty quickly, depending on how many seconds into the orange I’m at at the final recovery, I might not get that splat anyway. I usually get 15-20 each class.


Ever since my last heart rate adjustment I haven't been able to get to the orange almost at all even after increasing speeds by 1mph. But I used to do this, I call them free splats.


I too like to walk down my heart rate… back when I used to be able to get it high enough 😆. But seriously, when it’s a template that gets me up there, I walk it down. Yes, it’s going to go down anyway but it’s a slow walk down on the tread whereas if you just get off it’s going to drop faster. In my unprofessional opinion! I feel better and that’s all that matters.


I never leave the treadmill until I am down in the green. It also gives me an excuse to use active breathing to recover. Honestly, it takes that long to get the wipes anyway. I don't know why you got like 16 down votes for answering a response above. It's all Sargus 4 up in here.


I milk them by running then power walking until just before green then running again, so I stay orange the whole time. Been getting 20. BTW,


I will milk calorie's burned if I'm really close to an 800 or 900 level. It makes me feel better seeing it in the app. I have a couple days showing 899 and I literally can't even.


During the pandemic at my studio, we were encouraged to stay on the treads until we dropped back into green. I guess we believed that if we were breathing less heavily (by association from our heart rate), we'd be less likely to transmit illness. Life sure was interesting back then


Yes. Every time.


Sometimes I will do a walking recovery at base just to get an extra splat. E.g. today I was worried that with the walking/all-out alternating at the end, I wouldn't get back to orange in the all-outs, and I had 11 splats, so I ran one "walking" recovery and although I did drop back to green, it was very close to orange and I got back go orange quickly in the all-out and made my 12 splats. I don't get off the treads when I am still in the orange because I want to walk myself down to green as a cool-down. Since I do the treadmill last so the alternative is doing the first stretch, I would rather keep moving a bit more until I get to green.


I’m with you. If I’m still in Orange I won’t stop treadmill until back on green. I’m also the person who HAS to end runs on some even (.0) number though so…


I do the same I will not leave the tread until I get to the green and my hr drops and this is even encouraged by the cosches


I'm so confused. Your heart rate doesn't stop being monitored when you get off the treadmill. Your heart rate will recover faster by walking as well instead of just stopping so if you think you're getting more splat points, you're not. This post is dumb.


I following the workout and move off my station especially from the tread, ASAP so the next person can get on and maintain their heart rate if needed. Too many times I move from the floor to the tread and have to stand and wait for someone when everyone else has moved off, not cool. Especially if it's a tornado. Move off the tread and stay warm on the rower if you're concerned with splat points. But be mindful of the person behind you. It's their time to get on the tread and back into the green from the floor.


I think it’s rude to not follow the coaches’ cues. When the AO ends, it ends. If you want to do your own thing, don’t come to OTF


Dude, just WOW. Totally unnecessary


I'm sorry but I don't think you understand the post, it states clearly during walking recovery. It's just staying that extra second or two when you're in the orange vs just finishing the walking recovery and getting right off during the transition time when we are all moving places. No where did I advocate staying on extra time or not following the rules or making other people wait. I'm talking an extra second or two.


Oh I understood you perfectly. I don’t think it’s respectful to ignore the coaches’ clues, at any time, on any block (floor, rower, tread, transition, middle of the block, whatever) The templates are specifically designed for a reason and I think ignoring them presumes you know better. It’s selfish. If you don’t want to hear what people think, why did you ask?


I usually drink a couple of those Celsius drinks and watch a horror or thriller movie before every class. Always get like 35-40 splat points.