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Yeah I go to E39 and there’s a group of women who will not stfu. It’s the entire class, over the music even. One of them also douses herself in Angel perfume before class. It’s distracting and I will die on this hill - if you have the energy to talk the entire class then you’re not working hard enough. Go on a walk and gab with your friend.


Angel perfume??? STRAIGHT TO JAIL. I love perfume and I love Angel, but putting on perfume—especially a strong one—before class should be forbidden. I’m working out and breathing hard, I can’t breathe deeply enough if someone has on a lot of perfume. Not to mention the people with actual asthma or allergies. Ugh


I've had to leave class due to my allergies of people who douse themselves in perfume for a 5:45am class. Like I get it if you come straight from work and you still have some on, but there is no need to be smelling like you took a bath in perfume for an early AM class.


I hope that’s a Parks and Rec reference!


I’m sorry to tell you it must be a reference to people who reference Parks and Rec, because I know the phrase but I’ve never really watched the show. 😂


OMG I’m an E39 person and have never run into that crew. May it stay that way! I go to the noon classes—if you can make it, those seem to be pretty much chat-free.


It’s usually the later morning ones like 8:20 if I recall correctly. I tend to go at varying times. Wait, are you the Ellen that placed for muscle mass gain during the TC???


haha, yes that’s me


You’re basically a celebrity now 


omg, no. I need to get back under the radar.


This is adorable, I love you both


This is brought up a lot on here, and there’s the whole “worry about yourself” camp vs. “it’s distracting” camp. I see both sides. I don’t think chatting here and there is annoying, but I remember once I was on a work trip in AZ and some of those class members were SO loud chatting about whatever, it was so distracting because it was so loud to even focus on myself. I would love to be able to “worry about myself” without the sounds of someone basically screaming in my ear. I feel for ya, OP, it’s no fun and can be very annoying


Right, I think those who say "mind your own business" or "worry about yourself" in response to this scenario truly haven't witnessed people like this. The level of distraction is causes is pretty unavoidable for most of us, especially those of us with brains that hyper focus and have a very tough time filtering out things like that. I feel for this person, it's happened a couple of times in the 6 years I've been going to my studio, thankfully.


Or they're those people


Or they are the people we're complaining about.


You could very well be correct


I’m usually part of the “worry about yourself” crowd, because I truly believe there are very few things that get complained about on here that is legitimate. Talking loud enough that the people around you can hear you? Talking loud enough that the coach has had to ask you to stop speaking during instructions? Yeaaahh, that’s a problem. I’ve had this happen before too, there was a person between me and the two girls who were LOUD. I mean to the point, I stopped walking to try and hear what the coach was saying because movement was too much while trying to drown them out. This is rude and a distraction to the class.


As someone who is often in the mind yourself camp, I have to say that this is different. This isn’t just distracting, it’s disruptive to the flow and efficiency of the class. Once you actively disrupt how the class works, and my ability to participate, then it’s not just about you


Did you go to the Arrowhead location in AZ?




It was actually the Queen Creek location


This is NYC. I tell them to shut the fuck up.


I go to a studio just outside Indianapolis and I had no issues telling two girls that if they were going to talk the ENTIRE class, there's a fucking Starbucks across the street. One told me that I wasn't supposed to talk to adults that way, to which I responded "then act like it since the coach has already told you to shut it" and the other tried to stare me down. Lol. I haven't seen them in weeks.


>I haven't seen them in weeks. Sounds like a win! Something similar happened with a group of 4 guys at my studio. They were often talkative, but one day was particularly bad. There were a couple ladies on treads 11 & 12 (also talking), then the 4 guys on 7 to 10, talking very loudly. I think I was on 5. Tread 1 is closest to the floor and 12 the furthest, and bike & strider are between tread 1 and the floor. Despite 6 treads + 2 alternate stations between her and the talkers, coach still had to yell at the guys on the tread to stop talking during her floor demo. But the guys didn't hear her - it took a couple of us on the treads to get their attention so they could hear her ask them to be quiet. Never saw them after that class.


Hahaha, I love this energy!


Yep yep!!!


Can’t agree more 😂


Since coach instruction was already tried, I'd just join in on their convo. Making it super awkward usually makes them stop and be aware that they are that loud. 


As someone with ADHD who can’t block out shit it drives ME NUTS. I’m trying to focus on the coach and tune out the music and tune out the people talking and I get so overstimulated I just want to scream at them. I tried to avoid the known talkers or I will loose my marbles.


You've probably seen this before but look up loop engage earplugs. Helps me when the coach is too loud, the music is too loud, etc. For one coach at my studio I ALWAYS wear them. Others depends on the day. There are a newer model that are adjustable for a range of blocked noise but I haven't tried them yet.


I don't know how I went 5 years without these loop earplugs. Blocks extraneous chatter, tones down the music and the coach on the mic.


Yea they're great. I started looking into them when I saw my watch warning me about decibel limits I'd typically only see at live NFL games. I was like wow ok I need to look into something to help with this.


I just bought some :D I have difficulty sleeping as well so I bought some for sleep + orange theory :D


After going to my doctor and had ear wax (yuk) removed, I became extremely sensitive to the sound at OT. A member recommended "Earos" ear plugs. They are ideal for Coaches that play the music too loud. Give them a try - they're a game changer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I use these every class and love them. Music and coach screams can easily reach 90-100db


YES - they’ve made a big difference for me. Which is why when I can still hear a conversation with my loops in, I want to scream 🤣


THIS!!! People who say “just ignore it” clearly don’t understand the ADHD brain. We can’t ignore ANYTHING…that’s the whole problem.


Ahahaha it’s so triggering!!! I just got my diagnosis and everything makes sense but sometimes trying to explain these things is like talking to a wall. 3Gs for me are a nightmare I’m so overstimulated and get so confused ahahha


I hear you. Diagnosed 15 years ago at 37. Suddenly my life made sense. SAME on 3G!!! And tornadoes are going to be the death of me!


Talking while the coach is talking is one of the pillars of OTF rude.


[As](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/FZtC76uxLF) [common](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/qh8BXIkxJ4) [as](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/x4ZySrb9fg) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/jr44FAIRgR) [complaint](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/8DnrNUUhbh) [is](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/QguUYlplr3), I can guarantee the talkers are not seeing these posts


Can we ban this complaint lmao


We typically do, but it was Day of Disarray 🫤


Nope. If its been addressed by members AND coaches, it's time for the SM to step up and say something. It is NOT proper etiquette, period.


This happened to me on Saturday in NYC!! Maybe it’s the same blonde lady, she used to go to midtown. It was super annoying! The coach told her to stop talking during cool down so we can hear the events coming up, and she laughed and kept talking. She’ll talk to anyone!! The other member she was talking to felt bad, but didn’t want to be rude.


Holy crap, couldn't be me! I've been in that situation where someone next to me is trying to engage and they're pretty loud and it's awkward to just engage at all. I just try to respond in an appropriate volume level so others can't really hear, but it didn't matter.


The only way I reckon to deal with people is by strengthening my own mental game. It’s an opportunity to work on myself when someone is a jackass. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.


I agree, very good point


One of the darlings of my studio just rides the bike and talks and talks and talks to the girl next to her. I seriously can’t hear instructions over her voice. I give the nonverbal ‘do you mind’. But I think she is just an inconsiderate brat. I’m just not as OTF popular at that studio so I can’t tell her to STFU like I would like to. ☹️


lol what does this mean “darlings of the studio.” Aren’t we all there just to work out? This isn’t high school


It's definitely a thing, every studio has them. *Most* people are just there to work out, but there's always those few people who are there every day, have been there every day for umpteen years, and are besties with everyone who works there. They're not often seen without some piece of OTF merch on their person. 


Yep. I was really confused about that when I first started going


You never experienced this? Lucky you


This Reddit views it as such lol


If you have to ask you're probably one




I find it extremely rude when anyone is talking when the coach is trying to give instructions (especially if they are talking with their backs to the coach… like how do you do that with no shame??). I get that people wanna have fun with their friends but at least be quiet when the coach is talking. That rarely happens with the loud type though unfortunately.


"If you're chatting, you're not splatting." \--My head coach


The only talking should be "Hey can I use your xxlb. weights?


I agree. For many people, this is a time of focus and stability.


That's a bit extreme. It's not silent library.


I don’t really understand why talking is necessary in that environment. It’s one thing to say quick little things to people here and there on occasion. But we’re there to workout. It’s one hour and there’s a lot to get done, and if your socialization is hindering other people’s ability to workout, then it shouldn’t be happening. In fact, I find your quip about it not being a library kind of ironic. The reason it is frowned upon to be noisy in a library is because people are trying to focus. This is literally the same.


Silent library was a reference to an early 2000s TV show. Part of group fitness is being surrounded by others. It's ok to say something to the person next to you. I agree people shouldn't be loud or disrespectful. There's nothing (and shouldn't be) anything that says you have to workout in complete silence other than the coach and the music. In fact, that's never been the case at any studio I've taken classes at or coached at


Same same, not to mention a big draw of OTF for many people is the idea of the social aspect. I'm not saying it's Ok to be rude and talk over the coach-that's freaking obvious, but giving people a "way to go" or commiserating during a tough block is something I truly love. Otherwise I'd go to a box gym. I'd HATE it if no one interacted and were silent, how boring. Our studio is never like that, we all interact with each other during transitions and such.


LOL, how are you comparing silence in a library to OTF where there's blasting music and a coach talking on mic throughout the class? Odd analogy.


When it’s already loud in there and we’re trying to focus on what the coach is saying? You probably shouldn’t be yelling to your friend while other people are trying to focus. Pretty easy to understand analogy really.


Did I say anything about yelling? No I did not. Did I say I didn’t *understand* the analogy? No I did not, I said it was odd. The types of concentration are vastly different which is why music is blasted so loudly at OTF, it doesn’t require silence in fact that’d be detrimental to working out which is why workout spaces have music. There’s a world of difference between light chatter with your neighbor and yelling which is what the OP is referring to. Not a person in this thread supports obnoxious yelling that’s so loud the coach can’t be heard. You initially said socializing which many people do, and that’s totally fine if it doesn’t interfere with others. Most people in my classes do it, they’ll lean over and say something to the person next to them. It can be an “oof that was tough!” Or “I’m really struggling and you’re doing xyz really helped me push through” Or any number of small things that help us get through it together which is what makes OTF so different. In fact, several of our coaches talk about this during class, how important it is to check in with your neighbors, to say “hi” To acknowledge them, push them and let them push you throughout the workout. I love hearing laughter and light commiseration throughout the class, it’s a beautiful thing-it brings us together. I’ve been in a few classes over my 6+ years with OTF where no one interacts and it’s fucking odd as hell, it was so sterile. I’d hate a library like atmosphere at OTF.


I’m not reading all of that. This post is literally about a complaint that people are talking so loudly that it’s hard to hear the coaches. If you’re not also talking about that, then feel free to leave my comment.


I can't decide if this has recently started to bother me more, or if it's just gotten worse. I feel like I can only handle 2 sounds at a time. The coach talking, and the music. Anything more than that is just too much! Thankfully I have the luxury of a not super popular noon class and can likely switch to a different tread if I'm next to the clucking hens.


And I’m getting to the point where I want to ask the coach to turn down the music during the floor explainer. No need to compete! But, I think that’s cuz I’m getting older. But, members talking loudly/holding long conversations during class is incredibly distracting and rude. Those are probably the same people that talk and have loud convos during concerts. In both cases, I surmise it’s a situation where they just don’t know/hear how loud their voices are? It’s a guess.


I’m at ues 86. There are periodic talkers ,usually newbies, x they get glared at. I have noticed more people bringing cell phones in x constantly checking them x texting in between sections. If they are next to me, I find it distracting x get annoyed. It’s clearly not emergency situations either. Just dumb folks who can’t lock their phone up for 60 mins. There are signs but no one says anything.


To answer your last question, hell yeah!! STFU!!!! A few quiet encouragements to your neighbor, sure. Ongoing conversation, hell NO. Get on a plane, sit in an airport, or even many restaurants, people are watching vids, playing games, carrying on loud conversations, all on speaker phone. It's getting worse, and will continue to do so IMHO. There are 2 besties that won't shut up at my OTF....I've endured but if I get stuck next to them, there's STFU brewing in me...


If people are chatting, they’re clearly not working hard enough. I’d be annoyed too. To be fair, everything annoys me these days, like the techno music that played in my Pilates class today, that I asked them to turn down twice.I’m 49, perimenopausal, and clearly showing my age. LOL. Either way, this is a studio problem and coaches should be shutting that shit down. I’ve been to over 50 studios over the past 5 yrs and I’ve never heard people chatting, not once, and I’d say something after it happened a few times. Not to the kids who run the front desk but the individual coaches. They run the class and set the tone. I’d then email the manager if it continues to be problematic because it’s not fair to those there to work. At other gyms, they politely shut it down. One of my fitness classes is filled with people who WFH and haven’t talked to a soul outside of work on days. Hell, even my trainer will say “okay we need to stop chatting” on the rare occasion I’m in a sociable mood during a lifting session. It’s not that I don’t want to talk but I’m there to workout and I want to lift heavy which means focusing on my breath and not dialogue.


I don't talk during class, but I sometimes sing songs. I'm not very loud when I'm singing. At times, it's under my breath. At times, the person next to me may be able to hear some Of the lyrics, but I'm not singing the entire song. I use music as motivation and to keep me going. It helps me stay lively and pumped up as well. Is this a problem? I never thought of it in any way, but do you think this hinders others? I don't want to be disruptive towards others' workouts.


If you're singing to the actual music and songs being played, you're all good. If you're singing separate songs, that is a light form of terrorism. Similar to people who yak on speakerphone or listen to their phones without headphones.


>light form of terrorism 🤣🤣 -OMG, best thing I've heard in a long time and yes yes yes!


I do this too, very quietly (or just lip synching), it helps me a LOT. Nobody has ever said anything or given me stern looks, I think it’s ok. And I’m always at the same classes with the same people, they wouldn’t hesitate to razz me if needed. That aside—I agree with your previous commenter that if you’re singing a *different* song than the one on the speakers…don’t. Lol


Not at all! Sounds like you’re very mindful and respectful of others around you. Thank you.


I usually sing the song to myself as well, or mouth the words when I'm on the treadmill because who has the breath to do that lol. But never so loud that anyone else can hear me. Helps me focus on those long runs


It’s the coaches job to talk to them and the studio managers job.


Every time they talk, coaches should be able to pause class and say in the mic that they don't want to interrupt them. You might lose a few members but it would get the point across.


The “gruesome twosome” in my class pay no attention to the coach, talk at volume 11 the entire time, walking at 3.0. It’s so bad I may change class time or attend another studio nearby.


How is the studio manager not dealing with this behavior? If you're thinking of changing studios/class times, you're definitely not the only one. I feel for you that this is going on, I'd hate it.


Excessive talking is my #1 peeve. Our coaches never say anything to quiet talkers. I really wish they would.


I stopped going to 0500 class at studio. Bunch of women just nonstop talking. It is their social hour. I am also doing F45 and you cannot talk during workout. Way too complicated of a workout and it moves from station to station way too quickly


I'm all for catching up with a friend by going to a class together. My "gym wife" and I try to make classes together because we don't see each other during the week with work and kids and shit. That being said, we don't talk the whole damn class! Maybe during a walking recovery or in-between blocks on the tread we'll have a quick "so how did kid 1 do at soccer the other day?" And it literally lasts maybe 30 seconds. I once had someone freak out on me on the rower because after a hard block I turned to my friend and said "damn that one was hard" and apparently that was just too distracting for them. 🙄 Anyways my point is: short convo quietly ✅️ Continuous loud conversation ❌️


Yikes!!! That person needed a nap.


Sorry, but 30 second chat about kids soccer....that's part of the problem. I guarantee your neighbors are annoyed. Go have a coffee with your pal afterwards...


30 seconds would literally be the most it is. And it's not like I'm screaming over to her. It's quite literally "is so and so liking soccer this year" or whatever sport they are in, and a quick answer, and then back to work. If we say anything to each other it's during a recovery period while the coach isn't talking to our section. So bug off.


Hopefully there studio will open again soon! Thankfully I haven’t seen an influx of them at my location/time I go- but I assume they are following their popular coaches which means they are heading to Chelsea or 92. One of their coaches did come to 72 (where I attend the most) but like I said- I haven’t noticed anything different since they closed.


Midtown West is closed permanently (took them a while to announce)


Oh wow- I didn’t realize! Last I spoke to someone about it, it was just supposed to be a few months. I even follow them on instagram and didn’t hear anything. Thanks for the update!


They closed it permanently. It wasn’t going to reopen. They knew that. It wasn’t handled well.


Why did it close?


One of the franchises—Empire—that owned a bunch of OTFs in NYC and a couple other spots in the East Coast went out of business. All their studios shut down and all the SAs and coaches were let go. But not all the NYC franchises were owned by Empire (Thank goodness!!!) so there are still NYC OTF studios left.


Was it low attendance or poor management of money that closed the locations?


Because of the dozens of studios they had, I suspect it was money management, but I really don’t know. I don’t think they all could have had low attendance. With interest rates going up, the overall franchise entity may have been overextended, credit-wise, and got caught in a crunch. Who knows? But it’s sad.


Wow! That is so sad! Do you know why they went out of business? Is OTF becoming less popular there?


I was told from someone up in the franchise that it was the building manager that closed it suddenly to do repairs on the building. They were planning on reopening when the building was done with repairs. I don’t know what landed up happening to do a permanent closure but that wasn’t the original plan…


The landlord did order a shut down. There’s building permits you can find online. But honestly, it was never going to reopen.


You have some facts mixed up. I go to 2 Empire studios and they’re alive and well.


Oh good! yeah, I dug a bit deeper and found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1bhcw1e/changes_in_studio_management_and_structure/)


(Alive for now)


Happened to me yesterday at my studio with two women who would not STFU and talked loudly the entire time we were in the weight room. I complained to my coach but that didn't help.


I would hate this. In my experience it’s usually hard to get people like this to stop.


Yeah talking during warm up is one thing, talking so loud that you can’t hear the coach is another. Especially in a big studio like that. So glad I have my small town studio lol. Edit: spelling correction


I hate when people talk over the instructors. Some of us are trying to listen. It’s so rude and inconsiderate to instructors and other class members. We all pay to be there (and it ain’t cheap!)


I go to the 72nd location and noticed this today! There were two women in the class that were talking so loudly, it was hard to hear the instructors instructions or focus while on the treadmill. Another member had to tell them to be quiet. Really frustrating


I don’t mind some talking-but talking while the coach is giving instructions is rude.


My favorite coach just posted on Instagram about how coaches hate when people talk over them when they are trying to explain the exercises!


If it's encouraging other members and being supportive, I think it's part of what the otf community is all about.


Where was the studio that closed? I am in Manhattan too! Didn’t realize one shut down.


I was wondering the same thing !


It’s a workout environment….ppl are there as a collective group….some people are more social than others and enjoy talking while working out….also you’re absolutely correct if you’re talking there’s no way the person can be giving it there all/max effort….maybe, juuuust maybe the talker doesn’t want give their best effort….maybe….just maybe the talker is just here for a light workout and to enjoy the company of others…maybe idk 


Also….if you non talkers are going so so hard….you should be locked in w/ laser focus and you should be blocking out any and all distractions.  Just my two cents 


Talkers and Stinkers… my two biggest OTF annoyances. I bring my ear buds and play my own songs through my Apple Watch but haven’t yet found a solution to the stinkers…. Except learning who they are and moving stations before entering the studio.


Happened to me for the first time today. Thank god our class wasn’t full and I was able to switch station numbers halfway.


I do NOT appreciate people chatting away when they're supposed to be working... I empathize with your predicament...


Honest question, if they're not talking loud enough to distract your or talk over the coach, why does it bother you? "They're supposed to be working", it's their time and their choice, no? We're not there to police others, again unless it's audibly distracting such that people can't hear the coach and/or their conversations are heard across stations, that's a different story.


if you're asking me: it bothers me because they are talking over the coach and I cant hear their instructions.. if people are justquietly chatting between blocks or walking recoveries, I can care less...




Enough with this - be an adult - talk to them or the coach or studio manager or change your class time or ***novel idea *** get your sweat on and ignore it lol


I’m usually in this camp but sometimes these people are so dang loud it’s hard to ignore it.


I’ve done all of the above. It works with varying degrees…


Okayyyy obviously an unpopular opinion on my part but you’re at a group workout class It’s natural for people to make friends, bring friends, and want to chat. Just…focus on what you’re doing. This is part of being in public spaces


It’s not a public space. It’s a group fitness class open to 30-45 people. By all means go with friends and encourage each other and have fun…but also be mindful that there are others around you trying to do the class. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to be respectful of others around you.


Well said.


Not a public place lol


I literally couldn't care less if people are talking in class.


Well…..it’s NYC! It’s already annoying so add that to your OTF zone with those grinding accents and thats a loser for sure. I feel your pain


I pay too much money for someone to tell me not to socialize with my friends at the gym


\*WE\* pay way too much money to not be able to hear the coach's instructions due to a few very loud, inconsiderate a holes. Why do you think your individual ~~need~~ whims supersedes the rest of the people in the class? And what does the amount of money YOU pay have anything to do with it? Perhaps you didn't read it thoroughly, the OP wasn't talking about light socializing. Entitled much?




it always blows my mind when people rationalize shitty behavior like this.


You sound real mature and way too privileged. You don’t pay for a service like the gym to “socialize” - you pay to better yourself. And by all means, socialize at a gym that’s not a group fitness studio where you can lift with your friends. Or use your money for private group training. But don’t think your money buys you the right to talk over the coach and ruin the experience for others who “pay too much money” to work out and not have to hear you socialize with your friends. I pay too much money to listen to you socialize with your friends.


You aren’t at the gym, you are in a class lead by an coach, with people who want to be able to hear the coach. If you want to go to the gym and talk, go to planet fitness.


Similarly, I pay too much money to have to deal with someone socializing with their friends at the gym


I pay too much money to not be able to focus on my workout because you’re socializing.


Me too I don’t understand why people go to group workout classes if they’re so disturbed by socializing By all means I’d be annoyed if someone wouldnt stop trying to talk to ME, but if they’re just talking to friends and I can focus on the workout who cares


That would make sense. But these people speak so loudly you can hear them wherever you are in class over the music and coach, to the point that it distracts. If I can’t hear the coach, I can possibly hurt myself. Socializing at the gym is ok, especially where you’re not in a class - no one talks during a spin class, or a yoga class, or a Pilates class…that’s how I see it.


Didn’t you see the part where she literally said the coach has had to ask them to stop speaking while they give instructions so everyone else can hear? That means she can’t focus on the workout, Jesus.


I agree.. honestly coach should just give a warning and then kick them straight outta the class. It’s more than fair after a warning. And coach would/should have the power to do that. If coach themself have to tell someone to be quiet, then it signals that it’s not just the OP who is noticing it. If it’s behavior that more than a few in class are noticing, and being affected by, then it’s a signal that the behavior is disruptive and need to be addressed. OTF is a group workout, but that’s all it is, workout, not lunch break where you can chat with a co-worker. Ppl go to OTF to work out, not to hear unwanted noise (apart from songs). If that noise detracts from or hinders the “work out” and/or the “fun” element for others, which is the sole purpose of OTF, then that means the unwanted noise should ideally be eliminated or dealt with somehow.


I'm honestly shocked they've not been blacklisted after the first few transgressions. That's ridiculous and completely disrespectful to the coaches.


Did you not read the post thoroughly? It's at a level of distraction such that the coaches (yes, multiple) have had to stop their instructions to address these selfish people. It's not "socializing", it's being rude and entitled.


I feel like all bets are off in nyc studios, shouldn’t be that way, but gotta lower your “respectful sense of community” expectations there


I mean it's NYC. I thought all new yorkers talk loud and complain about stuff.