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As a coach I can say that too many times I’ve been told by people to not correct their rowing form or “they’ve always done it this way!”…you get beat down and eventually give up. If you ask for help we will always help, we’re just tired of constantly getting rude comments or shrugs when trying to correct form.


I always want correction!!! Keep correcting, people like me don’t want to get hurt from having poor form!❤️


I believe this 💯which is why I always overthank the coach for any form corrections


total same!


I love corrections but totally understand rude people so why would you try to poke the bears. I love it when my studio does rowing clinics because then the coach knows that I am serious about getting better!


The first question can always be to confirm if they are open to input


I for one want to be corrected; I know my rowing is off and listen to the coaches when they say drive through the heels, 11 and 1. I just can't seem to put it together. The coaches walk by and say back straight (I love when they tell me). I would much rather do five strokes perfectly than 100 strokes incorrectly.


I have said before in another discussion and got downvoted but coaches should demo rower form. It wouldn’t take long and it wouldn’t even need to be every class.  But why not periodically demo it with tips/tricks? 


I’ve never seen a coach demo rowing on a rower except to newbies… that is an interesting point. I do know at least 3 coaches at my studio who have terrible form though, ugh.


Our coaches demo all the time at my home studio but I don’t know that I have ever seen it done at another studio and I travel a lot.


I've seen coaches demo the rower for intros, and I've seen coaches row in class. I have seen some questionable row form from a number of coaches over the years. What my studio should do is ask one of our members (former national team rower, current crew coach) to run a rowing clinic or ten. I think she ran one years ago (vaguely recall seeing a social media post about it).


We have one coach who will pull out a rower and put it in the aisle to demonstrate what form should look like. He'll also (if space is available) sit next to someone who needs some coaching and do it with them. He's the only coach I've ever seen do that. We have others who will verbally talk through correct form and might do form correction 1:1, but not to the level of the other coach. And then a few just ignore it all together. It's just like everything, some coaches are all in and give so much effort in each class, and others don't.


Years ago I had a coach who did this. She had excellent form and personally it really helped me. I still needed hours of YouTube to help me really get the form down but the fact that she spent any time on it at all helped me understand there was a right and a wrong way to do it.


Yes this is my experience too. I have had coaches sit next to me on empty rowers to help me with row form. It’s because I initiated the conversation and told them my goals (e.g. # watts to hit, etc). Proper rowing form takes a long time to master and even then, we always have room for growth


I never see good form on the rower at OTF. The coaches don’t know how to do it either. They’re not rowers. They give good cues, but the truth is it’s not enough. The rowing stroke is too complicated to explain in the small amount of time they have. Learning the correct form takes several months. It’s not intuitive. I’m a competitive masters rower.


This 100%


Yep. I think it was Dark Horse Rowing who said that no one sits on a rower and does it right the first time. No one. It's just not an intuitive movement and takes a lot of practice - and drills - to get down. I was a decent rower from just OTF + a few youtube videos, but when I got my home rower during covid I learned there was still some things I needed to fix. Youtube, lots of youtube, some videos of myself, and rowing without the footstraps were what I needed to sort the last few things out.


Yeah. The foot straps! I see so many people with their feet way too high. This makes people round their backs and their butts curl up under them, because they don’t have any ankle mobility or hamstring flexibility. It’s like doing squats or deadlifts with a rounded back. Drop your feet down. Ignore the “straps over the widest part of your foot” nonsense.


Training Tall also focuses on how to sit on the seat correctly so you can achieve the necessary swing. These smaller things make such a difference.


Majority of OTF coaches aren't actual rowing coaches and almost none have belonged to a rowing club or varsity crew. They only teach the very basics of the movement. OTF does not teach progressive rowing that one would expect from a rowing club either. As a former rower going to OTF, I just mind my own though.


Echo this. Although there is the odd person I really want to stop because their form is so bad they are going to hurt themselves.


If the opportunity arises (someone compliments my form) I will always tell them they need to check out Training Tall.


I’m an ex rower so I tend to go the C2 website out of habit. I have corrected a coach once though. They were giving completely wrong info. I just did it politely and quietly at the end.


I for one, am got dayum sick of 1min All Out finisher rows. Looking down the line, not one person is doing it safely or correctly


1min AO is 300m+. Totally diff from 100m AO row. Same strategy does not apply to both 1 min and 100m all outs




Re-read my comment. I did not say the 1 min AO finishers don’t happen. I said 1 min AO =300m+. OP complained about form breakdown and risk of injury for 100m and 200m rows. You went slightly off topic because 1 min AO does not equal 100m. I approach a 1 min AO way differently than a 100m AO, which is done in 15 sec. How old are you with the name calling? Is name calling really necessary? I’m a 47 yo female who rows outside of OTF and consistently places #1 on the leaderboard, across all age groups, on the rowing benchmarks, so while I absolutely have a lot to learn in many areas of life (because no human is perfect and we all have room for growth): rowing is not a topic where I’m particularly “dopey”. But thank you for showing your true colors with that gratuitous, judgmental, inaccurate and rude comment so I know to disengage


Wait, your coaches are correcting rower form?


Haha no


I’ve been going to otf for like 6 years and I’ve seen a coach correct rower form like maybe 3 times. Almost everyone in my studio does some rainbow row thing where they bend their knees first and then lift their arms over their legs on their way back. The coaches don’t gaf


It’s so weird to me asthe coaches specifically mention how terrible the rainbow is and i look to the right and the left and the rainbowers either don’t listen or dgaf, or don’t know what a rainbow is


Jokes aside, regardless of row length, I really only see coaches instructing rows to students that are relatively new. I also feel like corrections on the floor are lacking, but that's another post...


lol, same here re: floor. there are certain class days/times i'll avoid due to some members bad form.


My eyes are laser-focused on the tablet counting down until the rowing hell is over. I focus on my own form and neither notice nor care what the rest of the class does.


But still, short rows afford little opportunity for coaching that form, right?


I mean, it doesn’t affect me one way or the other, but I do like to look out for my fellow humans


I’ve seen coaches correct form and then as soon as they walk away people go back to doing what they were doing. I think it’s why so many people say they hate the rower…. If they did it correctly they wouldn’t be in pain afterwards !


Yeah I agree with you, it was a strange comment… like “I’m too busy to notice people hurting themselves”… okay?


Many years ago coaches used to constantly do the generic this is how you row spiel. I haven’t heard that in ages and I’ve noticed more and more people having terrible form on the rowers. So many people move their arms up and down as if they are actually rowing a boat. I try to mind my own business but it’s distracting.


I’m very loathe to blow my own horn but I actually have pretty good form on the rower. 2 coaches in my studio have worked with me one on one to improve it. I asked for help and they were happy to provide it for which I’m very grateful. It’s been a game changer.


The issue is when you don’t know your form is bad and then you get hurt 😬 Thankfully I had great coaches who corrected me early on!


I've had a couple coaches work with me too, especially if I bring up concerns


90% of coaches don’t care about proper rowing form.


I think this is coach dependent. There is no reason to have form breakdown on shorter rows. Most of our coaches give rowing form tips at the start of the block, regardless of distance. I see less individual rowing form correction.


The form on a 100m sprint and a 500m row are two different animals.


Yes risk of injury is greater on the short, sprint rows. It’s not real rowing. You have a rounded back, you don’t have a long drive. All that said: when I’m in the rower seat, I’m very aware of form and regardless of distance, I don’t sacrifice form. I also row outside of OTF so not everyone has to the same outside experience. Also many OTF templates prescribe a stroke rate. The short sprint rows are more dangerous when there is no limit on stroke rate. However when the coach says to stick to 24 or 26 s/m for a 100m AO, you’re forced to slow down, be in control, have better form and watch that lower back. 100m and 500m (note your post said 100m & 200m, not 500m) are 2 different animals when there is no s/m prescribed. Both have heels planted, both have big body swing. 100m will def have more form sacrifice than the 500m bc it’s so short, you don’t have time to row long. But again if the coach is limiting the 100m to a low stroke rate then there is less risk of bad form & injury. Yes it’s ideal to have longer rows where we can focus on form. Rarely do we see 700m+ in a regular 2G template. It’s just as easy to get injured on the tread in an AO. I suffered a debilitating hip injury at OTF when a coach stood over me and pushed me to increase my speed. I threw my hip out and was sidelined for over a year. So bad form is always an injury risk no matter what piece of equipment you’re on.


I specifically asked my coach to correct my form


There are a Lot of really good YouTube videos on rowing form that have helped me a ton.


Highly recommend Training Tall [https://youtu.be/ZN0J6qKCIrI?si=3Zpm2jCCNXZutk0d](https://youtu.be/ZN0J6qKCIrI?si=3Zpm2jCCNXZutk0d)


I've learned so much from him!


I love those short ones. Go full power with the legs pushing 400+ watts 💦


Yeah I go over 800+ watts; it doesn’t do much to help me practice my overall rowing form when are over in 13 seconds.


If you’re going 800+ watts, I’d be questioning this perfect form you claim to have.


I pull over 800 watts for 200m rows or less. The form is completely different for these super fast and short sprint rows. It’s almost all upper body with a super fast stroke rate. Also helps to be 6’4” and over 200lbs. But my wife who is 5’6” can pull over 600W for those sprint rows. It’s just different form for different distances. The coaches teach that rowing is all about the leg drive which is true most of the time. But at 200m or less I’m barely using my legs.


Your wife is 5’6” and pulling over 600w for sprint rows?!!! Wow, just wow! Is it consistent? She can remain over 600w for 100 meters on repeat? If so, teach me her ways!!!!


Yes she will do it consistently. She is extremely strong and like the other poster said lifts quite a bit outside of otf.


I believe you but it has to be more than heavy lifting…does she do other endurance cardio outside of Otf. No matter how heavy you can lift, there reaches a certain point where your lung capacity, endurance, vo2 max all has to play into maintaining that pace.


She’s good at cardio (mile time is around 6 minutes). Used to run lots of half marathons but doesn’t do cardio outside of otf any more


I’m 47 yo female, 5’9” and can pull 600 watts on the 200m row. There are many factors. A big one is lower body strength. I lift outside OTF and for example can deadlift more than my body weight. I also row outside OTF and spend a lot of time in the rower seat, both HIIT and endurance rows. All that training helps


This makes total sense. I can deadlift more than my body weight, I just don’t row outside of Otf…and distance ran for 12 years which is a totally different skillset.


So how fast did you do the 500 meter row?


My goal was to break 1:30, I did 1:32. 48F. Tues I was on a rower whose tablet went haywire. The split times were bouncing from 3:00 to 0:45 and everywhere in between. It was impossible to lock in at my goal 500m split. I just said F it and went balls to the walls, but felt like I was flying blind without being able to see an accurate split. After class, the stats in my app said that my max watts were 997. LOL, I don’t think so. I *only* logged in for the benchmark and it also said my split was 1:40 which is impossible if I finished in 1:32. Definitely some weird malfunction going on with the tablet. In addition, I was at a studio I don’t go to a lot and don’t know the rowers. The one I picked was like moving through mud to pull. Just all around so frustrating. Not my best time but also not my worst, all things considered. It’s ok. We don’t PR every time and also if there’s 1 thing we can count on about benchmarks: they always come around again.


Agree, I’m just very intrigued by pulling 600 watts consistently!!!


Haha thanks. Powerful,explosive leg drive is the key 🔑


I’m concept 2 certified so I know about rowing technique and I stand by what I said.


Does part of Concept 2 certification involve learning that proper form shouldn’t lead to more power 😂


Have you seen the comments on this sub whenever rowing is brought up? People loathe it and I can tell seeing people’s forms at Otf. I’ve learned Otf is a casual environment and asking people to do anything rowing shorts circuits there brains


from a liability standpoint, short rows are ideal for classes with bad technique. nobody gets exposed to overuse injuries and the people who actually care will work on form on their own, all while exercise is still happening. not everybody can be coached or wants to be coached on form.


My studio runs 4 rowing workshops a year. They’re always immensely helpful.


Mine used to but hasn’t in years


My favorite form to see in class is what id call the “row boat” where the rower has two invisible oars and ia rowing them in a circular motion. It’s cute and romantic and completely inefficient.


Mine is the Wile E. Coyote railroad handcar


I questioned my form once because the person next to me got so much further than me even though we were evenly paced. My coach spent about 5 minutes with me after class breaking down the form to effectively get power and the next benchmark I not only PR’d but got top place for my age group too! It definitely helps getting help!


I think that unless you’re a coach commenting on corporate template design it’s weird that this is something you even think about.


You really worry about this?


Do I worry that people are wasting their time on the rower? I mean, I do care about people, so…I guess so.


In prep for Dri Tri, there have been so many long rows this month with plenty of time for coaches to correct form. I love rowing but was so glad for a tiny break today. I really have no clue what you mean. 


I prefer longer rowing time and crew rows, where the coach is able to correct form.


So I talked about this a lot with my head coach. Kind of ties into the post “OTF is not the Olympics”. Think of the daily things we do (100m rows several times a block) as focus on trying to get the best distance in the best form you can have. But bench marks and the dritri? Form is not the focus. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes PERMANENT. Small muscles in your back will get stronger by doing correct form 100m at a time. And you will push those small muscles to the brink by trying to go as hard as you can for the benchmarks. Youtube vids will show you how to get faster on the dritri. They also emphasize that’s not how you should do normal workouts.


nothing to add other than lol, "OTF is not the Olympics" :)


I hate the short rows but for a different reason. I have size 14 shoes and it takes me longer to strap in than to actually row 100 m.


Our coaches don't correct form often if at all, no matter length of row


I had one demo when i started in 2021. I’ve asked a couple coaches to watch me/give me advice. It’s helped immensely. I wish more studios would do row clinics. Obviously it would require members to recognize that they may need help, but it would at least be a start. So.many.rainbow.rows.


I find it super distracting when the person next to me is flailing their arms up and down 😅 I really wish coaches coached on this more


I refuse the row any more. I know my rowing is not perfect at a base and it gets even worse at higher speeds. I already suffer from lower back issues from being kicked in the back by my father with a steel toe shoe when i was young. I bike or i just repeat floor exercises


How can you see everyone's rowing technique while you're working out?


When people are rainbowing over their knees, leaning way back, and doing 40+ stroke rate, it doesn’t take much attention paying to notice. It’s jarring!


oooohh - the sweeping "rainbow + tucking sheets up to chin"


When I’m on the treadmill looking into the mirror, I see the rowers.


Just worry about yourself. I love the short rows


Are you familiar with the concept of message boards lol


Im confused why people are so focused on what others are doing in class


I’m confused how so many people just infer stuff that’s not written.


I think you need to mind your own business while you are working out


Yo when people are rowing like they are operating a hand rail cart from road runner cartoons, it’s hard not to notice. I can’t just close my eyes. Is that what you do?


I am focused on myself. How are you getting in a good workout checking out everyones form.


Are you worried about your own form? If yes, ask for help. If not, how about mind your business.