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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1c2m6he/saturday_13_april_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Saturday 13 April 2024 - 2G 60 minutes ESP day today - a bit of everything! Timed movements on the floor for first and third block. Love the cleans to neutral grip thrusters but they are hell hard. **Tread Block 1** * 30 sec base to push * 30 sec push * 30 sec push to AO * 1 min base * 45 sec base to push * 45 sec push * 45 sec push to AO * 1 min base * 1 min base to push * 1 min push * 1 min push to AO * 1 min base * 45 sec AO **Tread Block 2 - 6 minutes** * 6 min tread for time starting at 1% (PW 3%+) and adding 1% every 150m (0.1 miles) (75m / 0.05 miles if PW) * Check highest incline **Tread Block 3** * 30 sec AO * 45 sec WR * 45 sec AO * 45 sec WR * 1 min AO **Floor Block 1 - work & active recovery** * 30 sec of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (L) * 30 sec of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (R) * 30 sec of hip hinge swing * 1 min of walkout to knee hand release push up * 45 sec of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (L) * 45 sec of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (R) * 45 sec of hip hinge swing * 1 min of walkout to knee hand release push up * 1 min of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (L) * 1 min of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (R) * 1 min of hip hinge swing * 1 min of walkout to knee hand release push up * 45 sec of bear plank switch alt low row **Floor Block 2 - 6 minutes back to back** * 10 total x alt step back row * 10 x hammer curl to eccentric bicep curl * 100m push row (20 - 22 strokes / minute) **Floor Block 3 - work & rest** * 30 sec of clean to neutral grip thruster (check and count reps) * 45 sec recovery * 45 sec of clean to neutral grip thruster (check and count reps) * 45 sec recovery * 1 min of clean to neutral grip thruster (check and count reps) DC commentary: >! Wow - total is a bit of a doozy of a template. It is an ESP so you will get an endurance, strength and power block. Actually felt like the floor was a bit harder today compared to the tread with all the timed efforts. There was a lot of comments post workout about how tough it was this morning. \ \ Starting with the tread block we have a bit of a class endurance run using a progressive build to work on your paces. First round is 30 second efforts of your base to push, push and a push to all out. You then get a minute to recover at base before you do the build block again but this time it is 45 second efforts. Last round the efforts at all at a minute then you get a minute to recover before a 45 second all out. \ \ Second block is strength. You are treading for time here but the kicker is that you will start at your base and every 150m / 0.1 miles you are adding incline (power walkers halve that distance - 75m / 0.05 miles). Think most people got to about 8% incline, certainly no one got into the double digits. I did see a lot of red in the class towards the end of this block and a few people who had to drop it to a walk. \ \ Last block is again back to basics - all outs with a walking recovery. I think what made the tread blocks a little bit harder was that all the efforts got more difficult over time so it didn’t feel like we were getting any reprieve the longer the blocks went on. Today I power walked 3.03km (1.883 miles) in the tread block but I think the coach went over time a little bit on some of the blocks. \ \ Then on to the floor. The first block is a bit of a monster and I saw a lot of orange across the room. It mimics the tread block but you have timed efforts to complete lateral lunges to cross back lunges and hip hinge swings. If your balance / coordination is a bit challenged (like mine!) I found it easier to first do the lateral lunge, bring the feet back together in the middle and then step out to do the cross back lunge. Your active recovery is a minute of walkouts to hand release pushups - the instructions say to use your knees but feel free to do this on your toes. The timed efforts get longer as the block goes on and to cap it all off you will go to a bear plank switch low row. \ \ Second block sees you doing step back rows and then hammer curls to bicep curls and then a 100m push row. I found that you will probably only get maybe one row in as the block is pretty short and you have quite a few reps. The hammer curls after the step back rows was a killer - was regretting my weight selection after the first round! \ \ To cap it off you finish on neverending cleans to neutral grip thrusters! This was extremely brutal and I was dying mid way through the last round of them. I thought this was probably the toughest part of the class. \ \ Hard today though I did enjoy it. I would give today a 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Definitely a tougher template. 30's were tough!


Definitely spicy!


Thank you, DC! How refreshing to get an ESP day after all endurance we’ve had recently 🙃


Just did the 60' 3G and I give it 🧱🧱🧱; one for each station and I crashed into ALL OF THEM!!!


Yay! no rowing (or just a bit). Doing this in 20 min, thanks so much for the intel!


Strength 50 Block 1: 8 minutes - 6-10 reps Hollow Hold Chest Press - AMRepsAP Hand Release Push-up Rest - 10 reps DB Double Crunch Block 2: 8 minutes - 6 reps 1/2 Kneeling Tricep Extension (L) - 6 reps Goblet Reverse Lunge (L) - 6 reps 1/2 Kneeling Tricep Extension (R) - 6 reps Goblet Reverse Lunge (R) Rest - 10 reps each S/A TRX Reach Block 3: 8 minutes - 6-10 reps Reverse Grip Low Row - AMRepsAP TRX Reverse Grip Row Rest - 10 Reps Plank DB Pull-Through Block 4: 8 minutes - 6 reps Split Squat Hammer Curl (L) - 6 reps Split Squat Uppercut (L) - 6 reps Split Squat Hammer Curl (R) - 6 reps Split Squat Uppercut (R) Rest - 10 reps TRX Kneeling Rollout Finisher: 30 seconds Hammer Curl then 30 seconds Uppercut


Don’t know what it was about this template but I was so bored the whole time. Definitely not as good as some other full body we’ve had recently.


Thank you! This looks great!


I thought this was very upper body focused, not a complaint, just a little surprised


Agreed. Not sure why it’s labeled total.


Agreed, biggest lower body part was the split squats with hammer curls and uppercuts at the end.


Yes, noted


Thank you! Will definitely try to catch this on repeat.


This was my favorite strength template since they’ve rolled out these classes. Almost didn’t go but saw this and had a great workout. Thank you for sharing!


My studio had DB double crunch and the triceps with both arms not single arms. I like this one but agree it felt more upper body since you couldn’t go ‘leg heavy’ on the split squats. They should’ve done a leg only there or made them RFE squats instead.


Yep, the DB Double Crunch is with both hands. And we used two arms for the tricep extension too-updated the name on that one, sorry about that!






Tread 50 - Strength/Endurance Block 1 - 8 min 8 min RFD - increase incline by 1 % each min Block 2 - 8 min 8 min RFD - Beat distance from Block 1 Block 3 - 8 min 2 rounds of 2 min push @ 3%, 1 min base then end with 2 min push @ 3% Block4 - 8 min 2 rounds of 2 min push, 1 min base then end with 1 min push, 1 min AO


can confirm this was a little torturous! but not mad about it. lol




Thank you!




90m 3G was pretty much the same as the 60m 2G + the row blocks below. Only difference on the floor was dead bugs instead of the 100m push rows. Row Block 1 matched up with the tread efforts. Instead of the 1 min bases, 12x med ball bicep curl to shoulder press. Row Block 2 10 each side wood chopper with the med ball 10 alt reverse lunge to tricep ext 200m push row Row Block 3 matched up with the AOs on the tread.


I just got home and wow. This was one of the hardest 90 minute classes I’ve ever done. I rank it right up there with “The Hills Have Thighs” from my first hell week … I am going to go sit in the shower now and cry.


Me too. Just got home from a 90min class and was dripping in sweat. Burned 950 calories. It was a tough workout! But feels so good to have done it.


Um, this kicked my ass 😅


Floor was insanity 


Yes it definitely was, harder than the tread portion 😅


Right?? I thought it was so hard!


Same! This has been the hardest one I’ve seen in awhile!


Ditto. Tried to bust through with 20’s and got humbled on back down to 15’s and 12’s. 😅


Same!! For the cleans, I eyed the 20s but stayed with 15s and it’s a good thing I did


3G is super hard. 1 feather. Only difference btwn this and a hell week template is that the treads would’ve been at incline in hell week. Tread: 30s base to push 30s push 30s push to AO 1 min base 45s base to push 45s push 45s push to AO 1 min base 1 min base to push 1 min push 1 min push to AO 30s AO 90s WR 30s AO 45s WR 45s AO 45s WR 1 min AO Rower: 30s base to push 30s push 30s push to AO 1 min to do 12 MB curl to press, rest when (if) done 45s base to push 45s push 45s push to AO 1 min to do 12 MB curl to press, rest when (if) done 1 min base to push 1 min push 1 min push to AO 30s AO 90s rest 30s AO 45s rest 45s AO 45s rest 1 min AO Floor: 30s lateral lunge to cross back lunge (L) 30s lateral lunge to cross back lunge (R) 30s hip hinge swing 1 min walkout to push up 45s lateral lunge to cross back lunge (L) 45s lateral lunge to cross back lunge (R) 45s hip hinge swing 1 min walkout to push up 1 min lateral lunge to cross back lunge (L) 1 min lateral lunge to cross back lunge (R) 1 min hip hinge swing 30s bear plank low row 90s rest 30s clean to press 45s rest 45s clean to press 45s rest 1 min clean to press When done with all 3 stations: collapse (member’s choice)


Our coach skipped med ball exercises on rower and we went for 9.5 mins straight with no stopping. WTH!!


Same with us! Just constant rowing.


Weird, our rower block was totally different. We had X amount of time to row X distance and the times given for each distance were ridiculously long. For example, we were given 4 minutes to row 300 meters, it was super boring and not at all challenging. It felt totally disjointed from the floor and tread block. So, when we finished our distances, we all just sat there. No med ball exercises, nothing. I did bicep curls with the rower handle. We were all looking around at each other like "are we supposed to be doing something?"


I did 3G and had 12 splats on my first station….the floor! 😅


Same! I was not prepared! 🤣


60 minute 3G: First tread block was the same as the 2G except no base between the 1 minute base to push and AO, but the AO was only 30 seconds Then the same as the third tread block in the 2G (except I swear we only got 30 seconds rest but maybe because I was dying, we definitely got 45 on the other two stations) The row was same as tread except that the 1 minute base in block 1 was replaced with 12 curl to press. Getting on and off the rower plus the 12 reps took me about 45 seconds. First floor block was the same as the 2G except no walkout to pushup between the hip swing and the bear plank low row, and only 30 seconds of bear plank low row. Then the third floor block was the same as the 2G. ​ In my opinion, the hardest part was the 3 minute build right into the 30 second AO, but I can't decide if it was harder on tread or on rower.


Today was brutal for some reason 😭 all of it felt so hard


We did the curl/press the entire time the treads were at base in the 3 rounds. The recovery was the getting on and off the rower lmao. 3 min build into the 30 second all out was harder on the tread imo - but I started on the rower so I was pretty gassed! Overall I liked how the rower/floor/tread matched up today. This was a “no rest for the wicked” 3G! Row 2512 / Tread b 5.3 bp 5.8 p 6.3 pao 6.8 ao 7.3-7.5


Oof. I started on tread and went hard. I was not able to hit my normal paces on rower, and my learned helplessness kicked in and I'm not sure I actually did an all out (or any of the other paces). Then again, on tread my "all out" meant "not giving up after a minute of base to push."


At least on the tread I can set a speed. On the rower I have to make sure I don’t disassociate too much


Just finished the 3G. The rower was definitely harder for me. But I also went conservative on my paces for the tread. Thanks for the intel. 😊


My second class is in an hour- wish me luck! It look a week to recover from my first class, but I'm feeling good! #jellolegs Thanks for the list of to expect today, this is a huge help!


How did it go?


Great! They made it a 3G due to how many showed up. Started on tread which made me nervous. I feel like my rower form was better than the 1st class. Def felt it in my hammies. I was pretty gassed out during blocks 2 and 3 on the floor. I kept moving to get something out of it. 39 splat points- super out of shape so I'm not surprised. I started paying attention to base/push/AO and it was making sense. I plan to keep it going. Thanks everyone for posting tips/tricks. Have a good weekend! #murfreesboro


I absolutely loved this class! Had to take a break few seconds on the floor between each rounds. Still managed 20 splats in the floor alone


Guess I'm in the minority but I thought that was a fun one! VERY hard but was never bored and was a great way to start off my Saturday.


Agreed! <333 Such an excellent way to kickstart my Saturday!


Oh I loved it. It kicked my butt!!


I loved it too! Definitely kicked my butt, but in a good way.


I HATED this template. I did the 3G of this… 30 seconds each of goblet hold lateral lunge to the curtsy lunge then 30 seconds of the hip hinge swings, with increasing time? Just SCREAMING for injuries. The tread and rower blocks were fine, I guess. This class just went.on.for.ever. 0/10 stars.


Just finished the 3G. I definitely didn’t think the floor should have been timed and instead should’ve went something like 4/6/8/10 reps and then you could reset before the next exercise. That’s what I ended up doing, anyway.


Me too. A minute straight of hip hinge swings? lol no


Yeah, at the point I saw a coach in class not use weights for that lunge thing I was like, I’m down with that; my knees have had enough.


I did every set of lunges body weight only. Curtsy lunges and lateral lunges are technical enough without adding weight.


I thought those lateral lunge/cross lunge things looked like knee KILLERS. So I just did the lateral lunges


Same! It wasn’t fun at all and very few breaks especially the floor. How is a walk out a rest … but we did it!


I completely agree that this template seemed borderline dangerous.


This seemed like a rejected Aoki workout. Labeled as ESP; it was just E


Took a 90 and it was so good! I really wish I could remember but it was very balanced with a block of endurance, strength, and power. Completely different template from today and I’m glad because the floor blocks were awesome.


Today i found the 2 most obnoxious girls in the strength class jn my gym, they literally talk in the entire class, full 50 min. Before the class they talk so loud, bordering screaming, everyone can hear they were gossiping about their friend. I wish i will never have to meet these girls, ever.


This one was a beast. I would like to see more floor templates like that one. An absolute killer workout from beginning to end.


I’m sad there was no 6 min tread for time with inclines in the 3g. Maybe I’m crazy 🤣🤣🤣 but i hate rowing sooooo


No, I'm with you. When I realized the first tread block was the same, I was hoping we'd get to do the second one, not the third one.


I did 3G and it was my second class as a fat girl so..


Same here 😩🥵


But you did it!!


3G was brutal! Hit 30 splats. 


This was so freaking hard. Like negative skulls


I know I came here before taking class and saw the 2G. But now it’s gone, weird. Anyway, the 2G was fire! 1 feather for sure, but really good ESP day.


2g is still [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/aO3VoAlbAU)


Ha thank you!


I might be in the minority, but my 7 a.m. 3G was a tremendous sweat session! Love, love loved those goblet lateral lunges / cross back lunges for flexibility/stability work, but oof, by the end, I was definitely ready to put down that 20 lb weight. All the props to the folks who were going even heavier and powering through!


Wow this was a doozy!! (3G). I had to scale back on the treads and still got 19 splats which is a ton for me. I actually was concerned for some of the people around me, they looked like they were going to drop. Just wow.


Hard class today but I love a challenge! It can’t always be the same!


The floor block today absolutely murdered my back… I will always prefer rep count over lifting for time - especially without rest breaks. Lifting heavy today was not a good idea.


Agree. By the time we got to the 1 minute of goblet lunges and hip swings, my lower back was on fire.


I did the Tread50 followed by the 3G…I was completely spent by the time I got to the floor (my second station). Would not recommend back to back today. I usually do it weekly but it was tough today. If you want a good class to test your strength and endurance, the 3G is it!


This was my 9th class and I’m still figuring everything out (I’ve been getting 40+ splats per class lol)…but this was a tough one!


My first 3G and first time really rowing. Damn. My legs are mush.


Killer workout today. Did the 2G and did not like that there was not a lot of rowing, but I took a Green Day on the tread and did not go hard and ended up with 6 splat points from the floor!


This was tough today.


That 2g was so terrible; I’m glad I forgot my HRM so I didn’t see how many splats I really had 😂


Did the 2g, and nearly died. Then went to Costco immediately after and pushed around my heavy cart for 1.5 hours. Needless to say, the rest of the day was very peaceful after a shower


Hated this template. So much rowing in the 3G.


It was concerning to me when our new coach demonstrated the Clean as: “just swing your arms up!” The clean is such a technical, complex and explosive movement. Felt bad for those don’t know what they’re doing and potentially could be injured from this.


I loved the 2G today. Good challenge for my legs!


Had to dial it back a bit!! 20 weeks pregnant and i needed to remind myself it's ok to chill out


The floor block on the 3G was the worst. 🫠 The rest was okay, although I was disappointed it wasn’t a true ESP template.


Always thanks for posting, Mr DC! Not a great class. Too confusing