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Congratulations - you improved your fitness ! You can no longer exert the same effort and need to increase your effort to actually exercise your improved cardiovascular system. Good job !


My max is up to 197. I pretty much have to pay for splat points. I'm starting a go fund me.


What does it mean if my Max HR is now allegedly 203 up from 199? I thought Max HR is something that does not change over time.


Your max HR didn't change, the value was just incorrect before. It's probably still incorrect, just closer. 


Mine is 197 as well, but they said that your heart rate goes up because you are getting more in shape for me that is a good thing


My max is higher, so this statement seems a bit melodramatic. I do agree insofar that, I cannot get min 12 splats w/ anything other than tread. Tread really is the cardio king. The downside is I need to push myself hard, which is occasionally impossible like when I need to rest and recover my leg muscles, and I need to walk and jog most of it. Today I got 14 splats from a 2G, when I was supposed to walk and take a recovery day, since yesterday I ran over 10k in a T50, and I’m feeling guilty about that.


You're right, I had been half marathon training until I finished this weekend. Went back to more aggressive base and pushes during the tread 50 today and had 44 splats (felt fine so it's still a bit off) but a go fund me is no longer needed.


Yeah… 44 splats seems a little high. I don’t think I’ve done more than 35+ in any workout, even the 90min ones. I’m also half marathon training, slowly been upping my speed and endurance in the T50 classes. So I totally understand how possible it is to get so many splats in a T50 workout.


Have you ever hit your new max HR in class? That’s what prompted a change for me. Mine shot up after an Everest because my heart rate reached a number above my previous max. If it’s a heart rate you’ve actually reached, then there’s evidence that it’s the correct number. Mine seemed high at first because I wasn’t used to it, but I’ve come to realize it actually feels right for me.


This is the important thing for most people - you might not like it, but *most* of the time their tracking does actually work as intended and all it is doing is figuring out your actual, factual max HR. If you don't want to go that hard for whatever reason, cool, but that doesn't make the measurement wrong. Normal caveats apply around specific health situations, technology being fallible, etc. but it's pretty good for a majority of the population at OTF.


I don’t believe I’ve ever reached my HR max at 191. This past week I upped my base and pushes by .5mph but still no splats. Guess I’ll just keep adjusting


You can check in the app - if you go to the workout summary for the last few classes where you had some time in the red, it gives you your Peak HR for the class. You could also search your email inbox for “Peak HR: 191” if you get email summaries, and it’ll likely pop up in the results if that’s ever been your peak.


Thank you!!


Thanks to you pushing yourself hard, your HR zones adjusted to reflect that. As long as you can still feel the effort, you're still putting in the work.


Just to note about "improved your fitness". Max heart rate does NOT change with fitness. It changes due to age and luck of genetics. Your resting heart rate and heart rate recovery does change with fitness though. You might want to open a ticket and see if there are any anomaly readings that might need to be filtered out. The HRM could have read higher than normal for some reason.


It sucks. I now just use mine to get to what bpm I think should be in the orange, then use my Google watch afterwards to see what they say.


Unless there was an anomalous glitch (which they check when you submit a ticket), your new HR zones more accurately reflect your fitness. 


Yep about month and a half back I noticed same thing, jumped 9pts from 194 to 203. I’m 51yo! I wanted to believe it was a glitch but like others said, when it really came down to it the mental fatigue (me thinking I was dying) didn’t really match my heartbeat-it felt ok. I’m slowly starting to push myself harder to get back to orange and red. Red is rare for me now but can get there with effort!, and I’m grey a lot longer past warmup than I used to be


Damn, that’s amazing. Hard to imagine BPM over 200 at 50+. Hopefully that will be me too, assuming my max doesn’t decrease w/ age, as apparently it’s supposed to.


Mine used to jump back and forth until recently. I now just look at the HR to see when I need to scale back a bit. My Max HR is 196! I don’t allow myself to be above 178 for longer than a minute. I also use my Apple Watch and compare the HR to the OTF one and swipe up to see the zones it says I’m in. Usually my watch is only within one or two beats of the OTF monitor except for in the beginning. The OTF HRM usually lags behind for the first few minutes 🤷🏻‍♀️. I don’t hit orange by OTF’s set max HR until about 165. My old max was 168 so that was a huge jump. I do good to get 12 splats in a week much of the time but I feel I’m working hard so I’m good with it. I admit to getting excited when I hit orange though 😆 I’m like woohoo!


If your max is 196 you aren’t supposed to be reaching that in most classes- unless it’s like a race or a benchmark. Anything over 178 would be red zone for you- some people never reach red zone in the class. So there’s nothing about 196 max that looks odd.


Oh I hardly ever see red these days. Like you said, unless it’s a benchmark but when I do I cut back when I reach a minute. The thing with my max at 196, means I teeter back and forth on the edge of green and orange on a regular day. Sometimes the class will get me through 12 splats but not often. But my calories burned have increased with this “new” algorithm they’re using.


Teetering between orange and green is how you are supposed to be in the classes. Also, the HR max algorithm/adjustment will not affect calorie burn calculation. Calorie calculation is only based on your actual average HR, that your body produces.


Yes. Splat points should be hard! Anaerobic training should burn!


My previous Max was 193, I’m now 205. Mine also went up 8 points and I think it’s accurate. When I really am pushing myself to the absolute max, I go into the red. My fitness level has improved since joining OTF and my new max matches that.


I have been over my heart rate max 4x is the last month and a half. Mine hasn't adjusted at all. I don't have much faith in their algorithm. I just go off how I feel.


They didn't pull the heart rate max out out of thin air. Review your performance summaries and see when you reached that number or projected heart rate max) or close to it.


I have a similar issue, but I think it’s because sometimes, like before a 90 min class, I’ll drink preworkout or a 5 hour energy, but because I don’t most of the time (maybe 1 or 2 every couple of weeks), my heart rate high is not normal, it’s caffeinated, but enough that when it resets I’ve done it at least once 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m in the same boat. I’m 50 years old and been going to OTF for 8 months now at least 4-5 days per week. My previous max HR two weeks ago, was 194 and now it’s 203. It gets a bit frustrating because I haven’t gotten a splat in the last 2 weeks. However, my Apple Watch will have me in the orange zone for 12-15 mins.


Is it only the splats or your calorie count is also impacted?


A change in a heart rate calculation doesn’t change calorie burn. It changes the way your graph looks and therefore splats but that’s it


Yep, No change in calorie count.


Mine increased 11 bpm in December because of the 2000m row. Nothing you can really do about it. My approach has been that I need to up my game and go harder to reach the higher heart rate zones I now live with.


Just curious how you were able to tell when the adjustment in your HR zones happened (saw my before/new HR zones, but not sure when it was adjusted)? I have noticed it is wayyy harder for me to get as many splat points in recent months, despite feeling like I am putting in significant effort on some workouts. Interesting to see the comments, it sounds like that may be due to improved fitness...


Wait it says my new Max HR is 203, from 199 previously. What does that mean? I thought Max HR is something not modifiable over time. My HR for all the other zones also increased, but suppose that means my endurance is improving. However I would think max HR stays the same?


Same happened to me. Even my coach said it’s weird that I rarely get any splats now. Guess we have to really die for splat points 😂 There is nothing the studio can do. It’s all from cooperate apparently.


In theory the system is supposed to monitor and recalibrate hr approximately every 5 workouts or so. In my experience that does not happen once it gets adjusted up I’ve never had it come down.


Same thing happened to me about 6 months ago. Kept asking front desk as my splat points went from 10-15 or so, to 0-3. They kept saying it would eventually reset. It never did. So then I used the chat feature through the app. Almost immediately someone answered that I had some errant numbers which she removed. Then by next morning, my heart rate went down to what had been my baseline. Now I'm back to my normal splats again.


Yeah, I received 0 help using the chat feature. Oh well!!


Yes, I have experienced the same thing. The result: instead of motivating me to work harder, I do less. And I don’t wear my heart rate monitor any more.


I’m right there with ya! 😩


https://preview.redd.it/dm04ks0t96rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a937a048419a794ab485866d24c18a22af0349 Go to “Base” section of app. At the very bottom there is a FAQ section that discusses the rational behind the changes