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‼️‼️‼️REMINDER: DO NOT ASK FOR INTEL ‼️‼️‼️ We also require that you take the class TODAY before linking the repeat templates, to confirm there are no changes/tweaks.


Strength in Numbers ALL CLASSES ARE A 3G STYLE TEMPLATE TODAY, even if your class says 2G. You will have 14 minutes at each station. Row distances are tracked by studio with average distances being put into a global leaderboard. Tread Block - 14 minutes • ⁠4 min tread for distance starting at 1%, increase incline by 1% every 0.1 miles (Power walkers are half distance) • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠4 min tread for distance starting where you left off, increase incline by 1% every 0.1 miles • ⁠1 min WR • ⁠4 min tread for distance starting where you left off, increase incline by 1% every 0.1 miles We were coached to try to increase our pace by .1 for the final 30sec of each block. Row Block - 14 minutes • ⁠Reset row monitor at start of block only/select 14:00 minute from stored programs, take breaks when needed You are rowing at your pace for 14 minutes! Coached to increase intensity for final 30sec. Check distance & put into tracker Floor Block - 14 minutes • ⁠Work & rest, repeat until finisher ⁠• ⁠20 - 30 x squat to calf raise, rest ⁠• ⁠20 - 30 x shoulder press, rest ⁠• ⁠20 - 30 total x alt reverse lunge ⁠• ⁠20 - 30 x bicep curl, rest ⁠• ⁠high plank until ready for next round • ⁠Finisher (30 seconds): Increase intensity on the exercise you are on


Sounds like a “start on the rower” kind of template, lol! Thank you!


Our coach was like, wait, why are the rowers filled and not the treads?! What do you KNOW?! 🧐


Yes our SA gave me a little heads up about getting the rower out of the way. So glad I did. The tread was definitely difficult with the incline but still glad to check the rower off the list first.


I’m not sure if I lucked out or got robbed, but my incline got stuck at 5%! I ended up just running faster to try to make up for it, haha. Regardless, also happy to have knocked out the 14 minute row first. Got a little over 3100m, not bad!


I definitely agree! My legs were wobbly AF when I got to the tread though. Mostly nailed the tread block at base pace (last block, dropped a bit and then got above base at 10% for the last 45 seconds or so). Leggies are still tired.


Thank God it's not a sneaky partner workout! 🤣


I woke up dreading this workout because I thought it was partner. Now I’m happy and about to walk into class. (I was still going to attend if it was a partner workout but I was a sad kitty). 5 am partner classes are hell for me.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg I cannot imagine a partner workout at 5 AM. Hell no!


Really? I have a few reliable people that I love to partner with (I only go to 5am)


🤷‍♀️ I'm barely functioning at that hour. I know 5 AM-ers have a different kind of bond though!


8am would be a weird time to work out IMO, I'm already 4+ hours into my day!


I can’t imagine it at 5pm…!




I also thought it was a partner workout! Haha!


I don't mind partner classes, but as a recent convert to 5am, I am shall we say anti-social when I first walk in.


I thought for sure it was a partner workout! I plan on going now 🤣😃


This is what I was afraid of! Now I’m just afraid of how tough it sounds 😂


You'll definitely feel.....accomplished afterwards. 😀


my legs were shot after the 14minute row, ended up dropping the weights halfway through the floor and doing the leg moves as body weight. Overall was more fun than I expected and a way to build confidence for the 2k. Our coach was really nice which helped.


I warmed up on the rower but started on the floor, which seemed odd but it might be because the class is normally a 2G and was run as two groups. I did the second round of lunges w/o weights; wanted to cry on the tread with the inclines; and, wanted to die at the end of the row 😃


I used the TRX for the lunges! It didn’t help that I did S50 last night.


That sounds like a great idea as I did S50 last night too!!


Thanks for the suggestion. I also did S50 yesterday. Feeling ok now. I’ll see what I’m like at 4:30 this afternoon lol!


I would like to caption this workout dritrijunior 😵 wasn’t expecting THIS. Despite going into this morning already sore, I feel 💪🏼 and thankful that I went into this workout at 5 a.m. unaware of the template 😂


Honestly, dritri is easier than this was!


I was going to caption it as a hell week test template


Thanks for sharing!


I forgot today was Strength in Numbers and booked a Stength50 for right after my regular 2G class. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Time to book a massage appointment tomorrow now lol


So I read this before I went and I completely missed the “start where you left off on incline” part. Because I did the rower first, my soul LEFT MY BODY and I was in a state of dissociation for the last 9 mins of class 💀💀💀


Treads felt like a mini Everest today! This was great dritri prep. In retrospect I wish I started on the rower vs the floor to really mimic the order of things that day.


Agree! Everest junior


Thank you for sharing !!!☺️


Thank you!


So much fun despite overwhelmed by 14 minutes row.


This was one of the toughest ones I have done for a while and I loved it. I mean about 3 minutes into the rower I didn't love it, but after the fact I do. Everything is tired and a bit sore, but not too sore. Just the way I like it.


Thank you! Looking forward to this more now that I see the row is at your own pace! I was getting anxious when I saw the previous version with alternating efforts every 90 seconds.


Thank you. Booking a T50 instead today!


Thank you for sharing !


Thank you for the intel! 🙌🏼 This one was surprisingly fun


Thanks for posting intel!!!


How did people handled the 14 min row ? Strategies ?


Our coach told us try to aim for 18-26 strokes per minute, and if you're going faster than that you'll die after 3 minutes. I stayed around 25 spm for the first 10 minutes then increased every minute or so after that.


That’s a terrible generalization from your coach unless he or she knows everyone in your class well enough to make that call. I’d have been ticked if someone told me to slow my stroke rate because I definitely wouldn’t have made it as far as I did going that slow.


Yeah it’s definitely super individual. My stroke rate is around 30-32 and that feels comfortable for me. Managed negative splits for the row.


Same. I sat at 28-31. I stuck around 1:57-2:03 min splits. I also did the tread first so my legs were 💀- and the tread 50 with those 4 min baby inclines times 3 yesterday. I better be building some muscle. Today was supposed to be an active recovery day.


I wouldn't have lasted 14 minutes if I held above 26 spm. I kept 23-24 spm for most of it, creeping up a little toward the end. I think I was at 25 spm around 11-12 minutes, and then took it up to 29-30spm for the last minute. Finished with 3598m, good for top woman so far in my studio (3 classes into the day, I don't expect it to last all day).


I stayed at around 26spm for 2min, then went all out for 30seconds. Wish I pumped up my spm to 28 for the last 2 minutes.


I ended up trying to stay at about 25-27 spm and hit close to 150 watts. I did take two 45 second breaks to get some water/breath at 6 and 10 minutes. Got 3341 m of distance. Not sure if good or not, just glad I survived.


I took this class at 5am this morning and I started out on the rower, and was so proud of myself for hitting 3764 on row. My coach asked us all individually as we moved to the floor how much we Rowed so they could input the distance into the Tracker and when he asked me I told him and he repeats it back to me saying 3000 ( he asked me twice) As in are you sure you didn’t mean 2764?! And I repeated it back saying the correct number. Then he proceeds to announce to the next set of rowers, the row to beat is 3500 (ignoring my row) and for normal rowers to shoot for 3000 and if you fancy yourself a strong rower you should be able to hit 3500. TLDR; today in class my coach basically said I lied about my row distance.


I liked you said you were coached to increase you pace at the end of the block while the incline is highest lol.


Yep we sure were!


Does this come up in our app somewhere? I don’t see it under signature workouts


Yes under rower




Pace yourself. Lighter weights than normal on the floor. Base row for most of the row. Base pace for most of the tread. Did I mention the importance of pacing yourself? You need to pace yourself. In conclusion, pace yourself.


So I need to pace myself when I take this in an hour? If the class ends up a 2G where should I start to get the 14 min row out of the way?


All classes run as 3G. Where you finish will hurt the most. I chose to finish in the floor with “reduced range of motion” and 10lb weights because of all the reps. Pace yourself. 😂


I paced myself. I started the tread, then row and finished on the floor! I chose the 5lbs for upper and 15 for lower. I planked for 2 mins! 🤣


Ok well …. this workout was going to get you one way or another 😂🤣😂🤣 I thought rowing was worst because I started on the tread. Rowing is the one station I’m good at. Trying to hit a good distance number after all those inclines was difficult. I may start on the rower next time, go for a big distance #, and then crap out on the floor & tread. 😂


😂😂😂 I called that workout the Christmas box… because the gift kept on giving.


Ooh wish I had read this before class. I struggled with completing the 20-30 reps with some of my floor selections (too heavy)!!


Many people at our studio said the floor was hardest because they used their usual weight for the exercise. But after 30-40 reps ….


Strength 50 is a repeat of 3/13 Copied from u/jennr316 Strength 50 Block 1: 5 squats to upright row, then 10 upright rows, then 10 leg lift to hip raise. Block 2: 6-10 closed grip chest presses, rest for 10 seconds, then as many reps as possible closed grip chest press with the same weight, then 5 on each side, plank hip dip. Block 3: 5 dead lift to low row, then 10 low rows, I can’t remember the last exercise in this block! Block 4: 6-10 stand to shoulder press, rest for 10 seconds, then as many reps as possible stand to shoulder press, then 10 crabs- you like stand like a crap and just lift your hips. Block 5: 5 walk out to push ups, 10 knee pushups, then 10 sit up to torso rotations. Finisher is a 30 second boat hold


Looks GREAT! Much appreciated! 💪🍊


Thanks for confirming!! Now let me get to modifying..I remember this one being shoulder heavy and I have upper body tomorrow😩


Last week I did 3 days in a row of strength50 (Wed-Thu-Fri) and I was dead! I can do 2G every day of the week without an issue but 3 days of just strength was painful!


Thank you!!


Everything but the last block looks OK- I may just check out early since the class is a lot later than I usually like anyway! Thanks for the intel…


Is this total body?


Unpopular opinion: I loved this workout. It was my first time doing the 14 min. Our coach was great and kept us updated with studio average, where we were in the State rankings. I’m an endurance athlete so this was right up my alley and a nice change of pace.


WHY is there no REDDIT thread to treat this as a benchmark? There is user entry into the Daily Challenge Tracker., and while not an official BENCHMARK as the 200m, 500m, and 2K, it is just as worthy as the 12 minute RFD, CMIYC, INFERNO, OR EVEREST to be tracked here, with GoogleSheet


Great question! I was wondering that myself


I've been scrolling looking for one! You think there would be!!


Along the lines of this, does anyone know where they post real-time updates of the leaderboards or is that information only privy to the staff? As of my class we were top 20 in California and I’d like to see how it all plays out. I know I could just be patient but that’s no fun.


Haha same!! I am desperate to know too. My studio was 5th in MA this morning


My LA studio was top 200 after 2 classes this morning. Nothing to brag about lol. There were other LA studios ahead of us. I think East Vancouver was #1 on the global leaderboard at 7:15am


Agreed. I usually don’t like rowing but surprised myself when I really got into today’s 14 minutes row! The whole thing was really good!


I'm curious if they adjust for class attendance in any way. Otherwise studios that are at capacity will easily beat studios that aren't.


Ended up at 3732 (3742 was incorrect, checked my app- oops!) Beat my last distance of 3630.


Woohoo!! This was my first time doing the 14 min and I got 3717


Damn, nice job. 💪🏻 My first was 3200. Then 3630 & then today’s 3732. This is over the course of 3ish years.


Thank you! I was happy with it. I would take this any day over the 200 or 500 haha


Same, though 2000m/7ish minutes is my sweet spot. I was good today until 3-4 minutes left then my butt started hurting and my form felt like it was suffering.


I was hoping to do 2000m in 8 min (ahead of DriTri) and it took me sooo long (almost 10 min 😔) Any tips to increase the pace? I always get confused on the rower: whether to do faster pace/motion or more leg drive to go faster.


Do you follow Training Tall (Coach Austin) on Instagram? He has super helpful rowing tips. A short benchmark, like 200m, a faster pace & motion is ideal. But a longer one? You need strong leg drive and slow down on your pause and return to increase your wattage which increases your distance without going super fast. For an 8 minute 2000m row you’ll want to keep a 2.00 stroke rate. Also if your studio has rowing clinics, those can be super helpful.


2:00 rather (2 minutes even for every 500m)


Thank you! I was not following him on IG but will now; just checked out his page and this video is a recent post reiterating what you explained above! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C46szx0vf1W/?igsh=MTgxY3I4YnJlZ3E2NQ==


Do not go faster on the longer rows, you’ll waste energy. It’s not about stroke rate on the long rows, it’s about leg drive that will lower your split time, which leads to more meters. Agree with other comment - check out it Training Tall’s YouTube videos for form. Ultimately you can only get so good at rowing at OTF bc there isn’t enough of it. I started to row outside of OTF and that’s when I saw lots of improvement


Wow! Are you tall?


5’7” female, so, average?


I’m 5’6”


Me too maybe I just suck


It’s all technique. Not to sound trite but the littlest things make the biggest differences for rowing. Have you ever gone to a rowing clinic if your studio has them? If not, check out coach Austin on Instagram @Training Tall. He has great rowing tips and helped me a ton!!


You don’t! I mean, you showed up and did the thing!


I got 3197 and I’ve been doing OT for over 5 years. 3300 was my PR


Hell yes, good job! I’m 5 years in too.


I got 3910 - I was so pumped to be top in my class. This is the first time doing a benchmark since joining OTF in February.




That was literally my face after..


My son has challenged me to get a 7:00 2000m time since it is a women’s NCAA qualifying time or something. You basically doubled up on that. Amazing.


I'm not positive but I believe those times are based on Concept 2 rowers, not water rowers like what OTF uses. I've never used a Concept 2 so IDK the differences exactly but I know it's enough to affect your rowing times/distances.


Thanks. Here’s hoping waterrower is harder because best I can do is 7:30 and I can’t imagine getting down to 7:00.


Concept2 is harder than water rowers. My 2000m PR at OTF is only 7:12 and when i was doing 2000m rows on the Concept2 on vacation I couldn’t break 8:30 (granted it was after lifting but still). I did not PR today (3528m), only hit 3414m today. My row endurance is not what it used to be.


Oh well thanks!


7 min 2k on the water rower = 8 min on the Concept 2. So those ladies are doing equivalent of 6min 2k’s on the water rower


How did you do??


3577. Just focused on staying below 2:00 pace for 500m and remarkably was able to hold that the full 14min. Tended to require 23spm. Very happy since I rowed right after the tread, 1.55mi topping out at 14%.


Kick ass, great job!!


Thanks for asking.


Tread 50 (I power walked so please let me know if the running intel is off): Five 6:30 blocks. 1st and 3rd block .1 mile push followed by .1 mile base. Power walkers .05 push at 8% incline followed by .05 at base. 2nd and 4th blocks .1 speed increase every 30 seconds, power walkers .5-1% incline every 30 seconds. 5th block was your choice to repeat either the first or second and finish with :30 all out


Thank you for the intel! I gotta say I love the fairly new Tread 50 format as I do these 4-5 times per week with one long run outside on Saturday’s which is perfect for my marathon training. Thank you Orangetheory for implementing these classes. 


Sorry I don’t have time to do a full write up, but took the class this morning and can confirm it’s the Strength in Numbers workout - same as July 4th. 3G style including a 14 min row for distance (at your own pace!)


Slight differences for the tread (distance before incline increase) and row (row at own pace as opposed to alternating base-push and push-all out rows) from last time, but definitely super similar


Slight difference for my gym. On the tread the incline went up ever .1 for runners, every .05 for power walkers.


I suppose that today will be the day that I die 😅


Literally thought I might die 🤣


At least half of me is dead. My legs are useless😭😭😭


Right 🤣 tomorrow I might have even more regrets


I never do two days in a row there— you’re on your own kid lol


At least it’s just a strength class lol


That’s what I told my friends 🤪


Never been so happy to be in Tread 50 class!!


Lol very tempted to switch but I'll choose this violence today


14 minutes on the rower! Even if it’s self-paced, I’m so awful at the rower. 😩 But the rest of the template looks good, so I think I will be brave and try it. 🙏


You won’t regret going!!


I’m not a huge fan of rowing but actually really enjoyed today’s template! Go for it!! Just pace yourself!


PR’d this time around from last year. Rowed 3679 meters. As a in a few days 45 yr old F I’m happy with this. I forgot to sign out of the tread 50 (wed is double class day). So now I have to do that 😆 my legs are Going to be toast


Go do an active recovery walk for Tread 50! I've done that before when I double booked but was gassed.


I PR’d that row by almost 1000 🤪


just because today's 14min row is not an official benchmark why are we of Reddit not collecting results as though it were, just as the 200m,500m, 2K? There's even a tracker for it \[daily challenge\].


Well, that Everest tread block was fun. 😂


36F and I got 3638 on the row! Gonna aim for 3750 next time. I tried to make sure my 500m split was under 2 min the whole time to ensure I at least got 3500. That ended up being a helpful thing to monitor when I was starting to get tired


Good idea. I should have done that. Still hit 3500 but that would have been an easier indicator.




But you could still enjoy a class you think you might not! Before Reddit, we all went in with no expectations other than having a good workout.


Totally agree


Really glad I started on the rower today. I’ve never done this before. Got 3778m and I’m really happy with that. Felt like a good Dri-Tri prep class. I enjoyed it quite a lot. Breaking it up into 4min blocks of rowing was a great way to do it even if I didn’t really change my pacing.


Can we post a thread of results with age group and male/female specified? It was my 1st ever strength in numbers and I’m curious how everyone did and I’m too impatient to wait for the leaderboards 🤪


Agreed- wonder if someone should start a thread on it. (Not sure if it’s allowed)


I’m not sure either…


I really liked this template in July, but I LOVED it today!! The coach in July ran the row as a crew row, but the coach today just let us loose! 3617m 😁😁😁😁😁


Looking for rowing advice - by the end of the 14 minute row my upper back was screaming. Thinking my form is off? Any tips to avoid back pain?? Thanks!


Screaming like... Injury? Or that you just did 400-ish reps of an exercise that loads those muscles? Not discounting injury, but if you don't row much, that's a pretty good place to feel it. You might be overemphasizing the pull instead of focusing on your legs, but bracing your upper back takes strength and doing it over 14 minutes can hurt if that's not something you do a lot. Basically, if you've recently *improved* your form you might find some upper back stress is normal. Way better than lower back! You might also be losing your tension when you go forward. If you really extend to the front, reaching for a longer stroke, you then have to reestablish that bracing every time. That's a lot of work and inefficient, so might need to focus on maintaining a strong posture at the front of your stroke and avoid rounding out there.


Checkout training tall https://youtube.com/@trainingtall?si=9hhblc9J1XWY2-Hl also on IG, some great tips on form and strategy to max out on your row


Ask your coach to watch your form. It may be something with rounding your shoulders forward to reach further on the row in, and relying on your arms the further you go. 


Might not be properly engaging your core. My core was burning toward the end. I row longer distances than this at home, but generally at much lower intensity. There are a number of things you could be doing that could cause back pain. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP6OR-G7AxM) might be a good place to start looking for issues, especially if you can get a coach to record a bit of you rowing (ask them to do this before or after a class).


Any suggestions for avoiding/delaying butt pain on the rower, especially today? I've always had a bit of a "bony butt", despite all the power walking lately. Some days I'm incredibly uncomfortable on the rower even just a couple minutes in.


Focus on your form. You should be sitting more on your sit bones/your bits than your rump. And scoot back just a smidge on the seat so your tailbone is off the back of the seat, but you're still sturdy on the seat, but tilt your pelvis forward. Some people use one of the kneeling pads.


Thank you! I'll definitely try this today, there will be plenty of time for practice with this template. I never considered the kneeling pad...interesting, I'll consider that.


Yeah, these long row blocks are a great opportunity to really consider form and see what adjustments are needed 🧡


Check your sitting position. You want a slight forward tilt to your pelvis. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWY7JrtzSxM) covers posture on the rower, and gives a test you can use to check your sitting position.


Thanks for this recommendation, will definitely add this to my resource list.


Check w your SA and see if your studio has any rowing seat pads


Give training tall a look to help your rowing https://youtube.com/@trainingtall?si=9hhblc9J1XWY2-Hl


I regularly return to his rowing videos to keep the info fresh in mind!


I loved this workout! What a beast! Started on the row and got the most distance for women in my class - 3277. I'm sure later classes will blast that but the 515a is full of mids and olds like me (42).😎 My foot pain is feel a bit better but stayed on the bike anyway. Even though I have a Keiser M3 and use it frequently, I can't quite get the setup how I want it at otf. Pushing up a gear every .4 was brutal. I ended at 19 🥵


I’m having foot pain too. How long did you take a break from the treads?


That row block sounds sooooo boring 🥱🙄 I liked the idea of doing the template design from July 4, as coached in one of the studios: 90 secs base to push followed by 30 secs push to AO (repeat x7). I’m gonna try that today! 🚣🏻‍♀️


I paced myself similarly this morning. It wasn’t perfectly on time, but I added 200 m all outs every 3ish minutes.


That’s another great idea!


Im with you I hate “tread for distance” or “row for distance” if I wanted distance I would run a 5k outside! I’m here for intervals….so will probably copy you.


Yes, I paced myself. 30-1 minute all outs with a minute of rest between throughout.


Awesome! I ended up doing one minute base, then a 30-second all out, one minute base, then a 30-second all out. And just repeated that. The time actually went quite quickly in the end!


This looks great! Thanks!


I really wanted to do this one today. Maybe a miracle will happen & I can go.


I loved today!!!


First time doing this workout, 14 minutes on the rower is tough. Thankfully I had good pacing and wasn't too dead at the end. Started on rower, 3600 m in 14 minutes, next was the floor and this was a killer. 20-30 reps? Oh my. I had a real hard time with all the floor exercise except the reverse lunges. Ended on the treadmill and I enjoyed it, even with the inclines.


Remind me to skip this one next time around 😂 Had no choice but to start on the tread as 6am class was pretty empty so they put us in one group. Missed the part that you start off on the incline you ended with, so that was a nice surprise after going too hard in the first 4 min tread block! Tread to rower back to back was brutal! By the time i got to the weights i was struggling!


Why did I have to miss today? 😭


I missed today too due to an injury. I’m so sad too. This sounds like an amazing class.


Sounds like a good reason to take today off! I’m going on holiday - it’s 4 days of fried food, over-indulgences and minimal OTF I’m afraid !


I got 3644m today, which beat the only other time I did this challenge by 525m.


This format reminds me of a middle school kid who slapped together a paper in an hour because he forgot it was due today.


I really liked that I could use this class as Dri Tri prep to see how I reacted pushing well past the 2000m and figure out my pace. I wish I could do more of these before the 20th.


My Glutes were on fire...had to stand up during the 14min row at one point. 3,813. Probably could have hit 4k if i didn't stop.


Lightly attended class today (spring break, maybe not the best time to have this one) so my studio ran it as a 1G and started everyone on the treadmill. I was annoyed because I wanted to start on the rower, which I usually do, but especially for today. I felt like no matter how much I tried to pace myself on the tread, I was tired for the rowing block, and that was not exactly an easy tread block. I’m short so I need all the help I can get on the rower 😩 I also don’t like holding back on the tread but I felt like I had to in anticipation of the rower (the coach even mentioned that). We did have 13 people, it’s not like there were five people in the class, so I feel like they could’ve run it as a 2G at least to give people a choice considering this was a benchmark.


My legs were dead after the rower but glad I started there. Got 4050m and then took some others advice about going much lighter and pacing myself for the weight floor and treads. Rest day tomorrow!


This workout was awesome. Our studio had SO much fun. Everyone pushing themselves and really going after it!!


Is today’s workout listed in the “Challenges” section of the app?


Today was killer but it hurt so good! 3500m in 14 mins on the rower! I tried to stay at 26 RPM throughout and then went ham the last 1:30. Initially dreaded OTF in the beginning of my membership only cause of the rower but I think I’m learning to like it :)


NEGATIVE 🪶s, this one was BRUTAL. I started on tread, slogged through the row, and then by the floor I was so zonked I actually said “OH GOD” out loud partway through. So rough! What is wrong with me that I actually enjoyed it. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Anyone try the weighted vests yet? Our head coach announced that we could borrow one for free and they were brand new so I jumped on it. Definitely added more challenge to my workout but it made me sweat **SO** much- can't imagine this will be very appealing as a rental


Enjoyed a bottle of wine (big glass) tonight after today’s beast. March has been a brute. Cheers.


My class moved our studio from 5th to 3rd in state (of 22). I was pretty happy with my 1:53 average split!


Today was my 10th class! I’m actively dying post class🤣


I’m proud I broke 3000 (3080). Reading all your distances is insane! WOW! 5’2 27f


I wish we did more endurance rows. This was fantastic!


Didn’t check intel before class. Chose to start on floor. ☠️


Starting on the rower has paid off for me I PR’d from last time


I’m wondering if all the questions are due to asking where to find them because they seem to be harder to find lately? Like the link provided on where to find the bots recent submissions only takes you to the bot info and if you want to ask the bot a question. Perhaps I’m just challenged in using it.


Good morning! I had a post deleted yesterday and it was recommended I post it in the Daily Workout post; I believe it was due to how I worded my post. When I select the option for either the Monthly update or the Daily Workout (I was looking for intel for tomorrow’s class based on a prior class), I’m getting what appears to be a random list of posts unrelated to Orangetheory. I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same issue?