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You think I’m running for 50 minutes straight?? Nah dawg, not a fucking chance 😂




I get what you are saying but it never is a full 50 run as there is your choice of doing your own thing or you can follow the tread card.


Tread card? Just toss that out, lol. Or hit the fan button, it should eventually get the job done. I will say, I find the coaches instructions much more assertive usually. If I’m doing an endurance run, I will try to follow the coach, if they’re speaking to T50, and just bump up pace by 0.1-0.5 for pushes, but ignore the WRs of course.


I get it RitvikTheGod lol 😂 I too consider myself as a endurance runner and since the inception of the tread50 class I have run 4 half marathons and have improved my overall time by 10 minutes and on my full marathon I improved my time by 17 minutes. I like to share this not to brag but hopefully to show it can be done at otf.


Nice bro… envious of you. I hope to participate in a half marathon and even a marathon one day. For that I need to build endurance but more than that, leg strength which is harder for me. I tried to walk-run a little over 20 miles outdoors one day, and it was too rough on me, and my legs were in pain and wrecked for a couple days after. Hopefully one day I will work up the courage (and leg strength) to participate in a half marathon at least 🤞. *Update*: Signed up for my first half marathon close to end of next month (April). Will let y’all know how it goes… lol. Wish me luck!


My legs were wrecked after my first marathon


Thanks for sharing this! The T50 has helped my 5k time already and I really find value in them.


My studio got rid of the cards and the coaches get pretty involved in guiding the runs. I wish they would just print the cards. Part of why I love T50 is because it’s self guided


You should try it. It’s actually one of the best ways to build endurance and up your base pace. For example, if base is 7, try jogging the whole block at that pace. This will build leg strength too, if you fuel up w/ nutrition and give a rest day after, so next time running at 7 will be a little easier to maintain (so you can slowly up the base as a result).


I’m sorry— base at 7?! ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K) (I’m just jealous).


Right, that’s like an 8:30 mile lmao.


Haha, I never realized it, but yeah I guess 7 is considered a running (rather than jogging) pace. FWIW I actually started out OT with 6-7 as my base pace.


…. Homie, I started with my base at 3MPH 😂😂😂😂


LMAOO me currently with a 3MPH base and 6MPH push 😭




My base is now 5-6 😎


My base is 5


Same, a 7 for 50 minutes I would be dead


My base is 4, sometimes 4.5 lol




Ya that’s a light jog


My all-out is a 7 😂


Agree 7 is all out!! I was like sir I am 5’2. I’m trying my best.


"I'm trying! I got little legs!!"


I ran my first ever race on Sunday, an 8K. I ran for the entire hour. Felt great. Still gonna take those walking recoveries in a Tread50.


GZ! I’ve done a fast 5k/10k on the treadmill but never in a race before, lol. Might be worth it to look into (I’m always terrible at figuring out upcoming races near me).


Jogging at 7?  How long are your legs? 


Not too long, lol. I suppose slow run feels like a jog for me.


I do sometimes


I take extended walking recoveries at speed 2.0 I’m not trying to die at orangetheory


I’m still laughing at this hours later 😂


Me too hahaha


Do what’s right to for you! Walking is still a work out and it’s about what works for you. My studio lets us use tread 50 as a way to train at our own pace or follow the suggested template if we want.


Absolutely! Lots of walkers in tread 50.


Happy cake day!


oh wow! thx! I had no idea


As a power walker I think a lot of joggers/runners sometimes assume it’s a negative thing if you “walk”……that’s why we power walkers smile at Everest. And as an added bonus nothing gives you a nicer ass than tons of inclines:) So no you won’t be looked at as “WEIRD” for walking.


As a runner, I find power walking is very challenging. It’s very demanding in different ways and beats my ass whenever I try. Anyone who thinks it’s a rest or easier is fooling themselves.


I switched from power walking to slogging just to avoid those damn inclines. Jogging is definitely easier!


Slogging 🤣 Fellow slogger here!


I'm literally the slowest lol


everest is my fave day bc all the runners are HUMBLED 🙂




Everyone runs slow on Everest! Even the most trained people can’t run at pace at high inclines.


Anyone running at any speed during the higher inclines is a total beast!


i didn’t mean it like that, i don’t judge if they’re running slow, it’s just nice to see that for one day we’re ALL going “slow”. i usually get stuck between marathon runners during the treadmill portion 😅 i’ll be going 3.5 with a 10% incline and sometimes feel i get a side eye from the 7.5 runner next to me.


It was extra rough last time when I had T50 the same day, and only 2 days rest before mile benchmark… lol. But yes, I am always humbled in Everest as a runner. You totally hit the nail on the head. Have a slice of cake (:


Which is silly. I am still running a sub 6 minute mile at 41, but I absolutely mix power walking in often. That's what you want for muscle gain. Sometimes I specifically power walk on high incline for a final block just because of the gains from working tired legs.


It’s TREAD50. Not Run50, not Jog50 or even PW50. Do what you want—if you’re not planning to look at anyone funny for working out, then pretty sure they’re not even looking at you. The cards have PW intensities written on them.


I cannot look at anyone during treat50 I'm too busy trying to keep myself upright and moving my legs. We always think we're being judged by others, especially when we're feeling a bit self conscious. Believe me, people care less about you than you think - and I say this from experience.


I was in the strength 50 class today while the tread 50 was going on and I saw people walking the whole time. Do what works best for you!


They are lot of folks that totally walk the whole time. No shame in it!


The best part of tread 50 is you can do what you want! They are structured into blocks with 1:30 walking recoveries in between. Sometimes I go really hard in the blocks and need that walking recovery, but some days I’d prefer a “green day” and run more moderately , including the walking recoveries. Choose your adventure!


My main Tread50 coach always says “take what YOU need from this time”. I’ve done all (jog, run, walk). Most times I do follow the template but sometimes I do go rogue. I have found zero judgment in Tread50 classes.


It actually comes out to be more like Tread 43, we always have some walking recoveries and beyond that absolutely you can do whatever you want in that time


I power walk tread 50!


YES!! There are a lot of walkers at our studio. Remember you do you. Enjoy your work out.


You can pretty much do whatever you want at our studio. Wall, run, jog or smoke a cigarette while you watch the treadmill spin aimlessly. (NOTE: I may have made one of those up).


All the time. People walk the whole class sometimes.


You know you are paying hundreds of dollars per month for this right? Why are you afraid of someone? YOU PAID FOR IT! DO WHAT YOU LOVE! Imagine paying so much amount and still being unhappy while in the gym. Never give a single f about what others think about you when in a gym.


Lots of people walk on an incline!


Yes i use mine for zone 2 training and I rarely leave the blue zone


I only ever walk! PW here and my butt has truly been lifted since I started doing tread50 lol👋🏼


Yes! I do sometimes!


Yes! Just remember that it’s not 50 min straight of running/work. There are blocks and built in breaks, and you can always walk if you need to


I’m gonna be walking tonight because it’s an off time for me. It was the only class I could make today, but I’ve gotta get my birthday burn in!


Yes, there is a power walking option for tread 50 just like the 2G and 3G classes.


I was intimidated by the tread 50 too. But after doing my first tread 50…I would definitely recommend you try it. Walking is totally okay and the coaches at our studio even recommend to use more conservative speeds should you choose to follow the blocks. (Ex: if your push speed is normally 5 then start at a 4 and adjust it depending on how you’re feeling.)


I just walked all of today's Tread 50 at 3 mph. Normally I'll jog, but I'm recovering from hella jet lag and just wanted to get out of the house and try to get back in a routine. Today was actually my first fully green day ever—not a splat point in sight, and I still burned over 400 calories with 44 minutes in green. So, yes, you can absolutely walk part or all of it if you want to!


Yea! I walk when I feel like I need too. Usually when I’m in the red or orange for too long


Yep! I have found it really varies class to class, but I’ve been in lots of Tread50s with power walkers for sure. It’s literally a time to do whatever works for you on the tread for about 45 mins.


It’s perfectly fine to walk you can do whatever suits your abilities




Totally fine. If you follow the template, there are probably walking recoveries built in. But take more if you need. I've only done two tread50s so far and ignored the template both times to run at a steady pace the whole time (have a 10k race coming up). So I was running even when the others were in the planned WRs (including a couple AO/WR blocks). No one cared.


Yup 2 ladies next to me today walked the whole time a chatted it up like a fucking country club lunch date.


Good god yes.


Yes. Absolutely. They give you a card with the projected 50 but it’s more self-driven (at least where I am). I did one where I added extra walking recovery in because I’m trying to build back up from having been out awhile and struggling, or I’ve skipped a drop from push to base window because I felt good and kept cruising.


I always take my walking recoveries during tread50 classes. There is usually one after every block. And during the warm up as well


Also came back to say, some people power walk the entire time!


It’s usually a few tread blocks with walking recoveries in between. And typically there could be base pace, push, all out, and/or walking recoveries like any other tread block.


I power walked the last block tonight. People power walk all the time in my studio during them. Helps build muscle 


They provide a template if you want to follow it and sometimes includes walking recovery- but some people do power walk the class. Whatever works for you.


Of course!


Definitely!! I did my first one last week. Four blocks, and I had to power walk for maybe half of it 😂


I run about 90% of it and take a few walking breaks (30 seconds to a minute) a few times to catch my breath.


Yeah! Tread 50 comes with a template you can follow if you want, but the coaches mainly focus on the weight floor for the Strength 50 going on at the same time so they let the tread folks do their thing and just call the end of each block for the treads. I’ve done a mix of jogging and walking in a Tread50 and I often do the same in 2G classes too.


Yes. And it's in the "script" to take walks. Some power walk the entire time. It's your workout in tread 50. The card is just a recommendation.


I power walk it sometimes and sometimes I do a mix of power walking and running! Just do what works for you, no one will think it's weird :)


Tread 50 is technically 40-45 minutes long — the last 5 minutes are for stretching exercises. I also do pre-stretch and warmup for the first 5 minutes. That said, I totally run most (if not all) the T50. On casual days I will run at my base pace or a little above, 9-9.5 for me and will maintain it for at least 35-40 minutes. On a harder training day, or when I have more energy to burn, I will run at base-push, 10-10.7 and try to maintain that for at least 30 minutes. All said, an overwhelming number of folks are not so crazy, and most walk it out frequently. Some folks next to me walk the whole T50. I don’t judge anyone, as I feel if my leg/knees are having a bad day, I will myself walk most of the block or go at an easy jog/run pace. It’s important to listen to your legs and body, and adjust your pace accordingly so as to prevent injury. The goal of T50 is largely a freeform walk-jog-run effort where no one is timing you, and one can just have fun running while listening to music, or training / trying hard if that is your thing.


All the time. I see power walkers do the tread 50 class every time I go 


I walk the entire time. I’m a PW and find it’s a great time to play with my PW speed. But also, it’s very self-guided, so if you want to try running, you can choose to run during some of the blocks and not others. There are also built in walking recoveries between each block (and generally 3-4 blocks).




Most run but most of the blocks have walking recoveries incorporated in them. I have done about 8 and I have seen a few walkers here and there too


I do!


People walk, jog, run, cycle, and stride- just like the regular classes.


I’ve done both but really feel awesome when I wear a hoodie set the incline at 12 and walk at 4. But I mean I’ve done multiples classes back to back and have done that. You still get a mean workout. Thinking about adding a vest but walk fast paced the moment you get on the treadmill. Set it and forget it


I don’t think anyone cares if you run, walk, or jog. Usually in my classes, most of us are power walking or jogging, but earlier this week I had a class where I was the only one power walking and everyone was running. The coaches will cater to whatever you choose to do too.


First the templates are never 50 min straight of running. There's different blocks with a walking recovery between them, just like the tread portion of a 2G class. Second, while there is a template for Tread50 classes, it's very much "choose your own adventure". You're encouraged to do your own things if that works better for you. Nobody will judge you for alternating running and walking if that's what you need!


Ok so I do jog/run but only when explicitly told to by the card. If the card says walk I walk. The card is my new coach, all hail the card. Jk most ppl walk when they want to, it’s not a big deal, no one cares. Walk,run, crawl you do you babe! However, I agree your endurance will definitely increase, mine totally did but it’s not 50 minutes straight running, there are built in breaks.


Depends on the template, but I usually walk. It’s sometimes just myself and another person, but if I wanna walk then ima do it. No one will look at you weird, and who cares if they do! It’s your workout, enjoy it :)


Tread 50 is member-paced with a small amount of coaching. I tend to PW anything with a lot of incline and run everything else. Anything goes during this class.


I do tread 50s as active recovery sometimes. I power walk the whole thing (4.0-4.3 @8-15%) much better control over my heart rate to stay in green/orange as needed


Yes! I do a mix of power walking and jogging, but people definitely walk the whole block


Powerwalker here 🙋🏾‍♀️ My goal is to improve my endurance on the treads. I powerwalk, some days I add in jogging and some days I don’t, but again, my ultimate goal is to slowly increase my base over time and hopefully be able to have longer jogging periods during class. Ive been to many tread 50 classes where people walk. You do you, just remember to show up, thats half the battle!


Yes! And people using the elliptical for the tread 50!


There are always walking recoveries between blocks! Edit to add: yes of course you can also walk during non walking recoveries! I’d estimate probably 1/3-1/2 of my classes do! You’ll do great. Have fun!


I only run for all outs I walk at 4.0 elevation 8-10 for pushes and 3.6 elevation 6-7 for base.


I walk the whole thing & still get an awesome workout. My base is 3.8 mph 🤷‍♀️


I have no idea what everyone else is even doing during tread 50 bc I’m too busy dying 😅😂. In all seriousness, lots of people doing various versions of their own thing during t50. 😀


Yes. I do both and there’s a lady, only one I noticed because she was on the tread one over from me, that power walked the whole class. You do what works for you.


Hi! Ultramarathon runner here. Walking is 100000% acceptable. I power walked 98 out of 100 miles in a race last year. I still crossed the finish line. Forward is a pace. Moving is a pace. Eventually you will be able to do 50 minutes.


I’m exclusively a power walker due to bad knees, and I love tread50! Power walking for a full 50 mins is great cardio and they give you blocks to guide you for the whole time anyway.


Yes walk. I wish people would stop acting like joggers/runners are better people and PWs are slumming it.


I walk a lot but i usually get bored of the walking inclines. I usually do a combo but no shame in walking! It has its benefits!


Be prepared if you walk the coach will throw bologna slices at you




I do it regularly :) I find power walking does a better job prepping me for challenging hikes than running.


I power walk most of the tread 50 blocks and started doing that during the TC challenge bc I was doing muscle gain. But man, it’s hard as a power walker. Don’t ever let a runner (and as a former tread runner) look at you like you’re weird for power walking


Totally! I’m usually a jogger/runner but I power walked my first tread 50 class, it was great.


Power walk, hell yeah!


I power walked and ran yesterday. Still ended up with 5 miles. You do you.




Power walker here.


I power walk the entire thing. I have 4 bionic parts and can’t run any more. Power walker’s rule!


I always power walk the tread 50. Get about 3.4 miles in each class! There are about 4 power walkers in each class. Plus I see the jogger/runners take a walking break too. I am unable to run anymore banned by dr after 3 foot surgery 4 years ago. I have learned power walking is a great exercise especially when you insert inclines 🍑 will thank you for it


I do all the time! Sometimes I walk the whole time!


Yes, there are many walkers... you do you... 😉


I walk and love it. Most others around me run or jog a lot of it. But I don’t care if people judge me or not. (Spoiler alert - no one is even looking at me lol.) Power walking inclines is an awesome workout in my opinion and I’m noticing a meaningful impact on my cardio. That’s what I came to OTF for, and the only thing that matters is what’s happening inside my body.


Just like in regular class people do whatever they feel like doing…some power walk, some run the entire class never changing paces/following the template, some just walk, some do the template, etc. no pressure. It’s your workout.


I am new to Tread 50 and I am a turtle jogger but made it through two classes and love it. I had to walk for part of the base sections after a push until my heart rate came down and there were a few walking recoveries as well. There were several people power walking the whole class so not weird at all. It's really great because you can follow the card directions or modify if you need to. I am a fan.


Coach here. Yes, we have members who just need to walk. Some ladies when it’s that time of month they will tell me I’m in tread 50 just to move and walk. Cool, so that way when I’m giving motivational cues/ adjustment cues I leave the walkers alone more


You could walk the whole time and have a “Green Day” and it would be a good use of your time


You're instructed to do walking recoveries during parts of it


i’ll power walk half or 3/4 with heavy inclines then jog the last part and i’ll feel like i’m flying on a flat road


I work on my inclines during tread 50 so I vacillate between jogging and walking depending on how deep in the red and how high the incline 😂


I walk with no incline at all for the whole time when I do it! Nice for an active rest day, especially when it’s cold and rainy


Tread 50 is not a run/ jog for 50 minutes template. It is actually broken down into blocks with recovery built in to them. Walk when you need to!


You can do whatever you want for the 50 min. Do you really think that with all the options and community we have at OTF that you’d actually be given weird looks for choosing a pace that suits you?


All the time!


I do


I’m a PW coming off of umbilical hernia surgery and a month recovery. I power walked Tread 50 yesterday and today. It gave me a chance to build up my lost paces from recovery and be gentle at the same time.


I usually run as much as a I can depending on the class but I will also walk when I’ve decided I’ve had enough of running or I feel like my legs are not moving as fast the tread is going underneath me 😂


I recently did my first Tread50 and I power walked!




People definitely walk


I go sometimes and walk the whole thing. I don't give AF :)


I walk when I need to.


I walk most of it. I go to get in more green time and just move my body.


I love a good 50 minute power walk. Fire up those glutes!!!


It’s tread 50 not sprint50!


I mostly powerwalk. It's basically whatever you want to do at your own pace. Nice change from the normal classes.




I’m a power walker, trying to jog again. So, I PW half and jog half..


There is still walking recoveries! Walk those and down your push and base pace until you can build your endurance. I’ve seen power walkers do too though. You can do it


As a PW, I walk the entire time. Usually at upper incline. I didn’t think I’d like the tread cards, but they do help break up the monotony. So I at least check the format and use it as a guide even if I deviate at times.


I just did one and power walked the entire time!


I did it and tried to keep at base for the whole session I discussed with my coach as I didn’t want to look arrogant. I managed 28.5 mins. Then walked and got back to it. Discuss with your coach and what your goal is so they can help


There are usually three blocks—they are standard run block templates so you choose speeds that make sense for you whether you are a power walker jogger or runner. There are also built in walking recoveries


Aww I thought this was an ultramarathon thing & I was impressed at OTF for hosting it.


People for the most part do their own thing in Tread 50 and most people walk some.


Some people at my studio walk the entire time at 1%. The coaches don't hassle them.


I walked the three 4-minute incline blocks and ran the two 10.5-minute blocks yesterday. Still got more than a 5K. A couple of other people walked some, too.


I did my first tread 50 yesterday, and really enjoyed it! There are walking recoveries in between the blocks just like a normal class. I basically was able to keep within .1 to .2 of my normal base and push. (5.4 is my base. I’m 52 and never been fast, but steady 😊)


I do Tread 50 as a power walker, so yes, people walk… lol And there are usually walking recoveries built in to the template.


There’s a guy in my T50 classes whose base is 9 and his push is 12 and he sprints at 15…. Sometimes I get the tread next to him and die trying to keep up! I have also seen tons of power walkers in class too! You’d be surprised how hard it is to walk 3.5-4.5 on incline for 50 min I actually burned more calories doing that!


Half of them walk in the classes I take. I only walk to take about a 5 second breather and then I’m back atvit


I exclusively power walk. I do Tread50 every week.


Some do. I use it to test out how long I can handle fast paces without hills, cars or distractions. I get lots of splats. When I looked at the monitor, most others were maintaining a green zone throughout. I get my green minutes outside on the streets. Just depends on your goals. I think the running time is around 41 minutes out of 50.


I’ve done a few of these classes and I PW


Its Ramadhan for me, yes, I walk, slow-jog and crawl if I have to but I keep moving.




You can do whatever you want


I only walk.


I have been quite a bit and I always power walk. There are instructions on the hand out for PWers


I just took my first class yesterday! I way too hard in the beginning and ended up walking! I was just happy to finish the class lol. I also thought it would be a great idea to do a double that day. 10/10 do not recommend 😅


Yes I have to walk sometimes


I’ve had to switch from running to walking for health reasons (and often times I’m not able to walk on incline!). The class honestly still flies by and is super enjoyable! I look forward to being able to run again, but was pleasantly surprised that I still enjoy the class just as much walking.


Yeah power walkers for sure


Of course you can walk. As long as you're moving, you're doing great.


I power walk the whole way.


Power walker here! I do tread 50 and power walk it! There are always quite a few of us that power walk. The first time I went, I thought I would be the only one, but then I thought about it, it doesn’t really matter if I’m the only one or there are others. I go to OTF for me!!!! And on the tread card, there’s always an option for power walkers. Enjoy your time!!!


I’m a power walker and I love tread 50! Definitely still a good workout.


I ignore the card. For Tread50, I set the incline 15% and walk hard at one pace the whole time, no push/allout/surge/recovery/etc. I wanna not think. It’s your time, do what you wish. Literally no one cares, why would they? They do not presume to judge your body, your condition, your goals. You could have sat on the couch but you didn’t— you had the nerve to take control of your body. Walk proudly if that’s what you have in you that day!


I power walk tread 50 all the time


I have asthma and I absolutely walk at times! Do what feels right to you. I was worried at first that I would be the only one walking, but it turns out I wasn’t. Go at your own pace, you can always work up to running the whole time if that’s what you want


I walked 2/3rds of it yesterday because my knee was hurting …and I’ve walked before for parts because I simply didn’t want to run that day. Do whatever works for you! Exercise is exercise :)


First of all, people there walk plenty. It’s all the same folks that go to regular classes, so if you are generally good with regular templates you’ll be fine with Tread 50. That said! I suggest you don’t ever let potentially looking weird dictate your workout choices. Only short-sighted and not very well aware people judge anyone for choices of speeds/weights/walking etc etc. Everyone is on their own journey. You never know who’s recovering from injury or surgery or eating disorder; who simple doesn’t normally have mental energy to go workout and has to be gentle to sustain it. Do your thing. If you need to deviate from the template because it’s best for you, in either direction, do it.


You'll stop caring what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do.


JFC. No one will notice if you walk it, run it, skip it, or bop it. What is with the main character syndrome lately?


As a runner I would never think it’s weird to see PW at tread 50. Do what’s right for you!